The pleasure, pain and growth of human connection.

Responsibly Setting Limits in a Long-Term Relationship

By |2021-02-16T10:41:22-06:00February 5th, 2021|Categories: Anxiety and Depression, Emotions and Energy, Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, Personal Evolution, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

  I have harbored a lot of resentment over the years. The chief cause? A feeling that my partner buries me with the majority of the mundane, daily, essential, non-glamorous and non-paying household jobs while they soar at their interesting, daily, essential, sexy and high paying careers. The resentment only grew when they expected praise and [...]

The Difference Between Neediness and Needing

By |2021-02-02T16:09:51-06:00January 29th, 2021|Categories: Anxiety and Depression, Emotions and Energy, Parenting, Personal Coaching, Personal Evolution, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

She is commonly afraid of needing too much and then being rejected, judged or abandoned. Rejection, judgment, and abandonment are most painful because deep inside her unconscious she holds the incorrect belief that she is unworthy of receiving more. This belief was formed and reinforced in childhood every time she had to suppress her feelings, needs [...]

Empty Nest Decisions and Dormancy

By |2021-01-20T16:29:17-06:00January 22nd, 2021|Categories: Emotions and Energy, Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, Parenting, Personal Coaching, Personal Evolution, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , |

I am not sure what to blame my creative slump on: Covid 19 or ten years of writing for All I want to do is collect new experiences and information and rest. I do not want to organize anything or put it in writing. Covid 19's slow drain on energy I know I am not [...]

The Power of Vulnerability

By |2021-01-15T16:37:01-06:00January 15th, 2021|Categories: Emotions and Energy, Guest Posts, Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, Personal Coaching, Personal Evolution, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , |

  Hello Readers, This week's guest post offers something I can't give you –  the young male perspective on vulnerability. There are definitely areas of overlap when it comes to vulnerability for men, women and non-binary genders, and this article from Marcus Neo gives you those and more. Please enjoy! I did! The Power of Vulnerability [...]

Covid’s Personal Space Crunch

By |2021-01-15T16:36:19-06:00January 8th, 2021|Categories: Anxiety and Depression, Emotions and Energy, Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, Parenting, Personal Coaching, Personal Evolution, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Introverts, highly sensitive people and those with avoidant attachment styles love personal space. We feel depleted, anxious and even irritated without it. I miss people Covid 19 has left most of us craving time to ourselves, craving other's company or both. I wrote previously about how the pandemic has shown me how much I truly do [...]

Top Posts of 2020

By |2020-12-31T11:07:01-06:00January 1st, 2021|Categories: Anxiety and Depression, Emotions and Energy, Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, Personal Coaching, Personal Evolution, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Hello Everyone! Welcome to 2021! Before we leap from 2020 to the new year, I want to share some of the most read posts from 2020. Most of them make sense when seen in the context of the trying year. 2020 had most of us mourning the loss of autonomy, struggling to sleep, witnessing racial injustice [...]

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Your words are my lifeline.  I sit down to your posts and as I read I can feel my acceptance of myself and my needs grow.  Your words validate my feelings about my life, motherhood, relationships and it is something I hold onto.  And during the times when I feel like I am not able to be a mother or a wife or a sister or a friend or whatever someone needs me to be, I go back to your words and find some peace…I send your posts to my husband when I need him to understand that I love him but I need … Read more
I met Brenda and took the MBTI… I had a fairly good understanding of these types before the meeting but was impressed by the depth of knowledge that Brenda shared with me. She clearly has a passion for this work and a gift in imparting the information. There have been doors opened for me because of our talks… — Alan Hintermeister
Alan Hintermeister
BRENDA: thank you SO much! Your advice is exactly what I need to do. I am amazed how much you “get” me after only exchanging a few messages!… Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You’ve helped me more than a year of therapy sessions! – Megan on space2live
This is me. This is me from the day I was born. For so long I felt misunderstood and rejected, even by the people closest to me, because they could never understand my need for solitude, and I had no idea how to explain it to them. Even now that I know more about Introversion and have a more informed understanding of my hard-wired need for solitude, it’s still very difficult sometimes to help my loved ones understand this profound craving for time and space all to myself. This is one of the best… Read more
Because of your blog, I know that it is possible for me to have the love that I want one day and that I don’t have to be alone.  — Indepthwoman  on space2live
Your site has saved my sanity and my life. Maybe even my marriage. I work part time and have two young boys at home, my husband is supportive of me but until recently I thought I was going crazy. … Reading your writing not only inspires me to pick up the pen again, but gives me nourishment in the deepest places. I will fight for balance. Everything you write is spot on… And wellness is so incredibly multifaceted.  I was ready to give up hope, but understanding myself through your words is bring… Read more
You’re so honest in your writing. It’s bold. It’s frank. It’s wonderful. I could definitely see the work you are doing here as a useful book. It could save/make a lot of relationships! — Jimmi Langemo
Jimmi Langemo
THANK YOU….. you just summed up my swirling thoughts into something i can read with out everything else in my head meshing with it. I finally feel like i can explain what happens within without getting distracted. I’m an Introvert with ADD and it makes it so hard to explain quite what im feeling sometimes. — M.G. on space2live
I have been dating an introverted man who I am very in love with for almost 2 years.  Reading your posts have helped me to be more supportive and understanding to him especially during the times when he needs space.  I just wanted to thank you for your weekly posts and let you know how helpful they are for someone who is in a relationship with an introvert. C.M. on space2live
That courage and dedication you so generously share with the world, has inspired me to push myself a little harder, persevere at each task a little longer, dig a little bit deeper to where the answers just “feel” right to both my humanity AND my spirit. Your insights have reinforced my direction and given me additional tools that help me clear my path. I’m wired into my creativity as never before and the new music is pouring out of me faster than I can record and produce it; this is the Un… Read more

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