What I Learned from My Extroverted Mother: How to Honor Someone's Need to be Needed

By |2015-09-22T16:05:56-05:00August 7th, 2015|Categories: Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, Parenting, Personal Evolution, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Heaven on a tandem bike My man and I had the most enchanted date. We rode his tandem bike to Minnehaha Falls, waving and ringing the bike bells (one on each handlebar) at everyone we passed. Did you know EVERYONE smiles when they see a tandem bike? Once at the falls, we dined on calamari, fish tacos [...]

Self-Soothing and Not Giving a F*ck : Managing Your Own Anxiety Within a Relationship

By |2019-10-01T16:09:53-05:00March 13th, 2015|Categories: Emotions and Energy, Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, Parenting, Personal Evolution, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

I had an epiphany the other day. If I don't need the kids or my partner to validate me or help with my worries, then we can all relax. If I can manage my own emotions and self-soothe, then we are all free. If I can stabilize myself, center myself, then it won't bother me if [...]

Ever Get Tired of Validating Your Introversion?

By |2015-09-22T16:06:06-05:00September 19th, 2014|Categories: Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, Parenting, Personal Evolution, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

My 14-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter join me in my home office. Their respective buses have just dropped them off after school and now they are sitting in the worn comfy chair and lounging on the scrumptious shag carpet in the private room where I write. With trepidation and excitement I tell Bryce that I am [...]

Do Introverts Try to Make Everything Too Meaningful?: Do Children Appreciate Anything Anymore?

By |2015-09-22T16:06:58-05:00July 5th, 2013|Categories: Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, Parenting, Personal Evolution, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , |

I swung futilely and vulnerably at the serves my then lover gunned at me from the other side of the net. We had walked to the local courts to play tennis. I had taken a few lessons years before and played casually at best. He grew up playing and had been on a high school team.  He [...]

Confessions of an Introverted Parent

By |2015-10-19T12:30:52-05:00June 14th, 2013|Categories: Emotions and Energy, Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, Parenting, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , |

I'm ashamed I have to white-knuckle it through summer.  Summer is supposed to be carefree and super sunny smiley, right? As I've mentioned before, socializing and stimulation are big energy expenders for introverts.  We may love the company and excitement of a gathering or activity but afterward solitude will be sought in order to recharge. When [...]

18 Things An Introverted Mom Wants Her Kids to Know

By |2015-09-22T16:06:58-05:00June 7th, 2013|Categories: Emotions and Energy, Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, Parenting, Personal Evolution, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , |

Summer is here.  School is out.  Relationships fill my heart and time.  I can't promise new and densely enriching posts every week.  I'll be busy chasing kids and frogs and sprinkler haze. Living wide-eyed and spontaneously.  I doubt I'll be able to stay away from writing entirely but if the week slips away from me in [...]

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Your words are my lifeline.  I sit down to your posts and as I read I can feel my acceptance of myself and my needs grow.  Your words validate my feelings about my life, motherhood, relationships and it is something I hold onto.  And during the times when I feel like I am not able to be a mother or a wife or a sister or a friend or whatever someone needs me to be, I go back to your words and find some peace…I send your posts to my husband when I need him to understand that I love him but I need … Read more
BRENDA: thank you SO much! Your advice is exactly what I need to do. I am amazed how much you “get” me after only exchanging a few messages!… Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You’ve helped me more than a year of therapy sessions! – Megan on space2live
I met Brenda and took the MBTI… I had a fairly good understanding of these types before the meeting but was impressed by the depth of knowledge that Brenda shared with me. She clearly has a passion for this work and a gift in imparting the information. There have been doors opened for me because of our talks… — Alan Hintermeister
Alan Hintermeister
During one of the harder times in my life I found Brenda’s website
and reached out to her. To say the least it has been one of the best
decisions I have made. Being an extrovert I never quite understood
what it meant to romantically involved with an introvert. Brenda does
an incredible job listening, giving in the moment feedback, and helped
me understand the how an introvert functions. She helped explain to me
that I am introspective extrovert, and this gave something to identify
with and allowed me t… Read more
Evan H.
Brenda has truly opened up a space for introverted types on the ‘net, and her self-revelations are always inspiring. Her voice is one I always look forward to. She is one of the writers that actually played a part in my return to writing.  — S.E. of Sunflower Solace Farms
S.E. of Sunflower Solace Farms
I think I want to print out your articles and hand them out as a sort of relationship waiver form. “You want to be my friend?….You are interesting in going out? Here read this first. Sign here to acknowledge that you have read and understand the enclosed material. Thank you.” Seriously. I think it would work. — Guerin Moorman
Guerin Moorman

“I was struggling with my daughter (16 at the time) and our constant fighting. You said something to me that changed my life! You were speaking about your own situation and you said to me “my child could not handle my emotions”. This was a HUGE “lightbulb moment” for me and it forever changed the way I dealt with my emotions when I was around my daughter!

I am happy to say that things have never been better between my soon to be 18 year old daughter and myself! I honestly never thought we would… Read more

Mom M
This is me. This is me from the day I was born. For so long I felt misunderstood and rejected, even by the people closest to me, because they could never understand my need for solitude, and I had no idea how to explain it to them. Even now that I know more about Introversion and have a more informed understanding of my hard-wired need for solitude, it’s still very difficult sometimes to help my loved ones understand this profound craving for time and space all to myself. This is one of the best… Read more
For the first time in my life I could truly explain, through your words the way in which I experience life and myself. Brenda… It all fell into place. I had found myself and had such a moment of clarity. It felt like such a big weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Finally I felt like it was ok to be me. I was not the only one. I had found people and a little space where I fit in. … I was at work and crying on the inside. Emotions ran wild inside me. I was ecstatic, sad, confused, motivated, i… Read more
Thank you for all the words. You’ve created the magic drug I’ve been looking for all my life. Your blog has transformed my life, and I feel like I am on the brink of a most satisfying fulfilling journey…You’ve made me see everything in a new light. I now feel calmer, able to care better for my toddler, less hateful of people around, and hopeful for my future. I am not so afraid for our marriage anymore. — Shilpa CB
Shilpa CB

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