How to Support and Respect an Introvert: A Family Rules! TV Interview

    By |2020-11-27T13:57:04-06:00November 27th, 2020|Categories: Anxiety and Depression, Emotions and Energy, Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, Parenting, Personal Coaching, Personal Evolution, Popular Posts, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

      Hi Everyone! As promised, here is my television interview on Family Rules!. I was nervous watching myself but my family said I did a great job and they are not biased at all. ;) In the interview the host Brooke Walker and I talk about: 1. Introversion and the highly stimulating world of today 2. [...]

      A Personal Video from Brenda: Connecting During Corona

      By |2020-03-27T11:28:06-05:00March 27th, 2020|Categories: Emotions and Energy, Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, Parenting, Personal Evolution, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , |

      Hi All, Since we are all cooped up at home for the most part, I thought it would be nice to reach out via a video. It seems a little more personal. Even though I like my alone time and down time, I miss people! In the video I read a small section from my book, [...]

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      Why We Act Introverted: It’s Not Just Our Nature

      By |2018-02-04T15:32:44-06:00January 26th, 2018|Categories: Anxiety and Depression, Emotions and Energy, Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, Parenting, Personal Evolution, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

      Photo by Alexandru Zdrobau on Unsplash Many clients come to me wanting to understand their introverted partner or child. They want to be considerate of their partner or child's temperament but they have no idea why they spend so much time in their room, don't want to see them this weekend or don't return [...]

        Can This Introvert – Extrovert Relationship Be Saved?

        By |2016-05-13T15:49:10-05:00March 25th, 2016|Categories: Emotions and Energy, Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, Personal Coaching, Personal Evolution, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

        There's a theme among my new clients. It is extroverts alone after a breakup with an introvert. The extroverts wonder what made their introverted mates leave and if they will ever come back. In the beginning With my new clients, the beginning of the relationship was heady and incredibly satisfying. They spent lots of time together. Their partners were like [...]

          What I Learned from My Extroverted Mother: How to Honor Someone's Need to be Needed

          By |2015-09-22T16:05:56-05:00August 7th, 2015|Categories: Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, Parenting, Personal Evolution, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

          Heaven on a tandem bike My man and I had the most enchanted date. We rode his tandem bike to Minnehaha Falls, waving and ringing the bike bells (one on each handlebar) at everyone we passed. Did you know EVERYONE smiles when they see a tandem bike? Once at the falls, we dined on calamari, fish tacos [...]

            Are Introverts More At Home in Small Communities?

            By |2015-09-22T16:06:04-05:00November 7th, 2014|Categories: Personal Evolution, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , |

            I have convinced my children that I grew up in an unusually kind place with an ideal school system. They believe I came of age in a charmed atmosphere of friendship and supportive learning. In my opinion, I did. My hometown, Alma, is a small community of 9000 people in central Michigan. We had one high school with about 1000 [...]

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            Your words are my lifeline.  I sit down to your posts and as I read I can feel my acceptance of myself and my needs grow.  Your words validate my feelings about my life, motherhood, relationships and it is something I hold onto.  And during the times when I feel like I am not able to be a mother or a wife or a sister or a friend or whatever someone needs me to be, I go back to your words and find some peace…I send your posts to my husband when I need him to understand that I love him but I need … Read more

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