Summer seems a time of brevity, levity and love. My heart and intellect could not stand an outpouring of researched writing this week so something different… a poem; in this case, liquid words of summer sentiment.  Enjoy the beauty and life-filled images of the season. 🙂



Past loves swarm and circle-buzz the air:

The ones you walked with in butter breezes,

Fingers and sunlight brushing shoulder blades

Two-stick popsicles

Colors melting with time


Red, pink, yellow scrunchy bunches of snapdragons sold next to

A baby-faced man playing piccolo on a sweaty street

Green baskets of beans, beets and peaches huddle nearby

Spit polished, bugs removed

Music born of the earth


Guitars warm and humming on picnic blankets

Play and sway with the wind in tall grasses

Surrender, bend, dance

Divinity singing all we cannot 

A song embraced by grace


Laughter hop scotches with sprinkler spray and lands like a pebble

In the dry throats of elders

Voices quenched after a brittle winter

Shriek with outdoor freedom

Old sing and love like young


Innocent as cotton candy, brown as muffins from sun soaking

Children of the moment

  Don’t miss the next breath

Mmmmmm meditation

Time melting with living


What are your summer images?  Where are the colors? Loves? Music?

Cannonball or pencil dive?  Make a splash or not?


Thank you for indulging my wish to write poetically.   It felt right to go light and easy this week.  🙂

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