Her complex topics are legendary for blocking those who even think of going forward with such a The Venus Gemini woman tends to move in and out of cliques, but the keyword is move. Their personality is essentially invisible, so evolving them into different forms is easy. A woman with Venus in Gemini on her natal chart is often very fearless. They might be attracted to women who talk too much in their profession, like teachers or lecturers. She is a fey. Is he a player or is he into me. It also rules relationships, unions, partnerships, peace, justice, legal matters. They can be attracted to younger partners, or this placement can also suggest many partners at a young age. When Venus-Gemini people are attracted to someone, they become quite talkative and may talk more than usual. Commitment, to you, doesnt mean things have to be dull. WebVenus in Gemini Women are highly intellectual observers who perceive the world with their rational lens and are particularly suited to more artistic work. As a result though, they usually make great models and actresses. For example, in the morning, she may be in a good mood where she is excited and cheerful. There are five possible Sun signs for those with Venus in Gemini, Aries through to Cancer. Her communication style in relationships is critical to understand, and her Venus gives you clues into her friendly and active personality. Chiron is in Aquarius. I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. Moon in Virgo is mutable. Mars in Pisces 21 10 28 The desire of Venus to form relationships here becomes a need for intellectual bonds. When woman Venus is in Gemini, you look for lively relationships with plenty of activity and communication. A weak Venus in the birth chart can indicate challenges in relationships, not choosing the right partner, etc. Please. Thats why we also can understand and get it and accept each other.. Never want to lose her as a friend and never want to sexually be with her Im not gay or anything remotely in that whole thing Its kind of like a sister brother who are fraternal twins??? The Venus in Gemini woman is most compatible with the man who has his Venus in Taurus. You are kind of a flirt but it may be hard to really show people you care. Chiron in Aries 9 06 15 However, this keeps things from becoming too familiar or stale. Come and put up your chart, Friend! I acknowledge that this would be helpful for Venus Gemini women after Venus in Gemini is everywhere. She dances from flower to flower leaving the sense that one, really, did see a fairy. I have this placement, conjunct my mars in 8th house. A woman with Venus in Gemini on her natal chart is often very fearless. Mercury is a planet of completely different energy than what Venus is used to. It is easy for her to form relationships. I cant do boring. Venus in Gemini loves to chat around with acquaintances and neighbors. Hey sorry to bother you Amiann but what does it mean if my ascendant is Sagittarius? In what way, and how you can figure it out with certainty? They may also dress in a way that draws attention to their arms and hands. This Gemini woman wants an intelligent and mentally stimulating partner for her. Very interesting. She will not rest until everything is adhering perfectly to the letter of the law. Freedom is a must for them. They are both intelligent people who take care in what they do, so these values match-up very well. They look great with silver eye shadow, shimmery makeup, and bright, light lip colour.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[970,250],'horoscopochino_co-medrectangle-4','ezslot_8',124,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-horoscopochino_co-medrectangle-4-0'); if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'horoscopochino_co-leader-3','ezslot_13',134,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-horoscopochino_co-leader-3-0');They are merry, spontaneous, and sometimes romantic in their assessment of the world around them. So, if you are asked by your partner, Why have you been avoiding me?, for example, your answer may seem to have been pulled out of a hat. The Venus in Gemini woman is perfect for this. She may have an open mind as far as her interests are concerned and will often migrate from one interest to another without investing too Its all about mental stimulation with them. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. These native women are looking for a partner with whom to embark on a mental journey, someone to walk with them on the mysterious path that is the world. I never thought of this as an issue until my sister was telling her friend that I was a player. They switch topics quickly to keep the other person on their toes. Her loved ones need to be aware of these mood swings, while she herself should take steps to maintain a good mood (especially, by getting regular sleep and snacking when hungry). Relationships are mostly for mental stimulation and fun for them. It gets bored really quickly. Clever, quick and the sprite of the Zodiac, your Gemini nature is dualistic and lithe, dextrous and free! You may like fashion rental services like Runway Rentals, as they allow you to keep your look fresh all the time. They adapt to their current situation and may tend to duplicate the nearest strongly feminine form whenever they are tired of their old style or simply want a change. Id also like to explain that lightness associated with Venus in Gemini. You are so very welcome, SIna. Im a Cancer with my moon in Scorpio Mars and Venus in Gemini. Neither are you the type to excuse yourself to soul-search, then get back to your lover with a meaningful answer. Im a Taurus Sun, Leo Moon, Venus Gemini and a Rising Libra. Venus in Gemini is very charming and loves to seduce with her words. Its name is Latin for twins, and its glyph resembles the Roman numeral 2 (II). Some planets become enchanted in certain signs. Venus speaks about your sense of self-worth as well. Venus in Gemini tends to be all over the place. She is playful, chatty, cheerful. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Venus in Gemini woman doesnt miss a trick. Related Article: Gemini Rising Appearance & Traits. Some planets become enchanted in certain signs. As long as there is a twinkle in her eyes, it depends on the personality if he is into a woman. In love, Gemini has a reputation for being light-hearted but also has surprising depth. The Venus in a Gemini woman reveals her natural sense of inner love for the world. She does not attract with sultriness, as does Venus in Scorpio. ..lol. When you are in love, you make light and witty company, even if your Sun is in a more serious sign like Taurus or Cancer. Venus Gemini girls are attracted to smart and bright minds. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. WebVenus in Gemini Women are highly intellectual observers who perceive the world with their rational lens and are particularly suited to more artistic work. Your moves come second. Your urge for freedom and variety in love, coupled with a tendency to skirt intense topics, can lead some partners to think that youre as substantial as cotton candy. I am a Libra ASC, Sun Merc and venus in Gemini with a cancer Moon. Are these good placements? Some of the other things governed by Venus in astrology include money, values, beauty, art, fashion, jewels, fruits, flowers, fragrances, music, poetry. She will be sure to make sure to dot all the is and cross all the ts so that the books are in perfect order. Its mind is is always active. Your Achilles heel was your Venus in Libra lol They may wear lots of scarves and may prefer messy windswept hair. Lol we met 4 years ago .. Im 45 and she is 38.. Whoa my birthday is July 21st (1985) and my venus is in Gemini also but why are those the craziest of cancers? She gets bored easily. that proves i am not loyal. Venus in Gemini tends to be all over the place. People with this placement often spend a lot of money on discovering new countries. She is akin to Mars in Scorpioin a male. I guess it only to takes 1 conjunction to do it.. They are often known to borrow from other people. Anyway Im a male and my female friend has sun in cancer and venus in gemini like me but her other inner planets are all air except her mercury in cancer Its weird having a woman for that deep friendship.. Nobody in our family or friends get it But they accept it and laugh. You are an extremely smooth talker. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Sexually, she wants to hear you talk. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. She attracts by being so much fun that people follow. They may LOVE getting their nails done, wearing bracelets, rings, and dresses with interesting sleeves. Shes socially in motion, a lover of the soiree and themed-party, over the intensely cloistered dinner for two. A male in the Venus in Gemini might be shy and quiet, but they attract women who are talkative. They can roam about in other words, in their dream planes, which gives them a great energy that spills forth into everything that they do. I always have a conflict inside my mind , I want to be loved loyal staying with partner but also I have deep desire seeing all the world with different things different ppl in doing anything what I want. A male in the Venus in Gemini might be shy and quiet, but they attract women who are talkative. Romantic compatibility in astrology is more complicated than sun signs. Hi Crazy! The truth is, you dont always know the answer right away, but you are so communicative that a response comes out of you anyhow. Venus in Gemini women are usually expressive, adaptable, imaginative, and versatile. When one meets you, you are friendly and full of adventure and life. This can lead her to regularly being late to parties. They are looking for a partner with whom to delve into a journey of the mind, someone to go alongside with them on this avenue of mysteries that is the world. The Venus in Pisces women are very intuitive and reflexive. They are use to it. Their social circle is usually large and they have a lot of friends and acquaintances. That water sign isnt the problem its that Gemini saturn conjunction to venus. Gemini is the third zodiac sign. That is what I have it for Her determination to attain her goals and fearlessness to face any difficulty makes her a formidable woman. Pluto in Capricorn 24 27 40 Rx You also love an accent wall, so get fun wallpaper, and soak Gemini in Venus-style vibes from fashion chameleon Lizzo, who shares your Venus sign. The Venus in Gemini woman likes flirting too. The Venus in Gemini woman is, above all, a perfectionist. Shes the fleeting leprechaun of the zodiac, always running head-long without a plan in mind, spraying forth witty remarks, sarcastic comments, and funny jokes, talking about what love should be like, and such things. I think my 9th House stellium is always studying something so I am not bored. Go to Astro.com and put in your birth info. Being born with Venus in Gemini, she is flexible, free-spirited, free-flowing, and very adaptative to changes in her environment. The Venus in Gemini female is generally expressive, adaptable, imaginative and versatile. One of the biggest questions of all. They may wear lots of scarves and may prefer messy windswept hair. I hope I can do this in my articles. I wonder about my personality for a married in the future? You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. I am a cancer sun(1st house), Scorpio moon(5th house), Ascendant in cancer, mercury in Leo(2nd house), venus in Gemini(12th house), Mars in Leo(3rd house), Jupiter in Scorpio(5th house), Saturn in Leo(2nd house), Uranus in pisces(10th house), Neptune in Aquarius(9th house), and Pluto in Sagittarius( sixth house). However, they might avoid discussing deeper topics. Gemini enjoys going on adventures and being active. Moon in Aries 1 02 37 They follow fashion and can successfully pull off many different styles and personalities. Aries and Leos fire element complements Geminis air element and acts to bring Geminis ideas to life. I see that you registered in my Forum. They will be attracted to the latest tech gadgets, so they never miss a message. Moreover, she tends to change her personal style and adapt to what she sees in her environment. Welcome, P. You can come put her natal chart on my Forum and ask the question and I will be delighted to take a look. Its normal that shes being straightforward and honest with her feelings. Moreover, she can think in two different ways at the same time, so chances are shes already figured out what you like. Is this a good combination or should I run and never look back? She has a very friendly attitude what makes people attracted to her. They despise being lumped into a single category. Ppl love me then hate me then love me again then hate me. ive decided its likely for the best with mars in the 5th, adds some needed discipline and maybe a wiser voice when the impulse is towell, you know what the impulse is. Shes going to excel in this respect as well because she has a certain feminine charm that fills her pages with a sweet and womanish tone. She brands herself a feminist because of her innate conviction that men are no better than women and advocates that what a man can do, a woman can do it better.. Im actually sensitive and I withdraw at any direct, forward hint, or when something becomes too obvious or vulgar. We can talk for hours about anything. It is easy for her to form relationships. Black Moon Lilith in Aries 15 32 03 Gemini is mostly oriented on gathering information and connecting with others. ; Gemini twin flames; Can Gemini and Scorpio be twin flames?. It shows what you appreciate, what you like doing, and what brings you joy. This perfectionism becomes a downside if she has deadlines, which she often misses. Venus in Gemini falls in love with you, but in the next moment, it is already interested in someone else. I would have to see the charts to tell what is going on. Her wit and word plays are the stuff of legend in her group of friends for being absolutely terrific. Romantically, she wants to experience an intellectual paroxysm, to expand her mind beyond what she originally thought was the limit, to walk the path of the mind. Part of Fortune in Taurus 1 37 15. Soft skin, big eyes, full lips and chubby cheeks are signature to Venus in Cancer. Venus in Gemini can maintain a long-distance relationship if necessary. How does the Venus in Gemini woman actually profess her love? He says Im funny, and make him laugh. They are carefree and often look beautiful in light fabrics that flutter in the wind like chiffon or rayon. Even when in a relationship, they often flirt with others (this does not mean that they want anything more, but this interaction is characteristic of this Venus sign). They may also dress in a way that draws attention to their arms and hands. Seriously, I would need to look at the actual charts because there are so very, very many layers to any chart. what if its conjunct saturn and opposite a mars pluto conjunction? He is always holding back hes in and then hes not. Sun Leo Ascendant Libra But what a frustrating relationship. Well, Gemini gets bored fast unless you have other more constant placements like Cancer. Venus in Gemini tends to be all over the place. If you have a Gemini Venus, you might love flirting and the getting to know you part of the relationship, but can easily get bored when the conversation runs dry, preferring many suitors at once to keep things interesting. It also describes your taste in art. Def not a flit person to person kinda gal. If you have Venus in Gemini, your best matches are Venus in Aries or Venus in Leo. Women with Venus in Gemini sometimes get the rap for being copycats. It is also good for writing, programming, marketing, sales, teaching. He says Im sexy and thinks about me. Gemini is a cheerful, communicative, and verbally unrestrained air sign. Nothing easier because you wont have to do any digging, geomantic studies, or astral reading. But I have no idea how to figure out were he really truly is coming from. Venus in Gemini Prefers short weekend trips over longer trips; Venus in Gemini will excel at maintaining daily contact no matter how far away their partner is. This question would take the 5 days I spend on a natal to really answer well, my Friend. The Venus in Gemini woman is charismatic, approachable, open. They are often the jokester of their group. Venus in Gemini has a terrible reputation for love them and leave them. I suppose I must cop the guilty plea on this. This is thanks to her attentiveness and perfectionism. My moto is if you cannot stimulate my mind, whats the point of getting undressed? If any relationship begins to bore them, they will quickly move on and forget about it. Her attentiveness may come from her curiosity. It was not too long at all! This is a youthful placement. Also, probably a flirt like me! They adapt to their current circumstances and can replicate the closest feminine form whenever they get tired of their old style or want a change.