The conjunction lends you great amounts of passion and determination. If the north node is transiting your Sun, Sun-related topics, like sense of self, get a little extra prominence in your life. I got sober two months ago, and then started hearing voices, and thought I could read peoples thoughts and project my own. I also know exactly what is going on with everyone around me almost..and I took the myers briggs test and found i was INFJ type which is rarest in the world. I sometimes take side jobs I dont necessarily need materially but I know I must serve. I appreciate the author for this discussion I too have NN Conjunct Neptune and Definitely, I could see addiction confusing your (our) gifts with this placement. It means that I am bringing beauty to people? Albeit the lessons they taught could of been in lue of the abuse. My Pluto is in Scorpio 8h, and my Sun is in Sag 8h. This creates tension but also opportunity for you. The opposition and square can indicate that your painful relationships will push you to grow the most during this lifetime. its very prominent push -Sun Leo 7th house and NN. Although I dont know if youre going to see this, I saw your reply just now. I have not seen this placement enough to know. YES, Love. Conjuncts Midheaven at 19Sag42 Like Pluto quintile NN? November 12, 2014. So it comes down to one thing for me where do I value my lifes purpose is it either in my bank account (which is non existent) or is it in the banks deep in my mind where revenue is building. Anyonw who knows about this? Hi, Im fairly new to astrology, only about a few weeks or months or so, and currently learning planetary aspects. So if we include out of house placements were dealing with a lot of energy in the room. This is why it's called The Death House or "the house of death, sex, money, and taxes." Overall, the 8th house acts as a key to our deaths in this . Pallas is great wisdom, so the person would have wisdom if it conjuncted either the North or South Node, Tina. I bartend, drive in the gig economy, whatever. My Valentine is tightly conjunct at 27 degrees 47. Chiron is pain and no one really wants his purpose to be pain, but this is the case for some people, through no fault of their own. Having said that there is a feeling you are watched over from above regardless. How interesting! Let yourself be inspired and keep the feeling with you. I have a constant awareness of other peoples energy which can distract me from my own goals and this can be draining. Not adequately anyway. As the north node progresses into Taurus, however, we are invited to regroup from the devastation. I have always been interested in the occult, and reading people comes super easy to me, albeit, there seems to be some amount of confusion sometimes, because im prone to suggestions. In fact, we've been on the brink of change for the past few years, but it's all coming to a head as Uranus conjunct the North Node of Destiny takes place on July 31. Under the trine, the influence will be a little stronger than the sextile. Many of us turn to astrology to inform our personal and spiritual development. Thus, how an eclipse affects you depends on your birthdate, birth time, and birthplace. If your birthday is around one of these dates or if you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) or angles (Ascendant, Descendant, MC, IC) around the degrees of the eclipse, you will be . I dont have Uranus conj the NN. Though Jupiter was just a degree away from his IC in this week too. Im extremely creative (especially with music and words), and Im at my happiest when Im inspired by someone or something, or inspiring someone else. (according to Astrodienst), Thank you so much! at the same time, it was conjunct the composite Sun in the 5th in 9 Pisces, which trines the composite moon in 10 Cancer, trine composite Mars in 10 Scorpio, also part of a kite with Uranus / Neptune at 7 / 13 Cap. Youre quite innovative and well-prepared to deal with lifes challenges thanks to your adaptability. The manifestation could be anything from an actor to a teacher. It also represents masculinity and fatherly figuresthis can indicate a strong relationship with a father figure in your life. This conjunction can pose problemsit can encourage a fear of change. This eye-opening cosmic . Wow, what a culmination for your friend. Hi, I have NN conjunct Neptune and Jupiter (stellium). I get visions and other stuff. [woocommerce-edit-address-nonce] => The Sun is at home in Leo so it is very strong. I have it conj Jupiter lol If we don't purify our rahu we will never get to the destination in this life that he is trying to drive us towards and give us impetus to get to. Youre able to balance the fun in your life with a mature outlook. Neptune is so bad. They go straight to the point. Could you link us to some of your writing, if you care to and Welcome! I have my natal Neptune conjunct my north node. This discord will cause you to grow if you can channel that stamina and drive for your best interests. I have been spiritual my entire life, even as a very young child. The past few years Ive come to a new groundedness but it felt like I might be insane also I write, research, study a lot of history related to a fictional book Im working on. No purpose. No one ever talks about this placement yet I feel its absolutely imperative to know more about it. It explained so much. The day it was all confirmed, Chiron was exact on his natal Saturn/Mercury conjunction. this phenomenon is also called a triple conjunction, a very raae phenomenon, Im told. Can an orb of 10 degrees be used or is that too wide? Barbra, its been a few years since your wrote this post. I think Im what you call a late bloomer. Buy it now on here: htt. The sextile and trine can indicate a sensitive person, who is ruled by their emotions. If you wanted to ask me a simple question, I would try to help answer but this question would take a great deal of study to answer well, Love. You might find you experiences periods of sudden energy bursts and creativity. But then Id figure it out, tweak my direction and take my learnings as the silver lining. Hi everybody, I was looking at the birth chart of my child, she is 12 yo. Nodal Square. Yea, Nessus is very hard to see but when you do, you despise the person, usually. My St3ellium is part of a finger of fate, with the Pluto-Neptune Sextile. Your sensitivities and emotions can help you along your path by helping others heal and recognize their feelings. Astro Clocks: Chart with current planets will open in the new window and the planet positions will be automatically refreshed every minute. I have many talents and gifts. If anyone have a suggestion how I would be beyond thankful! We are probably close to the same age. The aspects they create with the planets in our natal birth chart are called transits. What are your experiences? So its nice to hear folks sharing their similar feelings on this. I have a NN and Neptune conjunction. You CAN hear peoples thoughts and project your own, which means you must be highly responsible with these gifts lest you abuse them and be abused. I know that this conjunction can be rags to riches which it really feels like. People consider me an old soul. Anyhoo. Much like the planets and angles in your chart, the Nodes can be activated by transits and progressions. Youre likely a relationship-type person and attract them on a regular basis. Growing up you may have felt like you were in direct competition with your peers or siblings. The trine and the sextile reveal a very hard workersomeone who isnt afraid to go after his or her dreams. This is incredibly tricky, as Saturn energy is tough. The moon represents our subconscious and our emotions, and with this placement, psychic abilities may be present. A planet aspecting the lunar nodes comes into special focus. If, for example, the North Node begins its 18-month transit of Gemini, you know there will be several lunar and solar eclipses happening in the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius (its opposite sign) for approximately 18-24 months. The North Node is one of the major points in the natal chart showing purpose or calling. Virtually all these transits to the Nodes open up the possibility of encountering someone who shakes up or changes your life in some way, and helps propel you forward. Astrologer Mary Fortier Shea describes progressing the solar return Moon until it aspects a solar return or natal planet, and noting when a solar return planet transits over a solar return house cusp (to pinpoint major changes). The South Node is akin to Saturn, and may show a point of self-dissipation. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read. This native will, likely, have ambition and be a go getter when it comes to goals. anything artistic i love! The South Node is the more lunar end; it defines a familiar way of behavior, a familiar way of defining and reacting to the world. God bless, thanks again to all the nice commenters. Hmm mostly I have been deceived all my life and to this day i can be tricked. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. I have my North Node square Neptune and this is so helpful. Ive put in what feels like hurculean effort to get to a secure place in life and its like as soon as I zeroed in on that goal, money just started coming my way from all angles. A friend of mine recently broke out of a stifling situation at a long term workplace and got a new job with amazing pay and next step up the ladder. May I ask why does it seem a contradiction? Its about a mental/psychological posturing of the mind. With erratic Uranus conjunct the north node, youre here to find a calling that shakes you to your core and your job is to help introduce it to the masses. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Im a double scorpio with sun and mars conjuncting my ASC and also pluto and mercury in the first house. Jupiter is the fairy godmother placement. I have saturn and venus both conjunct north node. That is so interesting <3. . I am exceptional in knowing what others need (though not always what they want) and am impervious to lies, manipulation and facades, which tire me. Ive also worked in psychiatric facilities for 20 years. The outer planet transits are the most powerful . He may not know how to let loose and play. Eclipses aspecting the Lunar Nodes: As children, we need the boundaries and protection of familiar settings and people; the job of our parents is to prepare us to go out into the world with a strong foundation, so we can move toward unfamiliar and rewarding challenges. But I loved him so much. This really messes with my head! ( I abused substances for 20 yrs and was lost in a fog of deception, most certainly. Rahu (North Node) is a driven energy, but he can take us to our incarnational destiny for this life, but only if we learn to purify his driven energies. Wish I could help more with this placement. Mercury is exact, maybe a hair ahead of NN. Thanks! I worry too much about others, what they think (in general and about me), how they feel about things/myself, etc. Youre very artistic by nature and tapping into this will further your growth. People have asked me for this article, so here goes. These are astrological transit interpretations for Jupiter transits to natal planets, and Jupiter transits through natal houses. I won't expand on it as I don't want anyone here reading the astrology and getting all worried and read negative things in charts. You may have some other good aspects to the NN though like Pluto, the Moon or some asteroids. I possess easily and am easily moved by energy, emotion and spirit (I noticed you dont believe in a lot of things, so disregard possession if thats not your thing) I would offer that Neptune alongside NN is a tremendous blessing especially if the traits of the north node sign are adhered to as guidepostsit would be prudent to have an intentionally rich spiritual and prayer world, so that ones psychic energy can be protected and not just scattered and invaded. This is especially true with Pluto in Capricorn, instigating Crises in the life that can stress the Adrenal/Thyroid and compromise the immune system. Each of us has a zodiac sign. Furthermore, I got a magic sguare, with both maleifics.opposing each other, squaring a chiron-Uranus opposition. The North Node is one of the major points in the natal chart showing purpose or calling. North Node transiting my 9th house and weeks after I started studying (9th house) traditional astrology which actually made lots of sense to me. I have the North Node conjunct Uanus Neptune too in the 1st house. I think the trines have really made this kind of great outcome. You might not have experienced enough nurturing as a child and had to care for yourself in some way. It is valid if there is a connection natally with these two. Overall I take responsibility for choices Ive made and my life is a mess. Transiting North Node square natal North Node. I dont believe in past lives, P, so cannot speak to that but Neptune conj the NN may bring problems, in that people may be deceived. But it never happened due to my fathers death and my health problems all starting You see alongside, being my worst enemies my mother and brother were also my best teachers. Love, Youre likely a creative person who uses art as some type of outlet and that will factor into your career and life path. And as depressing as all that sounds, I am aware now, and I am taking the steps to move forward and use the placements full potential! They will learn the lessons of pain. The North Node helps astrologers understand the connection between the Moon, Sun, and Earth at the moment of someone's birth. In my case I met my husband during my nodal return (natal NN conjunct the Asc) when transiting NN was in the 1st house, almost 3 degrees away (a separating conjunction) from my natal 1st house NN and just minutes from a conjunction to my ascendant. I just felt odd, like I didnt fit in, but I knew I was gifted with high intelligence. Or even its desirability. Fortunately, your intuition will guide youtrust in yourself and listen to your inner voice. With the Adrenals, as in my own case, they can flatline and stop producing Cortisol. It also rules celebrity and Hollywoodif there is a desire to be famous, this could easily be achieved with this aspect. We will discuss planetary conjunctions here. I bet you are an amazing person! Hence, these two aren't planetary bodies. There is beauty in freedom. Ive never used drugs or been addicted to anything. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. I relate to what others here have said re: having strong intuition. I too felt blown away by Barbaras post and it provided so much insight. Transits can help us to understand the situation in which we find ourselves in. Legendary singer John Denver had Pluto in the 3rd house in Leo conjunct the North Node. I have a stelluim in the 2nd house hence the values as a core principle for 2nd house is in taurus triple Scropio sun ven and mar with uranus mercury libra. NN conjunct Neptune Conjunct IC here. You can have a huge effect on humankind and will likely find yourself curious about activism. Im now 46. This is a sensitive placement that fuels a lot of emotion. Abraham Hicks and Real Love by Dr. Greg Baer( books) helps me a lot. Ive been empathetic since I was younger, and had an awakening a few years ago. Most important to me is that you find Jesus. Pluto in first. This native was born to be different, usually in the best sense of the word. Six Planets Changing Signs In March, 2023: Dates & Details, Weekend Love Forecast Leo Moon Mood With Some Dramatic STYLE, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates. Solar Arc Venus conjuncting your natal Moon is encouraging, but a simultaneous square from transiting Saturn can suggest difficulties. I have not seen Neptune conjunct the North Node enough to say from experience how it manifests. I am so lost! UT/GMT Timezone. Astrology Transits. I have a hard time letting loose and relaxing because my concerns are always about everyone else. *Please Like, Comment, Subscribe, Share. Gotta respond to your post. I definitely can read others energy and project my own, however I am more responsible with these gifts these days, since having an awakening a few years ago especially through the teachings of Real Love I feel like a Jedi Monk Goddess Priestess. I have NN conjunct Uranus/Ascendant exact trine to Jupiter/Chiron in 5Th house. Ive been told I wouldve made a great therapist. Weve already gone over what it means when someones personal planet (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) aspects their north node. Your path to growth will come from learning to let go of your rigid thinking and patterns. One would need to study the entire chart to see the specific gifts. A life changing event. My spirituality is growing, but lately Ive also felt like Ive lost my mind in a way. I have read that this is not a fortunate placement. Neptune always brings with it a dash of intuition and with a strong conjunction, you may be put on this planet to develop and hone your psychic skills.