Noticias 24/7 de Sucre, el Caribe, Colombia y el mundo. Colombia Alias 'Sebastin' se declar culpable de narcotrfico en Estados Unidos Nini Johana suga, alias 'La Negra', quien en 2022 fue extraditada a Estados Unidos acusada de conspiracin para distribuir cocana, quedar en libertad prximamente. EFE, Last Update on: March 4, 2023 at 10:59 pm, Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved | Mendelson and Associates, LLC, Colombia extradites sister of Clan del Golfo leader to US, Cubas first woman rum master reflects on her path, UN nuclear agency reaches accord with Iran on monitoring, Hundreds of thousands of Israelis join anti-government protests, Atletico Madrid go 3rd in LaLiga with 6-1 rout of Sevilla, Arsenal come from behind to stay 5 clear of Manchester City, Verstappen takes pole at Bahrain Grand Prix, Russia tightens grip on Bakhmut as Ukrainian troops hold out, Frontex did not alert Italy to migrant emergency: Meloni, At least 17 killed in Indonesia fuel depot fire, Dozens of Iranian schoolgirls hospitalized in new poisoning cases, Indian trans women struggle to secure police jobs in quest for respect, Young Hispanics are Formally Charged With The Murder Of A Pastor, Colombias Petro: Salvadoran prison for gang members is concentration camp, FEDEX Pilot Hit By A Bullet While Sleeping. [1/3]Colombian National Police officers escort Nini Johana Usuga, alias 'La Negra', sister of 'Otoniel', top leader of the organized armed group Clan del Golfo, after her arrest in Sabaneta, Colombia March 18, 2021. Nini Johana suga David, alias 'La Negra', has reached an agreement with the United States Justice and has accepted the different drug trafficking charges, committing to collaborate in . The two started with an estimated 250 men following Rendn's arrest, and have since managed to grow exponentially. REUTERS/Luisa Gonzalez. The Clan del Golfo has, as of recently, been featured and discussed in several documentary programs such as the series by Vice titled Criminal Planet (2021) as well as the British television program called Cocaine: Living with the Cartels (2019). Nini Johana suga, conocida como alias 'La Negra', era la encargada de las finanzas del Clan del Golfo a partir del lavado de activos y encales internacionales para el envo de cocana a otros. Nini Johana Usuga David (C), from the Clan del Golfo, has been extradited to the US Credit: EPA. Colombian National Police/Handout via REUTERS. Though extradition was abolished in 1991 in Colombia, Congress restored it just six years later. [2] In December 2019, senior Clan del Gulfo drug trafficker and money launderer Joaquin Guillermo David-Usuga was extradited from Colombia to the U.S city of Houston, Texas. Prohibida su reproduccin total o parcial, as como su traduccin a cualquier idioma sin autorizacin escrita de su titular. BOGOTA - Nini Johana Usuga, sister of Dairo Antonio Usuga, an accused Colombian drug trafficker and leader of the Clan del Golfo criminal group, was extradited to the United States on Friday, Colombian police said. Disfruta al mximo el contenido de EL TIEMPO DIGITAL de forma ilimitada. Alias Otoniel se declar inocente ante la justicia de Estados Unidos. Nini Johana suga, Cuarentano and Otoniel's sister, has also been jailed since 2013. On April 15, 2009, a team of 200 police commandos captured Rendn on a farm in rural Urab. Otoniel had been the target of an intense manhunt since 2015 in the northwestern Colombian region of Uraba, a two-phase operation known as Agamenon that involved thousands of police and soldiers and led to the deaths or arrests of dozens of men under his command and the seizure of tons of cocaine. Arezzo was one of the major Etruscan Lucumonies and later became a . Cabe mencionar que por Otoniel, el Gobierno nacional ofrece una recompensa de hasta 3.000 millones de pesos, mientras que el gobierno de Estados Unidos ofrece 5 millones de dlares. It was Arroyave who convinced Rendn Herrera to come work for him. (Le sugerimos leer:Estafas: los 4 mensajes que ms usan los ladrones, si le llegan, no los abra)Posteriormente, en 2021 fue capturada nuevamente para dar cumplimiento a la solicitud de extradicin por parte de EE. Sign up to receive the latest updates from U.S News & World Report and our trusted partners and sponsors. Fue capturado en octubre de 2021. [40] According to the Colombian Navy, those arrested are alleged to have been responsible for smuggling more than 13 tons of cocaine into Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama during 19 drug trafficking operations. En Colombia La Negra tambin es vinculada con el lavado de activos del Clan del Golfo. 9. De acuerdo con la informacin conocida desde La Florida, 'la Negra' acept en especifco el cargo deconspiracin para distribuir cocana, considerado un delito federal. Nini Johana suga David, tambin conocida como la Negra, lleg a un acuerdo con la justicia de Estados Unidos y acept los cargos por narcotrfico. suga es conocida por el alias de La Negra y es acusada de gestionar la logstica, participar en reuniones y acordar lo que necesitara para distribuir cocana en todo Estados Unidos. UU. Otoniel's sister, Nini Johana Usuga, who was . Otoniel, who according to Colombian authorities trafficked 180 to 200 tonnes of cocaine a year, was detained last October in Antioquia province. [17][18] On October 23, 2021, the group's leader Dario Antonio suga David, better known as Otoniel, was captured. The Gulf Clan also signaled their intention to respond aggressively to their leader's death when they publicly offered a $1,000 reward for each police officer killed in Antioquia, a public relations strategy best associated with kingpin Pablo Escobar. Dairo Antonio suga David naci en Necocl, Antioquia, el 15 de septiembre de 1971. He then founded Los Urabeos a neo-paramilitary group that would come to be known as Clan del Golfo following the AUCs demobilization. Colombia's government accuses the group of threatening and killing local activists - known as social leaders - in the country. Fue extraditada a #EEUU Nini Johana suga David, alias 'la Negra', hermana de alias 'Otoniel'. 22 people were arrested, including Otoniel's sister Nini Johana Usuga. UU. Sigue tus temas favoritos en un lugar exclusivo para ti. [56] Among those arrested included regional Clan del Golfo leader Edwin Enrique Caballero Santander, known under the alias of El Brother. 45 # 26 - 33 - Telfonos (+57)(601) 2200700. Crea una cuenta y podrs disfrutar nuestro contenido desde cualquier dispositivo. La hermana de Dario. Police blamed Rendn's organization for at least 3,000 homicides between 2007 and 2009. In March 2021, Usuga's sister, Nini Johana Usuga David, also known as "La Negra," was also arrested. By 2008, Rendn Herrera was one of the richest and most-wanted traffickers in Colombia. If convicted, the defendant faces a minimum sentence of 20 years behind bars and a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. She is wanted on drug trafficking charges by a Florida court. Otoniel, who was captured last October, was extradited in May to New York City, where he faces charges that include participating in an international conspiracy to manufacture and distribute cocaine, knowing and intending that the narcotics would be illegally imported into the United States.. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con, Desmantelada la banda Los Champions League, con injerencia en Sucre, Crdoba, Bolvar, Cesar y Antioquia, Seis sectores de Sincelejo no tendrn agua durante unas horas del mircoles, Hoy contina audiencia contra patrulleros implicados en asesinato de tres jvenes en Choch, Armando Benedetti lleg a Caracas con la misin de restablecer de manera plena y progresiva las relaciones entre Colombia y Venezuela, Procuradura alerta por incumplimiento del Estatuto de Ciudadana Juvenil en 36 municipios de 11 departamentos, Alcalda de Toluviejo declara Da Cvico este viernes 19 de marzo, en honor a su patrono San Jos, Gobernacin rechaza presunto hecho de maltrato infantil en centro educativo de San Onofre. [42], In March 2020, Marihuano was revealed to be living in the Darin Jungle in cabins he built himself. Proceso de extradicin de Nini Johana suga. Dairo Antonio Usuga David, alias "Otoniel", top leader of the Gulf clan, poses for a photo escorted by Colombian military soldiers after being captured, in Necocli, Colombia October 23, 2021. Rendn fled the Eastern Plains in June after a falling out with Arroyave. (DEA) menangkap saudara perempuan Otoniel, Nini Johana Usuga, yang diekstradisi ke Amerika Serikat untuk menghadapi tuduhan terkait . Bogot D.C., Colombia. [45], On May 4, 2020, leader of the cartel's violent Jorge Ivn Arboleda Garcs fraction Aureliano Prez Caballero, alias Dvinson, was arraigned in court following his arrest the previous day. Al respecto, Gustavo Petro volvi a hablar del tema este sbado 4 de marzo, escribiendo en sus redes sociales: Mi gobierno respetar, como es lo bsico en un estado de derecho , la decisin del magistrado Serrato de suspender mis funciones constitucionales respecto a los servicios pblicos. [29], The Gulf Clan rely on at least 1,200 members in their top level of command. Este es un mensaje claro a Otoniel: no solo las autoridades de Colombia sino tambin las internacionales estn en su bsqueda. [54] On June 13, 2020, it was revealed that 26 Clan del Golfo members were arrested in Santa Marta. Nini Johana suga David, alias la Negra, fue extraditada el 1. [16] On June 26, 2020, it was revealed that the Clan del Golfo had started a direct conflict with FARC dissidents called Operation Mil and dispatched 1,000 of its paramilitaries from Urab, southern Crdoba and Choc to remove FARC dissents from northern Antioquia and control the entire municipality of Ituango. Cunto costara la remodelacin y el acabado de una Vivienda VIS? [39] Cuarentano was also revealed to have been in charge of the cartel's trafficking routes and oversaw Chiquito Malo's trafficking as well. El proceso de extradicin empez pasadas las 8:00 de la maana. Abogado de EEUU es sentenciado a cadena perpetua por asesinar a su esposa e hijo, No olviden a los pases ms pobres!, exigi alta representante de ONU, Canad permiti a una compaa producir y vender cocana, Falleci a los 89 aos Wayne Shorter, una de las leyendas del jazz, Protestas e indignacin en Grecia, mientras crece la cifra de muertos por choque de trenes, Colombia firm acuerdo para proteger reservas naturales del Pacfico Tropical, Hipoptamos de Pablo Escobar sern trasladados a Mxico, Estas son las medidas que se decretaron tras la alerta ambiental que vive Bogot, Calidad del aire en Bogot se ve afectada por incendios forestales en la Orinoqua, La iniciativa en Antioquia que une a los recicladores y a la literatura. Gustavo Petro respetar la decisin. Last year, Nini Johana Usuga David, also known as 'la Negra,' was released from prison along with a number of other inmates. Encuentra la validacin de El Cazamentiras al final de la noticia. With the seizures from Orion's most recent phase, which ran from March to May, drugs confiscated since 2018 total 716 tonnes of cocaine and 216 tonnes of marijuana. Cocaine traffickers had long competed with the FARC for territory and influence in the Eastern Plains. [31][30] Inglaterra, who was the group's fifth in command,[33] was injured during this shootout as well[34] and later died in November 2017. elgelos! Facebook gives people the. Nini Johana Usuga, alias "La Negra", es esposada por agentes de Interpol al ser extraditada a Estados Unidos desde Bogot, Colombia, el viernes 1 de julio de 2022. Suscrbete y disfruta de mltiples beneficios What is helping the Clan compete so far is their military discipline: so far they have proved immune to the kind of infighting tearing apart the Paisas or the Oficina. Entre los acuerdos a los que lleg la integrante de la familia suga se encuentran al menos 10 aos de prisin en una crcel de los Estados Unidos, un par de aos en libertad condicional y una multa, an no establecida, pero que puede ascender a varios millones de dlares. The strike completely paralyzed several Colombian departments as shopkeepers and travellers were told to stay at home or face 'consequences'. [39] He is a brother of Otenial and was reported to have taken over the cartel's financial operations following the arrest of their sister Nini Johana in December 2013. Conoce esta herramienta digital, Karol G dio el motivo por el que se retira de los escenarios, no hay marcha atrs, Muri La Tigresa Irma Serrano, famosa actriz y cantante mexicana. Junto a alias la Negra son extraditadas seis personas ms, entre ellas dos exintegrantes de las extintas Farc. Reuters provides business, financial, national and international news to professionals via desktop terminals, the world's media organizations, industry events and directly to consumers. Her brother, accused head of the Clan del Golfo, was extradited to face drug trafficking charges in the United States in early May. La Negra escaped from prison after fabricated documents ordered her release, but she was recaptured in March 2021 on charges of criminal conspiracy, illegal firearms possession, prison break, falsification of public documents and procedural fraud. Information gathered by police suggests the 39-year-old woman was in charge of managing illicit finances connected to drug trafficking via money laundering, and that - due to her family ties - she is one of her brother Dario's closest confidants within Clan del Golfo, Vargas said. [53] On June 12, 2020, Urab police arrested alleged Clan del Golfo member Alexander Asprilla, alias "Perea. Nini Johana suga haca parte de la estructura criminal del 'Clan del Golfo', siendo requerida en extradicin por narcotrfico. Colombian National Police officers escort Nini Johana Usuga, alias 'La Negra', sister of 'Otoniel', top leader of the organized armed group Clan del Golfo, before being extradited to the. La mujer, que fue extraditada en julio. Besides Otoniel and his sister, Colombian authorities have arrested several other members of the Usuga David family. [citation needed], When it comes to drug trafficking, the Gulf Clan are similar to rival DTOS like the Rastrojos or the Paisas in that they are uninterested in controlling the entire chain of drug production. Nini . These include zones with natural seaports along the Caribbean coast, or areas where coca base must be bought, like Caucasia or Taraz in Antioquia (InSight has also heard reports of an Urabeo cell in Medelln). . de julio de este ao a Estados Unidos por solicitud de la Corte para el Distrito Sur del de la Florida, que le adelantaba un proceso por trfico de drogas, sealada de manejar las rentas criminales del 'clan del Golfo' por el trfico y produccin de cocana. - novedades del sector automotriz, - toda la informacin para padres, - consulte antes de comprar, - videos de entretenimiento, - carreras profesionales, 'Alto, soy 'Otoniel', no me maten': detalles inditos de su captura), 'Ivn Mrquez': se conocen nuevos detalles de su situacin en Venezuela), Extraditan a EE. Regstrate o inicia sesin para seguir More cocaine is coming out of Colombia than at the height of Pablo Escobar's power Credit: Getty. Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the worlds largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. En esta lista se encuentra tambin Alexnder Serna Giraldo, alias el Loco, sealado como uno de los capos ocultos del norte del Valle del Cauca, excandidato a la Alcalda de Obando, piloto y excontrolador areo del aeropuerto de Santa Ana de Cartago. "There is a lot of testimony, as well as material evidence and physical evidence, that connects her to the drug trafficking of the Clan del Golfo," Vargas said. Nini Johana Usuga, who was extradited to the United States to face charges . Screen for heightened risk individual and entities globally to help uncover hidden risks in business relationships and human networks. "[18] On October 8, 2020, it was revealed that El Soldado was killed in the course of military operations in the Antioquia region of Lower Cacua. Dozens of his lieutenants were also captured and killed during an operation in 2016. Aunque los registros delictivos de Otoniel en poder de la Fiscala de Estados Unidos son escasos, la aceptacin de cargos brinda un nuevo comienzo en las investigaciones adelantadas contra el cabecilla. A travs de su cuenta de Twitter, el presidente de la Repblica, Ivn Duque Mrquez, confirm este martes que ya firm la resolucin de extradicin de Nini Johana suga David: hermana de Dairo Antonio suga David, quien fuera mximo cabecilla del 'Clan del Golfo' y quien ya se encuentra recluido en una crcel de Estados Unidos. [25] In a surprising display of strength, the Gulf Clan organized a series of coordinated strikes protesting his deaths in northern Antioquia, handing out fliers which referred to the group's former name, the Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces. Suscrbete x $900 La manera ms rapida para ponerte al da. Guarda mi nombre, correo electrnico y web en este navegador para la prxima vez que comente. Hemos cambiado nuestra Poltica de privacidad y la Poltica de datos de navegacin. Quin es Astrid Bibiana Rodrguez, la nueva MinDeporte? En medio de la diligencia, alias la Negra detall que se hizo cargo del mantenimiento de bienes inmuebles adquiridos con dineros ilcitos. Nini Johana suga, alias "La Negra", hermana del capo del narco colombiano Dairo Antonio suga ("Otoniel)", recluido en Estados Unidos, fue extraditada este viernes al pas norteamericano . Rendn's men soon began clashing with the Paisas, then a rural, armed wing of the Oficina. . It is one of the main perpetrators of selective assassinations of community and social leaders, leftist political activists and forced displacement of people. Al 'Aceptar' consideramos que apruebas los cambios. It was allegedly ACC fighters who first began calling the Centauros "those from Urab," "Paisas," or "Urabeos," all references to the Antioquia region where many of the paramilitaries hailed from. Ya puedes ver los ltimos contenidos de EL TIEMPO en tu bandeja de entrada. Six other people were extradited alongside Nini Johana Usaga to also face drug trafficking charges. View the profiles of people named Nini Johana. Tras fugarse de prisin, en Medelln, luego de falsificar unos documentos, fue puesta de nuevo a disposicin de la justicia en 2014, cuando fue condenada por concierto para delinquir, porte ilegal de armas de fuego, fuga de presos, falsedad en documento pblico y fraude procesal. [citation needed]. Three Clan del Golfo members with him were injured and arrested during the shootout with the police as well. Concela haciendo clic aqu. Last edited on 17 December 2022, at 17:08, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Maritime drug trafficking in Latin America, "Autoridades en Colombia no dan respiro a la cpula de los Urabeos", "Arrested: Illegal quarantine party reveals Colombian druglord's hideout", "El hermano de alias Giovany es el nuevo jefe de los Urabeos", "The Albanian Mafia's International Cocaine Empire", "Incautan una tonelada de cocana de Los Urabeos en La Guajira", "Excomandante de las Fuerzas Militares sera parte de tentculo del Clan del golfo", "Coronel (r) Gonzlez del Ro, a prisin mientras es investigado por nexo con narcos? Quin es Aurora Vergara, nueva ministra de Educacin? Nini Johana suga David, hermana de Dairo Antonio suga, alias Otoniel, ya se encuentra en camino a Estados Unidos, donde es requerida por la Corte del Distrito Sur de la Florida por delitos relacionados con el narcotrfico. Le puede interesar: Extincin de dominio a red delictiva al servicio del Clan del Golfo. Otoniel Dairo Antonio Usuga Wikipedia; Otoniel doesn't have a Wikipedia page, but because of his criminal record, he's been the subject of numerous pieces on the web and in social media. [43] It was also suggested that his role in the cartel was exaggerated a little and that while he was heavily involved in the cartel, and serving as the cartel's No. [5][6][7] Los Urabeos is one of the organizations that appeared after the demobilization of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia. [59] According to National Police officer Colonel William Castao, head of the National Unit against Illegal Mining and Antiterrorism, the senior Clan Del Golfo financier, identified as "Diego," "was in charge of the extortion of merchants and people dedicated to the extraction of minerals in this part of the country. [69], In April and May of 2022, the Gulf Clan held an armed strike in much of rural Northern Colombia after their leader Dairo Antonio suga was extradited to the United States.[70]. Nini Johana suga David, tambin conocida como la Negra, lleg a un acuerdo con la justicia de Estados Unidos y acept los cargos por narcotrfico. Revisa tu bandeja de entrada y si no, en tu carpeta de correo no deseado. Se alista extradicin de Nini Johanna suga, hermana de alias . ( FOTOS COLPRENSA) ? [23][24], On January 1, 2012, Juan de Dios Usuga-David, alias "Giovany," was killed in a police raid on a ranch in the Choc department. La decisin fue tomada luego de estudiar una demanda de 32 pginas que presentaron en donde pedan la nulidad del decreto. Shortly afterward, Arroyave was ambushed and killed by his former allies, including Pedro Oliveiro Guerrero, alias Cuchillo.. BOGOT Las autoridades colombianas confirmaron el mircoles que fue encontrado sin vida uno de los principales cabecillas que quedaron al mando del crtel Clan del Golfo, luego de la captura y extradicin a Estados Unidos del que fuera su mximo jefe Dairo Antonio suga David, alias "Otoniel". (De seguro le interesa leer:'Ivn Mrquez': se conocen nuevos detalles de su situacin en Venezuela)Los abogados sealaron que suga, en un "acuerdo de entendimiento", acord que el tribunal decidiera su condena con base en atenuantes como la entrega de propiedades e informacin sobre la ubicacin de otros bienes e inmuebles del 'clan del Golfo'.La mujer podra recibir una condena de 10 aos por colaboracin, "desechando la posibilidad de una condena a cadena perpetua porque la misma no se contempla en los acuerdos de extradicin y no es una pena que se imponga en Colombia", seal la defensa. Otoniel se declar culpable de narcotrfico ante la justicia de Estados Unidos, Rechazan definitivamente sometimiento de Otoniel en la JEP, Busca es un oportunismo poltico: MinInterior sobre peticin de Otoniel, Clan del Golfo quema al menos 45 vehculos durante paro armado, Ivn Duque: Nadie est por encima del estado colombiano, Av. Requerida por una corte de Florida, haba sido capturada en 2021. Proyectos TIC y estrategias para acortar brechas digitales en Bogot, La IA y el ChatGPT transformarn las prcticas de mercadeo con tecnologa, Guerra entre TikTok y la Unin Europea: la aplicacin fue prohibida en dispositivos oficiales, Sabas de los escritorios virtuales? [7] The British program Living with the Cartels takes four admitted middle class cocaine users from the U.K. to Colombia where they meet low-ranking members of the Clan to witness the purported origins of "where their cocaine comes from". [57] Colombian authorities took Mocho into custody in November 2018. Join Facebook to connect with Nini Johana and others you may know. Suramrica, Cdigo Postal: 111321, Nini Johana suga, hermana de Otoniel es extraditada, Sigue a RTVC Noticias y mantente conectado. [63] Colombian National Police Major General Fernando Murillo Orrego, head of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Interpol (DIJIN), "Zapata Garzn ran a narco-trafficking and money laundering organization associated with the Clan del Golfo" The DIJIN also released a statement revealing that Zapata Garzn shared routes for drug trafficking to Europe and the United States with the Clan del Golfo, through shell companies, investments, and real estate and personal properties in 17 Departments of Colombia. El Dorado Cr. Nini Johana suga, alias 'La Negra', la hermana del narcotraficante alias 'Otoniel', fue extraditada este viernes a Estados Unidos, anunci el Gobierno colombiano. [10][11] Its rivals include the National Liberation Army. However, the origins of the group can be traced elsewhere, in Colombia's Eastern Plains, where Daniel Rendn Herrera, better known as Don Mario, once handled finances for the paramilitary group Bloque Centauros. Join Facebook to connect with Nini Johana Usuga and others you may know. [37] In October 2018, it was reported that as a result of the deaths and arrests of these three senior leaders within a year of either each other, the Gulf Clan saw a major reorganization in its leadership, with Giovanis vila Villadiego, alias "Chiquito Malo," reportedly the main person in charge of maritime trafficking routes to the United States and Europe; Nelson Daro Hurtado Simanca, alias "Marihuano," in command of the Central Urab Bloc (Bloque Central Urab) and some 700 men in the Caribbean sub-region; and other commanders of regional blocs. Es hijo de una humilde familia campesina compuesta por su padre Juan de Dios Usuga Orrego y su recin fallecida madre Ana Celsa David.