TheInquisition retain only their two Named Characters. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. Theres a bunch of stuff here that gets decent discounts or modest changes that make them a bit more usable without pushing them over into true winners. We see quite a lot of points changes too, with a lot of the relic entries becoming cheaper across the board, with other units being adjusted upwards. Ultimately, its a stronger unit, but its still a Lord of War. The Adeptus Mechanicus get updated profiles for the Secutarii with rules keying off the new Titan Legion keyword that has been added for Titans. So if you were debating trying it before, it is certainly more tempting now (but still D3 damage, ugh). The Imperium section of the book is fairly chunky and contains a shed load of new profiles and rules! The Warp Hunter is still way too expensive for how fragile it is, while the Nightwing gets a weird makeover from undercosted cheap option to trying to be a heavier flyer, and there just isnt a slot for what its doing. At that point, given their defensive profile and the fact that they can just flatten stuff in melee, I think theres a plausible argument for trying three of these as a silly gimmick build. Luckily the new Imperial Armour Compendium is here to solve both those problems, and GW have been kind enough to send us a copy. Now yes, that nearly in the previous sentence is a little ominous as there are a couple of strange exceptions. Ares Gunship: ARES-GATE continues, with a 20 point increase, and the attack changes from the Orion. There are some changes in weapons as well stormcannon arrays trade 2 shots for an extra 12 range, melta lances gain blast but swap from 2d3 to d6 shots, and the grav-flux bombard doubles in shots and has a more standard grav weapon statline. Void shields have also been completely redesigned and are no longer a confusing degrading not-invulnerable save. The big greater daemon models are still neat, but you arent really going to field them. Their weapons have been massively simplified, now having either an 18 Assault d6 Blast mode thats S5 AP-1 OR a 24 Assault 1 S6 AP-3 D3 shot. This is a great change as I often felt some of the Forge World units had some very odd costings. The command squads are obviously the more desireable option, since they get an extra attack with no extra cost, and the good news is that you dont have to include a Commander to be able to take them any more each Commander just lets you take one without using a slot. This ability is included on most relic units dawning from the Horus Heresy era if a unit has this ability on its profile then the detachment it is taken in increases in cost by 1CP. Finally, theHades Breaching Drill looks kind of great now its been detached from the mandatory tag-along veterans, so you can take them as a separate squad as desired, and its melee attacks have been charged up, both getting d3+3 instead of d3 and being flat D3 against most targets and flat D6 against vehicles. We were very lucky to receive a copy of Imperial Armour Compendium a little early from Games Workshop to review and share the content with you all! Credit: Jack Hunter. Not only do we finally get a Titan Legions faction we can draw our army from, but we also get some massively reworked Titan profiles! Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It gets a 4++ to compensate, but Im not sure that gets it back over the line into lists with all the cool new options to compete with. Putting aside the insult that they cost the same as their loyalist counterparts, lacking the HELBRUTE keyword is a big problem and the added CP cost to bring them makes them more of a liability than anything. Goonhammer Reads Science Fiction: Women! A vindicator: cool. So yeah, 2+ save, and 5 points cheaper for what you probably were already doing with this unit. Uraka, CorBax, and Mamon return, as well as some of the really big greater daemons. The Imperial Armour books have also featured a few less well known successor chapters over the years, and Imperial Armour Compendium features suggested chapter tactics to best represent the way they fight I love this and gives players a framework towards designing their chapter to best fit the lore and narrative of the army as reflected in Warhammer 40k literature! As someone who loves the Death Korps of Krieg and the Titan Legions, I was very excited to see this book and check out the profiles contained within! Leviathan Dreadnought. Is that a hint of changes to come? We also have full reviews of both Codex Supplement: Space Wolves and Codex Supplement: Deathwatch, both also up for preorder today! With the new edition of the game now out in the wild, Forge World have released a similar book this time containing the rules of nearly every unit they currently produce. Now it can be done every turn (which is a pretty nice change), pick a spot on the board that it moved over, and every unit within 6 takes D3 mortals on a 4+ (-1 to the roll for non vehicle/monster characters). Im here to talk about CHAOS! This is because it is only 1500pts, leaving you enough leftovers to putsomething in your list to contest objectives, and its statline is a wild ride. A nice little boost overall. It lost the ability to shoot twice. Now your mileage may vary if you only collect one army, but as I have multiple armies with a wide and varied range of Forge World models across them I much prefer having them all in the one book. Offensively, the melta cutter increased from d3 shots to 5 shots and picked up the new melta rules, and the termite drill loses the complicated mortal wound thing in exchange for a straight damage increase d3+3 against most targets, and a colossal d3+6 against vehicles. #warhammercommunity #warhammer #warhammer40k #wargames #wargaming #tyranids #tyranid #gamesworkshop #citadel #citadelminiatures #hivetyrant #40k #warmongers #hobby #paintingwarhammer #painting #paintingminiatures #miniaturespainting #miniatures #90s, Busy day at Sprues & Brews HQ! Finally, for winners, theKill Tank looks surprisingly pushed at its new price, coming down 100pts for the bursta cannon build and a mighty 155 for the giga-shoota build. Massive thanks to @warhammerofficial for sending us a free review copy of Angron! Effectively this is the second movement nerf of the Cerastus variant (because reasons). Finally, theWasp Assault Walker is justgone, which is a blow to some configurations ofExpert Crafter go-wide builds, as you lose the option of essentially taking three more deep-strike War Walkers. Remember that these Dreadnoughts dont currently get Legion Traits, since they arent INFANTRY, BIKERS, HELBRUTES, or CHARACTERS. The Kustom Stompa not only gets a decent points cut to 800 points, but also gets ome much improved weapons such as the Belly Gun now getting 3D6 shots! imperial armour compendium 9th edition pdf trove. He might be an Elite or an HQ (listed differently in the points values vs his datasheet), but either way hes clearly worth taking. The Hellcrusher claws have added a sweep mode for clearing out smaller units very helpful and the Scorpion cannon now fires 15 S5 1 damage shots instead of 10 S6 2 damage shots. Over the next few weeks, well be diving much deeper into these new rules and how they shake things up for each faction and make no mistake, theyshake things up in some pretty big ways. There are two wide-reaching rules for marines. As to the profiles themselves, the Krieg have lost any units that still do not have models produced by Forge World In addition to this, with the Death Korps now acting as a supplement to the core Astra Militarum book they simply use the base guardsman profiles for their troops this is a shame as they Krieg did have the advantage of slightly better WS, however I do think this is for the better in balance, as this means that then we get a new 9th Edition Astra Militarum book we will simply be able to port over the surviving Krieg units directly into that new army with minimal issues! Both options are now a pretty substantial firepower boost. TheMeka-Dread andMega-Dread both get quite a lot cheaper and that definitely works in their favour they dont have as many weird and wonderful options, but their defensive profile is just way more proportionate to their price if you feel like taking them. First up is the Martial Legacy special rule. The Gargantuan Squiggoth can also fall back and charge and even move over other units as it they were not there, something lacking in the current sheet making it easy to pin then down. Engineers are less exciting they lose their weird super shotguns and are basically kind of boring. Note that all of these datasheets are considered to have theHateful Assaultrule since they have all rules that apply to all Chaos Space Marines datasheets, but its not listed on the datasheets here themselves, making it one of the more roundabout ways of doing this. Sagittarum Guard [CORE] : Same points, but apparently the bolter half of their gun was a heavy bolter, because now it is 2 damage. They all picked up a substantial number of wounds, with a warhound now having 50 wounds and a warlord 120, but dropped in toughness, with the warlord the only titan at T9. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Also the Adrathic option is slightly cheaper, so basically everything about Aquilon got better, except for the claw. Terrax-pattern Termite Assault Drill-Credit: Pendulin. Finally, the dark horse that I am hoping doesnt turn out to go anywhere of the units in this book with titan in their name, the Revenant Titan is probably closest to being decent in a Strike Force game. If youre a user of these its worth scanning through and checking for the addition of Blast on their guns Knights missed out on the first pass of FAQs due to not being in the main indexes. They no longer give hit re-rolls, instead repairing a vehicle and reloading any once-per-battle weapons. Also, R.I.P. 21.8M . 2 - Space Marines and Forces of the Inquisition, War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes (Second Edition), Vol. While it only has 32W, its got T9, a built in 4++ against shooting and the right keywords for Lightning Fast, making it extremely non-trivial to kill at range, especially if you stickFortune on it as well. Given how good Ghaz is that isnt a massive ask, and this guy importantlycan still takeDa Killa Klaw, has the right keyword to beDa Biggest Boss if you arent packing Ghaz, and has gained a point of toughness (T7!) Its tougher, its way meaner on the offence, it starts with its 5++ and grows a 5+++as well if it devours something and only pays an extra 20pts for the privilege. In a move for anyone who loves the Mole Launcher too, the squad can now have this as an attachment too rather than having to replace squad members! A lot of the profiles have been tidied a little and they benefit greatly from this, as degrading profiles on low wound models like this was often a problem in the previous edition. My trusty Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum was starting to look a little dog-eared by the end of the edition! Ankbars Expedition Kharadron Overlords, Podcast: 110 | Wolves and the Watch Sprues & Brews. In the past, there were a few standout units that could be found in almost any army (looking at you contemptors and leviathans), and a lot of units that were just nowhere near usable. which get a few tweaks but dont change massively. Weapon profiles and the stat line stayed exactly the same, its just firing half as many shots. Kind of everything else. Next, what if you want an incredibly stupid super-sized Lord of War drop pod? #warhammercommunity #StreamingLive #PaintingWarhammer, Blood for the blood god!! The basic and command squad variants go up to three wounds a pop with a 5+ FNP for 15pts each, and get slightly improved in melee from their previous incarnation, with their mounts getting a point of AP on their attacks. In an edition that prioritizes having bodies to take objectives and keep your opponent off theirs, spending several hundred points on a single tank thats going to have trouble moving around is already a tough sell, and adding a big additional CP cost is a tough pill to swallow. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. All the titans are winners. RIP. Warhammer 40k - Imperial Armour . Some had vastly over the top rules for their relatively cheap points levels, while others seemed far too expensive in points for their in-game performance. The second thing to note is that this section includes a single new Stratagem: The SmokescreenStratagem from Codex: Space Marines makes an appearance here, allowing units with the relevant keyword (mostly tanks) to pop smoke when shot at for 1 CP instead of having that ability for free in a more proactive use way. Instead, weve lasered in on our areas of expertise and pulled out what we think the winners, losers and other notable changes are for each faction, aiming to give you the lowdown on the things that matter most. GW noticed that theGargantuan Squiggothhad no business being as cheap as it was, and have substantially hiked the price. Warhammer 40k - 8th Edition.pdf download. Atomantic Shielding matches the contemptor, so only a 5+ invulnerable save rather than 4+, combining for an overall substantial drop in durability. Really onlyStone-Crusher Carnifexeshere they cant be taken as broods any more and went up a bit in cost when they probably didnt need to. However, were concerned that if we dont make this statement Condit will kill us: Just play Titanicus instead. Coronus Grav-Carrier: 15 points cheaper, lost -2 to charge and kept fly (like the other grav vehicles). Vindicator Laser Destroyer. Also Available on Spotify & Google Podcasts, The Hive Tyrant was one of the first models I ever painted for Warhammer 40k, so when I saw an unpainted one on ebay I knew I had to paint it up in honour of it! TheKustom Stompa gets its cost brought more in line with a standard one, which is a relief, and its Stompa lifta-droppa gets an absurd boost, going to 4d3 shots instead of 2d6, rolling 3d6 against T to wound and now doing d3+3 damage at AP-4 instead of just a single mortal. Warhammer 40k . None of them.and all of them. Thats especially true because. The Tarantula Battery also makes the move to a Fortification slot, making taking 3 units of these very tempting for some objective defence! Astraeus! The Gatling Cannon is unchanged, and the Cleavers Slash profile gets a helpful boost moving to 2 damage from D3. The flamer shooting profile is up to 12 now, like most of the flamer archetype weapons. Moreso than almost any other faction, Chaos Space Marines have leaned on Forge World units to stay competitive in days gone by. Out of the other units, theTesseract Ark also got cheaper (especially if you swap the cannots to particle beamers) but its tough to say if it truly ends up as a winner because of the change to Quantum Shielding, which is definitely a major downgrade on it. Todays Forgeworld Preorders Imperial Armour Compendium andNecromunda! Still immunity to melta extra damage? The Red Scorpions, Minotaurs, Blood Ravens, Astral Claws and Carcharodons are all represented here along with characters including Chapter Masters for you to lead your forces with. BIG bonus. At 125 points per model, theyre almost a steal and I could very easily see them getting play in an outrider with lots of Myphitic Blight-Haulers. The Necron Tomb Stalker and Tomb Sentinel both getbig point cuts and some marginal melee weapon improvements, and while they lose a point of BS/WS, realistically any list that uses them is going to be leveraging their ability to drop in next to a Technomancer with a control node anyway, so thats easily mitigated. Combined with the contents of the new Space Marines Codex you will be able to carry the torch for these under represented armies! Cerastus-Knight Lancer saw not only a 20 points drop, but also gained a souped up melee attack profile for when it charges. Warhammer 40,000 Imperial Armour: Compendium is available now from Forge World for 40. At the moment this profile only applies to the Macharius twin variant, however it would not surprise me to see that profile in the new AM book! Weve seen a bit of that thus far in 9th, with hangover 8th Edition rules throwing up a few very powerful choices in the Edition transition, while other units are complete trash at their Chapter Approved costs. In the same way as Space Marines, the Traitors also have to spend an additional CP if they want to take a Martial Legacy unit. The 5 included chapters are as follows: Red Scorpions Ultramarines with Inheritors of the Primarch. Theres a clear set of principles running through all the changes in this book, which are generally very healthy for the game but might make owners of a few units a bit sad. In addition to being recommendations and not rules, theyre just kinda boring. (LogOut/ These certainly exist, and you can use them. He did also get whats probably a downgrade in being declared a Terminator, but if you were planning on warping him in anyway its much of a muchness. Now it only ignores modifiers for Combat Attrition meaning it is still possible to force you off an objective from shooting. While not as inexpensive as it was at the end of 8th, if you can afford the 3 CP for a superheavy auxiliary detachment its totally usable. Credit: Jack Hunter. The Hornet is also -1 to hit all the time without having to advance. Theyre still not amazing they dropped from being toughness 9 down to toughness 8, though picked up a bit of improvement in their guns. The deathshroud cannons have also been augmented with Blast on both modes, and the big shots have also gone to flat damage two, while the inferno lance gains the new melta rule and is going to be able to deploy that straight out of deep strike. Our two favorite dreads have decided to take a little break from carrying marine lists. Out the gate as our first winner we have theHornet,because all the reasons they used to be good have pretty much stayed the same or improved. Really like the changes so far! Nice buff, and considering they are my favorite troop unit, I am certainly not complaining. Similar to named characters in any other book, Forgeworld has mandated a specific warlord trait for them, unfortunately that trait is Inspiring Leader from the core rulebook, so youll never actually want to make one of these characters your warlord. Notice it also isnt CORE, so maybe no rerolls for you in the future. Forge World formed a key part of competitive play in 8th Edition, offering a wide range of additional options for some factions alongside some very cool models for players who wanted to try something different. With a big laser: cooler. Imperial Armour Compendium is an Imperial Armour book for the 9th Edition of Warhammer 40,000. Across the board most special rules have moved from being specifically written out on datasheets to referencing back to Codex: Space Marines. Also RIP Samus, who has been consigned to the Legendary dustbin of history. Credit: Jack Hunter. the Soulshatter Bombard is just a Demolisher Cannon now, and the Hellmaw Flame cannons are Assault and have a 12 range. Boo. It retains the CORE keyword, and if you arm it with a kheres assault cannon or multimelta and dreadnought close combat weapon it costs the same as the codex version (well, and an extra 1 CP cost.). Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Units have also had the CORE keyword added, setting them up to be futureproofed for a future Custodes Codex. After all those words about the leviathan changes, this is a breath of fresh air. The Infernus puicks up a big functional improvement too, with its Inferno gun going up to 3d6 shots! This has changed somewhat from the previous incarnation, and arguably is a little worse for your foot slogging troops. The only other change is to the bombs, which is drastically different. Much the same as their imperial counterparts! The Inquisition get a couple of updated profiles for Lok and Rex bringing these guys up to date! Combat Engineers have also had a rework with their shotguns becoming a lot less deadly, but getting a great rate of fire and the ability to pop up anywhere on the battlefield. The Dreadnoughts really eat shit here. If youd asked us to pick units that were at real risk of just getting nuked from orbit in a re-write this would have been high on the list, so it getting to keep doing its thing, only even better, is a huge relief for nid players. They also get the Termite added as a transport option, which also gives them an aggressive high strength close combat unit in the form of the drill itself! So stay tuned for those articles and in the meantime, if you have any questions or feedback, drop us a note in the comments below or email us (LogOut/ [ [2] Description This compendium includes 222 datasheets, including super-heavy units and highly specialised troops. It probably still doesnt cross the line to being actuallygood,but Im certainly looking at the arms of my largest robot son contemplatively. Lets look at how things shake out. Well be following up further on some factions over the next few weeks, so make sure you keep an eye out for those if youve got a particular set of units in mind. Also randomly lost 1 point in base strength characteristic, not that is was any good in melee anyway. Also the shooting attack on the spear is up to flat 3 damage, from D3 damage. Imperial Armour Compendium Review. The Hades Breaching Drill can also finally carry Combat Engineers too, something that was overlooked in the previous index. In the points section these are listed correctly however. Void shields now work in a much different way essentially while they are active you have a 5+ save, and each generator has 3 shield points each time you fail a save you lose a shield point, any excess damage is wasted, meaning you want to try and force them down with low Damage weapons to get the most benefit once a shield hits 0 points it collapses, but if you dont collapse it in a turn then it regains all its points in the command phase. Goonhammer and Stat Check are Teaming Up! Welcome to the Imperial Armour Compendium . as well. All of them got boosts and points drops. The Dreadclaw Drop Pod and the Chaos Terrax Pattern Termite are the big winners here, both being nasty threats that help deliver Chaos Space Marines to the battlefield in interesting ways. The Trojan now has a fun rule that allows One Shot weapons to fire again so, for example, you can use one to reload a Deathstrike allowing it to fire a second time! This isincredibly bad;for some units itll just limit to your ability to include multiples but more than likely itll just make some units unplayably bad, since theyre likely to be overcosted before you include the CP. Pallas Grav-Attack: Lost the -2 to charge grav ability, but is 10 points cheaper. Not a huge change, but really impactful vs some targets. 9ed Imperial Armour - Compendium PDF Original Title: 9ed Imperial Armour - Compendium.pdf Uploaded by Copyright: All Rights Reserved Available Formats Download as PDF or read online from Scribd Flag for inappropriate content Download now of 212 Credit: Jack Hunter. Our full review and unboxing is up over on #warhammercommunity #warhammer #warcry #miniatures #miniaturespainting #soulblightgravelords #vampire #paintingwarhammer #painting #gamesworkshop, Our Sunday evening painting stream is live on YouTube and Twitch! An Astraeus has 2 void shields, so it has a nice little buffer before it starts taking damage. It changes a reasonable amount the weapon goes to D2 rather than D3but the Nova charge mode is now just a flat 9 shots per fun (so 18 total), it goes up to S7 when you Nova it, and the whole package has come down a cool 110pts. You have to agree that is a massive amount of profiles available in the book! Sadly, the loss of the OG FW index habit of just slapping BS2+ on everything big hits Tau among the hardest. Its unfortunate that these are just presented as a recommendation, as they effectively mean nothing and people will continue to play with whatever rules they want. Last for this section, theTaunar almost certainly works out as a loser. Grey Knights get a variant of the Land Raider which has psycannons on it, for some reason with a different profile than seen on normal ones. The Hierophant also gets a huge points drop to 850 points from its previous cost of 2000 so hopefully we start to see more of these, as they are amazing models! We see some randomness removed in the Orks, especially with the Grot Tanks and Mega Tanks who now have a movement of 6+D6 rather than 2D6 making them a lot more reliable in regards to movement! The free Wraithcannon option vanishes into the mists, but the spear gets a damage bump (to d3+3) and the ability to take a D-Cannon remains. It also has a much more sturdy defensive profile, and an improved version of the thermal jets rule for stuff it flies over. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The Firepike is now 15 range, so a 3 boost which is neat. Brayarth Ashmantle keeps his strength 8, but drops from toughness 9 all the way to toughness 7. I hope this is something we see for other less known chapters in the future, even if it is in White Dwarf articles. The Astra Militarum were the OG beneficiaries of Forge World units, and they retain a prodigious range, though some of their options have been archived off as part of this update (mostly very similar variants on existing units). If one of the shields takes damage but isnt destroyed, itll regenerate at the beginning of your command phase, which is cute but is unlikely to regularly happen in practice as most decent alpha strikes will go through both of the shields. 800 pts, but what do you get for that? Credit: CrabStuffedMushrooms. If there are units that I think are still worth it, Ill note them below. 173.9M . Unsure, but in the meantime it is very much still a Land Raider, with all the problems that entails. This is a much better way of the unit working and makes my life as a Krieg commander much easier in terms of having to previously try and fence off the crew to stop them getting charged! for open , narrative and matched play. Now, sure he's a bit less survivable with t7 (and not a 4++ in cc, oh noooo) but his guns are sort of better and he's so cheap. Thats exactly it. TheValdor Tank Hunter is in a similar boar where it got a decent discount, but lost some oomph in exchange, and doesnt really end up as a desireable package overall. Unless youre set on bringing fancy weapon options, stick with the codex version. On top of that, they got 1pt cheaper each, and got built in deep strike, and I think the latter point combined with the fact that their new big shots are perfect Gravis killers, especially underExpert Crafters, makes these worth a look. Trojans are the other huge loss. Sky Slasher Swarms also get a bump their stats and costs are unchanged, but they get built in deep strike. Generally, this replaces the old Relic rule now each time you include a unit with this rule in a detachment the Command Cost of that detachment is increased by 1. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. In Lords of War land the Cobra and Scorpion also both got respectable point cuts and arebetter than they used to be, but probably still dont have a serious role in lists. Given they can go after hordes very effectively as well, I think these have been priced pretty close to right. The points have gone up a little, but taking everything together Ithink theres still a unit here, just sitting in a very different role than we used to see. On the whole, the Kytan is better as a unit, but still worse than it was in 8th edition because its a Lord of War and in 9th edition those are terrible if they cant be your Supreme Commander. The 9th Edition Imperial Armour Compendium was released on October 30, 2020. Acanthrites also get a decent point cut to pay back their loss of BS, and definitely end up as a better unit out of it, even if I struggle to see myself ever taking them over more Skorpekh. The Regimental Doctrine for Krieg was shown off on Warcom and is kind ofeh not really lighting up the world. Finally the Tyranids have units with some updates such as the awesome looking Dimachaeron which not only has more wounds and a base 5+ inv save, but can also gain a 5+ wound shrug too if it kills something with its Spine Maw! To start with, its bumped up to 30 wounds. While recently they havent needed them quite as much, there were certainly times when Hellforged Deredeos and Leviathans were big business, and Ive run a Kytan Ravager on more than one occasion. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for STAREVER of ROUBAIX, HAUTS DE FRANCE. Credit: That Gobbo. Rob: Surprise! On the plus side, almost all of them saw points drops, except the Castigator. Any weapons that Forgeworld doesnt currently make in 28mm are gone, so goodbye to reaver chainfists and carapace weapons that arent the apocalypse missile launcher and warlord carapace weapons that arent apocalypse launchers or laser blasters. These datasheets include. Cerastus Knight-Castigator. Cool, but nothing particularly good. Titan Legions have had a massive boost in this book! Whereas before Chaos players could laugh at loyalists forced to play around unit restrictions thanks to the Relic rule, now were in the exact same boat as loyalists, in that many of the units that you might take from this book now cost you 1 CP to add to a detachment. Unfortunately, both of these get hit hard by being forced to take theInspiring Leader warlord trait. A bright point is his dreadfire claw switching from damage D6 to damage 4, but without the absurd durability he used to have, and without the choice of warlord traits, hes not bringing much to the table. Loyalist Knight Atrapos. Pure upside is the best kind of upside. 2+ save Venatari, wtfffffffffff. First and foremost are the Astra Militarum which also includes a new Regimental Doctrine for the Death Korps of Krieg.