0:00 / 1:58:33 Emery Smith's former fianc says he is a fraud and a liar? UPDATE, NEXT DAY, 12/29, 1:06 PM: MIRACULOUS RECOVERY. This decision was difficult for me as I dedicated five and a half years of my lifes work to create meaningful content to share with our community. Emery Smith interview with Jordon Sather, 2018. Thank you for your committment, work and dedication for us all. The best propaganda is 80% truth with 20% lies to confuse the seekers. It is impossible to know how many references to Ormus can be found in writings from the ancient world, because it was called by other names. As with the complete theft of everything in his house, I have asked him to document the vehicle damage with photos and video for later publication. I deal with the Firestone Clinic at St Jospehs Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Maybe that's why he doesn't use that terminology. PLATAFORMA LMS. Additionally, just since I said I was about to do more YouTube videos, the entire service has been overwhelmed with tons of new, fake David Wilcock videos. Furthermore, everything business-related gets delayed around the holidays, making it even tougher. I want you to tell them, whoever is in charge, I want you to tell them that they have this coming week to get into Washington and to report to me. It is going together, hand in hand, with attacks from direct energy weapons. He became very despondent from this, as expected. This causes a lot of people lack of energy and lack of drive, lack of sleep, hypervigilance, nightmares, fears and negative thoughts at bedtime, during sleep or when waking up. How can u get monoatomic gold from sea salts and distilled water? We are very, very grateful that Emerys dog Raven was not killed, and that he was able to get the dog back. They know he loves his dog and thus may use the dig as a trojan to get to him when they cant get him in other ways. DECLAS: Social Media Nukes An Entire Generation But Why? everything they said about this wasn't true, Reviewed in Australia on February 16, 2021, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. A little research can go a long way. Clearly, they are doing everything they can to try to distract, divert and destroy our efforts. Why? With that being said, here is some of the documentation we gathered from Emerys visit to the Eisenhower Medical Center in Palm Springs. | (New Free Movie!). They are trying to punish him for coming forward, and it only further proves he is for real. When I clicked to check on it, I had yet another three-digit synchronicity: For me, that was another sign that this really needed a full article all its own well before I knew he would be going in again. Perhaps all the species that he came across were in fact benevolent, so he extrapolated that all ETs are therefore benevolent. I know that by pulling together as a team, we can surround Emery with protection and ensure his survival. His vehicle, however, was completely totaled. this is only 2.6 degrees below the temperature where permanent brain damage or death can result 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit. She also confirms that he has not been on any secret missions, working for Trump, or any of the other completely crazy claims he makes. I feel confident that with your help, Emery is going to make it. I had lived with ptsd and auto immune symptoms for years. Unit price / per . I believed that he would not be safe unless he did so, as Publicity is Protection. A series of very violent and suspicious events occurred soon after he decided to come forward on Gaia. It is very difficult to imagine how far we might already have gone with the full cooperation and technology of multiple ET races, all kept in secret. After Eisenhower was JFK. It has a hefty price tag for good reason, that would be my only complaint. Thank you Emery for sharing your valuable information and risking your life for us. By attacking him so forcefully and frontally, they are indeed making it very obvious that they are on the ropes and feeling threatened by this. Coreys life was threatened. We are calling for your prayers for his health and safety. I had heard of its potency, but was still pleasantly surprised by the positive affects it gave me, and how quickly it brought me back into balance. Watch with Gaia 3. My is with you all. They knew that it is true and have prepared. The Golden thread that weaves his work together is the science of Ascension - a solar-system-wide transformation that elevates earth and humanity to a higher phase of spiritual advancement. I wish I had money to help but my thoughts, meditations and all the light I can muster will be dedicated to him. You are all a inspiration to bravery and I can only hope I will step up as you all have when and if the time comes, you are all great example of love and trust incarnate thank you Lisa. From a spiritual perspective, attacks against Emery like this (or anyone else) also authorize the good guys to do much more to quicken the Deep States downfall. Pretty sure it is his name though. And this directly applies to examining evidence and continually asking for Informed Consent in EVERYTHING that impacts our mind, body and spirit, and in our world. I have known Emery Smith since 2008. By the way, Coreys Sphere Being Alliance website has been very severely hacked. They are working hard, so does our G-d Father in Heaven. Even the Tom DeLonge soft disclosure we covered in the previous article included the idea that some deeper force was working to prevent this information from ever being distributed. I was reading about the third eye and then I came across someone recommending this supplement. I can honestly say that I never experienced any such thing. Whoever did this may have hoped that the added shock of having his dog stolen could further weaken his health and cause him to actually die. So please consider giving financial assistance to Emery if you have not already done so. A single bullet was left standing on his countertop. The first day I tried Ormus I felt very clear minded, for the first time in a long time. I would drop to 52% blood oxygen level 7x night!! His temperature has come down, his vital signs have stabilized and he is not in the hospital. During their marriage, he traveled the world tirelessly to master energy healing techniques to help her, searching from the U.S. to Brazil, from China to India, from Europe to Mexico. They are sworn to secrecy, upon pain of death, and usually have no idea that the highest military officials in the nation even the Joint Chiefs of Staff may be completely unaware of their activities. The only vaccine not containing contamination was a veterinarian sample. I see this as another sign that the Satanists are being defeated: Thank you again for stepping up to help Emery in his hour of greatest need. I have tried a few different ormus products now and this one seems to be the purest. "No Contact! CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO THE EMERY SMITH SURVIVAL FUND, HE WAS ALREADY IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM BY THIS POINT. and all this is done by use of quantum AI technology. Send $100 to my paypal account and I'll mail you some snake oil. Remember if we have nothing insider of us that is better than those created angels or evil spirits, they would have not abducted some of us, experimented us, or genetically modified us, or scanned us to learn restricted things from G-d inside of us. He has said that, like humans, there are BOTH good and bad aliens. This is what the insider said, in his own words, about Eisenhowers reaction when he was called in to be part of a team that would confront Area 51: http://exopolitics.org/eisenhower-threatened-to-invade-area-51-former-us-congress-members-hear-testimony/. His health was also very bad, with what he believed was pneumonia. Every individuals information has parts of it that are valid and parts that arent. Many others are undoubtedly facing similar threats at this time. Please try again. Some report that taking Ormus causes better functioning neurons, or neural clarity which enables the electric body to operate in a more efficient manner. Emery Smith claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. This brand of Ormus is effective and I am on my third bottle. In response to Dolans question, Eisenhower was going to invade Area 51? the CIA agent confirmed that Eisenhower indeed planned to do so with the First Army. We create quantum energized oils that communicate to your body and soul on a multicellular level to heal itself. this article. As you may be aware, a letter circulated online beginning on July 6th, 2018, which was claimed to be a copy of my contract non-renewal email to Gaia. slowly boiling the water, all frogs die in unawareness. It is all parts of gang stalking or organized harassment which is common techniques of secret services and secret societies to eliminate undesirable individuals. Emery Smith likely has various facets of his accounts that are in fact very true indeed. Emery Smith was on an episode of Cosmic Disclosure with David Wilcock. These attacks reek of desperation on behalf of the Deep State. That being said, I did have my life threatened. What your relating about what the Blue Avians told Corey sounds a whole lot like gradual ascension to me. So far I have noticed on my first day is, happiness, clear minded, energetic. Home; Investigacin; emery smith ormus; June 24, 2022. emery smith ormus We are simply some of those people. as I watched quite a good amount of the information like this, I would like to say that the history is repeating. Acts of terror like this reek of total desperation. The Drone Pilots..never seen, only heard With a style harking back to the lost art of mixing, The Drone Pilots have been exploring atmospheric, deep, and classic progressive genres for more than a decade. No. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Simply put, he was already in the emergency room by the time I posted the proof of his dogs abduction. So I decided to give it a go and see what happens. I didnt incarnate in this lifetime to not see this thing through! Massaging in is un-necessary! I practice martial arts, and when I train, I find myself in an almost meditative state, as if I am in an entirely different world. Where does Emery Smith get his Ormus from? It up to everyone of you to see through that 20%. The list goes on and on. mobile homes with utilities included; nasr's restaurant omaha; chn pigeon club; 24 inch plastic cylinder vase. 2. The only other thing I have to give you his signature at this point, since all of this is so new, is a brief clip from our first episode. This could have been the result of how rough things got before we bailed him out, coupled with lack of sleep and massive stress. I had lived with ptsd and auto immune symptoms for years. Emery Smith claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. What we are seeing is that even the President of the United States was only given a little taste of what was going on at Area 51, even after threatening them. These various incidents, including the leaking of the letter circulated online, were very effective in destroying the good faith and the relationships that Gaia and I had built, for over five years. Gaia has offered him some assistance, but this is a grassroots company that pays everyone equally and cannot throw large amounts of money around. If our own elected officials have no access to such potentially significant programs, going all the way back to Eisenhower, we have a very serious problem on our hands. Available on Prime Video, Gaia. It was not Gaias fault that Emery went through these threats and violent incidents. That is obviously not an accident. It can come back around on them in very unexpected ways. all these disclosures are nothing but the evil and devils work to learn the secret of the creation of our G-d. ORMUS encourages cells to tap into peak performance and take clarity of mind, thought, and intention to the next level. I am going to keep plowing right on ahead, as we still have a great deal of important new intel to release from Corey Goodes side of things. Here was a part of it: We pulled over to let dogs pee and in 5 min three black SUVs followed us right after sunset. Which is bull fucking shit. The information provided on AnuAlchemy.com is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professionalmedical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This had occurred shortly after the last time I had released intel from him in August: The police said there was no traceable evidence of a break-in, despite clear boot-prints on the door where it was kicked in. Heres the update I wrote to the last article about this, in case you may have missed it: BEGIN UPDATE WEDNESDAY 12/27, 11:33 AM: EMERY SMITH HIT WITH VERY SERIOUS ATTACK, https://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1223-targeted-arrests?showall=&start=1. Spelt out by the Law of One. Because the truth is hidden from us purposefully and obscured and confused by globally powerful cabals that control black propagandists and shills of all types (some of which are in this very sub). Could it be that the Cabal has put nanites in vaccines? Safety, lve light and blessings sent to you and yours and to Emery for a speady and safe recovery. This also proves even more what a fraud David Wilcock is as he has pushed this guy as legitimate for a long time. I dont know how to proceed here Im pretty sure I got to be a stupid super secret astronaut for the government (Im having some problems that I wont go into detail here- but suffice to say, they aint normal). He tells us of his induction into secret military testing facilities where he was tasked with dissecting extraterrestrial tissue samples. There is more to it than what I've just written, but these are just a few of the red flags that made me lose trust in Emery. My meditations were a little more enhanced and felt a more beautiful connection to everything and felt a difference with ease of shutting out the noisy brain chatter. Application of Ormus produces improvement in growth & size. Emery did appear openly at many CSETI gatherings where CE-5 contact protocols were being used to call in potential UFO sightings. We need to understand how these attacks are done, quantum AI with the help of nanites or nanotechnology, about able to see what a human is seeing and hear what a human is hearing, also are able to read the any human though anywhere in the world, now quantum ai and plan any attack on anybody on the planet earth. View the profiles of people named Emery Smith. On Christmas Day, you began saving Emerys life by sending him donations. Emery Edison Smith II 81 years old, of El Paso, TX, passed away peacefully surrounded by his family on January 10, 2023 in Abilene Texas. I couldnt be more pleased with what has happened here. We came from all corners of the universe, the best of the best of the best of THE BEST LIGHT WARRIORS THERE ARE! These hiding places will prevent the to be killed by the first wave of G-ds power so they will come out to join the war with Satan against that of Christ. We create quantum energized oils that communicate to your body and soul on a multicellular level to heal itself. Peace be with all of you. 10/10. Given the importance of Informed Consent for the protection of HUMAN RIGHTS and as an ethical doctrine, it is applicable to UNIVERSAL LAWS in the petition of DEMANDING FACTUAL TRUTHS of ACCURATE EVENTS to be REVEALED to the human population in the event of FULL DISCLOSURE. (Im not a preper really but anybody can use this maybe even in a nebulizer)! Thats what sealed it for me that emery smith is a lunatic lying through his teeth. MOMENT OF TRUTH: Q Anon Discloses Secret Space Program. I want you and your boss to fly out there. Because it is simple, without our Almighty G-d, none of humans can win this race. Some users will experience effects immediately, while others it may take weeks or even months. Common sense! I was originally going to add this as an additional update to the last article. The Cabal folks seem very angry and jealous right now. This product contains no gold or any of the valuable metals this is false advertising.. I personally believe this stuff assists me in tapping into a deeper intuitive clarity when I take it before yoga and meditations as well as when I am feeling a little stuck at work. Paul had just pulled out of a grocery store onto a busy, double-lane road. By working together to get this content out, we were all doing our best to make the world a brighter and happier place, with greater freedom for all, and to fight for the release of suppressed technology and information. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. All it does is show us how very real all of this is. Your email address will not be published. Some people may apply Ormus to the neck, throat, upper chest, arms and back of hands and any other area of skin. One thing weve learned about the Dark Alliance / Deep State is they get really, really pissed off when they are trying to destroy someone and we then rise to their aid. After traveling to Area 51 and S-4, the CIA agent said that he saw several garage type doors with flying saucers in them. Literally. I wish I could talk to you. The case is very complex. None of this should ever have been made public, but since it now has, it is important that I clarify a variety of issues that many people have already jumped to conclusions about. Please check compatibility before purchasing. Anu Alchemy Ormus is collected in Navapashanam water by a loving community during the full moon, solstice,equinox and eclipse times. I even dreamed that my higher self and the higher self of my co-worker got together and talked to each other in a dream. I was very reluctant to publicize this at the time. Emery was featured with Dr. Steven Greer in the film "Sirius" and is known for his research and DNA testing on the 6-inch long Atacama Humanoid body from the Atacama Desert in Chile. In this episode of Cosmic Disclosure with Emery Smith, John Lear brings forward information pertaining to the artificial origin of our moon and the flurry of extraterrestrial activity sprawling across its surface. Just so we are clear. Its UGLY, but we, as a COLLECTIVE NEED to know the TRUTH! Emery has provided detailed accounts of autopsying over 3,000 alien specimens, and over 1200 nearly complete bodies. Something Big is Coming, Part II: Is Wikileaks About to Drop the Nuke?. Gaia allowed me to express what I wanted in 276 episodes of Wisdom Teachings, and I thank them for that. Thats what happens being an individual: You have your own perspective on things. bf ~ armas escalares na origem dos Terramotos da Turquia. Shae aka Kyotey. Your account must be 60 days old AND you must have 50 combined comment and post karma. I would never have wanted such a thing to be made public and to cause any issues for Gaia. In Pyramid symbolism, if a "New Corridor" is discovered, this is (ahem) huge. Emery appears to be one of potentially thousands of covert military employees who autopsied bodies that were being given to us as payment. Gaia is part of the Broadcasting industry, and located in Colorado, United States. Mixing Ormus with psychedelics can split open the psyche, bringing unconscious material forth whether one is ready for it or not! Bear in mind that this is only 2.6 degrees below the temperature where permanent brain damage or death can result 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit. The day after we announced his coming forward, he was hit with an attack that landed him in the emergency room. Your account must be 60 days old AND you must have 50 combined comment and post karma. By utilizing ancient teachings and healing modalities, we aid in the removal of pain and limitation on a cellular and DNA level. On August 14th, 2017, I wrote David Wilcocks Brakes Sabotaged: Was It the Dark Alliance?, which featured some of Emerys intel. Hi, I'm Emery Smith; I'm 46 years old. Last night I got the kind of text from Emery that you never want to see. This is a close-up showing he had a temperature of 103 at the time this was taken. They obviously felt they were very close to destroying Emery. This is a powerful attempt by the low frequency advocates on our planet to recruit us to their reality. After coming back from breakfast and checking on this with a single click, there was another repeating-digit pattern this time 555. I strongly believe these posts were replete with willful lies and fabrications. For some time we didnt hear very much. I experienced a flushed face on the first night, but it was gone by the next morning. Discover more about the small businesses partnering with Amazon and Amazons commitment to empowering them. I watched the Corey, Emery and you Cosmic disclosure episode on AI. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. Anu Alchemy, LLC makes no promises on claims of any physical or medical outcome. The ER in Palm Springs could not admit him until 7AM the following morning. So lets talk about how all of these things may be related. Therefore, concluding that someone shouldnt be believed or paid attention to at all because they are incorrect in at least some part of their accounts seems a recipe for literally throwing all ET accounts and individuals down the drainand that, again, is a very not-intelligent thing to do. This liquid form of atomic ormus is the real deal bottom line. Anu Alchemy Ormus is collected in Navapashanam water by a loving community during the full moon. After I leaked his intel in David Wilcocks Brakes Sabotaged: Was It the Dark Alliance?, his house was burglarized to the bare walls.