If only you knew, the importance of it to me. Suddenly, a swarm of scared Skrulls appear from their hiding places. Carol: You didn't give me these powers. Carol Danvers: Not Joseph. What? When all you had to do was [Fury imitates Vers shooting the energy]. Carol Danvers: Carol and Maria's hair begins floating along with a few pens from the console between their seats. Talos: [to Talos and Soren] Captain America : You're Sokovian. Nothing that wasn't already there. Who's a good kitty Goose? Experimenting with tech that apparently could help us win the war. Almost immediately, Yon-Rogg steps onto the path and walks down it. Minn-Erva: Locals on the periphery. Maria: You didn't find her lab on Earth, because it's not on Earth. Do it alone, though. [The door knocks, and Maria moves forward to answer the door], [Fury and Vers walk towards the door and try to see who is outside. Maria: Whoa. [nods negatively and groans] That's what makes Steve stand out among the rest of the powerful people. My life. Yon-Rogg: Talos: But I enjoyed it. You're gonna give me the keys to your motorbike and your jacket, and I'm gonna let you keep your hand. Director: Wow, they're ugly bastards aren't they? Now, you know, I don't really need these to see but they do kinda complete the look. Lawson is our link to that lightspeed engine! You didn't give me these powers. You and I lost everything at the hands of the Kree. I'll come by tomorrow? And you're a Kree, a race of noble warriors. [a serious scratch is shown on his left eye], [Scene changes to Maria's house, where everyone gathered for dinner]. [Yon-Rogg looks around, assessing his surroundings.]. Carol: You knew all along. What do you want? Just let me unravel this puppy and we'll Nick Fury: However, an energy blast suddenly appears blasting straight into his chest and sending him flying backward. She then steals some clothes before riding off, Repeated line, repeated back by his subordinates, Carol is bound by Yon-Rogg and mentally summoned to the Supreme Intelligence, Supreme Intelligence starts dancing to "Come as You Are" by Nirvana, Carol attempts to blast the Supreme Intelligence, but she is stopped by the inhibitor on her neck, she knocks him backwards with a proton blast, as she looks on amused, he starts singing "Please, Mr. Postman", putting his glasses on after a fistfight with Fury, after raising Fury's suspicions by calling him "Nicholas", she laughs as he looks at her indignantly, she destroys a jukebox with a photon blast, learning the lunchbox in Carol's possession is empty, approaches towards Danvers, shoves the map out of her face, tries to retrieve his hand from Danvers, but drops on his knees out of the electric shock from Danvers' photon charge, brings out the bike keys and hands over his jacket while still struggling in pain, Agent Coulson rushes to the subway restroom responding to a distress call that a woman has been found injured there, keeps moaning while a startled Coulson moves his hand to her knee, onlookers surround the stall with baffling looks. [Referring to Earth, by its Kree code number] Whoa, whoa, whoa. Talos: Come on. Supreme Intelligence: Talos: Vers looks at all the boxes carefully before finding the one she wants], [Vers pulls two boxes off the shelf. But I can't tell what's real. That's it. Zemo : [to Captain America] I've thought about nothing else for over a year. I could go back to being your boss. if you don't want me to use them? [The scene then changes to the Kree ship approaching a jump-point. Is my universal translator working? Witness says she was dressed for laser tag. Carol: You stole me. Stan Lee (1922-2018 R.I.P): [continuing his lines] Trust me, true believer. I need you to be the best version of yourself. Vers retaliates by shooting energy from her fist, resulting in Yon-Rogg flying backwards], [Scene changes to outside of a futuristic train station. But you won't succeed in changing my mind on the subject. But what happens when Nick Fury: Now we know why. No. Do your thing. Lawson always told us that our work at Pegasus wasn't to fight wars, but to end them. Vers: To see the bird parked out by the road. Vers then runs towards the building, and Fury grabs his gun and runs towards the car. Vers: Has anybody seen what the Supreme Intelligence really looks like? Supreme Intelligence: Both Vers and Fury turn to see Goose pushed against a crate], [Vers then stops the plane from gaining altitude and Goose pushes himself off the crate, onto his four legs. This is that moment, Vers! [Vers enters a train, looking for the Skrull sniper that attacked her. All life on Earth is carbon-based. Vers: I would say that your delusional but we just got shot down by a spaceship and your blood is blue. Vers: They believe she developed a light speed engine at Pegasus. The director of SHIELD then steps out of the passenger side door of the first car]. The lady escapes before changing into one of the men and walking into the next carriage and jumping onto the roof. General Talos (voiceover): Now track Lawson until we find the energy signature. That's it. One moment. You guys don't have any clue, do you? Biker/The Don: Do a pincer move, like we did in Havana. Fury steps off and walks away while the Director stays in the elevator. Yon-Rogg: Not even our own men. I have an audio recording from Pegasus, of your voice, from a plane crash six years ago. Helpless. This is war. Vers: Vers to Star Force Command. But can you keep your emotions in check long enough to take me on? I have always admired you, Captain. Nick Fury: Your usual move. Kree Starforce. Huntsville, Alabama. Vers: The Skrulls messed with my mind. Skrulls! Korath: The Supreme Intelligence will set her straight. They're firing backward. You were smart, and funny, and a huge pain in the ass. Carol Danvers: Well to each his own. MOTHER FLERKEN!!! Ronan: For the good of all Kree, Commander the infestation will be eradicated. Fury drops Goose, At Avengers Headquarters, Fury's pager shuts off while Rogers and Romanoff view the increasing casualties of Thanos' Decimation in the war room, Romanoff turns around and suddenly sees Carol, Goose suddenly scratches Fury in his left eye, Vers and Fury enter the fifth floor of the Project Pegasus facility when a cat approaches them, an infant Skrull shows off her high-score on pinball; 968,400, Vers breaks free from the memory reading device and attacks nearby Skrull soldiers before cornering Talos, as Fury goes to take the pager, Carol pulls back her hand, Vers enters a train, looking for the Skrull sniper that attacked her. Talos: You hang onto it until I come back. When the camera pans, Talos has positioned Soren behind her, Fury and Maria are both unarmed and the Kree's have surrounded the four]. No. Freeing you to do what all Kree must. The android Captain Marvel's powers were among the worst in comics history. Fury: Huntsville, Alabama. Vers: No wait. [Scene changes to the spaceship piloted by Maria], [Minn-Erva follows the Skrulls down to Earth in a space pod. You didn't find her lab on Earth 'cause it's not on Earth. And believe me, He's winding up ". She looks at the passengers and notices someone reading the script to Mallrats]. Static electricity out here's no joke. Before I found what made you different from the others. Nick Fury: [at the door] [Fury then follows Monica off-screen, leaving Vers alone with Maria, who hasn't said a word since the incident with the kettle. You know, space invasion, big car chase, got to watch an alien autopsy. The first Captain Marvel film took place in the 90's, and ended with Danvers defeating her former mentor Yon-Rogg before helping the stranded Skrull race find a new home. Carol Danvers: So also, go watch that. The cadets laugh behind her]. Monica: Green-transforming aliens? Carol Danvers: It's still plugged in. Maria Rambeau: Carol Danvers: Carol Danvers: Skrull Scientist: A few tweaks to your vessel should do it. Talos jerks backward in his seat) like that, yeah I'm gonna keep giving him all the love and hugs he needs, right? Carol: Mmhmm. Natasha Romanoff: I've had better nightmares. Captain Marvel Granted incredible abilities when her body was infused with powers from an intergalactic race known as the Kree, Carol Danvers transformed from simply a brilliant Air Force pilot into one of the most powerful heroes in the universe. Oh, what? Yon-Rogg: We've got to get to the core before he does. Carol Danvers: On Hala, you were reborn. Yon-Rogg: Well if that were true, you'd knock me down without them. Oh, this is you when you were little, you didn't get along with your parents so Mom said we became your real family. Soren: It's okay. We didn't know what to do. Losing my best friend, in a mission so secret they act like it never even happened. [Fury looks through Carol's file and finds out that she was nicknamed "Avenger". Keep a close radius, we lose comms we meet back at the Helion. Fury: That's classified. The accusors will bomb a Skrull stronghold here in the south. to help it realize its destiny. Yon-Rogg: Minn-Erva, take them down on a dropship. Yon-Rogg: She absorbed its power. Carol: He didn't come here for the Tesseract. He picks it up and sees "Vers" inscribed on it]. Threat: Low to none. Carol Danvers: We rated the strength of each Avenger on a scale of 1 to 10, using evidence from the 23 movies. Carol Danvers: Bruce Banner: She looks around and sees the Skrull assuming its true form], [The scene changes to the outside of a barn, with Monica sitting outside on the bench and Maria trying to stop her from coming inside], [Monica puts earplugs in her ears and Maria walks inside, revealing a study. It's too dangerous. Carol: Yon-Rogg will catch up to you soon. That's why I liked her. Tom, this isn't really a good time. No, I didn't. I wonder why they terminated the project. These gorgeous and free! Nick Fury: [Vers turns around to see Wendy standing behind her]. Not unlike the file I started on you. We found you. Vers turns over the next photo, showing the beach from eye level; the sand was pushed up into large ridges by the explosion]. Talos: Leaving so soon? Was that so difficult to figure out? You slipped. Ay, ay, ay, ay, Mr. Postman. You hear me? She presses the pad to open the door with her bare foot. Do you just turn into anything you want? Vers leans over Lawson and tries to help her stand up, but Lawson refuses]. Minn-Erva! Fury: You're sure that's what Marvel would want? [A policewoman steps forward to arrest Vers, however, Vers sees one of the Skrulls from the beach on a nearby rooftop and shoots an energy blast at them. Talos, surprised jumps backwards]. I found evidence that I had a life here. [she destroys a jukebox with a photon blast]. I saw the ruins on Torfa. Ronan: C-53 doesn't have a defense system advanced enough to destroy our warheads. Once she has defeated the Skrulls, she runs off again before being confronted by General Talos and two others. Fury: The word she used was infiltration. Sonja looks at the Captain and answers, "We assume he went to his apartment." Tony raises an eyebrow at her, "We?" Sonja raises an eyebrow at his question, "I don't think they know we're separate people," she comes to the same conclusion but she doesn't say anything because she sees a familiar figure outside the window behind them. The Skrulls are looking for someone named Lawson. But you would never tell me who. It could be you. I couldn't read it. Your plan is to leave the atmosphere in a craft not designed for the journey, and you anticipate hostile encounters with a technologically superior foreign enemy. [As the Director and Fury step inside the elevator, Fury turns around and looks at the director with a questioning look before the doors close in front of them. What is it? What did you put in my head? We'll talk through the thing. Carol Danvers: Ever been to C-53? Bail out! Tell the Supreme Intelligence that I'm coming to end it. [to Yon-Rogg, refusing to fight him without her full powers] Talos: Shortly afterwards, the blast suddenly stops and Carol is thrown backward onto the ground, with her body still sparking. Get back! Congratulations to you, Starforce lady. Fury: Now! Coulson: Glad to have you back, sir. Carol Danvers: This time, the suit changes to orange, blue and yellow], [Monica presses the buttons again. Hey there. Yon-Rogg killed Mar-Vell. Can't you see it now? Talos: You know, you really should be kinder to your neighbors. Maybe give you the 4-1-1 on late night drop-bys. Monica sits on the front step watching the encounter. You think you're funny, but I'm not laughing. Coulson: So, is it true? Vers: Oh, good. Took a pilot down with her. [Fury shows Vers a page from a notebook, covered in hieroglyphics which Vers instantly recognizes]. [powering the engines up] Korath: Because I stared into the face of my mortal enemy and the face staring back was my own. Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): This time, the suit changes to black with neon lights lining the stripes], Monica: Definitely not. Supreme Intelligence: And you were the most powerful person I knew, way before you could shoot fire through your fists. Take the Flerken with you. I'm sorry, I know you mean well. That was a close call, huh, Goosey? Medical Examiner: Yeah, well. After a few swipes, the computer lights up], [Suddenly, a bright light appears from the empty space and a massive laboratory becomes visible. Hard is knowing you were out there somewhere, too damn stubborn to die. Dr. Wendy Lawson: James Rhodes (Rhodey): Hey. Lieutenant Trouble. I just need your help decoding the coordinates to Mar-Vell's lab. Carol: Keep singing. Nice diversion. Talos: I borrowed his likeness. The plane continues to fly directly upwards, inside the plane everything begins floating. My best friend. [holding her hand out] Help me out. You're really working overtime to sell this one, aren't you Talos? Maria Rambeau: The 61-year-old actor was joined by his wife, Laura Louie, 55, and their daughters, Deni, 30, and Makani, 16, as he attended the event at the AMC Lincoln Square Theater on Monday night. You don't belong out here! Fury: Vers. Coulson. The signal was intercepted, and his cover's blown. Carol: Is that mine? Kree Star Force. But the wars are bigger than you know. They really did a number on you. It's an ambush. Vers walks onto the hexagon and extends her arms beside her. Fury: Ok. Good. Oh, this is a new feeling to me [onlookers surround the stall with baffling looks. Nick Fury: Dr. Lawson speaks to Vers and Maria while the two pilots admire the plane]. Go back right before this. [Once Soren noticed that Carol, Maria, and Fury are standing in the room, she tries to back away but Talos stops her]. [The scene changes to Vers driving the motorcycle across the desert on an almost empty highway. When she turns around and sees a life-size poster, she shoots an energy blast towards it, causing the head to fall off and the neck to erupt in flames]. Nick Fury: [Monica runs off to retrieve Vers' jacket. Just do it, please. Sound familiar? Carol: I'll help you find a home. You are Carol Danvers. Fury draws his weapon and aims it towards the voice, Vers' hands light up and Maria stands there confused]. Know your enemy. Supreme Intelligence: Carol Danvers: This isn't what you're afraid of, is it? [Vers begins fighting the Skrulls, with her hands still in the restraints. I will finish what we started. through soliloquies and dialogue by everyone from Captain America to Groot ("'Tis I!"). My hands are filthy from it too. Should they reach him before we do, the intelligence he has acquired over three years is as good as theirs. (Both Carol and Monica laugh), [Monica changes the color again, this time to a white suit with green stripes]. (Vers shuts her eyes, squeezing them shut) Don't fight it. Nick Fury: Arrgh! Talos: She wanted you to help us find the core. Supreme Intelligence: Just remember the coordinates, okay? You're talking about destroying them because they won't submit to your rule. You found my family. Leading the pack with six nominations is " Stranger Things ," followed by . Yon-Rogg: Stop! Vers: You don't have to go with me. Supreme Intelligence: At the same time, the Accusers arrive outside Earth's atmosphere. Carol Danvers: Yon-Rogg: Control your impulses. In the end of the intro, a white text appears reading "Thank You Stan". And yet, you've never had the strength to control them on your own. Aren't you the cutest looking thing? Maria: You woke me up, banging on my door at dawn. [crowd moves away and gradually disappears]. You got a big decision to make. Carol Danvers: You're talking about destroying them because they won't submit to your rule. Carol: Thanks, Lieutenant Trouble. Yon-Rogg enters a pod, too, just as Carol catches up with him. What do you mean? [Carol runs forward and jumps to punch Lawson, however, her hand travels right through Lawson's skull. Vers then chases the train down the platform and jumps on top of it. Yon-Rogg struggles to stand up, and watches Vers from his seated position. Fury: Well, I'd say fine. All around the crash site, rocks are turned into dust and trees disintigrate. The core that powered it is in a remote location. Hold on! Carol Danvers: In the plane, everybody is pushed back into their seats]. Ruins that the Accusers are responsible for. Just do it, please. Very brief recap. I wanna know who's on the other end of that thing. Several teams of agents suddenly appear standing near the Director, with their guns drawn. You are looking at 100% red-blooded Earth man. But strength is no use against me hex power. Yon-Rogg: Who do I see when I commune with the Supreme Intelligence? Can't you make it go away? General Talos (voiceover): Focus. [Biker grunts in pain as he hands Vers the keys to his motorcycle], [Biker gives Vers his jacket before running into the store. The Skrull runs across the rooftop, jumping over pipes while Fury runs along the footpath at the front of the building. I have to get to her before they do, or else they'll be able to invade new galaxies. [Carol is bound by Yon-Rogg and mentally summoned to the Supreme Intelligence]. She looks at the passengers and notices someone reading the script to Mallrats, Referring to Earth, by its Kree code number, Vers activates her beacon before Fury knocks on the payphone booth, Vers proceeds to walk away, but Fury stops her and shows him his I.D, a police officer approaches Vers to cuff her when Vers suddenly notices a Skrull sniper disguised as a human aiming at her and Fury. Monica: Oh wait. Nick Fury: For the good of all Kree! She was working on a unique energy core. [The scene changes again to show a Vers and Maria's daughter lying in the grass outside Maria's house]. Nick Fury: I've finished collecting evidence. Maria Rambeau: We slip in, we locate Soh-Larr, and we get out, leaving them none the wiser. Carol Danvers: Your blood it's blue. Doc? Carol Danvers: When she sees somebody, the tablet in her arm lights up showing a string of characters. Come on! In 1972, DC decided that the original Captain Marvel was too great a comic-book character to remain in limbo, and the company that once tried to squash Captain Marvel 1.0 acquired the rights to . You know that. Your powers came from us. Fury: I'm sure it will turn up somewhere. Carol Danvers: No, you destroyed the engine. Big hero moment. Shapeshifters? Korath: If the Skrulls have got to her, she's compromised. It's just a scratch. Let's move. The chip in her neck has also turned off. Do not let your emotions override your judgment. Fury: She crashed the ASIS aircraft during an unauthorized test flight. [urgent knocking] As Vers looks around, the camera shows her restrained and hanging upside-down inside of a Skrull warship]. A venus fly trap. Don't you think? Your people are terrorists that kill innocents. Now skedaddle before you give me any more regrets. Correct? Young lady, I have a special skill that kind of allows me to get into places I'm not supposed to be. [Vers enters the Supreme Intelligence's chamber]. I used to believe your lies, but the Skrulls are just fighting for a home. Korath: Did you find Soh-Larr? Supreme Intelligence: Horrors which you remember and so much which you do not. You hear me? You need a ride, darlin'? You're good to go here until you recover, but you and your family are gonna need a new look. Minn-Erva: Load the Flerken onto the heli. Are we in the right? From RedLetterMedia's review of Captain Marvel. When this starts, Monica stands up, both fascinated and curious, and walks over to the stove. ], [Screen Title: Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures]. Carol Danvers: The scene changes back to Vers and Yon-Rogg]. A few years after de-aging Douglas in Ant-Man, Marvel Studios doubled down on the risky move, de-aging Samuel L. Jackson 20 years younger to his 1990s glory . But it takes practice and, um, dare I say it, talent to do it well. She's got the Darkhold and the Darkhold has her." "Scarlet Witch is a being of unfathomable magic. However, Carol protests when Monica attempts to hand it over). Guess he doesn't hate me yet. Those bad guys still in there somewhere? At the same time, Fury then takes out his badge and looks at it carefully under the lights. Vers: Congratulations Agent Fury. You never know when you're gonna need to borrow some sugar. They're safe vectors. That's what keeps us human. Monica then changes the colors to match her shirt. No. Didn't you used to do that? Keep singing. Vers: Ha. The plane following them als also speeds up to catch them. Yon-Rogg: Yes. The bad guy's still in there somewhere- [Goose scratches Nick Fury's eye] Oh! No, no. I know a renegade soldier when I see one. General Talos (voiceover): This can't be right. Where are we going Doc? Yes. I don't know any Dr. Lawson. ], [Yon-Rogg attacks the Quadjet, but Carol hits his pod in her flight], [Due to the damage taken, Yon-Rogg's pod crashes into the desert. Starforce? Maria Rambeau: Carol Danvers: Wonderful view, isn't it? Actors should train hard and work hard, and then never stop training. Pleased to meet you. Natasha: Fury did. Maria: Mmm, of course you don't. Vers follows the man onto the roof and continues to fight him. The Kree divulges it ever. It's stinging through my pelvic bone. Once they all pass through the jump hole, the scene changes to show the ships leaving the hole, surrounded by empty space and approaching the planet Torfa. In her notes, she called it the Tesseract. [Carol tries to blast the Supreme Intelligence with her energy blast, but when she tries the Supreme Intelligence snaps her fingers and the energy dissapears, replaced with searing pain in Carol's neck which causes Carol to double over in pain], [The scene switches back to the spaceship. However, the plane is hit and the wing bursts into flames. She then walks towards him, while he tries to crawl back. It's about ending them. She wanted you to help us find the core. You won't be empty-handed. [Vers keeps looking before seeing the old lady. Yon-Rogg: There's nothing more dangerous to a warrior than emotion. Vers (to Fury): You want to give her a hand with that? Is everyone ok, what happened? [The text on the pager reads "DETAINED WITH TARGET. Fury: I got to find Blockbuster girl. Said the space soldier who's wearing a rubber suit.