b. False, 60. Blogging creates enough possible legal concerns that regulations may be implemented by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. B : Managers can influence or control job characteristics, but they usually cannot control the basic characteristics of people. Which of the following is an advantage of internal recruitment? A disadvantage of Internet recruiting is that it generates large numbers of passive job seekers who, typically, tend to be of low-quality. Which of the following is a feature of Internet recruiting? A : Developing job descriptions and job specifications 26. Now, it is true that the origin of COVID is not directly related to anti-trans . D : task, A(n) __________ is a larger work segment comprised of several tasks that are performed by individuals. C : planning the job analysis Jamal, an efficiency expert, proposes the "just-in-time" inventory method to Liza, the CEO of Neptune Inc. b. Employment agencies typically have their own workforce, which they supply by contract to employers with jobs. A : Work sampling (Points : 1) In the task-oriented approach, you first identify the tasks before determining the KSAs required. B : To coordinate job analysis False, 53. True Using these techniques, exactly nineteen applicants with the minimum qualifications were found and al the candidates accepted the job offer. A : vertical team 2. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. b. b. c. "Journeyman lineman" is a permissible term for employment advertisements. a. d. the company encourages disparity in its workforce, 19. D : Preparing for and introducing job analysis, C : Maintaining and updating job descriptions and job specifications, Identifying jobs and methodology is a subtask of __________. False, 54. C : General summary B : Skill variety b. Yield ratio is a measure of the quality of job applicants. The DOD Carcosa Fuzz is a doorway into an alternate fuzz universe, where classic tones of legend coexist with splattered and shattered Pollock abstractions. C. It is used for continuous mass production of products. b. Given this scenario, which of the following statements is true? d. The company's job posting software, 32. C : Job analysis questionnaire Jesus is God #God #JesusisGod #KingofKings #viral #Jesus #Gospel #JesusChrist #Fyp #Christiantiktok #politics #Leftist #rightwing #Church #blackcommunity . (4) For many parts of the world, however, this is not true. b. Edison Inc., an electrical utility company, is moving from using only traditional sources of electricity to promoting the use of solar and wind power. 15. c. the acceptance rate Details of the jobs and job specifications C : Managers can influence or control the basic characteristics of people, but they usually cannot control the job characteristics. d. Job boards fail to offer access to numerous candidates. b. consulting a. independent contractor A _____ is a comparison of the number of applicants at one stage of the recruiting process to the number at the next stage. d. A young college-educated Danish woman without a visa. b. Question: Which of the following is true about job satisfaction? a. b.A job analyst must weigh information obtained from the NOC above incumbent data. c. Family connections moderate the normal political maneuvering that occurs in firms. A veterinarian selects one of her interns as her assistant Close to 7 million died globally. True A : It is the percentage of the population working or seeking work. Which of the following statements is true of external recruiting? False, 59. False, 64. A : Job analyses B : conducting the job analysis B : To coordinate job analysis Consider both a Every time a newer version of a product is released, cannibalization of the previous product is likely to happen. a. a contingency firm d. retainer, 39. Which of the following processes is James expected to perform? 28. Following World War II, the United States emerged as one of the two dominant superpowers, the Soviet Union being the other. d. the time taken by HR staff members for handling blogs, tweets, and email with applicants versus snail mail, faxes and phone calls, 30. Patricia's manager approaches Oliver & Co.'s HR Director with the request that she wants her as a regular employee. 'Cristiano Ronaldo had sex with me': Venezuelan influencer makes bold claim, Al Nassr player responds c. the use of terminology such as "young and enthusiastic" is restricted True Which of the following is NOT part of the "use of job analysis" phase? A : Managers can influence or control both job characteristics and the basic characteristics of people. Which of the following should typically be Daves next step? c. The cost effectiveness of the organization's internal mobility The proportion of candidates who are of acceptable quality False, 2020 Chapter 11 - Compensating Executives. B) Job analysis has been oriented toward changing the job. False, 67. a. contract Acceptance rate measures not just recruiting but selection issues as well. In Exercises $7$ through $10$, find the fourth partial sum $S_4$ of the given series. C : self-directed team a. b. _____ provides a longitudinal overview of the dynamic relationships by which inputs are converted into outputs. For the years 1993 through Group of answer choices Job satisfaction is unimportant to progressive organizations. The _____ includes all individuals available for selection, if all possible recruitment strategies are used. False, 75. Which of the following statements is true of job boards? After running a thorough study of their employees' backgrounds, Paul finds that Times Clockworks has disparate impact in the proportion of Hispanic employees compared to the proportion of Hispanics in its labor market. Explanation: These are the statements that are true about resumes. Mileage 450. C : Job specifications Rules of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Department of Labor determine which workers qualify as independent contractors. a. A. Which of the following is true of how job design and job analysis have functioned in the past? a. False, 78. Solange Allure Inc., a cosmetics company, is moving its operations from Bogalusa, Louisiana, to Seattle, Washington. By May 31, 2022 iranian rial official exchange rate. In these movements, LGBT people and their allies have a long history of campaigning for what is now generally called LGBT rights, sometimes also called gay rights or gay and lesbian rights. Rerecruiting former employees is a way of avoiding "inbreeding" while still using an internal recruiting source. B : Job descriptions D. It is used exclusively for products of a similar nature. Which of the following statements is true of Internet recruiting? A job is a grouping of tasks, duties, and responsibilities that constitutes the total work assignment for an employee. For example, when a new iPhone is released, the older versions become obsolete and no longer supported. which of the following is true of job analysis. a. True Linda is the director of HR at Colette Value Inc., a large tax-preparation firm. D : preparing for and introducing the job analysis, C : maintaining and updating job descriptions and job specifications, Jack, who works with BluClu LLC, is responsible for performing the job analysis in his organization. D : Conducting the job analysis, B : Maintaining and updating job descriptions and job specifications, Max, who works for HiFi LLC, is responsible for managing job analysis in his organization. A workplace where employees are respectful and considerate in their interactions with one another, as well as with customers, clients, and the public. c. An assistant librarian is shortlisted for the post of head librarian in the same library However, the salary ranges in the following regions are expected to be as follows:NYC: $208,500.00 to $232,500.00Regular full-time employees (salaried or hourly) have access to benefits including: Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, 401(k), Employee Purchase Program, Tuition Assistance (after 6 months), Paid Time Off, Student Loan Program . Units that are a part of the _____ structure act almost as separate, self-sufficient, semi-autonomous organizations, In a large, multinational company, several of the tasks are split out across several states and countries. b. b. individuals from lower socioeconomic groups mostly have limited access to the Internet 2. We have immediate openings for the following roles: Spare time: This is a commitment of working 4-8 hours a week that can generate between $500 to $2,000 per month. A : vertical team b. John's Medical is recruiting for the post of an oncology nurse practitioner. a. the selection rate True Resumes should include job objectives. d. a. apprenticeship programs Question: Which of the following is true of job analysis? A : To provide information to outside experts A well-known bank credit card firm wishes to estimate the proportion of credit card holders who carry a nonzero balance at the end of the month and incur an interest charge. The employers will not be liable for Patricia's safety under OSHA regulations. Each location has a specific component of the overall product. a. 41. C. provide opportunities to exercise responsibility. a. Influencer and podcaster Alyssa Harper has detailed her experience with Hillsong College in Sydney's northwest, just one week after five women came forward with damning allegations about the . He worked at the grocery store, and he enjoyed working with people. B) Analysts often use a combination of methods for accurate job descriptions or specifications. C : job a. seeks a job merely because it is a requirement of receiving unemployment compensation a. B. A) The supply manager at Purrfect Pets has been with the company for three years. trend equation you selected, forecast the net sales for 2016 and 2017. Use action words when describing your experience. D : 70, Which of the following is typically the responsibility of the HR unit in job analysis? To solve the issue, Illumin Media should consider recruiting methods that reach a larger applicant population of experienced managers, such as contacting professional associations. b. b. A : Job specifications d. A start-up company with a competitive strategy of continuing expert customer service. Which of the following is an inflow to the U.S. population? In the building trade, unions can best benefit employers by providing _____. Which of the following statements is true about good recruiting efforts? How many readers give break-even (that is, give zero profit) for this product. D : To request new analyses as jobs change, Which of the following is typically the responsibility of managers in job analysis? Assume that the desired margin of error is $.03$ at $98 \%$ confidence. 13. A. a. Which of the following questions should be addressed right after the inputs required for production have been established? b. a retainer firm LGBT movements in general. It uses workers who are traditional employees. B : Maintaining and updating job descriptions and job specifications b. Jolene recommends her colleague to fill an open position as a sales representative at the company where Jolene works as a technician The temporary agency contract requires Oliver & Co. to pay a placement fee if Patricia is hired as a regular employee. C A : Work is effort directed toward accomplishing results. MUSIC. a. b. C : 60 b. D : virtual team, Which of the following situations is an example of a compressed workweek? Which of the following statements is true about recruiting diversity? b. " One Thing at a Time " has a whopping 36 songs, including "Man Made a Bar" with Eric Church. If an employer lists the designation EEO/M-F/AA/ADA in its employment advertisements, it indicates that _____. a. calculate the cost per hire a. it will only attract the attention of retirees who are interested in seeking new employment opportunities B : Conducting the job analysis c. on the Web site of the oncology nurse practitioner professional organization a. Twitter is rarely used by recruiters because of the 140-word limit. (4) For many parts of the world, however, this is not true. Santiago is the HR director of Illumin Media, a mid-sized organization. A) Job design has focused on making existing jobs more motivating. a. contract It is used exclusively in manufacturing environments. C : Fair Labor Standards Act It helps estimate the number and quality of current employees It helps increase value added by employees to the organization. True b. c. Ask applicants which media they found most effective. b. undocumented worker A : work sampling method A : Managers a. 33. D : Job enrichment, __________ is the extent to which the work requires several activities for successful completion. c. recruited employees often require more orientation efforts An employer who has received a long-term contract from the Federal government for oceanic research. 20. c. Job postings significantly hinder an employee's chances of promotion within an organization. D : Job enrichment, __________ is increasing the depth of a job by adding responsibility for planning, organizing, controlling, and/or evaluating the job. d. the acceptance rate, 49. A : Autonomy Which of the following is true about this scenario? Niche job sites are more useful for recruiting applicants with specific technical skills than are general job boards. The percent of applicants hired divided by the total number of applicants offered jobs is termed as _____. This recruiting mode typically provides direct access to the _____. False, 74. Which of the following candidates have the highest probability of being rejected by a U.S. organization that practices sound HR practices and recruits nontraditional diverse workers? Multiple Choice It helps forecast how many and what types of people are required. True $124.99. Which of the following is an example of external sources of recruitment? c. It would be discriminatory for a race track to advertise job openings for "exercise boys." D : identification, Which of the following job description components is a concise statement of the general responsibilities and components that make the job different from others? Part-time: This is a commitment of working 8-25 hours a week that can generate between $2,000 to $5,000 per month. It increases motivation among the existing employees of an organization. a. b. maintaining a continuous presence in a local labor market D : job review, __________ list the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) an individual needs to perform a job satisfactorily. C : To help complete job analysis information C : Human resource personnel A closely related concept is job involvement. The tasks performed as a part of job analysis. \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{n}{n+1} A : Preparing for and introducing job analysis b. You will need the help of a software package such as Excel These results suggest that the way an organization defines job performance is a source of true and important variability in validities, and that the validity of selection tests for predicting complex performance criteria may show considerably less generalizability than current meta-analysis of univariate validities would suggest. False, 55. a. If a disparate impact exists between an employer's workforce and the relevant labor markets, then the employer is required by law to expand its internal recruiting efforts. Job satisfaction is weakly correlated with normative commitment. C : Developing job descriptions and job specifications The term "applicant population" refers to all individuals looking for a job in a particular geographic area. Find someone to care for her children so she does not have to take them along. False, 56. True The process of generating a pool of qualified applicants for organizational jobs is called _____. A : developing job descriptions and job specifications Job Control Language (JCL) is a name for scripting languages used on IBM mainframe operating systems to instruct the system on how to run a batch job or start a subsystem.. More specifically, the purpose of JCL is to say which programs to run, using which files or devices for input or output, and at times to also indicate under what conditions to skip a step. B - Periodically changing jobs to reduce boredom with monotonous tasks. B : Skill variety C : To help complete job analysis information True A : duty The success base rate is a long-term measure of whether the HR function has provided productive, long-term employees for an organization. a. employees can receive better benefits than a small company can offer In a company where units are given autonomy to work independently, but are now asked to work together, the units may become territorial and refuse to share ideas for fear of being eliminated. True a. B : Employees Job satisfaction cannot be changed. a. In this scenario, Peter Cullen & Associates is using the services of _____. 2015, the data include a coded time variable (1 through 23), the number of associates A person with a high level of job satisfaction holds positive feelings about the job, while a person who is dissatisfied with his or her job holds negative feelings about the job. 204- Chapter 2 - Questions and solutions 18) Job analysis consists of three phases: preparation, collection of job information, and use of job information for improving organizational effectiveness. D : Job enrichment, __________ is the process of shifting a person from job to job. The candidate can write "N/A" for questions that do not apply to her. b. conducts a haphazard and unplanned job search a. a. progression rate 58 Likes, TikTok video from Reformed Justice (@reformedjustice): "Proof that Jesus existed and the resurrection in the Bible is true and the most factualy criticised event in History and science. in thousands, net sales in millions of dollars, the mean dollar amount per transaction, The Universe is Sending You Signs Telling You What to Do Next You just have to notice them Some of the best and worst moments of my life all happened within a short window of time. C : Identification 310 Likes, TikTok video from Kate Liedeman (@kateliedeman): "Based on a true story..". COMPENSATION & BENEFITS. He used all types of recruiting techniques available to him to fill nineteen job openings. A robot is a machineespecially one programmable by a computercapable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically. False, 52. A kindly store clerk helps a disabled customer with his groceries and gets fired. A : Developing job descriptions and job specifications Combining the Carcosa's wide-ranging AFTER read more. Adolescents receive strict instruction from supervisors. Which of the following, if true, would best support the argument that the manager should conduct group interviews to gather job analysis information? Job boards can be used for internal recruitment but not for external recruitment. Continuous efforts to recruit offer the advantage of keeping the employer in the recruiting market. c.A job analyst must weigh manager information more heavily than job incumbent data. B. PAQ reports provide concrete recommendations useful for writing job descriptions or redesigning jobs. True c) It allows two or more individuals to split a traditional 40-hour-a-week job. b. It all started. B : Maintaining and updating job descriptions and job specifications work activities . d. Freeze the hiring process until qualified Hispanics apply for the position. D : global team, A __________ is composed of individuals who are separated geographically but linked by communications technology. It would be most effective for John's Medical to advertise _____. B : Conducting the job analysis d. A salon shifts from Boston to New York and employs a new cashier through internet recruitment. It helps in evaluation of specific human resources activities. A : Preparing for and introducing job analysis (7) Traditionally it is the job of women and children to spend their days searching for water. Advertising job openings for "exercise boys" for a race track would be considered legal terminology. D : Task significance, __________ is the extent to which the job includes a recognizable unit of work that is carried out from start to finish and results in a known consequence. B : Employee diary/log c. It makes global recruiting easier, but makes local recruiting complicated. C : general summary B : Skill variety B : employee diary/log method a. Police body camera footage shows the moment a house in Pomton Lakes, New Jersey explodes while six firefighters were still inside. B. offer good learning experiences. By 2020, which of the following groups will have the highest labor force participation rate? Which of the following is true of a job? b. Question: Which of the following is true of job analysis? a. c. It employs the method of job posting for filling vacant job positions. tasks, duties, and responsibilities performed? False, 63. c. A 19-year-old man with an IQ of 92 Christianity is is true and better than Islam. False, 79. His sister, Ashlyne, joins him on . D : Conducting the job analysis, Jill, who works for SunFun LLC, is responsible for handling the job analysis in her organization. b. c. They are supplied by contract to employers with jobs. Job satisfaction is related to other work-related attitudes a. True B : Job specifications (6) To get water involves a long walk to and from the source. Which of the following is true of the labor force participation rate? B : essential job functions d. An advantage of Internet recruiting is that it streamlines EEO data gathering because everyone who accesses a job Web site is considered an applicant for legal purposes. 10. (3) If we want to water our yards or wash the dishes, water is there. The best criterion to analyze the effectiveness of an advertisement for applicants is to measure the _____. 7. Following his inner calling, Clark uproots to New York City, hoping to make a difference for the disenfranchised youths the school system has left behind. Develop a trend equation for the net sales ($ million) for Home Depot. When team members on Kami's unit craft their professional goals for the new year, she is expecting at least one goal to be tied to the unit's goals. This company has a, Divisional structures tend to be more flexible and innovative because of, Divisional structures are more appropriate than functional structures when, Functional structures are more appropriate than divisional structures when. The _____ pool consists of all persons who are actually evaluated for selection. B : Civil Rights Act You Can Be Yourself. 35. Road to Perdition is a 2002 American crime drama film directed by Sam Mendes.The screenplay was adapted by David Self from the graphic novel of the same name written by Max Allan Collins and illustrated by Richard Piers Rayner.The film stars Tom Hanks, Paul Newman (in his final live-action theatrical film acting role), Jude Law, and Daniel Craig.The plot takes place in 1931, during the Great . Recruiting is essentially an administrative function rather than a part of strategic HR planning. b. (5) Water is not everywhere it's miles away. A : Autonomy The statements "It is possible for a person to have the same job title but do completely different tasks" and "It is recommended to only use the Internet and public library when researching jobs" are true about career.Option-a and d. a) It is true; people with the same job titles can perform different tasks.