impairment codes are: These impairments usually require continuous medical intervention. In the event the diary types do not agree, use the diary type on the profile sheet the case to the DE/DEC/DC to process the mailer. Integrity sampling is done to provide real world outcomes that allow the Agency to the mailers. I heard most people get the short form, but I'm curious as to how they make the determination as to who gets the long vs. short form. RECOMMENDED DECISION, WHICH IS TO REFER THE CASE FOR A MEDICAL CDR. prepare an SSA-559 to refer the case to the DE/DEC/DC for processing of the mailer. NOTE: See Creating a Record for an Age 18 Disability Redetermination in the Electronic Disability Both state that review is always optional and is never considered when deciding whether a full medical review . FO. Either way, you should hear something from Social Security within one to three months. It costs you $0, since the SSA pays for everything. The DCF QMID, SSR MR, and scanline information may be less accurate as a result of Can Health Changes Affect Social Security Disability Benefits? For Title XVI cases, if no information is posted to the most recent QMID screen, querying BET/DT review. Update PCACS to show folder movement and clear any mailer action control record for self-employed? nTUsTy5y}Lt3R'2c.=rV?\"0dLFu~Tx4/K'rxw@,ND8W+`XV&XJ~K#d@JJYUxbWX+ 3z}"Svts-2 d 1cn* ~ 0yB(*( :v~~Y. 1.Waiting too . In filling out the short form CDR, SSA-455-OCR-SM, I answered the first two boxes that ask for a Yes or No answer (1a. Social Security statistics show only a small percentage of benefits are ceased after a long- or short-form CDRjust 8% in 2021. We may also initiate a CDR if we do not expect the childs condition to improve. Title II cases. The BET/DT develops the work on mailer alerts with a BET/DT remark/message, and the in the DCF is selected and one of the following event types is selected: Each year, a small, but statistically sufficient, random sample of cases that have 3. CODES query (alert message examples 3 and 4). Enter Y next to REMARKS and enter a message that the mailer is being sent to the Want free expert claim help without leaving your home? Do not request the claim folder. then process as a nonresponder per DI 40502.001I. of possible medical improvement. Do not reset or attempt to substantively change the diary type using current instructions notice to be generated and mailed to the beneficiary (or representative payee) and If question 1.b. In November 2020, the SSA created an online version of Form SSA-455 so you can submit it from any Internet-enabled device. and any attachments must be used with the alert, facsimile, and profile sheet for Actionable The WBDOC images the actionable mailers without attachments and passes them to the the profile has changed, in which case a full CDR usually results for mailers on LOW REVIEW is posted to the DCF QCDR screen. What Are Workers Compensation Benefits & Do You Qualify? of high workloads, these assembled files are transmitted daily, and multiple daily At the same selection, cases with the most recent posted event of SECOND MAILER SENT, is needed (examples 1 and 2). The diary type on the profile sheet reflects the most accurate We use the same criteria for adults who file new SSI applications. yearly SGA amount, If earnings are not known/previously reported, do not apply the Title II earnings She dpssed the work test- she work several hrs . tolerance. whether you've recently had any kind of schooling or training. data, including folder location and date-in-location information; servicing FO, State and DDS codes, FO city and state name; and. This is because it is expected that most mailers requiring PC Review will be the The BET/DT screens for alerts with messages indicating that translation is needed, AUTOMATED RECOMMENDED DECISION, WHICH IS TO REDIARY THE CASE. A. 0960-0072. DI 28010.000. Office (FO) - DI 13015.011, and Whereabouts Unknown (WU) Determinations and Reinstatement Procedures for a Continuing See our article on collecting continuing disability benefits while you appeal for information on when your disability benefit checks will stop. The WBDOC assembles the data from scanning and keying into Title-specific data files. Select item #2 INITIATE CDR; the IPCB screen appears; Enter the Detailed Office/Organization Resource System (DOORS) location of the servicing SSA-455-OCR-SM, Question 2 (SSA-455, Question 4)--Have you attended any school or of the mailer responses, including remarks and any attachments that are received with Because no electronic data file exists for these mailers, they cannot be In 2021 Social Security terminated benefits for about 18% of adults after FMRs. is Creating CDR Forms If the CDR is appropriate, contact the beneficiary to initiate the CDR as outlined in FO Personal Contacts - DI 13005.030. DCDRS decision logic also alerts nonactionable mailers for PC review when it detects 30 words or 200 characters. at the WBDOC have lengthy relevant remarks, work information, relevant attachments, Normal Topic Hot Topic (More than 15 replies) Most people who complete the mailer will get a letter saying that Social Security doesn't need to do a medical review at this time. 1. But most people over age 50 have a low profile and can expect to receive a mailer. Any use of the Site Offerings (as defined in the Terms and Conditions) by you, including information submitted by you to Company, is not intended to, and will not create, an attorney-client relationship between you and Company or any of the Third-Party Service Providers. If you are disabled and are considering applying for Social Security disability benefits or if you have applied but have been turned down, call Cuddigan Law at (402) 933-5405 for a free evaluation of your case. mailer review. NOTE: When a mailer deferral is input, the system automatically updates the medical diary. DE/DEC/DC REVIEW NEEDED. If you undergo a full medical review and the claims examiner finds that your condition has improved since you were approved for disability, your benefits will likely be terminated. in, print the appropriate CDT code in the CDT section of the SSA-5526-U2-OP2, When selected A MEDICAL CDR AT THIS TIME. 0 The mailer, a generic cover notice and instruction insert, and a reply envelope are number. The most recent statistics published by Social Security (2021) show that only about 3% of disabled workers getting SSDI lost their disability benefits after a CDR. NOTE: Review of the mailer, remarks on the form, and any attachments, and/or information However, the agency still had more than 203,000 CDRs in its backlog at the start of 2023. Actionable mailers received from the WBDOC are sorted in anticipation of receipt of In those PSCs that do not scan the 455s into paperless, the DSE/FLC reviews the alert/facsimile/profile Since of the pandemic started, the SSA reports that its fallen behind on CDRs like these. the WBDOC. How Bankruptcy Affects Your Disability Check, February 2023 Veterans Disability Benefits Statistics Report Analysis. Short and lengthy relevant or irrelevant remarks are identified, as are relevant attachments. The SSA wants to know the current status of your medical conditions and any recent treatments you received. Social Security periodically reviews your medical impairment(s) to determine if you continue to have a disabling condition. Form . then securely destroyed. A CDR can be conducted solely through the mail, over the telephone, or in person. You need to fill out this form completely and send it in. for handling and routing to the Disability Determination Services (DDS). You dont want the SSA demanding you show up in person for another medical exam just to prove you cannot work. decision, and whether work activity suggests possible medical improvement. If you have a "low profile"meaning you have a low probability of showing medical improvementyou'll likely get just the mailer. Field 8 Servicing State Agency/DDS code, Field 9 Servicing Field Office (FO) Code. are securely destroyed. DE/DEC/DC CONCURS WITH THE RECOMMENDED DECISION, REFER THE CASE TO THE FO USING A DI 28015.000. Rarely, it may be necessary to obtain the claim folder. to determine when the earnings occurred, but the reported MONTHLY EARNINGS in 1.b., Get our latest news straight into your inbox, Social Security Attorney or Disability Advocate, SSDI vs. SSI: Heres What You Need to Know, How to Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits. prevent user input in these situations. The long CDR form asks extensive questions about your disability, including: You'll need to provide your healthcare providers' names and contact information so that Social Security can request your medical records. BET/DT REVIEW NEEDED. clear decision can be made to do a full CDR or to defer a CDR are processed to completion Adding Actions to the DCF - DI 13010.500 contains instructions for manually adding actions to the DCF. The messages specify who should review Technician (DT)/Benefit Earnings Technician (BET), and Disability Examiner (DE)/Disability IF THE DE/DEC/DC FINDS THAT THE REMARKS/ATTACHMENTS ARE MATERIAL CDR: SSA-455-OCR-SM (6-question form) Original SSDI: 3 years ago Profile: . a mailer, or an individual's refusal to provide responses to questions on the mailer 2477 0 obj <>stream within a specific time frame, a nonresponder alert is generated. ACTION. of these cases changes from OCO/PC 7 to PC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 when the disabled wage the material into NDRed and send the paper for drop-filing. ARE NOT MATERIAL, FOLDER REVIEW IS NOT REQUIRED. logic processing. When there is conflict between the codes, give the highest priority to the code on or facsimile for an H (High), M (Medium), or L (Low), or check the profile sheet for the word High, Medium, or Low. ISSUE REQUIRING REVIEW BY A DE/DEC/DC, REFER THE CASE TO THE FO FOR A MEDICAL CDR (Have you worked?) DIRCON procedures in GN 01070.305 and GN 01070.315. CDRs are done to make sure that people receiving Social Security (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits are still disabled and entitled to those benefits. We periodically review your case to determine if you continue to meet the eligibility rules to receive disability benefits. If you receive such a letter, it means you don't have to go through a full continuing disability reviewat least, not until your next periodic review. It's important for everyone receiving disability benefits to be aware of what to expect from the CDR process. Release for DO CDR only if the narrative indicates there is possible medical improvement. Title XVI Cases Obtain a DEQY and SSI2 to determine if earnings are known/already reported. The DE/DEC/DC may find it efficient to consider the responses XVI Child Cases - DI 13005.040); SSA-827 Authorization to Release Medical Information to the Social Security Administration; SSA-3881 Questionnaire for Children Claiming SSI Benefits; SSA-3375-3379 Function Report-Child. People under the age of 50 will have their claims reviewed more often than people older than 50. doctor? Recommend a full medical CDR only if the DIRCON response indicates there is possible Since Social Security disability benefits are designed to help compensate for lost income due to a disability, you can keep receiving these benefits as long as you have a disability preventing you from working. REFERRED TO FO (Title XVI), go to question 2, but consider the automated recommended is blank or if no earnings are reported; and if question 1.a. and by selecting EVENT TYPE UNDELIVERABLE (currently event type 7) on the IPCA At Cuddigan Law you have a team of professionals in your corner who know the system and will fight for your rights. CDR Survey age 50-59. . describe the local process. The BET/DT procedures, as described herein, are generalized and may not precisely Continuing Disability Reviews . DE/DEC/DC develops the work on any alerts with a DE/DEC/DC remark/message. files from the WBDOC. Get A No-Obligation Evaluation With An Attorney or Advocate or call 855-475-1510. Mailer Form Processing Outcomes Depending on the information received with the completed mailer, referral for a full CDR is initiated (commonly referred to as a DO CDR action). Date of your last medical disability decision: When a question refers to "you" or "your" it refers to the person receiving disability benefits . (DO CDR). The advanced age designation applies to all disability benefits applicants and recipients between the ages of 55 and 59. SSA-454-BK (02-2023) UF Discontinue Prior Editions Social Security Administration Page 3 of 12 OMB No. These scanlines contain substantial information: Field 1 Social Security Number under which the mailer is being controlled, Field 2 Beneficiary Identification Code (BIC) (Title II), or, Individual Recipient Identification code (ID) (Title XVI), Field 5 Primary and Secondary Diagnosis Codes, Field 2 Concurrent Entitlement information, Field 3 Profile Type (High, Medium, or Low), Field 4 Profiling SCORE (9999 is highest), Field 5 Report Period covered by the mailer.