In his short tenure, Adams had already honed his instincts on missing hiker cases. The trail register may be the last tangible piece of Sam on Vesper Peak, the last one you can physically touch, but there was one more sign of her. They told her theyd turned back at 6,200 feet. Thanks if anyone can do that! Her family will come from Moses Lake, her father will caress his childs remains through the thick plastic of a body bag and try not to cry. Of that first week, Kevin mostly remembers climbing and crying. In Belltown. Kevin agrees to wait. The camera moves on, and Sam continues ever upward. I cannot even imagine how her poor family feels. Ellinor hike in the Olympics about a month before she went missing. Not in our experience, states the post. A brand-new BMX bike for Bud. Carr posted a 30-minute live YouTube video during which someone called him ridiculous. He responded by calling them a weak ass fool and challenged them to meet him on the mountain. Someone sent Kevin a kind of fan fiction story they found online, casting Sam, Buck Carp, and Kelvin Daires as characters in a rambling tale with a menacing undertone. 2023 Carr is uncharacteristically quiet. She liked hiking. One witness claimed she saw Sam playing a TV show on her phone while hiking that day, an episode of The Bachelorette. The staff checks on him every 10 minutes, more motherly than waiterly. Her boyfriend went to look for her that night and couldn't find her, so he alerted authorities. Before he does, he climbs onto a boulder to see if he can spot the group below. His voice is strained, sometimes wavering with panic. There is a pause, ever so slight, and the radio squawks back to life. A search organized. Rainier. One woman said her brother-in-law couldve abducted Sam, given a coincidentally timed vacation. I know theres some crazy shot going down now. Next to a log and up against a rock is an orange Therm-a-Rest folded as if used as a cushion to sit on. Show more Show more From Terra to Terabytes: Popular Cartography, Military Cartography. Saw this article on another sub and thought you guys would find it interesting. Reasonable. I hope I'm being polite as I say this, I'm not trying to attack anyone or assign blame. The hiker turns his camera in a blurry panorama, catching blue sky over boulder fields, the sharp peaks that circle Lake Elan. After the discovery they changed strategies and started following the terrain downhill from the fire. But even he doesnt think Carr is a grief profiteer or a charlatan. The weight he lost up on the mountain hasnt returned to his frame and he wears his weariness like a coat. Rachel moved back into her dads home in Moses Lake. No definitive signs ever surfaced; some footsteps on the southeast side could have been Sams, but they revealed nothing. Date of Birth: August 13, 1990 Erie, Pennsylvania. Between Carrs military mindset and Kevins own stint in the Navy, they approached the mountain with a tactical eye. He drove to the trailhead. A pumpkin-orange Corvette. Volunteers brought up snacks, so many grocery store fried chickens that the team joked about the tidal wave of drumsticks. For 20 years, Ron Goins has worked with county search and rescue in Western Washington in one form or another. Gifts processed in this system are not tax deductible, but are predominately used to help meet the local financial requirements needed to receive national matching-grant funds. Im a member of the truth group and the missing Seattle hikers group ( they discuss Sams case and others and its also my favorite because theres no stupid drama.) Seriously they are on a power trip now. If you're not cool with that thats fine too. He drove to the trailhead, a little over an hour and a half from Belltown, stopping at a gas station to buy a flashlight. The Cascades retain pockets of remote wilderness, enclaves that feel as raw as when Western civilization first mowed a passage to the Pacific, yet are a casual drive from Seattle. Samantha Sayers is healthy but is bald because she has alopecia, an autoimmune disease that leads to hair loss, her mother said on Facebook. This is the stance of someone who doesnt give up. Cookie Notice They dont touch anything. For some reason I was having a hard time finding this on my own, Yep as above the truth group is still rolling on.. just the main group shut down. Updated Mon., Aug. 30, 2021 at 9:16 a.m. Carlton Bud Carr Jr. poses for a photo on Monday, Aug. 23, 2021, in the backyard of his home in Concrete, Wash Carr is holding the file containing his search notes on Rachel Lakoduk, a 28-year-old Moses Lake hiker who went missing on Oct. 17, 2019, while attempting to reach Hidden Lake Lookout - a remote fire lookout in the Mt. Samantha Sayers. Yall come up here.. 509 Olive Way, Suite 305, Seattle, WA 98101, Kevin recognized Sam from across the room. Reflecting on that time, Dares said lots of people offered to help and some followed through. I'm not sure how this type of stuff is going to play out, there seem to be a lot of fingers in the pot. The vegetation is so thick and the terrain so rugged its entirely possible to walk by a clue, or an entire body, and not see it. The 28-year-old woman was last seen on a day hike at Vesper Peak in the North Cascades on August 1. Early on he told deputy Peter Teske, who would also play a huge role in the search, he had a feeling we better throw everything weve got at this one, at least for a couple of days.. Are we going to have to do a rescue on the rescuers? Goins asked. He looks drained. Mohawked. Sam and Kevins friends waded into the fray, trying to correct misinformation; one of his sisters got into arguments in comment sections. Kevin was still at the Verlot station when Sergeant John Q. Adams arrived around 1:30am. What color is Lakoduks pad, backpack and sleeping bag, he asks, his voice tight with urgency. Nine months later, the mystery has consumed the lives of thousands. Hes a staunch defender of Washingtons system calling it the best in the country by a mile. Hes also a frequent online critic of Carr and hes an administrator for the The Truth of the Sam Sayers Case UNCENSORED Facebook page. London, United Kingdom, Melbourne, Sydney. Point of Disappearance. But, if youre not crazy youre not quitting your job, packing up all your (stuff) and then going in the woods for somebody youve never met. Gentle, kind and quiet. No links but if you Google, there are a lot of message boards talking about how the search was run esp after the legit SAR pulled out. The official search was suspended on Aug. 23 after a Herculean effort. Volunteers still showed up, most unbidden, like a trucker from Memphis who read about Sam online and dropped everything to come climb a mountain in a place hed never been. In July, he posted a photo of a note hed placed on the car of a solo female hiker on Facebook. After Collegiate, Sayers attended the State University of New York at Fredonia, where she graduated in 2013 with a bachelors degree in technical theatre and theatre design and technology, according to herLinkedInaccount. The day was hot, the faint haze from far-off wildfires hanging in the air. In addition to the swastika tattoo, Carr posted a video since deleted of himself wearing a hat with an Iron Cross. After climbing more than 4,000 feet, up switchbacks and across boulder fields and finally across the patchy snow that marbles the stone pyramid of Vespers very top, Sam reached the summit. I had my flashlight going, banging, screamingno word, Kevin says to the 911 operator. One saw her eating a sandwich. He lowered himself into an abandoned mine shaft and tromped through thick underbrush. Not to mention, my husband from day one (I've been following since 8/5 or so) has said the BF has something to do with it. Kevin was keyed up, eager to replace his broken flashlight and get back on the trail. I was a member of that group, but found them to be really gossipy, and petty. He searched with the blessings of her son, despite the county sheriffs office asking him not to. Before she left on her solo hike on the Vesper Peak trail hed texted Be safesos me if anything goes haywire. Her replyThanks baby I love you.was classic Sam, straightforward and confident. A bass boat. It felt true; he and Sam had lived together for more than a year, had talked about marriage. A winter storm can be a brutal thing. All issues Carr talked about, sometimes without prompting. By life. Thats how you want to move, Carr recalls his dad telling him. Once back in the States, they started backpacking. Among them is a former Marine, who days after Rachel Lakoduk went missing on Oct. 17, 2019, spent an entire night searching for her. There were a few other searches after that, Carr said, but things didnt really heat up until Samantha Sayers vanished on Vesper Peak in 2018. It is frozen.. She had given up wigs in high school, when in typical dramatic fashion she ripped one off her head during a class presentation. Yet, when after 10 days, the Skagit County Sheriffs Office suspended the search for Rachel Lakoduk, the only person who kept searching, and never stopped, was Carr. Kevin shut down the Facebook group and others sprung up in its wake. Its been an uphill battle. Supply bags meant to be left on Vesper for Sam. They know the chances of finding her are slim to none. Its hot, humid and even he a Louisiana native is sweating. Seattle Met. Nothing panned out. The videos, the posts, the paramilitary theatrics, all that makes Goins and others roll their eyes and in his view undermines Carrs mission. Flashlight in hand he started up the dirt path around 10pm, quickly through the first third of the hike, which rambles through thick forest. However, tens of thousands remain missing for more than one year according to the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs). Samantha Sayers left at 8 a.m. on August 1, 2018, for a solo hike in the North Cascades mountains in Washington. About a third were for outdoorspeople: hikers, campers, hunters, fishermen, spelunkers, or prospectors. Also, if you check out her IG she appeared to enjoy taking a lot of cliffside selfies soit's feasible she may have fallen. The trail was hard to follow, obscured by snow, above the tree line and exposed to the elements. Tips came pouring in, from the usefulYMCA campers at Lake Elan just below the peak saw Sam ascend but never come downto the questionable, like psychic visions of her near rocks, trees, and water. If your loved one is missing the odds are low that public sector law enforcement is going to find them, said David Francis, the founder of the Jon Francis Foundation named in honor of his son who went missing in the Idaho Sawtooths in 2006. Dont touch anything, he says. As the camera trains on Vesper Peak, a figure ascends the scramble route, passing other climbers at a determined pace. Hes proud of what the volunteers do. The storm hit. In response, he launched an Instagram campaign, posting photo after photo of swastikas, oriented in the traditional Buddhist way. So, when they stop, its relaxed. What happened next is educated speculation. 2 No Hate Speech or Bullying Make sure everyone feels safe. The two compromised. Samantha Sayers. The couple descended. For $1,700. It's a sad shame. Carr stepped into this mess several days after Sayers went missing. The internet hordes accused Carr of being a grief profiteer. Bud Carr, with his drive and determination, was a godsend for a grief-stricken Dares when his girlfriend went missing in 2018. MARBLEMOUNT, Wash. This is tough country. While his dad worked at the mine, Carr played and explored in the mountains. The countys SAR spent 20,197 hours on missions in 2018, with approximately 8,000 of those hours looking for Sam. They wrote operating plans, considered moon phases and water sources. Kevin Dares. Sam Sayers Consulting. On a perfect summer day, a solo hiker went missing from a Cascade trail. The U.S. Forest Service denied access for their helicopter, and Kevin rallied Sams Army to make phone calls to USFS offices, politicians, anyone who could make noise. discussion about Sam that won't be silenced, Press J to jump to the feed. Imagining Sam bushwhacking her way through the forest around Vesper, family members filled Ziploc bags with snacks and instructions for Sam. Three years, and thousands of hours and dollars later, she remains missing. Found her car, the last one in the lot and searched part of the trail using a flashlight hed bought on the way. at 1 PM just accidentally, not because Kevin Dares called her, make him . Another hiker told police he saw her the same day at the 6,220-foot summit and . By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Sams trace. We can get statistics on auto accidents but theyre not collected for people missing in the wilderness., The search for Jon lasted only two days before the county sheriff pulled out and, as David remembers, told him he should give his son up to the mountain. All the things you want in a partner, he says. By 4 p.m. Oct. 17, Lakoduk had made it about 2.5 miles up the trail and was at 5,500 feet. He watches crime shows, so he tells me, Theres always a dungeon where they lock them up. See how those goats move? Samantha "Sam" Sayers, a former Girard resident, remains among the 43% still missing. Carr became the search operations manager, on the recommendation of Francis. Nobody took her up on it and on Aug. 1, Sayers drove alone to the trailhead about two hours northeast of Seattle. Little cold-weather gear, no headlamp, Kevin tells her. Sam has a hiking pole in each hand, head down as she earns the last of the 4,200-foot climb. Some posters there report having read the public records on the FB Truth Group before it was made private. I have been following this case since the beginning. Back on the mountain the rest of the group makes it to Lakoduks final resting spot. Search-and-rescue teams, assisted by dog teams and drones, searchedthe area for three weeks before suspending operations. But something catches his eye to the right, in a depression beneath a tree, a flash of orange out of place in the rain-fed greenery. Seattle Met And then there is Carlton Bud Carr Jr., the man who brought them together. Lakoduk continued up. Dares moves quickly up the hill using an ice axe to bite into moss, scrambling over rocks and ducking trees. Sam's mother, Lisa Yax Sayers, declined to be interviewed for this story. The Snohomish County Sheriffs Office launched 310 search and rescue missions last year, up 6 percent from 2017. The system is so broke, they dont even track it, says David Francis, whose son Jon disappeared in Idaho in 2006. It starts at 3,600 feet in the thick and sometimes vicious vegetation typical of the rain-soaked North Cascades and winds into alpine meadows of wildflowers before reaching a rocky granite saddle and then, at 6,700 feet, the lookout itself. You owe me 99.999 percent of those royalties, hed tell her. See Photos. He gave up two things for Lent: social media and alcohol. To my understanding, both the Truth group is no longer accepting new members. Can I possibly get added to the group ? She was 3,300 feet and 3 hard miles from the road, but she was on the right track. Well come up to you, the rogue search and rescue employee says. In a crowded restaurant you must lean in to hear him speak. In every community across Washington, families are facing the challenge of accessing and affording long-term care. I would just like to read at my pleasure and see what everyone else is thinking. He remembers Sams mother Lisa asking him what he really thought, around day four. The first winter storm of the year was rushing in, and snow was falling. Too much vegetation. Snohomish County Sheriffs Office searchers at Spada Lake, and a SAR unit briefing during the search. Im sure theyll be surprised [sic] twist weve never thought of., Its the murder mystery crowd, the I-love-watching-HBO-serial-killer-documentaries crowd, says Kevin, who tries, sometimes in vain, to temper his cynicism. Eventually, even that produced a splinter group, The Truth of the Sam Sayers Case UNCENSORED. Here she was in the flesh at a Mardi Gras party in February 2016, thrown by the owners of Belltowns Biscuit Bitch. Kevin began referring to himself as Sams fiance. Meanwhile, some of the grieving family members were publicly coming to his defense. The sergeant fielded endless rumors and accusations, about whether FLIR was really operationalit wasor why he wasnt using bloodhounds (wrong terrain, he says). But Carr was the only person who was there from beginning to end. It was there, in his rising panic, that Kevin tripped and broke his flashlight, forcing him to turn back. He says, Oh, I think the fiance did it, says Kevin, his drawl emphasizing his wry amusement. Trained dogs sought scents and human trackers scoured for footprints; others examined the creek. Some accuse Bud Carr of these same tactics. For her 28th birthday in 2019, they planned to hike to the Hidden Lake Lookout. That means how long and how hard a county looks for a vanished person varies. Its unfair to our citizens.. Now I can get Bud to focus on Vesper again.. It was easy for fellow hikers to remember the young woman with the bald, tattooed head and the wide, easy smile. PM me and Ill add yall. Would a glove or a boot bring closure to a family? Do you know how its going to look if you die out here with an ice ax to your head and its just me and you? Kevin asked him, grasping at dark humor. Since that awful autumn of 2018, Dares has returned the favor. For everyone commenting about her mom going crazy in the aftermath of this, I can tell you for certain she's always been this way. The most paranoid among us believe that every person is shadowed by satellitesand thats probably not so far-fetched. for someone to post these public records on Reddit - or provide access for others who aren't on FB - and so we can read them? Ill owe Bud for the rest of my life, he said. Spunky and creative, her room at her dads home is still covered in her photos and paintings. Theyd had nothing since midafternoon on August 1, when Sams phone pinged near the summit, one of the only areas with even spotty cell service. Two years later as Kevin Dares hikes uphill searching for Lakoduk, snow is a distant memory. Theyve found no trace of Sayers. They were surprised at how she was dressed, thermal tights under shorts and a long-sleeved shirt under a NASA tank top, but Lakoduk seemed confident, had other clothes in her pack and was moving very well they told police. After a $20,000 reward was announced, the trail swelled further., Thank you! Online criticism reached a fever pitch. Next to that a green backpack and a purple sleeping bag. Psychic Jerry Morris describes the murders in two unsolved cases, Samantha Sayers and Missy Bevers. This was on the last day of the search before they stopped for the season. His sarcastic southern faade slips. How to travel in the mountains. Police are continuing to search for a woman who went missing after going out on a solo hike in Washington State on Aug. 1. The day was hot, the faint haze from far-off wildfires hanging in the air. She was super smart, cool, funny. Later, her husband Jamie, will receive a bag of her gear from the coroner and place the items on the floor of an empty room in the house they used to share. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. In Snohomish, calls often come for underprepared or overdue teens; once SAR launches a response on the Mountain Loop Highway, he usually gets a call from sheepish parents saying the missing had just returned home. I actually got kicked out of the group for calling the admins drama queens . Each was dutifully logged. At the same time a surge in outdoor recreation during the pandemic, and a corresponding increase in search and rescue calls, has added pressure to an already overtaxed system dependent on an aging volunteer base. Its hard to say how many deep mine shafts and ventilation corridors, called adits, are dug into the mountainoften hidden in the underbrush. They gave the bags to Snohomish County Search and Rescue, asking them to place them around the mountain. Soon, fueled in part by Dares social media and Sayers mothers social media postings, combined with a cultural obsession with true crime shows, the case became a social-media spectacle. Finally, the last push to Vesper: a short traverse from Headlee to tiny Lake Elan, still partially frozen, and the triangular peak half-covered in snow. Seattle friends, the 27-year-old wrote in 2018, Im going hiking this Wednesday and tackling Vesper Peak Message me if you want to tag along.. He posted regularly to Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. She disappeared on August 1, 2018 after a day of solo hiking at Vesper Peak near Seattle, Washington. And when hes searching for someone, he never expects to find them. A jet boat. They were among the outside experts Kevin hired using money from the GoFundMe. I also believe quasi-conspiracy theories like missing411 perpetuate the underestimation of the dangers of going unprepared or overconfident into the wilderness by suggesting that there are other causes to the events other than accidents in the wild. Approvals quickly followed. Rose Simonseth, whose husband Tom disappeared and died hiking alone this year and was later found by a friend, said Carr gave her a list of supplies he needed to search for Tom. Its just a really shitty club to be a part of.. Three homes. Online, critics pulled up evidence of past felonieshe helped burgle a gun store before Y2K, he admits, but found Buddhism in his four years in Missouri prison. Trash. Prospectors found gold and silver in the area in the late 1800s, and the Sunrise Mine popped up around Wirtz Basin. The Sunrise Mine Trail lot was dark, and Kevin could see Sams blue Ford Fiesta still in the gravel lot. Granite Falls, Washington. Of course shed go straight to Belltown.Seattle PD was dispatched to the coordinates. According to the sheriff's office, a group of hikers reported seeing her on her way up Vesper Peak around midmorning. Adams got hundreds of phone calls, including one from the general in charge of the Washington National Guard, who offered his own helicopters. The drama continued. That was what had pinged. Aug. 29, 2021 April 23, 2019 Kevin, status report, Carr says into the radio, which each searcher carries per his rigorous protocol. He began a Facebook group called The Truth of the Sam Sayers Case where followers could swap theories; one made a timeline that runs more than 180 pages. A self-described mountain man, Carr is an enthusiastic storyteller, one who uses every inch of his 5-foot-11 frame to elucidate and elaborate, his gestures those of a college theater major, albeit a tattooed and felonious one. Those were boom years for the family. At 1 a.m., her family reported her missing. Red hair. Samantha Sayers, 28, has been missing from a solo hike on Vesper Peak, Wash., since Aug. 1, 2018. As the August day melted into late evening, Kevin grew concerned. But thats cold comfort for the families left behind. Once, while working a night shift at Dennys a customer complained that his steak was too dry. Karen hiked ahead of her partner when the two reached snow level at an elevation of about 5,000 feet, on the east side of Mt. Samantha had planned to summit Vesper Peak in Washington's North Cascades, a route she'd taken before, and told family she'd be gone from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Family says Samantha Sayers . Anyone with any information should call the Snohomish County Sheriff's Office at 425-388-3808 or 425-388-3523.. Aug. 23-- Aug. 23--Samantha Sayers was last seen Aug. 1, 2018, while on a solo day-hike up Vesper Peak in the North Cascades. The happiest situation I can think of is shes on that mountain and it was something quick and she didnt suffer for too long., Only a fraction of missing persons cases are truly without a trace, truly unsolved. Up at camp, just below the stone summit pyramid, the buzz of Facebook was distant. This happens all the time. Let's treat everyone with respect. His dad sold his shares in the business and the family moved to Port Townsend, Washington, poured the gold money into a salvage diving company, sold that and moved to Missouri. Editor's Note: This article was updated April 30 to correct cellular satellites to cellular sites. An Eagle Scout whod earned almost every merit badge, Carr was raised by a father who introduced him to both search and rescue and a defiant, self-sufficient ethos. Late on that August day, a few hours after Sam wandered down Vesper, Kevin Dares sat inside Roccos, an upscale pizza restaurant in Belltown with Victorian wallpaper and novelty banh mi slices. They remembered her distinctive bald head, crowned with a star tattoo like a Roman laurel wreath. Sayers' disappearance sparked a major, exhaustive search on the 6,200-foot peak off the Mountain Loop Highway, as well as a frenzy on social media. Hi. Leave no trace? Tripp buys Carr dinner occasionally. Dares looks closer, careful not to disturb anything. Seattle hiker Samantha Sayers has been missing since Aug. 1 at Vesper Peak. It's a dangerous hobby for someone not really experienced, or competent, or truly prepared. Idk, I am not there. In regular live videos, she implied that the Sayers family was undergoing its own investigation; the Dares family interpreted cryptic statements as accusations against Kevin and sent a cease and desist letter. Like Kevin she was a self-employed entrepreneur, owner of a cleaning service for Airbnbs. On his foray into town that first night, Kevin had posted a plea on Facebook. Flyers wrapped trees and signposts on the Mountain Loop and telephone poles in Seattle.