STUART: Susie? So, there are two interviews, and perhaps even three if we count the doctor speaking with Danny. All right, Danny. From now on, the protagonist deals with his desire in the most extreme and irreversible way, since he does not come back to his senses. (8:21) Is the desirable state one of equilibrium, such as had at the equinoxes? No way one would find this kind of workmanship in a 70s student/family apartment complex. The idea of the past meshing with the present certainly fits well with "shining". It's difficult for me to tell. 33 - Danny speaks to Tony via the mirror in the bathroom. As already noted, the front and back covers of the book mirror each other, partnering with other doublings specifically having to do with Wendy in this scene (such as the red field mirroring the red sleeve) and in her later conversation with the doctor. (8:37) We see beyond them the sign "The Gold Room" which is to the right of double doors (only in the opening and closing scenes is this sign to the right), these double doors framed with gold drapes and leading to a hall with walls and doors in the same design as the lobby but which has red sofas and will be later observed to have the Gold Room carpet. -Mr. Ullman tells Jack and Wendy that the hotel is rumored to be built on an ancient Native American burial ground, and that it suffered attacks from some local Native American tribes while it was being built in the early twentieth century. Images like these make the novel so thrilling to read. 92 MS Doctor from Wendy's side. This tunnel that is blasted through from two ends, meeting in the middle--is Kubrick making also reference to Hezekiah's serpentine tunnel that was dug from opposite directions to meet in the middle, channeling water from the upper spring of Gihon to the lower pool of Shiloah? Accompanied by the sound of dogs barking and children playing (though none are observed) slow zoom in on a complex of blank apartment buildings via a parking lot with a basketball post to the left, the buildings backed by mountains, recalling the initial shot of the lodge at the end of the opening sequence of the movie and striking a parallel. Just a mom and son eating sandwiches in a kitchen that, by virtue of its lighting and the framing of the shots, is experienced as real-life rather than a set. In these opening scenes, it does seem as if Kubrick has emphasized some of Wendy's (Shelley's) striking features, creating a kind of caricature of her, as is done with cartoon figures. Fig. (6:54) Cut to the camera zooming in on Danny facing the mirror in the bathroom, speaking to his reflection. As a sort of Hero, the boy must learn how to use his power in a self-conscious manner. But it was during Danny's speaking with Tony that he blacked out. Film reviewer Tim Robey noted, It was not the commercial success Warner Bros. had been hoping for. The film cost $11 million to make and earned $9.5 million in the United States, though it did have a good life in foreign box offices. Foreshadowing, Jack crosses the circle where Dick will later lie slain. Towards the end of the novel, Jacks genuine love for his son allows him to break through the hotels corrupting influence on his mind. 42 - The doctor and Wendy in the living room. As the guests tend to be older, it seems possible these two are also employees. We have crossfaded back to Jack and the red-haired Mr. Ullman drinking coffee, the camera view in opposition to the one earlier, positioned now to show the office from behind Ullman's desk, a large bright red book prominently placed on it. The view also shows the oven with matched pots arranged on top, an exhaust fan above, and perhaps a coffee maker. 12 - A hairstyle typical of Wendy. "The Great Mother" painting is a shock of energy in contrast to the subdued earth tones of the lobby and its ornamentation, as well as the photographs on the other side of the entrance to Ullman's office, seeming to exhibit a sensibility and knowledge of the world quite apart from the photos and the tepid lodge and the well-behaved humans wandering about it engaging quietly with each other. This area seems not to be dependent on radiant heat any longer for there isn't radiant heat in Ullman's office. 74 MCU Doctor. Before we continue on and out of the bedroom, to review the conversation, Danny has given in reverse order what happened in the bathroom. Fig. Fig. Jack remembers his father beating his mother and dealing with his own addiction to alcohol. The painting seen behind Watson as he enters Ullman's office is "Flock of Loons". At the same time, the 12 stages and most of the archetypes of the heros journey as theorised by Vogler3 are traceable in The Shining, albeit being peculiarly distributed between Jack and Danny.4. There is no door in that area through which he could have passed for the doors to the hall beyond are blocked by seating and if there did happen to be doors to an exterior patio (which there are not) he hasn't the time to exit them. The Talmud said of them, "When this one falls, the other one rises." It is a majestic and luxurious isolated place, with a grisly past: On the one hand, [the isolation] serves, once again ironically, as the reverse side of communication, in a film which is all about communication, albeit extrasensory (the shining); on the other hand, it makes the Overlook Hotel [] a self-sufficient microcosmos [], a symbolic and absolute space, a home and a familiar place par excellence, where the destruction of the family is carried out.6 The Overlook was built on a Native American burial ground, and Native American motifs have been absorbed in the hotel in the guise of Navajo rugs on the walls and floors. STUART: That's good, Jack, because uh for some people uhm solitude and isolation can STUART: Now, let's see, where were we? Whether or not there was any intention behind the use of certain numbers in the film, such as 42, is one thing. First there is the Overlook Hotel, which tries to take advantage of Jack in order to eliminate his family. They never recognize it is there by either a glance, action, or comment. STUART: I don't suppose they Thats what I was like when I got my divorce," Nicholson explained in an interview with The New York Times. For a methodological framework see Dara Marks, In addition to the aforementioned sources pertaining to. It was one of the top 10 highest-grossing films of 1980. Below is the Timberline reception desk with a picture of the lodge overhanging. We are treated to several ghostly paranormal tales told by individuals who keep entreating the architect to stay. (sound). In The Shining however, the use of foreshadowing fits in as a narrative device. (11:13) When the novel begins, the Torrance family is teetering on the edge. THE DOCTOR: Where does he go? Film footage displays a desert scene, the heat of the boiler is raised, everyone sweats and thirsts. We assume Jack has made the trip up in the yellow VW but we didn't see him in it. The color of the pillars is no longer what it was when the film was made, but the trim appears to be the same as in older photos. Oh Danny, for Gods sake No, Danny said. This apartment complex's exterior looks to be from the 70s and the bathroom has beautiful ceramic tile work in it that has probably not been present in any lower and lower mid tier apartment complex since the 60s. As it happens, the ancient theater is now next a train line. How do you think they'll take to it? (13:23) This is the stairway Jack will, in the "4 pm" section, use on his approach to the lobby in the scene where he murders Dick. Fig. The book also displays mirroring/doubling, with the title displayed in the same manner on the back cover as on the front. 30:16 - Dick asks Danny, as to shining, "How long have you been able to do it" (sound). That ugly rug peculiarly matches almost exactly with one we picked up in the early 2000s, that we got because it was better than anything else cheaply available and matched up well with some really nice brown brocade covers on our living room futons. 1. That doesn't mean the maze is itself irrational and nonsensical. People in the Torrance's station of class would be trying to transition from a more 60s flavor of impoverished student style of decoration to one that connoted some stability, as represented in the heavy credenza and coffee table and end tables, and the matching brown sofas. JACK: Right. -Mr. Ullman jokes that he wouldn't want to enter the hedge maze unless he had an hour to figure out how to escape from it. He's going to phone Wendy up in a few minutes to tell her. We're well on our way to the anticipated train crash of an ending. In other words, Jack definitely misses the chance to satisfy his real need. How so? The Shining did a lot better financially. Shot 142. The maze will eventually be his downfall. There is also a hallway in the Colorado Lounge that essentially appears out of nowhere. Such a design was used also by the Hopi. What's the deep infrastructure? To Danny's side on the table there is a black object later revealed to be a toy gun in the scene in which he explores the maze with Wendy (the gun is apparently from the Star Trek Phaser II Target Game). He describes it as dj vu, but more powerful, as if he knew what was around every corner. 62 MCU Danny. One can be confident that the scene was shot many times, more than three, but the inconsistencies boil down to it seeming as if, one could propose, there are three different perspectives or versions presented, which could match with there being three people in the room: Bill, Stuart and Jack. Whatever, we have in the bathroom's mirror the film's first instance of second sight, of oracle, access to knowledge not normally held, and Kubrick appropriately annotates it with music concerning an awakening from a dream. Two brown leather chairs face a large brown desk situated before a bright window on the sill of which appears to be a wood carving of an eagle or other predatory bird. STUART: Oh, well, come on in, Jack. one, thought I'd check it out. Humbert's position on the stairs reminds of Jack's pursuit of Wendy up the great staircase in the Colorado Lounge in "The Shining", Humbert climbing these stairs in "Lolita" as he gunned down Quilty. This may be so. Then there's more gushing blood splattering the walls outside the elevators. 37 - Not in the movie. Its almost over. As Kubrick cut to this shot, a blond woman in white crosses from right to left behind Jack and continues across the lobby. STUART: Ah, it sure would be He stands out, fitting in neither as a lodger nor as a hotel employee. Fig. (17:27) This suggests that the Overlook and its ghosts are symbols of archetypical and sempiternal psychosocial issues. Not affiliated with Harvard College. (8:24) (9:29) Kubrick borrowed from the Ahwahnee, with alterations, what is the receptionist and cashier area in the film. 2, which started in the previous scene (while Danny walks inside the Colorado Lounge), is heard here and will be used once again at the beginning of the third act and at the apparent end of the third act (when Jack dies in the hedge maze). Of a person against a red background, it may look Mayan or Aztec influenced if one doesn't know its provenance. So when we are looking at the Overlook from the aerial view, this is what informs the pyramidal structure of the lobby, yet Kubrick has stripped it out of the film as far as the set interior, preferring instead to have no fireplace at all in the lobby of the Overlook, patterning its appearance after the lodge at Yosemite. THE DOCTOR: That's good, now the other one. In addition to improvising one of the most famous lines of the film, Nicholson actually wrote an entire scene. Above her is a white bird with a black head ascending, and a raven. The tone and mood are both threatening and malevolent. Back to Danny's door. He's gone. Or because it is, in a sense, concealed and adds another layer of meaning to the elevators? (5:04) The word for Lord here is IHVH. 40 MCU of Jack. 42 is a number that Kubrick uses repeatedly throughout his films. Alas, well never knowKubrick never addressed this question before he died. (15:41) People also make note that Bill Watson's pants appear to be a solid color when he enters and that they later show a pattern. Sometimes they see things that havent happened yet. Jacks nightmare of killing his family may be compared to a Call to Adventure, since it is the first explicit sign of murderous thoughts which are going to be construed as the new desire during the adventure. As for the presence of the phaser from the Star Trek game, if one looks it up one finds the art on the game's box shows an unidentified man in a red shirt shooting a villain whose body is divided so it's half black and half white. In the far background, between them, we see an older man standing behind the model of the maze, looking over it--the same man who had entered the hall by the elevators as Jack, just after glancing toward the maze, trod upon the spot where he will later kill Dick and we heard the first "sha". A baseball rests on the board between the books and the basket. This analysis aims at offering a new basis for reconsidering the thematic interpretations proposed until now, in order to test the validity of the implicit and symptomatic meanings1 which have been made about Kubricks film. Nevertheless, in the second and third act she will react strongly to her husbands aggressions. As if we have a psychic after image from one scene to the next at work, and one may also then have the sense (perhaps not consciously) that they all fit together. Peter Pan's habitat was Neverland, and the two girls in blue will first appear to Danny here, who will later beckon him to come play with them forever, and ever, and ever, just as Jack will say he wishes they could stay at the Overlook forever, and ever, and ever. ), NOTE: Jay writes to me: "Speaking of mining, just watched 'Carson City' for the first time, today, and I'd like to respectfully offer a slight correction to what you cite in your analysis, for you indicated that in the scene on the telly in Boulder, Randolph Scott's character is talking to a conspirator, yet it is actually the scene where Jeff has been surveying one bore (the transit tool is visible in the scene) and is now talking to the banker who hired Jeff and is bankrolling the railroad project and is there to complain about the negative press the project has been garnering. After you claim a section youll have 24 hours to send in a draft. In the second paragraph, children put stones in their pockets and make piles of stones in the town square, which seems like innocent play until the stones' true purpose becomes clear at the end of the story. Is "The Great Mother" intended to be their mother? The plot of Carson City concerns a man named "Silent Jeff" who is hired to build a railroad between Carson City and Virginia City. Kubrick was notorious for his lengthy film productions. Because post WWII it would be questionable to include it? So many film theorists have their own takes on The Shining that these conspiracies star in their own film: the documentary Room 237. This event is subtly implied in The Shining, and it is unclear whether it happens or not. I don't think I could get home before 9 or 10. (12:51) 10 Tracking shot of Jack through the lobby. I have no idea. BILL (closing door): How do you do? The climax of the film is Danny's escape from the snowy maze, where he misleads his father into getting lost. Definitions of foreshadowing noun the act of providing vague advance indications; representing beforehand It leaps out of her arms and pursues the motorized cart that carries the suitcase holding the money from Johnny's robbery of the racetrack. Though the elevators are very close to those at the Ahwahnee, there is a notable difference in decoration. "His last big role had been in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, and between that and the manic grin, the audience automatically identified him as a loony from the first scene. (16:26) The author describes the malevolent spirit of the hotel as ghosts, as it has possessed each individual "ghost" and uses each one as a physical extension of itself. As Jack continues on through the lobby, Kubrick gives us a brief glance again of the group by the door, to whom we'd believed the waiter had been carrying lunch. There is a parallel between Danny's arrival at the hotel and the increase in supernatural activity there. 17 - Wendy and Danny eat lunch, watching cartoons. In Review, What Has Kubrick Given Us in This Section? He had a good employment record, good references, and from what I've been told I mean he seemed like a completely normal individual, but at some point during the winter (sha sound about 8:56) he suffered some kind of a complete mental breakdown, he ran amuck and killed his family with an axe. Home Stephen King The Shining Review. as in Johnny Carson. "I know it might be kind of ironic, but I like funny films and documentaries.. This gives the reader the ability to picture the horror of the surroundings and also the isolation. She's a confirmed ghost story and horror film addict. 70 MCU Doctor. Or did Danny manage to stop the cycle of violence from repeating forever and ever? a foreshadowing of Christ's glory, but also a promise of ours (Romans 8:16-17). At the Ahwahnee, and in the film's lodge, the columns are painted at the top with borders of a repetitive design, the Overlook's being different from the Ahwahnee. Kubrick employed this kind of circularity almost from the beginning. Shot 123. So, the sweets girl seems to exit the film and enter reality. It is something which we humans do all the time, bedecking all our accoutrements of life with natural and abstracted floral and fauna designs and symbols. That invitation follows a story of Bill removing something from a woman's eye, the invitation even accompanied by a woman remarking on how she bets he works too hard, think of all the things he misses--just as all work and no play make Jack a dull boy in The Shining. SUSIE: Sure. And Hasten! It occurs very quietly about 7:07 when Stuart is talking about running the boiler and "heating different parts of the hotel". 38 MCU of Jack. One tries to rectify the incongruities in the story, wondering if one should comprehend Jack as having periodically attempted to quit drinking and Wendy having been reluctant to leave him. Slim Pickens had already worked with Kubrick before. It is through the three consonants of the name spelled out: IVD HH VV. A now-legendary story that King reportedly still tells at some of his book readings goes like this: Stanley Kubrick called him at seven in the morning to say that he believed ghost stories were fundamentally optimistic because the existence of ghosts suggested that humans survived past death. View Shining houses.docx from BUSINESS 530 at Moi University. The sound occurs with a cross-fade from the ballroom to the entrance to the kitchen, audible as we see the word FIRE appearing on the screen, the big lettering on the fire doors. Once again, Jacks and Dannys paths interweave: while the boy is in the Special World of room 237, his father has a nightmare; after Danny leaves room 237, Jack enters the Special World. We can tell he's a new arrival as the red-coated valet behind him is porting his bags. 1 - The Ahwahnee lobby, a Creative Commons image by J. W. Kern. (4:10 crossfade begins, full fade in by 4:12.) We hear a familiar "beep beep" that resonates with the childhoods of so many who grew up mid 20th century and realize that Danny is watching a Roadrunner cartoon. My thought on it is that it may refer to the green and blue object held by the Great Mother in Morrisseau's painting in the secretarial office at the Overlook, connecting Wendy with the painting, she attired in the reds and blues of the painting, and, as I mentioned earlier, her hair styled like the Great Mother, who seems to me to not only be a nurturing presence in Morrisseau's painting, but to have in her also the violence of life. Danny feels lonely since he has nobody to play with, and he is reluctant about going to the hotel, but he cant oppose the project. I'm not at all married to the idea, just proposing it. King's vision was a vulgar and seemingly uneducated older man, and Watson's suit and tie are little suited to the job unless his duty is to act primarily as an overseer of others who do the dirty work, which isn't as it was in the book. Perfect alignment of some architectural features, from one shot to the next, may function to make transitions less jarring, creating less interference with an established mood. Or perhaps Jack's alcoholism--for we are soon to discover he is an alcoholic. Theres a famous picture of Kubrick laughing in front of this wreckage. Fig. In Stephen King's "The Shining," the recurring image of blood pouring from elevators foreshadows the violence that takes place later in the story. 42 The scene actually made it into The Guinness Book of Records because it took 127 takes, the most for a scene with spoken dialogue. 64 MCU Danny. Another wonderful example of foreshadowing in the book also comes from Dannys shine, or ability to read minds and see into the future. She then stands by the window . TOC and Supplemental Posts | Part 1 - The First Ascent | Part 2 - The Interview | Part 3 - Closing Day | Part 4 - A Month Later | Part 5 - Tuesday | Part 6 - Thursday | Part 7 - Saturday | Part 8 - Monday | Part 9 - Wednesday Part One | Part 10 - Wednesday Part Two | Part 11 - 8 AM | Part 12 - 4 PM | Films Home. She also wears two gold necklaces. Is he a guest or an employee who would lead the camera walk? Kubrick has nailed the appearance of a certain type of apartment of the time. This instance of the two pairs of union suits, one worn over the other, the second of the pair being virtually unnoticeable, to me seems must be taken as a direct, however hidden, allowance of the significance of doubling in the film, that it is intentional and certainly not casual. The Overlook's sad history related. Fig. The hotel boiler explodes and the hotel is demolished, allowing Wendy, Danny, and Dean to escape. Fig. Fig. Both photos give a sense of unease, ominous, in particular the way the one of the individual on the left, perhaps a boy, feels to be part of a story line to do with the final hedge maze scene, as if this is a first frame of Danny running to the maze, and the photo to the right is a second frame, following up the first, revealing a monstrous entity pursuing him--but these aren't photos of the final maze scene in the snow as that occurs at night and the hedge maze is also covered in snow. Jacob's dream ladder is a key component of Qabalism/Kabbalism, understood as representing the Tree of Life and its ten Sephiroth. The interiors dont make sense," he said in 2012. If so, how? There's hardly a person in 1980 who wouldn't have immediately bonded with the pedestrian situation of the lunch table and its simple sandwiches through the familiar cartoon vocabulary of a cartoon that was a shared experience. Hes ashamed of who his father was, that is until he is firmly in the grasp of the hotel and has turned against his own family. In Stuart's interview, he has the uncomfortable business of relating the story of the murder, while in the interview with the doctor it is Wendy who will relate an uncomfortable story in response to the doctor's questions. WENDY: It sounds like you got the job. 53 MS Wendy. To the rainbow's right we have Mickey's sweetheart, Minnie Mouse. DOCTOR: Yes. The overwhelming red and white decor of the Goldroom lavatory may be a subliminal representation of the historic bloodbath that has been and is yet to come again. 24:02 - Something like the "sha" sound is heard as Ullman says they brought in a decorator from Chicago to refurbish the Gold Room area. Are we simply seeing something that was intended to keep out competitive light during filming, or does it foreshadow Dick's death? WENDY: Yeah: Lloyd did, however, have a brief cameo as a spectator in Doctor Sleep, Mike Flanagan's 2019 sequel to The Shining. WENDY: Yeah, I know. At the end of the heros journey there is the Return with the Elixir. (4:57) Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Hinting at what will happen serves multiple purposes (such as building tension and suspense). The comparison isn't too far fetched when one considers that Jack suffers from writer's block and the director in 8 and 1/2 was suffering from a creative block and musing on his life and its relationship to his work, his imaginings mingling with reality. The painting of the horse and railroad, done by an Alex Colville, is supposed by critics to be an expression of the question of whether destiny can be altered. At the same time, the Special World invades the Ordinary World, since the ghosts become visible to Wendy as well presumably because Jack is doing exactly what the hotel wanted him to do. The curtains could only be cheaper if the Torrances had used the thin bamboo blinds that were popular for the time. 75 MCU Danny. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Shining by Stanley Kubrick. This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven." WENDY: It was just one of those things, you know, purely an accident. The pink-salmon tone in the bathroom also ties in with the salmon tone on the walls in Stuart's office. Seems to me that the skiing up here (sha) would be fantastic. In the lobby, during his phone call, Jack had been standing beside AVIS brochures advertising "Experience a Colorado Adventure" with a building of Spanish Mission style architecture set against the mountains. On the window sill of Danny's bedroom is a yellow rubber duck of the same kind we viewed in the bathroom, but the angle of the shot is such that though the bathroom is visible we're unable to see if the duck is still in that room (I would imagine it's not).