Your email address will not be published. Feyre uses her abilities to kill several attackers. He is first seen in his Fae form wearing an exquisite golden mask embedded with emeralds shaped like whorls of leaves that covered his nose, cheeks, and brows. After this, Tamlin decides that Feyre will be safer with her family in the Mortal Lands. Before Rhysand leaves, he notices the extra plate on the table and recognizes Feyre's smell. I was relieved that this never happens, but it doesnt change Rhys earlier abuse. During the ceremony, she has a panic attack. Arc and development may sound similar, but the difference here is depth: a creative concept vs. underdeveloped execution. One of the soldiers drops her from the sky, and she dies at impact. I also suspect that the faerie who bled out in Tamlins court was Rhysands doing. And because he was weaker than both Tamlin and Rhys, he wanted to prove to the world that he wasn't. However, when he got to the High Lord's bedroom, he found the High Lord and his wife dead, killed by his father, even after he had promised not to touch her. As they kiss, Feyre grinds against Rhysands erection, while he slides his hands up her thighs. They arrange a meeting with the human queens at Feyres family home in the human realm. Tamlin with the help of the High Lords of the courts brings Feyre back to life making her an immortal High Fae. Without divulging any personal details, the person who abused me always had a sob story, too. Saying, I drugged you to make you forget is an abuser/sexual predators logic. In the first book, Rhys is extremely creepy. Rhys plans to use the Veritas to show the queens Velaris so they can see that he is good, capable of maintaining peace and worthy of their trust. He brings Feyre Archeron to his court in Prythian after Feyre kills his friend Andras. I think the curse Amarantha put on Tamlin and his court was a way of getting back at him. Three of them went out to kill him. Towards the end, after sending Feyre back to her home to keep her safe, Tamlin is taken to Under the Mountain because of the fact that he was unable to break the curse put on him by Amarantha. For one, it's said that Tamlin and Amarantha had had a past before. I agree with many of blogger Tiffs points about Rhys abusive behavior here. Feeling sympathy can be good, but when its weaponized to excuse abuse, thats manipulation. Lucien is furious to lose Elain, but he, Tamlin and Feyre return to the Spring Court. On their wedding day, Feyre feels overwhelmed and wants to escape, knowing that she isnt ready for marriage. Unable to overcome his guilt and grief Tamlin has been staying in his beast form, his estate, once lovely has fallen in despair. Maas said Rhys was loosely inspired by the Hades and Persephone myth. Feyre and Tamlin have issues in the beginning because they are both trying to grapple with what happened with Amarantha at the end of ACOTAR. Tom Busson as Lucien. This is fine, but it doesnt erase what he did earlier. Because Amarantha only agreed to lift the curse of Spring, not all of Prythian. Once again at the Spring Court, Tamlin accompanied by Feyre, Lucien and Ianthe, are part of the welcome to the Hybern delegation made up of Jurian and the twin nephews of the King: the princes Dagdan and Brannagh. Morrigan shows them the secret and thriving city of Velaris. In the later books, Rhys acts reformed and romantic, but he still endangers Feyre unnecessarily. Do Rowan and Citra end up together in Scythe? Rhys tells Tamlin about this, and Tamlin relays this information to his father and brothers. To get more information, Feyre and Rhys visit an ancient creature called the Bone Carver. Theres also an offhanded line about torture and mind control shattering (someones) mind and leaving him a drooling husk. (Compare with Harry Potters Cruciatis Curse.) Amarantha's a bit- female dog, ahem. Under the Mountain, Rhys coerces Feyre to make a bargain to save her life. Then, once the curse was broken, he wasn't strong enough to be able to do it himself. She is now their spy. When Elain and Nesta were thrown into the cauldron, no one knew they would get powers. The King senses that Rhys and Feyre are mates. Id rather admit that I enjoyed reading or watching something problematic than try to reason the problematic aspects away. A Court of Thorns and Roses Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. After the third trial is over, Amarantha is enraged when Feyre manages to find the strength to stab Tamlin in the heart, realizing that he had a heart of stone and therefore the stab would not kill him. The first sexual encounter between Feyre and Rhysand involves her sitting in his lap in his throne room in the Hewn City while his subjects are watching. He'd sat silently by all these weeks doing nothing more to help her than offering a few stolen kisses in a dingy hallway. The king obliges, unaware that he only breaks the bond to spend one week a month in the Night Court. The beast goes back to the cottage and glamours Feyre's family to think she left to take care of a sick aunt and her father's ships were found across the sea. Bloomsbury Childrens Books, a division of Bloomsbury Publishing. He says that he kissed her after Tamlin did, both to make Tamlin jealous and to hide Tamlins scent on Feyre from Amarantha. He forbade her to leave the grounds and refused to take notice that Feyre had essentially lost her will to live and was painfully thin. When they go back to the human realm with the Veritas, they hope the queens will give them the book as time is running out to stop the king. Rhys frequently says things like, This ones mine about Feyre before theyve agreed to a romantic relationship or she knows theyre mates. Theory: the present in the box Cassian tried to give Nesta was the Veritas the truth orb that Rhysand and Feyre got from the Court of Nightmares to prove that Velaris existed to the Queens. Tamlin and Feyre's love story is loosely based on the ballad. Helions power is described as a golden-white healing light. Your email address will not be published. Summary. After that, Rhys ran from the Spring Court, and they had a deep hatred for each other ever since. Rhys tried to stop him, but his father didn't listen. The marks on her waist are non-consensual, intimate touching sexual assault no matter what. Feyre feels like a spy, but since Tamlin and Rhysand are enemies, she does what Tamlin wants. Moments later, the powers from the two deceased High Lords shifted to both of them respectively, crowning them both as the new High Lords of their court. I hated the way the Children of the Blessed were treated in this series. They believe all Faeries are necessarily malevolent. Feyre finds Luciens eye creepy until she trusts him. One night, Rhysand manages to get into Feyre's cell and offers her healing in exchange for spending two weeks out of every month in the Night Court. And when Amarantha is beating Feyre to death, Tamlin desperately begs for her to be spared. Lucien is Elain's mate. Clotho serves little purpose in the story, except to depict Rhys as a good guy and his city as a refuge for vulnerable/ traumatized people. Tamlin then returns to the Spring Court with Feyre, Lucien, and the rest of his court. So the moment Tamlin was old enough, he joined his father's war band and trained so that he might someday serve his father, or whichever of his brothers inherited the title. After the events that happened Under the Mountain Tamlin becomes obsessive towards Feyre, ignoring her needs so he can feel she's safe, and goes far enough to lock her in the manor as if she was a prisoner. Were meant to think the body paint would definitively show whether Rhys sexually assaulted Feyre, but the text contradicts itself on this. Does tamlin have a mate? Tamlin. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. He has been known to grow claws when his temper rises. Feyre refuses to go with Tamlin, but the king has caught her sisters and uses them to show the human queens that its safe to be remade by the Cauldron. Amarantha cursed Tamlin for refusing to be her lover. Her fathers leg was damaged when creditors tortured him, which she witnessed. In that moment, all he could think about was the fact the person he suspected to be his mate was dead, and Amarantha had been the one to do it. When Tamlin was younger he knew Amarantha. Rhys says that his bargain wasnt really important, and the true, mating bond is the lasting one. She was raised to do so for her entire life. Feyre and Tamlin have sex several times. Then the High Lord of Night went for Tamlin's room. There's too much proof for Lucien's bond being real to Elain. She is to behave according to his desires to send the "right message" to the remaining courts. He is sorry for everything he had put Feyre through and when he asks Rhysand if she will forgive him, he tells her that he is not the one to answer that question. Months have passed since Feyre saved the Fae kingdom of Prythian from the vicious queen Amarantha. During their next sexual encounter, Rhysand brings Feyre to organism using his hand. In the Hybern castle, Jurian shoots Azriel with ash arrows. How do you plant lavender and roses together? No one has the right to force another person to drink to erase bad memories. The "Be happy Feyre" is probably him realizing what he had done. He has been married to Christopher Bailey since 2012. . Due to her continued distrust he magically chains her to the seat and promises not to release her until she eats, Feyre obliges and is sent to her room and not a cell, to her surprise. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. With Rhys, theres a clear pattern of double standards: anything abusive he did to Feyre was for a secretly heroic reason and for her own good. So he stopped his father before the door. One day as Tamlin is leaving to assess a new threat in his lands, Feyre insists on going with him. Tamlin's brothers would have never let him live to adolescence if they had suspected that he did. Rhys tells Feyre that he agreed to become Amaranthas lover and be used for sex so she wouldnt look too closely at him and realize that he was hiding an entire city from her. At least if Tamlin does it, he's got no one to blame but himself. While training in the woods, they are ambushed by Lucien, Tamlins emissary, who tries to forcibly take her back to the Spring Court. However, if they ever do cross the wall, theyre usually used as cannon fodder. She sends Tamlin a letter telling him that she wanted to leave, shes fine, and she wont be coming back. They require proof that he will use the book for good and not evil. He later found out that his mother was worked to death. According to Ianthe and Tamlin, Feyre's responsibilities are to bear children to ensure Tamlin's bloodline's survival and plan parties. And as such, it romanticizes behavior thats abusive and problematic. During the second day of the meeting they hear a great noise and Nesta Archeron, who has a connection to the Cauldron, tells them that the King has used it to destroy the wall. Even the King of Hybern was surprised. Nor has Feyre forgotten her bargain with Rhysand, the mesmerising High Lord of the feared Night Court. Rhys had also kissed/licked Feyres tears away Under the Mountain, even kissing her eyelashes until she jumped back. And of course, it can be re-painted, especially if she was unconscious. Her future and romantic prospects are grim. Feyre's physical and mental health continued to deteriorate, and Tamlin refused to let her leave the manor alone if she did she had to be surrounded by sentries as he believed they would try to capture her to get to him. Still, Rhys seemed like the kind of manipulative, alluring villain I love to hate, and who might become a problematic love interest, but only in fan fiction. It is revealed that Tamlin had grown controlling and obsessive, seeing Feyre suffering Under The Mountain led him to believe that she needed protecting. Sarah J. Maas will release the last book in her A Court of Thorns and Roses trilogy A Court of Wings and Ruin on May 2. Eventually, Feyre and Tamlin fall in love. It can result in the death of the person who fights the bargain or it can kill someone he deeply cares about. A Court of Thorns and Roses Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Feyres group returns to Prythian and steal a device, the Veritas, which allows the viewer to see only the truth. He can change his own shape into that of a horse-sized beast with a bear-like body and the head of a wolf. A decent person would never see her life-threatening injury as his way in with her. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Afterward, he licks his fingers. He even admits this to her later. I needed to think about a new fandom for a while, and the fan art, characters, settings, and coloring book all look gorgeous. Theyre plot devices to provide exposition or be murdered by the evil characters. At the end of the war he attends the meeting called by Feyre in the ruins of the Archeron's Estate to renegotiate a new Treaty between faeries and mortals, after which he quickly left. Feyre is shocked, but the Suriel confirms that Rhys has known Feyre is his mate, his perfect match and one who he is destined to be bonded with for life. After she weaned him, his mother abandoned him. A human queen is thrown from the air by one of the flying Hybern faeries. In retribution, Rhys and his father killed Tamlins father, mother and brothers. Feyre brutally kills his captors in order to free Rhys. Lily James as Nesta. The magic created alerts Jurian, the kings newly resurrected warrior. When they start arguing about it, Feyre confesses that she feels controlled and overwhelmed by him. He later sends Lucien, along with his sentries Hart and Bron to look for her in the Illyrian Mountains, with orders to take her by force if she refuses to return. The king unleashes powers that shred Cassians wings. He questions her presence, to which she relies that Carterhaugh is rightfully hers. They come with the supposed mission of inspecting the weaknesses in the wall, but later it is revealed that since they arrived they are poisoning the residents of the manor with faebane in small doses so it wouldn't be noticed but the effect is cumulative. He brings Feyre Archeron to his court in Prythian after Feyre kills his friend Andras. Tamlin is silent and unmoved throughout the whole interaction between the ladies and following trials so that Amaranthat would not know how much he loved Feyre, otherwise she would do the impossible to kill her. Feyre begins the series feeling like a nobody. They put their heads in boxes and sent them down the river to the nearest camp. He joins the Night Court and other High Lords in an alliance against the King of Hybern. Amarantha stole power from Prythian's High Lords and now rules tyrannically, plotting a new war against humans. Why overcomplicate this timeless fairy tale usually making the power imbalances worse, not better, in the process? Cassian is the son of a war camp laundress. While Azriel and Cassian teach Feyre how fight, Rhys teaches her how to use her new powers. Okay, so recently I reread ACOTAR and ACOMAF while I awaited the arrival of ACOWAR and I began to notice some hints in there that made me think that Tamlin and Amarantha were mates. Privacy Policy. They traveled to the Illyrian wilderness and murdered both Rhysands mother and sister. 23. What better way to fuck with him for saying that than putting a curse on him only able to be broken by a human - a human who hates Fae no less. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The paint magically fixes itself after Rhys touches her. He has the power to save her, as Lucien did earlier, no questions asked or bargain needed. Afterward, they do not encounter each other until Rhysand shows up in the Spring Court, and is surprised when he finds out that Feyre is living with Tamlin and Lucien. Unlike Harvey, I thought the world-building was good. Meanwhile, were meant to interpret anything romantic or kind Rhys does even with ulterior motives as his real, secret self. Whats The Difference Between Dutch And French Braids? Both soldiers and civilians die. As the story progresses, her feelings for Tamlin blend from bitter cold to a burning passion. When Rhysand comes to get Feyre a second time, Tamlin tries to kick him out. The only humans who dont hate the Fae are the Children of the Blessed, a cult who worship the Fae. Only the night before the third trial Tamlin approaches Feyre when she is left alone. It is to some degree, but the bond that shows him Feyres thoughts was a violation in the first place. Eventually, Rhys finds her and tells her that he felt she was his mate when Amarantha killed her, but it was confirmed when he saw her in her Fae form for the first time. He was killed by Tamlin, and Rhysand succeeded him as High Lord shortly after. When Rhys and his father heard, they winnowed to the edge of the Spring Court that night, then went the rest of the way on foot to the manor. Rhys constantly violates Feyres boundaries. Since she isnt wearing underwear, he soon finds evidence of her arousal. When Feyre, in an attempt to make her friends flee, pretends that Rhysand has bewitched her into thinking she loves him instead of Tamlin, Tamlin asks the King to break her bond with the High Lord of the Night Court and he does, but without knowing he has broken the bond they had established when they made their bargain Under the Mountain, not the mating bond nor the one that unites them as rulers of the Night Court. 9. Rhys asks Feyre to work with his inner circle Morrigan, Amren, Azriel and Cassian to find out what the king is planning. Later, Amarantha invited the Spring Court to a masquerade as a peace offering, and the reason it was a masquerade was so that Lucien could hide his scarred face. He later tells her that there is a threat on one of the shores of his territory and leaves the house with Lucien, leaving her locked up with magic wards. Eventualmente, Tamlin foi longe de mais a ponto de tranc-la na casa. When Rhys told Tamlin that his mother and sister were going to camp alone and that he had plans to meet them but in the end he didn't go, Tamlin told his father. His beast form is a horse-sized creature with a bear-like body that moved with a feline fluidity, a distinctively lupine head, and massive elk-like antlers. During her time there, he teaches her to read and tells her that when the High Lords gave her a bit of their magic to save her life, she also received their power and abilities. When Feyre confesses it was her and asks the beast what the price is, he replies "a life for a life". Feyre must hide from the Weaver, whose blindness is a plot device. I do agree with Harvey that the plot of the first book is contrived and convoluted. One day as Tamlin is leaving to assess a new threat in his lands, Feyre insists on going with him. Rhys shows Feyre a memory of a priestess trying to seduce him. Rhys: Thanks. He starts seducing her and bites her neck. Meta Version - a combination of the most common variants in the ballad. The woman lays on his bed naked while touching herself between her legs. He refuses to let Rhysand lead his Illyrians into his territory but agrees to Summer Court soldiers be sent by Tarquin. Sarah J Maas even shows us that excerpt where Feyre is going back to bed but puking and unable to sleep and we can presume that Tamlin is ignoring the pain that Feyre is in from what happened in the last . Gemma Arterton as Amarantha. A maiden named Janet travels to Carterhaugh and picks a rose, causing Tam Lin to appear. During his time as a sergeant, he helped develop the first Asian . And shes not just any Fae, but the High Lady of the Night Court and savior of Prythian, with Rhys as her gorgeous, doting, immortal husband and mate. This is all about objectification, domination, and ownership. She is the eldest of the Archeron sisters and Cassian's mate. Azriel is in love with Morrigan, but doesnt feel that he is worthy of her. Before he gets to the dining room, Lucien glamours Feyre to not be visible to him. As a writer, I dont support tagging writers in criticism of their work, but I think we need to point it out. Negotiations with the queens go poorly. She has flashbacks of being trapped Under the Mountain by Amarantha and passes out. If youre not familiar with trauma bonds, and have never known someone as manipulative as Rhys, Im happy for you. In the first instance, the act is described in detail, including oral sex. Tamlinwears a. Well, he probably could have, but it would have taken some time. Tamlin stays silent and unmoving throughout the whole interaction between the ladies. Anti-Villain: Tamlin becomes a Woobie-type, with a sprinkling of Well-Intentioned, in the second book. Mating bonds can develop between a Fae or Demi-Fae and an individual of another humanoid species and of any gender. Rhys returns to Velaris and tells the others that the night before they went to Hybern, he and Feyre went to a priestess, and she was sworn in as High Lady of the night court. Out of fury, Tamlin destroys his study. He was going to kill Tamlin too, but Rhysand couldn't let his father do it. I understand why Feyre has such a negative view of disability. Rhys also apologizes for pretending to be that person you hated. He says that if Amarantha and her allies had known Feyre was Rhys mate, they would have done such unspeakable things to you, Feyre. However, as I described earlier, he only endangered her even more by using her as a pawn for his own gratification. Afterward, they do not encounter each other until Rhysand shows up in the Spring Court, and is surprised when he finds out that Feyre is living with Tamlin and Lucien. Feyre is so aroused, she wants to have sex with him right there, on the throne, and she doesnt care that they have an audience. I actually got really into the world of ACoTaR while I was reading the books near the holidays this year. There she has to face either three trials waiting to be completed and/or a riddle to be solved to claim her love, Tamlin. Tamlin ( pronounced: Tam-lin [2]) is a High Fae and High Lord of the Spring Court. The stories Rhys had once told me of the horrors she inflicted replayed in my mind on a continuous loop like a mockery. Tamlin was born in the Spring Court, the youngest of the three sons of the High Lord of the Spring Court and his mate. Ianthe spends the majority of the day with Feyre advising her on how to dress and behave as the High Lord's wife. The conversations about sex are crude. Rhys had also kissed/licked Feyre's tears away Under the Mountain, even kissing her eyelashes until she jumped back. . She goes as far as to ask Rhysand why the Cauldron didnt make Elain and Azriel mates, rather than Elain and Lucien. Sarah J. Maas' Tumblr: Pronunciation Guide, Appeared in A Court of Frost and Starlight, The bloodline of the High Lord of the Spring court possesses five crowns. She couldn't touch him. She is taken into a dining room by the beast who with a flash of light transforms into a blonde, young man with a mask, Tamlin. The night before she leaves he goes to see her in her room and they end up making love and before she leaves he tells her that he loves her. Imagine he had said something to her along the lines of "I'd rather love a human than love you". Rhysand rescues her and takes her to his secret city of Velaris. So obviously its not Feyre but I would love to hear everyones theories on who might be Tamlins mate! She could have faded into a world of rest and peace, but she chose not to. After successfully completing them Amarantha goes against her word of giving Feyre, Tamlin, and the rest of the people of Prythian's lands freedom. During various court functions over the years, Tamlin and Rhysand, the heir to the Night Court got to know each other. In contrast, he loved his mother and had a wonderful nurturing relationship with her. Reviews like Jordan Harveys are instructive for what not to do when writing fiction, as one commenter says. He continuously leaves the manor to take care of problems within his land, sometimes taking her for strolls. Im such a feminist! Feyre and the others defend the city, but not before considerable damage is done and lives are lost, including the life of the queen who gave them the book. Instead of openly treating her in a mean, lascivious way or betting on her, he should have ignored her publicly, then healed her in secret like Lucien did! The night of the Calanmai, when Tamlin returns from the celebration and is drunk with magic, he finds Feyre on her way to the kitchen. Her mother never found out who the father was but says that the magic chose him that night. Tamlin was shown to have a short and explosive temper. and our As Feyre begs for their release, her sisters are submerged into the Cauldron and come out as high Fae. It fell into the wrong hands and was used to make evil things, so it was dismantled and hidden. Ive gotten better at compartmentalizing when enjoying escapist series, but I do still notice problematic tropes. ago But the reason is still blatantly obvious. She did this because Amarantha wanted to make Tamlin her lover but after Amarantha had gouged out Lucien's eye, he refused. Because Elains power was a gift after the Cauldron found her so lovely. I find this fascinating, but it doesnt make Rhys any less awful. And the series frames it as romantic and further evidence that Feyre and Rhys are mates. She was also disabled by torturers, who damaged her tongue and hands (see Philomel, Lavinia, and Ellen James for other characters who fit this type). Rhysand and Feyre travel to the Summer Court under the guise of diplomacy and steal that portion of the book; but the half in the human realm cant be stolen, it must be given freely. When they return without her he allies himself with the King of Hybern so that he will break Feyre's bond with Rhysand in exchange for allowing him to use his court as a gateway for his army to enter Prythian to destroy the wall with the power of the Cauldron and thus dominate mortals. Simon Woods Actor | Pride & Prejudice Simon Woods was born in 1980 in England, UK. After that, the armies march to the battlefield, where the Bone Carver and Bryaxis (recruited by Feyre) and Stryga, the Weaver, (recruited by Rhys) also arrive to aid them in battle. If Rhys was a safe person who truly cared about her, he would have done this as well. As the world is connected to the Cauldron, a void is beginning to be created around its remains, as a way to save the world they know, Feyre and Rhysand unite their powers to reforge it. Scan this QR code to download the app now. As the weeks pass, Tamlin becomes more controlling, and Feyre becomes even more despondent. It is higher than the bond between a regular married couple and considered very sacred. Feyre slaps his face and tells him she is not a second plate. I also agree with commenter Alex, who wrote that telling someone that you make her drink so that she can forget what happens looks more like the justification of a rapist than anything else; because its never fine to make someone drink in order to forget ! Feyre knows she has no choice, as she must save her sisters and her friends. It was stolen and hidden, but the king now has it and plans to use it to raise a dead warrior, Jurian, to shatter the wall to the human realm. She might have let it go, had he not gone on to say that even her sister preferred a Mortals company to hers, and that he felt the same. He then tells her that he will find a way to keep her from having to return. They have sex in a cabin and are loud enough that those outside can hear. For centuries, he thought she had died. They were all still enslaved except Spring, so only Tamlin could do it. When Feyre returns he takes her to the room where she paints and shows her he bought her a briefcase so she can paint things in the garden and when he sees that she does not like the gift since she no longer paints, he becomes enraged and destroys the entire room. However, her dads leg eventually gets magically cured. After the battle that occurred in the Winter Court, while in the war camp, the Cauldron tricks Elain Archeron, Feyre's sister, by posing as her ex-fianc Graysen, and brings her to Hybern's camp, from where she is rescued, along with Briar, by Feyre and Azriel with the help of Jurian (who shows he has never really been on Hybern's side but is a spy) and Tamlin, who also happens to be a spy. He says that he kissed her after Tamlin did, both to make Tamlin jealous and to hide Tamlin's scent on Feyre from Amarantha. After these events, the interest between them becomes more obvious. She didnt hunt after any of the others like she did with Tamlin, and the reason she hated Feyre so much was because she was furious with the fact that Tamlin had found love other than her. The entire court went and during the party Amarantha cursed them to never take off their masks and told Tamlin that she gave him seven times out of seven years to find a human who hated Fae but would love him. Do Tamlin And Feyre End Up Together? Later on though, I was thinking how it said Rhys and Tam used to be friends and that got me thinking, what if Rhys broke the mating bond between Amarantha and Tam because Tam was so disgusted with what Amarantha had become? When Feyre goes back to Tamlins manor, she is overjoyed to see him. During the Tithe, a tax collection which Tamlin decides to reinstate, he assembles for all members of his lands. Morrigan gave her virginity to Cassian at 17 years old, but hasnt slept with him since. In Sarah J. Maas New Adult fantasy series A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACoTaR), Rhysand should have made a great villain, but the series swerves to rehab him into a dreamboat romantic hero instead.