Hillman also discovers archetypal precursors in Neoplatonism, Heraclitus, Plotinus, Proclus, Marsilio Ficino, and Giambattista Vico. This article, then, treats the only form of literary theory and criticism consistent with and derived directly from the psychological principles advanced by Jung. In his play, he portrays Othello like a tragic hero, a type of literary character. He is the general of the Venetian army and a well respected man by the towns noble men. O, farewell! Desdemona on her deathbed, still defends her Lords actions. The play is set in Venice and Cyprus where a Moor, Othello, General of the Venetian army gets secretly married to a Venetian noblemans daughter, Desdemona. Aristotle believed that the plot is the most important element in a play and that plot also clearly points out the problem of any characters to be solved. Emilia comes into the couples bedroom after Othello smothers Desdemona, but hears Desdemona cry out. Othello, being a hero, enjoys a good reputation and has notable qualities. This burgeoning theoretical movement and the generally unsatisfying nature of so much early Jungian literary criticism are both linked to the problematic nature of Jungs own writing on literature, which comprises a handful of essays: The Type Problem in Poetry, On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry, Psychology and Literature, Ulysses: A Monologue, and Is There a Freudian Type of Poetry? These essays reveal Jungs lack of awareness as a reader despite his sense that they may show how ideas that play a considerable role in my work can be applied to literary material (Collected 15:109^. Cultural criticism is exploring or examining the relationship of dominant role based on ethnicity, and sexual identity of person, also a great understanding of yourself. Herbert Read, Michael Fordham, and Gerhard Adler, 20 vois., 1953-79), Letters (trans. Iago reviews Othellos performance as a lover by stating, O, you are well tuned now, / But Ill set down the pegs that make this music. Iago will now orchestrate discord and disharmony based on a life philosophy totally opposed to the ennobling and selfless concept of love demonstrated by the newlyweds. His expression of his jealousy quickly devolves from the conventional"Farewell the tranquil mind"to the absurd: Farewell the plum'd troops and the big wars. If after every tempest come such calms, Othello, a play that was written in 1604 by William Shakespeare, is an example of a type of story called a tragedy. Throughout the course of the work, Othello proves himself to be very easily misled, despite his heroic status. Comparing the amount written about the two plays, people find Hamlet more interesting to discuss. The critic is at the center of interpretive activity, and the critic functions as teacher, interpreter, priest, seer. Literary Archetypes The Legend of Sleepy Hollow The Loved One The Magus The Making of Americans The Man in the High Castle The Mayor of Casterbridge The Member of the Wedding The Metamorphosis The Natural The Plague The Plot Against America The Portrait of a Lady The Power of Sympathy The Red Badge of Courage The Road The Road from Coorain In Shakespeare's, An outburst that othello has in a crowd of his peers causes people to start to question their noble leader. Kibin, 2023. http://www.kibin.com/essay-examples/an-archetype-criticism-of-othello-a-play-by-william-shakespeare-yJF4zltX. Thus, all contrastive categorization would benefit from archetypal analysis. what is wrong with franklin baby on tiktok. Twere now to be most happy, for I fear Van Meurs also does a service by resurrecting successful but neglected early studies, such as Elizabeth Drews of T. S. Eliot (1949), and discovering value even in reductionist and impressionistic studies, such as June Singers of Blake. Kibin, 2023, www.kibin.com/essay-examples/an-archetype-criticism-of-othello-a-play-by-william-shakespeare-yJF4zltX. If Hamlet is a tragedy about youth, and Lear concerns old age, Othello is a family or domestic tragedy of a middle-aged man in which the fate of kingdoms and the cosmos that hangs in the balance in Hamlet and Lear contracts to the private world of a marriages destruction. Nothing extenuate, However, these fields of study contributed a lot to the development of archetypal criticism through the characters of Sir James Frazer and Carl Jung. And the 1980s saw a new, suggestive, and controversial direction in archetypal studies of literature: the feminist. Act 3, one of the wonders of the stage, anatomizes Othellos psychic descent from perfect contentment in his new wife to complete loathing, from a worldview in which everything is as it appears to one in which nothing is as it seems. You know how looking at a math problem similar to the one you're stuck on can help you get unstuck? O, farewell! (5. She does not fight back nor call for help, Desdemona begs for her life asking to Kill me (Desdemona) tomorrow; let me live tonight! (V.ii.97). As hells from heaven. In spite of his elevated status, he is nevertheless easy prey to insecurities because of his age, his life as a soldier, and his race. My soul hath content so absolute The approaches of semiologists, structuralists and deconstructivists . Othello A Christian Moor who has earned a high reputation as a general in the Venetian army and has recently married Desdemona, daughter of the Venetian senator Brabantio. He suffers barbs and preconceived notions, yet Othello is esteemed and wins the love of the daughter of a nobleman. Come, go with me apart. Uncover new sources by reviewing other students' references and bibliographies, Inspire new perspectives and arguments (or counterarguments) to address in your own essay. Othello is a complex play that deals with issues such as jealousy, gender, and race. He interprets literature in the light of various rituals and myths. Ralph Manheim, 1974); Morris Philipson, Outline of a Jungian Aesthetic (1963, reprint, 1991); Annis Pratt et al., Archetypal Patterns in Womens Fiction (1981); Jos van Meurs and John Kidd, Jungian Literary Criticism, 1920-1980: An Annotated Critical Bibliography of Works in English (with a Selection of Titles after 1980) (1988); William K. Wimsatt, Jr., and Cleanth Brooks, Literary Criticism: A Short History (1957). Learn what works (and what doesn't) from the reader's perspective. Desdemona and Othello, therefore, face the usual challenges of the lovers in a Shakespearean comedy who must contend with the forces of authority, custom, and circumstances allied against their union. I pray you, in your letters, The intensity and focus of Othello is unalleviated by subplots, comic relief, or any mitigation or consolation for the deterioration of the noble Moor and his collapse into murder and suicide. Active Themes Emilia returns with Desdemona. Indeed, the psychological resonances of the drama, along with its provocative racial and gender themes, have caused Othello, perhaps more than any other of Shakespeares plays, to reverberate the loudest with current audiences and commentators. Because of that, it has generated a lot of literary criticism in the 400 years since it was written and first . By the end of the play, he has brought down his world around him with the relentless force that made him a great general turned inward, destroying both what he loved best in another and in himself. "In Sidney's view, tragedy provokes "the affects of admiration and commiseration" and so demonstrates "the uncertainty of this world". Speak of me as I am. Iago replies: Demand me nothing; what you know, you know: / From this time forth I never will speak word. By Iagos exiting the stage, closing access to his motives, the focus remains firmly on Othello, not as Iagos victim, but as his own. Unlike the other Shakespeare tragedies, which follow the common ideas for Shakespearean tragedy, Othello includes some of the ideas from classical tragedies. However, as the play progresses, jealousy clamps down his mind, and his decisions are colored with jealousy that Desdemona is betraying him, leading him to kill her and take his own life. Many fell prey to Jungs idiosyncrasies as a reader, ranging widely and naively over genres, periods, and languages in search of the universal archetypes, while sweeping aside cultureand text-specific problems, ignoring their own role in the act of reading and basing critical evaluation solely on a texts contribution to the advancement of the readers individuation process, a kind of literature-astherapy standard. 2. Othello must now face the realization of what he has done. What is striking about Shakespeares alteration of Cinthios grisly tale of murder and villainy is the shift of emphasis to the provocation for the murder, the ennobling of Othello as a figure of great stature and dignity to underscore his self-destruction, and the complication of motive for the ensigns actions. To wronged Othellos service. The moment he showed violence towards Desdemona, the audience lost interest in comforting Othello. Desdemona replies that it was her fault: Nobody I myself. "An Archetype Criticism of Othello, a Play by William Shakespeare." Not with vain thanks, but with acceptance bounteous, O my souls joy, If we carefully examine the third scene in the third act, we can see how Othello fits into Aristotle's definition of tragic hero. After confronting Desdemona of her crimes he decides to carry out his overall plan to end his trues loves life. But Jung's theory of the archetypes of the collective unconscious differs . Abstract. Archetypal theory then took shape principally in the multidisciplinary journal refounded by Hillman in 1970 in Zurich, Spring: An Annual of Archetypal Psychology and Jungian Thought. In Othello, the plot meets the definition of both Aristotle and Shakespeare on a tragedy. Othello Zootopia Act 1 The wall Othello is referring to are the Walls of Nicosia which surround the capital city Nicosia in Cyprus. This heuristic distinction was formed, however, solely on psychobiographical grounds: Did the text originate in, and remain principally shaped by, the authors experience of consciousness and the personal unconscious or his or her experience at the level of the archetypal collective unconscious? But Wheelwright, for example, barely mentions Jung (The Burning Fountain, 1954), and he, Fergusson, and others often owe more to Sigmund Freud, Ernest Jones, Oedipus Rex, and the Oedipus complex than to anything taken from Jung. (2023). (3.3.54) Ex. Analysis. As Dian's visage, is now begrimed and black. Frye, then, first misinterprets Jungian theory by insisting on a Lamarckian view of genetic transmission of archetypes, which Jung explicitly rejected, and later settles on a concept of archetype as a literary occurrence per se, an exclusively intertextual recurring phenomenon resembling a convention (99). I am hitherto your daughter. In The Tragedy of Othello, Shakespeare details the story of a celebrated military hero who falls victim to the machinations of a conniving villain who goes by the name of Iago. Innocent characters also suffer, like Desdemona. "Othello is essentially an noble character, flawed by insecurity and a nature that is naive and unsophisticated". This allows our team to focus on improving the library and adding new essays. O, damn her, damn her! The movie Zootopia uses animals to portray racism and sexism; predators do not like prey and vice versa. In addition, Othello is far from being a perfect character - another quality that meets Aristotle's requirements. She stayed loyal to her lover throughout the entire play and in the end it did her no good. I took by th throat the circumcisd dog, Archetypal Criticism Volume I. Othello sends Emilia outside to guard the door. During the play Iago manipulates Othello because Lieutenant Cassio was promoted ahead of him, and also because he suspects that Othello has had an affair with his wife. The young Venetian noblewoman, Desdemona, has eloped with the middle-aged Othello, the military commander of the armed forces of Venice. By the end of the play, he has brought down his world around him with the relentless force that made him a great general turned inward, destroying both what he loved best in another and in himself. . Perplexed in the extreme; of one whose hand, Desdemona senses a change in Othello and she has a feeling that she will die soon due to the hands of Othello. Archetypal criticism ensures the efforts of all these concerned faculties to analyse of a text hence archetypal criticism is of immense significance. He has already judged and condemned her, but he is still hunting evidence, seeking to justify to himself the stand he has already taken. Of all Shakespeares tragedies . Between William Shakespeares most expansive and philosophical tragediesHamlet and King Learis Othello, his most constricted and heart-breaking play. Archetypal Criticism Archetypal criticism argues that archetypes determine the form and function of literary works, . . First Cassio lands to deliver the news of Othellos marriage and, like the best man, supplies glowing praise for the groom and his bride; next Desdemona, accompanied by Iago and his wife, Emilia, enters but must await news of the fate of Othellos ship. Bibliography An archetype is the original pattern or . 2. You elements that clip us round about, Eventually, this leads to Othellos suicide. In Othello, the themes such as love and jealousy reflects on the characters motivation and their values. Desdemona is oblivious to what is going on around her and stays loyal to her morals but Iagos rumours lure Othello to thinking otherwise. Othello is a tragedy plan written by William Shakespeare. Othello accused her of being unfaithful, when she never was. : Feminist: Ex. Archetypal criticism is a type of literary criticismexamining the presence of archetypal characters within a piece of literature. Of one that loved not wisely but too well, As Othello came to his breaking point, desdemona foreshadows her own death and he lets jealousy take over. Historical is basically know the background story before you making assumptions off the text, and to better understand text lookup time period close to the time like 1600's . http://www.kibin.com/essay-examples/an-archetype-criticism-of-othello-a-play-by-william-shakespeare-yJF4zltX, ("An Archetype Criticism of Othello, a Play by William Shakespeare. The tragic protagonist must make a fall from a high state of being to a low state or death. Iagos motivation is anything but explainable in conventional terms. "Who can control his fate?" Essays and criticism on William Shakespeare's Othello - Criticism . The fulfillment of the wedding night that should come at the climax of the comedy is relocated to act 2, with the aftermath of the courtship and the wedding now taking center stage. Othello is decisive, confident, and secure in his identity, duty, and place in the world. With some of its advocates supported through early publication of their work in the journal Spring, feminist archetypal theory and criticism of literature and the arts emerged fullblown in three texts: Annis Pratts Archetypal Patterns in Womens Fiction (1981), which self-consciously evoked and critiqued Maud Bodkins 1934 text; Estella Lauters Women as Mythmakers: Poetry and Visual Art by Twentieth Century Women (1984); and Estella Lauter and Carol Schreier Rupprechts Feminist Archetypal Theory: Interdisciplinary Re-Visions of Jungian Thought (1985). . Shakespeare derived his plot from Giraldi Cinthios Tale of the Moor, in the story collection Hecatommithi (1565), reshaping Cinthios sensational tale of jealousy, intrigue, and murder in several key ways. An archetype is recurrent. This does not stop her, though, from continuing to care for Othello. Their discourse is conducted in poetic language; that is, their notions of soul-making come from the Romantics, especially William Blake and John Keats. And concomitantly, on which of these levels was the reader affected? An archetypal critic would suggest that all human experience is linked through literature and that this experience is expressed again and again using the same patterns throughout time and space. Desdemonas true morals is her absolute devotion to her husband. Mythological critics compare one work to others with similar story . reflects the archetypal villain" (Sen, ). Up until Act III Scene iii Othello, "noble Moor" is in an elated position and is very aware of his importance. This scene has suggested to some critics that Iagos true motivation for destroying the marriage of Desdemona and Othello is a repressed homosexual love for Othello. Othello is a man of high rank in Venice. Archetypal school of literary criticism is a type of literary criticism that is concerned with recurring myths and archetypes in symbols, characters, actions, and situations within literary pieces. Another important influence was Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) who used the term archetype to what he called "primordial images". Othello, likewise, has tradud the state and has changed from noble and valiant Othello to a beast, with the passion that ennobled him shown as corrosive and demeaning. Seeing her dying, Emilia asks who would do this. Iago will direct the remainder of the play, constructing Othellos down-fall out of the flimsiest evidence and playing on the strengths and weaknesses of Othellos nature and the doubts that erode Othellos faith in Desdemona. Joseph P. Strelka, 1976); Karin Barnaby and Pellegrino DAcerino, eds., C. G. Jung and the Humanities: Toward a Hermeneutics of Culture (1990); Martin Bickman, The Unsounded Centre: Jungian Studies in American Romanticism (1980); Maud Bodkin, Archetypal Patterns in Poetry: Psychological Studies in Imagination (1934); Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays (1957); Albert Gelpi, The Tenth Muse: The Psyche of the American Poet (1975); Naomi Goldenberg, Archetypal Theory after Jung, Spring (1975); Julia Kristeva, Stabat Mater (1977, The Kristeva Reader, ed. Let us know! Often in our society people are labelled as, or fit into a, certain character mould and their behaviour and actions remain consistent. Home Drama Criticism Analysis of William Shakespeares Othello, By NASRULLAH MAMBROL on July 25, 2020 ( 0 ). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. Eliot, Samuel Taylor) characterize themselves as realists, pragmatic, practical, eschewing the supporters of the so-called weaker Othello, who conversely tend to describe themselves as somehow morally elevated, more empathetic. Aristotles theory is not the final word on tragedy, however it can support in pinpointing the pivotal traits in. He had even gone as far as hitting her (4.1 134). The character of Iago is so conducted, that he is from the first scene to the last hated and despised. After Othello learns of a possible affair between Cassio and Desdemona, at this instance is the turning point in Othellos fortune because it changes his views, attitudes and ultimately his fate. Othello as a character of noble blood seems to conform to all these. Tis done at your request; but let her live. The concept of the archetype is a venerable philosophical principle that came into new prominence and usage in the twentieth century with the development of archetypal literary criticism through the theories of psychologist C. G. Jung and literary theorist Northrop Frye. Is Othello or Hamlet better? In. Reading example essays works the same way! Her Jungian Approach to Literature attempts to cover the Finnish epic The Kalevala, the Persian Atars The Conference of the Birds, and texts by Euripides, Wolfram von Eschenbach, Michel de Montaigne, Pierre Corneille, Goethe, Novalis, Rabbi ben Simhah Nachman, and W. B. Yeats. Not only does she try to protect Othellos reputation by blaming herself, Desdemona tells Emilia to remind Othello about her showing that she stills respects Othello. Rashness: The play is replete with rash decisions. the characters in Shakespeare's play Othello ever challenge the right of a husband to murder a wife accused of adultery. He sees it, in itself almost irresistible, aided at every step by fortunate accidents and the innocent mistakes of its victims. The Women of Othello There are only three female characters in Othello, and each plays a critical role in Shakespeare's artfully crafted plot of jealousy and retribution. His works range from ingenious poems, such as Fear No More, to plays, such as The Tragedy of Othello. Examples of Archetype in Shakespearean Works. Unfortunately, this got the ball rolling for Othello's inevitable downfall. Citations Now art thou my lieutenant. The key to extremely detrimental jealousy lies within one's ability to recognize it or deny it. Archetypal Literary Criticism. Nor set down aught in malice. Archetypal theory and criticism, although often used synonymously with Myth theory and crticism, has a distinct history and process. This explains his fascination with a text like Rider Haggards novel She: The History of an Adventure (1886-87), with its unmediated representation of the anima. As Jung himself noted: Literary products of highly dubious merit are often of the greatest interest to the psychologist (Collected 15:87-88). The critical annotations are astute and, given their brevity, surprisingly thorough and suggestive. In the essay Frye critically analyses literature against the backdrop of rituals and myths. The dynamic of Othellos character significantly changes throughout the play. No more of that. In Shakespeare's Othello, Iago is one of the most compelling villains in English literature. In his "The . Indeed, myth criticism seems singularly unaffected by any of the archetypal theorists who have remained faithful to the origins and traditions of depth, especially analytical, psychologyJames Hillman, Henri Corbin, Gilbert Durand, Rafael Lopez-Pedraza, Evangelos Christou. This passage reveals how much Othello has deteriorated as far as his ability to reason. And will upon the instant put thee tot. While adding to the tone of the story it also adds to the characters overall personality from the reader's perspective. Then must you speak "Othello is like a hero of the ancient world in that he is not a man like us, but a man recognized as extraordinary". Evil is displayed before him, not indeed with the profusion found in King Lear, but forming, as it were, the soul of a single character, and united with an intellectual superiority so great that he watches its advance fascinated and appalled. Othellos motivation in the play appears to be his love and concern for his wife Desdemona, which ironically, ends up being his downfall in the end. Abstract. must concern itself with the archetypal, the universal, with that which is necessarily larger, more extreme than in life. http://www.kibin.com/essay-examples/an-archetype-criticism-of-othello-a-play-by-william-shakespeare-yJF4zltX Be sure to capitalize proper nouns (e.g. This type of criticism was first experimented by Maud Bodkin, in his book Archetypal Patterns in Poetry (1934). He ends up killing her out of jealousy; when she does not deserve it. ukraine russia border live camera /; June 24, 2022 (V.2.316, 323) It is beyond a doubt Othello's fault that all of this wreckage befalls him, and his still has not had a moment of recognition of his failures at reasoning and understanding. The example essays in Kibin's library were written by real students for real classes. According to Aristotle, a tragic protagonist is a nobleman or person from high status, who contributes to his own demise and illustrates a flaw or weakness in judgment. Moreover, Shakespeare, by deliberately clouding the issue of Iagos motive, finds ever more sinister threats in such a characters apparently bottomless and unmerited hatred and capacity for evil. Two publishing events at the beginning of the 1990s in the United States may signal the coming of age of this kind of archetypal criticism through its convergence with postmodern critical thought, along with a commensurate insistence on its roots in the depth psychology of Jung: the reissue of Morris Philipsons 1963 Outline of a Jungian Aesthetic and the appearance of Karin Barnaby and Pellegrino DAcerinos multidisciplinary, multicultural collection of essays, C. G. Jung and the Humanities: Toward a Hermeneutics of Culture. Marxist criticism would also have offered a distinctive way of looking at Othello. They were built to defen the city of Nicosia during the Otto-man Venetian war. To The Reader Baudelaire Analysis; Used Dudek Universal For Sale; Is Ignatius J Reilly Autistic; Spring League Football Tryouts; marxist criticism in othello act 1 . Thus Jungian theory provided no clear avenue of access for those outside of psychology, and orthodox Jungians were left with little in the way of models for the psychological analysis of literature. This book established the priority of interest in the archetypal over the mythological. His demise was of his own doing. 125-126). She is not as strong-willed like the other ladies and is Shakespeares example of the archetype of the innocence and has the bases of a flat character. The tragedy of Othello is not a fault of a single villain, but is rather a consequence of a wide range of feelings, judgments and misjudgments, and attempts for personal justification exhibited by all of the participants. (V.2.320-322) Giving up is hardly Othello's style, but this is how a noble and true man should react when he has mistakenly killed his wife. By trying to hide the fact that Othello had murdered her, Desdemona has chosen to put the honor of their love above honesty. My life and education both do learn me Iago: My friend is dead. James Baird, Jungian Psychology in Criticism: Theoretical Problems, Literary Criticism and Psychology (ed. As he attempts to carry out his execution of Desdemona, she for the first time realizes his charges against her and his utter delusion. Alfiero, like Iago, similarly arouses the Moors suspicions by stealing Disdemonas handkerchief and planting it in Cassios bed-room. By speaking of soul as a primary metaphor, rather than defining soul substantively and attempting to derive its ontological status from empirical demonstration or theological (metaphysical) argument, archetypal psychology recognizes that psychic reality is inextricably involved with rhetoric (Hillman, Archetypal 19). The tragic heros downfall, said Aristotle, was brought upon by some error of judgement. Othello: I greet thy love, After the. . He offers throughout the play multiple justifi cations for his intrigue: He has been passed over in favor of Cassio; he suspects the Moor and Cassio with his wife, Emilia; he is envious of Cassios open nature; and he is desirous of Desdemona himself. But Jos van Meurss critically annotated 1988 bibliography, Jungian Literary Criticism, 1920-1980, effectively challenges this claim. But the great literary text for Jungs life and work was Johann Wolfgang von Goethes Faust, not because of its literary qualities but because he sensed that the drama expressed his own personal myth (Letters 1:309-10). Texts and Contexts: Writing About Literature with Critical Theory. However, Othello's words give a deeper insight into how he still misunderstands the situation. Othello is characterized by his plainspoken read analysis of Othello Iago Othello's disloyal standard-bearer and the villain of the play. Cinthios version of Iago is conventionally driven by jealousy of a superior and lust for his wife. As Iago asserts to Roderigo, Virtue? Other forms previously labeled Jungian are here subsumed under the term archetypal because whatever their immediate specific focus, these forms operate on a set of assumptions derived from Jung and accept the depth-psychological structure posited by Jung. Misled by the handkerchief, his love token to Desdemona, that Iago has planted in Cassios room and by a partially overheard conversation between Iago and Cassio, Othello, by the end of act 3, forsakes his wife and engages himself in a perverse version of the marriage ceremony of act 2 to Iago.