The Dravidians were the majority population across the Indian subcontinent before the second millennium. [4] The idea that the Indus Valley civilization spoke (or wrote) Dravidian is quite disputed. Now mainly situated in South India, these people earlier lived in central Asia, and even China. Indus Valley Civilization spans from 9000 years ago and doesn’t have human remains to conduct genealogical tests until Rakhigarhi excavations were made, this is a landmark site and is 5000 years old. Dravidian and Aryan cultures merges as Aryan migrants brought social and cultural traditional to the Indian subcontinent. The Dravidian contribution to Indian thought has been discussed in detail because nearly everything said about that civilization applies to Indus valley civilization as well. Over 4000 years ago a civilization existed in Indus Valley. Historians and... See full answer below. BIBLIOGRAPHY. The founder of this civilization was Proto-Dravidians speaking people from middle Africa. The origins of the Dravidian people and language has been difficult to ascertain. The evidence of early Dravidians comes from studying the Indo-Aryan culture, languages, and findings at many mounds, the preeminent of which are Mohenjodaro in Punjab and Harappa in Larkana District in Sind.The sources indicate an early Indian civilization … As we have seen, a number of Dravidian-based rebus interpretations interlock with external linguistic and cultural data, making sense within ancient Indian cultural history and the Indus civilization. Ever since the discovery of the Indus valley civilization, scholars have debated the linguistic identities of its people. Since there is really no such thing as “Dravidian”, a term used by linguists in a study of a basket of southern languages. Dravidians. The Indus Valley Civilization was a cultural and political entity which flourished in the northern region of the Indian subcontinent between c. 7000 - c. 600 BCE. Through the many battles and conflicts the Dravidians and Aryans encountered, the fighting eventually ceases and they learned to deal with one another by living on the same land. Abstract. Absolutely unlikely, but that needs to be heavily qualified. It was assumed that the Indus Valley writing was written in a Dravidian language because of the presence of Dravidian speakers of Brahui in the Indus Valley. Some argue the origin of Dravidian before the Indo-Aryan invasion, making the Indus Valley civilization Dravidian. Results The Indus Valley writing was in Tamil, a Dravidian language2–5. This study analyzes numerous archaeological, linguistic and historical evidences to claim that the words used for ivory and elephant (‘pīri’, ‘pīru’, etc.) 4,500-yr-old Indus Valley-era skeleton doesn't contain genes linked with high-caste North Indians Finding suggests Rakhigarhi's ancient denizens probably spoke an early Dravidian language: Study Is it accurate to speak of Aryan and Dravidian Indians? A number of earlier anthropologists held the view that the Dravidian peoples constituted a distinct race. Indus Valley. Anthropologists are largely at odds. No, the Indus Valley Civilization preceded concepts of Dravidian culture, language, religion, and art by thousands of years. This revering civilization is referred to by archaeology as the Harappa or Indus Valley civilization.