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early and late medieval irish mating practices probably when gypsies arrived, only inbred community here Hes from Liao Ning in Manchuria. . What Is The Most Inbred Country? @Cryo Discussions are currently taking place in Europe about restructuring Greeces massive state debt, which has risen sharply since 2008. Indeed. Alien perspectives cant hurt. Im thinking a better measure of individualism/conformism would be the variation if views, attitudes, way of living etc. i suspect that its going to vary by region (and that european jews very often, but not always, copied the mating patterns of whatever population they happened to reside in). Its about strong between family genetic barriers, not low overall genetic diversity (which matters little from a natural selection standpoint). Zagreb in Croatia scores 105.7, while Rome scores a bit lower (103.8), Click to access Average%20IQ%20values%20in%20various%20European%20countries.pdf. Read some history and genetics for a f* sake. However, one incongruity appears to be Italy, and to a lesser extent, Spain and Greece. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, antidepressant use increased by nearly two and a half times from 2000 to 2020 in 18 European countries. Yours is an interesting question; perhaps differences in inbreeding/outbreeding may have some explanatory power re: differences between Dominicans and Haitians (and elsewhere in the Caribbean and Central/South America, areas that Im either actively researching or will research in due time). Haiti is more inbred than the Dominican Republic for a few reasons: Haitis population is almost entirely African in origin theyve driven out most of the Americans and Europeans; while the Dominican population is a mix of African, European, and American. The populatio is being affected by this. They are not especially intelligent (IQ 95) but have less corruption and violence than most countries, especially for that IQ-level. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Marriages between royal dynasties have become less and less common in modern times. Our survival depends on establishing exclusive homelands for only ourselves. You are more likely to be born with these conditions if you are inbred. (eng). When France invaded Portugal, the royal family fled to Brazil, where the queen died in 1816. As we can see, several countries are significantly divided regionally. Two siblings who have kids together are more likely to pass on a disease to their children. At that level, you get most of the advantages of outbreeding, including liberal democracy, functional institutions, and a high-trust society, but retain a certain level of nationalism and ethnic cohesion that allows the society to resist opening itself to non-reciprocating outsiders, as the most outbred Northwestern Europeans apparently have. Historically, I dont think there was a lot of internal movement in Japan, due to a pretty dictatorial state, which would tend to increase inbreeding, but that same dictatorial state really cut down on violence. Many Muslim countries have low murder rates but when people from these countries emigrate to more free countries they become very violent and account for a lot of the murders in their new countries. Ashkenazim are a relatively homogeneous group despite their settlement in different European countries for centuries. What's the most forested country in the world? what about the franks? More recently, policies pursued by the government to resolve the crisis have tended to push debt levels even higher. feuds, tournaments, and reproductive success in medieval germany (franconia), Spain: The debt trap initially began due to the islands reliance on imports for basic daily necessities, and when prices for these rose sharply in the early 1980s, it produced a disaster. ), since all of that was also dependent upon europes medieval agricultural system and manorialism and all of the subsequent, and consequent, economic developments since then. @Amber Hi, I was very interested in the comments about the Dutch. Those isolates, however, might not be . A small percentage of marriages in the US are between cousins. and western european societal values, England: Explore Europe by Train! These divisions (with some exceptions which soon Ill note) shouldnt be taken to be hard and fast. Your email address will not be published. The traits we see depend on the fine details of the selective pressures the people were under. See (from HBD chick) abridged history of cousin marriage in china, crash course in chinese clans, and the problem with china. Im thinking a better measure of individualism/conformism would be the variation if views, attitudes, way of living etc. Oh, my family (my brother did himself) came out part Japanese on our fathers side and this is just going back 500 years. There is of course the obstacle of measures. meanwhile, in ireland (im trying not to invoke the old GIGO computer trope for inbreeding pygmies:) i.e., do you think the relationship between level of inbreeding & whatever dependent variable is the same for all groups? Currently, its output is 9 percent below 2008 levels and its total debt is approximately 130 percent of economic output. There are a lot of birth defects. 70% of Pakistanis are inbred. If you imagine a population with maximal out-breeding the average level of relatedness of that population at the end of the process will be different for a population of 100,000, or one million or ten million.. But not all inbreeding is the same. (eng), Greg Cochrans and Paul Ewalds paper on pathogens, Female Same-Sex Attraction Revisited | JayMan's Blog,, Everything the European peoples have ever lived for is being buried under a tidal wave of enemy sewage. Go ahead he said marry your cousin its alright. Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. The current idea is that a type of de facto inbreeding existed there thanks to sub-Saharan Africas high rates of polygyny: see monogamy, serial monogamy, and polygamy | hbd* chick. The high prevalence of some 20 Ashkenazi diseases in this group dates from founder effects and bottlenecks in the era after 75 C.E. and some of the surrounding, environmental selection pressures may give different results, too. Outbred liberals seem to think everyone is the same and we can all live together in harmony if only were all taught perfect puritan manners (i.e. in early Medieval times. It is also interesting to note that the sampled Italians share nearly as much IBD with Albanian speakers as with each other. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". 7-8 the albanians See here. In short, people in these countries expect their transgressions to be met with violent retribution. @hbdchick Except they do since theyre recessive traits. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. But that may not be so much of a problem. Since then, the figure is widely estimated to have risen above 120 percent, with the economy continuing to contract until last year and then only slowly returning to growth. Deep budget cuts were made by the government to pay back the debts of the old banks, but total debt still amounted to 118.9 percent of GDP, in 2012. While in 2013 the economy grew at just 2 percent, the debt burden rose by 10 percent. Though the Caribbean nation has total debt of a little over $1 billion, a relatively small sum by international standards, the fact that its population is only 50,000 makes this a big deal. [extreme inbreeding] . How Many Countries Are There in Europe? These divisions have had great significance for the past and present of these countries and the countries they sired. But what do we mean when we say that one region is more or less inbred than another? Mine is just one other point of view, though one that feels alien to almost everyone. That doesnt mean that Slovenia itself has such a high average IQ. With a per capita GNI of $3,540, Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe as of 2020. share. There are hundreds of thousands of Americans in these relationships. 16,651. This pattern also follows the spread of Christianity, as seen on this map featured over at Dusk in Autumn: As may be obvious from my map of inbreeding in Europe at the beginning of the post, it appears (we believe) that outbreeding originated in the area around Northeastern France/the Low Countries and Southern England and spread outward from there in all directions. early medieval germans again! Yeah Canada leading the western world in inbreeding is no surprise really. Outstanding. maybe.) From their father they received so many different ethnicitiesnot one of which read Dutch! The lists are commonly used in economics literature to compare the levels of ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious fractionalization in different countries. The Dominican Republic speaks Spanish, so there is some cross-fertilization with other Spanish-speaking countries (even if most of that happens in New York). Antigua and Barbuda is heavily dependent on tourism from the United States, Canada and Europe, and it suffered badly after the economic crisis in 2008. I think of this as grainy inbreeding, meaning small groups of highly related individuals, and smooth inbreeding where everyone is moderately related. Now indeed, to place HBD-Chicks hypothesis on the most solid footing, we should ideally examine the genetic data to get firmer estimates of the level of long-term inbreeding in these populations, rather than relying primarily on historical data and the traits of modern peoples. By Lola Mendez. Jamaicas problem with debt has been long-standing, but it has now reached a point where the government pays twice as much to service the countrys debt than it does on health and education combined. 3099067 Even though they mostly dont marry first or second cousins, they do end up marrying third and fourth cousins a lot, because everyone there is related at that level. My guesses: Iceland is most inbred because the population is smaller. In the entire population, 45 percent were inbred, while 78 percent were not. Some localities in Puerto Rico and Sweden show inbreeding levels halfway between the extremes found in Brazil and Japan and in the United States. In total, its economy has declined by more than 25 percent over the past seven years, leading to debt levels of 169 percent of GDP in 2012. The Albanian language is a Indo-European language without other close relatives [53] that persisted through periods when neighboring languages were strongly influenced by Latin or Greek, suggesting an intriguing link between linguistic and genealogical history in this case., SOURCE:, Pingback: Everything the European peoples have ever lived for is being buried under a tidal wave of enemy sewage. However, that chart is not all that surprising. See a recent comment of mine over at HBD Chicks. The state ofKentucky! These are general ideas based on the evidence I have so far seen. and Haiti some time ago that may offer some perspective: A fresh take on sports: the biggest news and most entertaining lists. This attitude worked great back in the middle ages and it might be good to keep out floods of immigrants but it leaves something to be desired in a world where so many countries have nuclear arsenals. In this study, the method is applied to the population curves of India, Japan, Europe and China over the past two millennia, to allow inter-comparisons of the inbreeding within those populations. Notwithstanding, this is quite an informative post! 3 or 4 the irish What Countries Are The Most Inbred? Sexual relations between family members are not allowed in the Hebrew Bible. Brazil, Japan, India, and Israel are the most inbred country in the world Inbreeding statistics by state The U.S has a low inbreeding rate of about 0.1 to 0.2% only 700 words. See: A Tale of Two Maps Those Italians Welcome Readers from Portugal! Swedes score deceptively high on individualism, but in reality there is a politically correct conformism. So maybe we should look at islanders. Furthermore, our Greek and Macedonian samples share much higher numbers of common ancestors with Albanian speakers than with other neighbors, possibly a result of historical migrations, or else perhaps smaller effects of the Slavic expansion in these populations. @JayMan: I think that type of conformism is an on a separate dimension from individualism vs. clannishness as HBD Chick would describe it. The defence minister said in comments . 0.2% for protestants). I get the feeling research is being cherry picked for articles/data supporting someones pet theses.. To briefly mention, the problems found in East Asia particularly China may be also related to their historically high rates of cousin marriage. Indeed, HBD Chick hypothesized that the manor system contributed to the breakdown of the clans and made cousin marriage considerably more difficult. Cultural fair in Nepal (Photo/ANI) A-. Charles II, known as the bewitched because of his large tongue, had a huge inbreeding coefficient. Im not convinced that will be happening any time soon, but I do see it as a possible natural outcome in time. 10 the yanomamo Further reinforcing our estimation of historic levels of inbreeding across various parts of Europe and the Middle East, as seen on my map, is the fact that many of these countries (the Islamic world) are still actively inbreeding (from Europeans and for that matter East Asians have, by in large, ceased inbreeding in the 20th century by the latest. Ashkenazi Jews are not inbred 2 Gene Expression |, In short, his analysis of the genetic data shows that Ashkenazi Jews are not more inbred than surrounding populations, which might fit with certain behaviors that they exhibit. Ethnic Russians,a roughly 50-50 genetic mix of finnic and slavonic nations are one of the least inbred nations of Europe.Holland on the other hand has one of the highest percentages. Kathmandu [Nepal], March 4 (ANI): A fair in Nepal help students learn more about culture and traditions. Wine tourism is blossoming in Slovenia and for good reason. Im beginning to think that youre a geek like hbd chick. Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: Laboratory of Genetics Faculty of Philosophy , University of Paran , Curitiba , Brazil, /doi/epdf/10.1080/19485565.1982.9988479?needAccess=true, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health. Low rate of marriage between 1st and 2nd cousins. consanguinity in england north vs. south Even though they mostly dont marry first or second cousins, they do end up marrying third and fourth cousins a lot, because everyone there is related at that level. Spain: Populations in several areas of Basque country are very inbred [eg Gipuzkoa]. But not all inbreeding is the same. Ethnic Russians,a roughly 50-50 genetic mix of finnic and slavonic nations are one of the least inbred nations of Europe.Holland on the other hand has one of the highest percentages. Inbreeding has been forbidden in Slovenia a long time ago. THANK YOU! A family of old people live in a small town in Raleigh County. The after effects of the 2008 economic crisis were responsible for Irelands massive expansion of state debt, which prior to that, had been comparatively low. Greece is only one example of a growing number of countries whose debt levels are considered by many to be unsustainable. While the new Syriza government won elections last month with the. This meant that by 2012, debt to GDP stood at 118 percent. Unlike you, I find it hard to wrestle big data like this. Bulgars moved in 7th century, country founded Since then, the children. That said, I suspect that Eastern Ashkenazis are more inbred than Western Ashkenazis to the extent that that means anything. It does not store any personal data. This may be the case in Finland & Japan, and might explain the interesting in-between characteristics these societies have. In short, the more IBD, the more genetically similar the population is. They divide the areas of historic outbreeding from the areas that have long-term inbreeders (based on data supplied by HBD Chick, which will be reviewed shortly), which is roughly coterminous with the Hajnal line. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. I think of this as grainy inbreeding, meaning small groups of highly related individuals, and smooth inbreeding where everyone is moderately related. Assuming continued bifurcation of the US population is a problem, which Im not sure it is. Ukraine's president appeared to signal recently that the country is preparing for a major offensive. Historically, I dont think there was a lot of internal movement in Japan, due to a pretty dictatorial state, which would tend to increase inbreeding, but that same dictatorial state really cut down on violence. Japan leads the way in terms of its debt to GDP ratio, which was 226 percent in 2013. The high indebtedness is in part linked to significant expenditure on the countrys defence budget, which has been considerable ever since Eritrea fought a war with Ethiopia in the 1990s. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The eye color of blue-eyed humans is the result of a genetic variation that took place thousands of years ago. The measures taken by the government to slash spending in order to meet debt repayments were so unpopular that it was voted out of office, although its successor continued with the same program of cost cutting. That is also true for Macedonia and at some extent Northern Greece (excl. 11 the arabs. Still, while all royals carried dangerous genes, most were born relatively healthy. In 2012, Eritreas total debt was estimated at 118 percent of GDP. The selective pressures in these inbred societies were different, hence they retain a different set of behavioral traits. This is an all-round excellent summary you put together here Jayman. The highest level of inbreeding in the world is found in the population of Dagestan, which is second only to the highest level of first cousins in the world. I disagree when it concerns Norway. Pingback: Female Same-Sex Attraction Revisited | JayMan's Blog. Pingback: Do The White Elite Dream Of Mulatto Sheep? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. See: A Tale of Two Maps Those Italians Welcome Readers from Portugal! Razib Khan recently objected to HBD Chicks hypothesis based on genetic data reviewed by Peter Ralph and Graham Coop. Though Im not voicing any opinion on whether this is correct or the way to go. Its like the key bit from the post, man! Dude its simpler, the map is wrong. Most distinct are the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, and Germany (while Portugal is shown with a north-south gradient, I'm not sure if one exists there). Swedes are individualistic in the sense that they do feel any particularly family loyalty, but at the same time, like the Japanese (lots of similarities between Scandis/Finns and Japanese), they go with the flow of the group. Registered in England & Wales No. We have often used Europe and the Middle East as examples of this, because strong regional variations in historic rates of inbreeding exist in those places. Not sure but I think the European Jewish population was quite small in the thousands? Quite possibly. Data on inbreeding in several contemporary human populations are compared, showing the highest local rates of inbreeding to be in Brazil, Japan, India, and Israel. The IMF has agreed on a series of loans with the country which have brought about major cuts in government spending and a growth in poverty. The family tree of the Habsburgs, a German-Austrian ruling family whose domain stretched from Portugal to Transylvania, is a tangled one. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. That is not to say that mountain-dwelling always results in inbreeding; as we saw, the denizens of the Alps managed to avoid it. fanTAStic post! On the other hand weve got the more inbred folks who are family focused, patriotic, but somehow also hate the government for anything it does that isnt about defending the borders and teaching other groups whos boss. Dibang Baral, a sixth standard student didn't know anything . And indeed, perhaps this was the case. This suggests that a reasonable proportion of the ancestors of modern-day Albanian speakers (at least those represented in POPRES) are drawn from a relatively small, cohesive population that has persisted for at least the last 1,500 years. i really need to work on compiling the data for scandinavia. Results show countries 'tended to endure their darkest periods under their most inbred monarchs, and enjoy golden ages during the reigns of their most genetically diverse leaders,'. Reasons: very early history earliest human traces back to 1.4 millions of years, first pottery and jewelry back in 5000 BC Long-term president Robert Mugabe, who has ruled for over thirty years, oversaw the abandonment of the national currency system in 2009, after inflation reportedly rose to 500 billion percent that year. Our survival depends on establishing exclusive homelands for only ourselves. near-diaspora after 1989, with lots of in/outs from various countries across Europe. As for Greece, and perhaps Turkey, these countries have both seen many admixture events and population movements, which is perhaps responsible for the smaller IBD rates seen there. Annual visitors: 38. Inbred places look like primitive cave markings. If you imagine a population with maximal out-breeding the average level of relatedness of that population at the end of the process will be different for a population of 100,000, or one million or ten million. | murderbymedia2, A study in inbreeding So I Moved to London, Jaymans HBD Reading List | Propertarianism. i havent gotten around to the rest of scandinavia yet. HBD Chick and I will continue to work, with the hope of getting to bottom of what is going on, as all science aims to accomplish. but what about the english? runs of homozygosity in the irish population (therere some data there on the swedes). Brazil, Japan, India, and Israel have the highest local rates of inbreeding among contemporary humans. There is evidence that heterozygosity is something that humans actively select for in mates, as well as selecting genetically dissimilar partners to produce more heterozygous offspring. A major problem exacerbating the crisis is the civil war in neighboring Syria, which not only threatens to draw Lebanon into the conflict, but has also resulted in a cooling of relations between Lebanon and the Gulf states, where a considerable amount of financing came for the Lebanese economy. you decide whether or not ive been cherry-picking: inbreeding in sweden Due to mountains, large distances between villages, dangerous climate and overall poverty. This is an undertaking we might pursue in the manner Razib Khan suggested, and this might be a project we will soon address. ), The decline in violence across Europe during the past millennium, which was discussed by Steven Pinker in his bookThe Better Angels of Our Nature, (discussed here: violence around the world | hbd* chick).