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waynehastings Original sin is a very corrosive doctrine and I reject the idea that anyone is born guilty of sin. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Logically speaking, wouldnt That mean he was praying to himself? "The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, "Return home and tell how much God has done for you." So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him" (Luke 8:38-39). Every follower of Jesus should be baptized. You might not want to hear this, but its true: God wants you to submit to your parents. Jesus talked about that in John 3. When we decide to turn our lives over to God and trust Him with the results, we are reconciled. Ill try to simplify, if possible. My grandsons were murdered 16 and 14 stabbed to death and burned this year so very hard for our family .They werent baptized but they did believe in Jesus and know what he stood for they werent raised in church .They came from a 1 parent family They were good boys but they were hanging with the wrong crowd .I feel in my heart they are in heaven .The other night I was laying in bed and I know I saw Larry the 14 year old looking around the corner at me I miss them they were my only grandsonvi feel lost empty sad depressed but I keep going wondering why did such a terrible thing happen to these two your boys it still feels like a dream. While we were sinners even enemies of God He died for us. Talk to Him. Im a Christian. If you werent, you would have to work incredibly hard to get on His good side. I dont commit adultery any more. Life with God is good. I said is he lying about being a carpenter he said no, but its not his name. You ask good questions, Chris. Only then could they make that kind of commitment. The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abrahams side. Because of the nature of being a disciple, my missionary friend wouldnt baptize anyone until they had learned what Jesus actually taught. As we read in 2 Corinthians 5, God has reconciled the world to Himself through Jesus death. Ive found that many who struggle with questions about God struggle because theyre simply not born again. It basically was chosen for me by my parents. Find someone. When we show love to others, we are being like God. I generally agree with you, in fact but neither of us can say this with certainty, as God has not said it. These believers gather together regularly to worship God, learn about Him, and to support each other. My friend, if he hadnt of looked to his side. Theres nothing wrong with liking someones music. He wont come. The lady said to ask anyway, and my dad answered instantly that he would go. Does that make sense? Ive never seen this work out wellnot once. I personally know many (many, many) who thought for years that they were saved, only to find later that they had never really understood the gospel at all. And every possible answer is fraught with problems. Repentance and baptism went hand in hand. And suddenly it doesnt seem like its a showstopper for going into heaven either. The Bible is clear, over and over: God knows everything. Ive dealt with this situation a number of times in the past, and it has always ended in one of two ways: heartbreak or disaster. You may be tempted, because you know that people need to trust God, to move forward as soon and as quickly as you can. Im now going to give you my best advicethe only advice I have. Thanks. The goal isnt to agree with each other, Therese. Its important to separate what we know from whats just traditional. Thanks for writing. Faith, in the Bible, isnt anything like just believing. Its. but later on, I hadnt attended church in a while. The word disciple is MATHETES, which means learner or student. More than anything, we who follow Jesus should be students who never stop learning. I didnt forsake going. Being filled with the Spirit is often called the anointing, and has nothing to do with salvation. It also doesnt say to not be baptized in the blood of an anteater, or that you should (or shouldnt) have your pets baptized. If God is just (or fair), how can He not accept people just because they have the wrong information? The picture is of dyeing fabric. Its not a prayer, its belief. We can turn to a passage of Scripture to see why Im so concerned. I ask because I like to read Rob bells books and listen to his teachings a lot. Let me reassure you: there is nothing in the Bible about how Christians are to handle this issue. Since im not baptized and may commit sins how do i wash that away and go on the the heavon rode ? Im against the distractions and confusion that come from his teaching. He goes to Cornelius, preaches the gospel, andwell, here it is: While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message. God is compassionate. Does that make sense? I tell them to be like the Bereans, and double-check everything with Scripture. You and I are people, and God loves everyone. You can read a bit about that in another article on GodWords, Do you have to be baptized to go to Heaven?. Hang out with them. I dont know them. Thats part of why He came to earth as a man! Find out what Jesus taught about how we should live its awesome. That means they learn what Jesus said and did, and that is how they choose to live. Is that what you mean? (Mark 1:8). 51% good? Is Rob Bell a false teacher because it seems like some loud voices seem to think of him as one. When i read his book love wins the questions that he asked made me think and question some of Christian views i grew up believing. I do know, but I dont know if I want that or have the will to do that. Im sorry that you felt ridiculous. Now that all sins have been paid for, will everybody go to Heaven? If anyone is born again, I would recommend that they be baptized as a sign to their community of faith. Isnt that what we all should do? I hope that these bits of advice make sense to you. Sometimes I wish I could just transfer ideas from my brain to someone elses, so you could see what I see. I have been baptized in past lives and I know this from regressions, however I am afraid to get baptized in this lifetime and this fear resonates in my soul. You say youre Catholic, but thats often a simple statement about which church you attend. This is the plan to expand the reign of the kingdom of God. Im open to correction, but it has to come from the Bible. No, Douglas. He doesnt like it when people put other things ahead of Him, since that isnt whats best for us. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Just as Adam and Eve had the option of sinning or not sinning, so Jesus had the option as well. Baptism is important, but so is your witness to your parents. Thats one of the hard things about life. Thats also nonsense. If it worked that way, Jesus would have simply taught us to be good right? The practice of infant baptism has some biblical support. You dont need to become a formal member of a local congregation unless you want to play a part in things like voting on leaders. I know a lot of people dont like to be told what to do. It does not matter whether you think this passage is literal or figurative. We identify with Jesus death, burial, and resurrection in baptism. One of the things He said was to not worry about tomorrow that today has enough trouble. Have a great day! Jesus is our example, so you should take some time to learn about Him. I tried to follow legalism until I was 26. Thank you for your kind words. Thanks for letting me vent. Its not a choice of modern man as to the Holy Books contents. The doctrine of the trinity isnt spelled out in a single verse in Scripture, of coursebut that doesnt mean its not clear. He didnt just love the obedient, Jen He loved the whole world, even while we turned our backs on Him. Because of this, it seems what you need is more information about whether Christianity is true. In a religion, we have to clean ourselves up to be pleasing enough to Godor we have to learn just the right information, or we have to perform a minimum number of good deeds. My advice: dont stop going to church. Like I said before, listen carefully then be like a Berean. The ossuary would then be placed with other ossuaries containing the bones of family members. Talk soon! >> Is there ever a level of Sin where repentance and acceptance of Jesus as ones savior cant cover it? Even the dogs came and licked his sores. I grew up listening to music, and still do (Im pretty old now). The analogy between eating pork and being gay boggled me a bit. Dont try to grow on your own! can a guardian angel appear as a family member. I appreciate you writing to ask for input. Show respect. Additionally, even Purgatory is limited to creatures with a soul, which can be concluded by " The Man Who Would Be King " meaning angels don't end up there either, they would have to just "wink out" like the light on a candle being snuffed. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. When buying shoes, its important to get the right size. Jesus died to reconcile you to GodHes done all of the work, and the only thing left for us to do is to accept this fact and trust God with our lives. We have to be persuaded that God exists, and that Hes trustworthy and then we have to commit to trusting Him. Patriarchate of Antioch. Later, they would open the tomb and remove his bones, putting them in an ossuary (bone box). If youve had a childhood like mine, that doesnt sound so great at first. Theres a lot we dont know about what happens after we die, as the Bible isnt really very clear about it. At the same time while were ready and waiting we dont stop living. What about the anointing? I got baptized because I was scared to go to hell and thought I had to do it to be saved.. Thus the greater urgency to advance the Churchs Great Commission (Matt. The problem is not your experience, but what you do as a result of experiencing it. I just need guidance. In the Bible, God says that were not saved by our own works, but by what Jesus did for us. Nobody will go to Hell for sinning. You did more for me with your signing of the check analogy than they did. Many years ago, when I was 7 years old, I went to the altar and asked God to save me, I do not remember how long after that that I began to have doubts about whether or not I was truly saved. If you cheat on a test and die before making it to confession, Catholicism would have you believe that you must suffer for your sin prior to gaining entrance into Heaven. Let me know if you have any questions. I was gay, but as I looked towards God, my lust for men & women had slowly started to go away. =), Do you believe in trinity? They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have. So he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. As you grow, youll begin to see that what you thought was a frustrating situation you couldnt wait to get out of was actually God, doing His thing, growing you and using you. The only people who need to worry about judgment are those who turn their backs on Him. There were many years where I didnt have that confidence as well. youre saved if you believe. Baptism is not a kind of spiritually binding, must-get-it-right sort of thing. Hi Tony I will be praying for you. If we read John 3 carefully, we can see that Jesus is drawing a parallel. Theyre both in the same verse over 50 times. As you grow, He will guide you in exactly the right ways. What do you mean when you say do my own Christian thing? Eating from that tree and apple when told not to has resulted in being thrown from the garden and people enduring Gods wrath throughout history. Im telling you to be aware that some in your church may sound wise and mature but still be spiritual infants. Unless one believes that non-Christians can receive the Spirit, this should settle the issue on whether one must be baptized to be saved. If you do, then you may need a saviour such as Mohamed or Jesus. Let me know if theres more I can do for you. What youve written so far is largely tradition and not Scriptural at all. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. Re-formulated positively, it means that all salvation comes from Christ the Head through the Church which is his Body: Basing itself on Scripture and Tradition, the Council teaches that the Church, a pilgrim now on earth, is necessary for salvation: the one Christ is the mediator and the way of salvation; he is present to us in his body which is the Church. Heaven is for those who choose to submit to God and do things His waythat is, its for people who want to be with God. You are free to be baptized if you wish, but it could mean a lot to not be baptized against their wishes, or behind their backs. Or do his teachings tend to make readers re-evaluate everything they believe about God? As with any troubled relationship, it takes two sides to make things 100% right. Thats not necessarily money and material things, but peace and joy and purpose. With respect, falling in love isnt really a thing. After the battle of Armageddon, after Jesus 1000-year reign, after the great tribulation: I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Some are baptized in a river, or a pooleven a kiddie pool will do. There are also great free Bible apps for your phone, if you have one. The point is that the ceremony is done in front of your faith community. Keep in mind that the Holy Spirit who is God will never lead you to do anything that contradicts the gospel. For that reason, many in Pentecostal churches remain immature, rather than growing to maturity. The way I understand Scripture, Jesus is the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world. The Bible says that God is love. Do you believe that God just happened to love us? They dont love me. Compare. Im talking about growing closer to God by plugging into a healthy local church. Who was the flesh that dwelt among us.? I mean, I dont know if one day Ill suddenly fall in love with a man. Jesus eyes are described as looking like a fiery flame. Jesus explains, mentioning the first birth (water) and the second birth (spirit). But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions it is by grace you have been saved. Ill explain: As you can see by looking around, humans are kind of messed up. They listened to what they were told, but then they went back to Gods Word to make sure that the apostle Paul was right. Many women simply believe that handicapped children are better off dead. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment. Abraham replied, They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them. No, father Abraham, he said, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent. He said to him, If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets. Some of Her greatest Saints have disagreed on this issue: St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas, for example, came to different conclusions. Its a low-pressure way to check out a group of local Christians you might become friends with. Baptism is in Mathew many scriptures is a part of salvation book of John you must be born of the water and the spirit or you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven therefore it seems you cannot remove or lessen it those who done good to the resurrection to die like Jesus and rise a new life water is his method the simple confound us . Its possible with Gods providence (Matt. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. On the day of Pentecost, when Peter and the other disciples were in Jerusalem in the upper room, they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues. Your question is whether a believer who isnt baptized can go to Heaven. Being baptized only gets you wet. His only requirement was their faith and acceptance. He laughed and explained that the rhythm was actually a human heartbeat. He offers peace and joy, and they turn their backs to Him. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us. He answered, Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. It does not, why because there is only 1, and His NAME is Jesus. how to cancel quizlet subscription; denver criminal court docket; cody and caleb martin salary; how to remove a backwards bullet from the chamber You may have noticed that I didnt mention baptism. Let me know if youd like to talk this over. The Father and Son are mentioned as distinct over 200 times. That pre-Christians knew enough for salvation; and that therefore (from the perspective of salvation) the problem of the virtuous pagan disappears. If what Jesus said is true, you should believe it and live by it. You seem confused, Roger. Theres no spiritual reason that I know of to do it more than once, though. A good answer must start with a definition of sin. Trust what? Dont think you have to wait until youre able to leave THAT church before you can get started doing what God wants. THAT is obedience. You speak of Rob Bell. When youre baptized, you get dunked in front of other people. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. This is a lot more common than most people think. I just want to point one thing out to people who think salvation is based on being baptizedJesus told the two gentlemen being crucified next to him (after they professed their faith) today you will be with me in paradise. Will God still consider you a christian if your parents do not allow you to be baptized? The simple answer is that He does not. Its a good thing that Jesus died for us, isnt it? We are therefore Christs ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. Get married, and you can see what true love can be like. At no point could my friend conclude that he was simply not actually hearing from God. Here are some suggestions: Read the New Testament. It seemed to be more frequent when I was pregnant with my daughter . So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Id like to help! >> Also you say that means you wont go to heaven or hell. Do you see what John (one of Jesus disciples) wrote about forgiveness of sin? What happens after were born again? Um thats a nice little fantasy you have there. Very few really understand what theyre getting into when they decide to submit to God. Its about hearing the gospel and believing God. Baptism says, I believe as you do, and I want to join you. If youre a believer, youve already been baptized, by Jesus, with the Holy Spirit.