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Wont bite even if pushed, and has no harsh or dull spots. But if you don't do those, you fill find a sweet taste on the tip of your tongue. When i smoke at the first time it looks like 1792. Since I'm relatively new to pipe smoking, I tend to rub out my flakes. There are occasional wafts of cherry and anise in the background. I am guessing that the flavor additive is tonkin bean because it has that peculiar sweetness of 1792, another favorite. Very dark and rich, monochromatic and powerful, but not bitter or over the top. But I think that's a given when you look at the constituent tobaccos and consider that Samuel Gawith is the blender. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Rather than return the tin, which is difficult for me to obtain, I removed the mold from the flakes and still smoked it since my craving was so great. You still get some of that spiciness underneath that 1792 offers, particularly near the bottom of the bowl. The "long used essence" is fairly subtle, at least for Lakeland flakes, and won't leave your fingers smelling like you just put on some cheap aftershave. The smell reminded me of Peterson's Irish Flake, but not near as strong. It doesn't quite taste like soap, but it is definitely a unique tobacco. Bracken is one of them. Really nice blend. Bracken Flake has quickly become one of my primary go-to flakes and entered a place in my top-ten desert island choices. It was flavorful from the first draw and has burnt evenly to the bottom of the bowl. Oh how fine it is! There are considerable added flavorings. I have been gifted with all the SG blends (minus perhaps FireD flake, good quality bacci, just not to my taste) this one doesn't let you down..gotta try, Update: as I slow sip'ed my last Bracken Flake this AM, it seduced me BIG-TIME, just placed an order for a pnd of this wonderful weedsuggest you snag a few tins before it goes MIA again. Samuel Gawith Cob Plug pipe tobacco is the unsliced plug version of Samuel Gawith 1792 Flake. 10622615. eCommerce by digital thing. Purchased From: Gotteftermaten.se in Sweden. Give me time to buy it a bit at a time since it's not cheap and I can't just buy tons of it all at once. Stronger than Goliath it packs a punch few will shrug off, but a slow cadence treats the patient smoker to a sunset of impressions. Chocolate Flake. Not with this particular tin. To me that tastes just as full flavored but with a more pure tobacco taste. 11/22 Update - I've never been called a quitter and I haven't quoted on the weed yet. I wish the flakes came unbroken, because the larger pieces, folded like whole flake, smoke better than the smaller pieces. Black, broken tarry flakes with minute crystals. It takes some sitting down and really focusing on it, as this dark blend simply won't let the smoker off the hook until it is finished. I don't mean to imply this is not a quality tobacco. Very good Virginia smokes smooth, rubs out into a nice fluffy pile, the smell from the jar is amazing. Too bad, I've liked everything else I've tried. I went through three tins very quickly. Some have criticized the look of the flake, uneven, thick/thin torn. It also has a trange flaovring. I couldn't say for sure what's in that topping, but it taste great and that's what really counts. It is good for starting to day. Unfortunately I am not a fan of Grousemoor's topping which would detract my enjoyment of Bracken Flake. I was curious about the lakia, but I don't taste it at all It was easy to smoke slowly and the flavor was consistent through the bowl. And this stuff is aggressively flavored. The company originated in 1792 with Thomas Harrison, who was a notable and popular maker of snuff tobacco. If only this came in a "lite" version. Samuel Gawith produces a variety of snuffs, from the very light and fine to dark, coarse and moist, perfumed, mentholated, or plain old "tobacco-ey", we suggest you pursue your nose, smell out a few good choices and have a pinch. In a small Stanwell. After most of my first tin (and more tins shall follow), I can make out the chocolate/aniseed flavouring. Today, they still produce a huge range of flavoursome blends whilst still implementing the same traditional methods and, some of the original machinery from 1792. "They Don't Make 'Em Like That Anymore". A medium bodied-smoke that is easy to enjoy all day. The fired leaf is more apparent, and a bitter chocolate taste appears at times. Even after drying this out it had no real significant taste,though it did smell like an out house that had caught on fire. I am enjoying this blend right now as I write my first review. I do not think there is any Tonka Bean in this, thank goodness. as the famous or infamous SG "1792", but still a full tobacco treat in terms of body and taste. The history of tobacco in Kendal starts here, with Thomas Harrison bringing from Scotland not only the secrets of snuff manufacture, but 50 odd ton of second hand equipment all by horseback back in 1792. This is a very nice and strong tobacco that is best smoked slowly. I can only recommend it to people looking for strong experiences with their pipes. Probably my reaction to the dark fired leaf. This is some good stuff. One tin of FVFthat's all I'm asking for. I jokingly refer to this as 1792's little brother. The taste & strength is reminiscent of PIF on the first light, with a cigar-like tobacco flavour. This my first SG tobacco but not my first flake. Dark, dark tobacco. The tin I had contained tobacco needing time to dry before smoking. I recommend it for some quiet and "introvert" moments to enjoy it. The elusive aroma is quite unusual, I can't put my finger on it. Its still tastes the same but now I can appreciate the dark earthy air cured and dark fired tobaccos more. While this will never be an everyday/all-day smoke for me (not due to any short-comings but just because my tastes are changing), it will have a place reserved for it in my stock. I have read from other reviews due to the lack of selected tobacco or due to the scarcity of the essence used. A note about the strength. That being said, if you like 1792, you should try this too. The ingredients declared are no more than Kentucky, dark-fired Virginias and a mystery "long-used" essence. That long used essence is noticeable throughout the bowl. Samuel Gawith was the son-in-law of Thomas Harrison, a snuff manufacturer who moved his trade and equipment to Kendal, Cumbria, England from Scotland in 1792. I read a lot of the reviews posted here and find most of them quite interesting and informative. SMOKING WARNING It is illegal to sell tobacco products to a person under 18 and it is illegal to purchase a tobacco product for use by a person under 18. Go slow with this one as with any strong tobaccos it can get a bit bitter towards the end if you are rushing it, I also prefer it in a smaller bowl for this reason. That might have something to do with the age of the tobacco, as I smoke this it has been out of production for three years so this tin is at least that old, but I really couldn't say since I never had the pleasure of trying a fresh tin. There is a bit of Virginia involved here, not providing much in the way of sweetness to this cigar-like, shreds-of-tar spice factory. I wasn't quite expecting this. This works very well in a briar or a meeschaum. Please note though that if you choose shipping via first class, your package is not trackable and we are not responsible for lost packages. I am pleasantly surprised at its consistant fullness and love the 'plain jane' feel of the smoke. We have been in the business for many years and our care and adherence to tradition guarantees the perfect snuff . This tobacco could easily be a filler in a strong spicy Mexican cigar. MTLOGBY. I am no beginner, however, and it got to me, so be forewarned about the nicotine, and do not try to smoke this in a huge Autograph or Danish freehand, unless someone around you knows how to administer CPR. I let it dry for about 15 minutes and proceeded to smoke. I have been smoking this blend for nearly a decade and hope to continue puffing away at it for many more to come. I love a good traditional English flake. From being able to , Here at It smells like soap. Pipe Used: Bent billiard, straight apple, corncobs. The flavour is glorious, at first I get the aromatics and a mild tobacco taste, with a moderate sweetness. When you give us your Personal Information we use it only to fill your orders and to communicate with you. The taste is quite full and strong on the palate, earthy, with suggestions of cherry fruit and Brazil nuts. Or blowing away from your nose for that matter. Flakes of this color I find artistically beautiful (hey, art is whatever anyone says it is!). Probably over-the-top for a lot of people. #5. I don?t detect any Tonquin. Finishes rich and smoky, no bite. It packed much easier and lit easily as well. I love rich taste with equal mildness and this hit the spot. Supplemental Notes: This is very likely to become a regular part of my rotation as a replacement for the long absent Condor Original Flake I loved. Smoked, this was very good. Not an endearing trait. This was my first try of a dark flake. All in all, it is a bit too ''muted'' for my taste right now, as a novice, i guess i am looking for some high notes in my baccy, while this one is dark and hard to describe. I guess the secret here is to smoke half a bowl. I HIGHLY recommend this blend if you don't shy away from full- bodied, full-flavored tobacco. The man who gave me this deserves a good SMACK! Thick, dry/moist flakes that you have to shake out quite a bit pack well with a light touch. This is a very good smoke. It is way too high in nicotine to be an all-day smoke. All round a good enjoyable relaxing smoke but if you smoke it too quickly you will lose the pepper and get burned instead. Some rubbing-out may enhance the experience. Bottom Line: For scented/Lakeland flake lovers, if you find 1792 (Cobb) Flake too strong but enjoy the tonquin flavor, this will be a welcome blend. While flavor should be the most important factor in choosing a tobac, some are just too darn fickle to deal with (like McClellands Dark Star). I hesitated reviewing this too quickly so I spent the last few months trying to be fair. NB. If you like a lot of nicotine grab a tin. I wasn't very wowed by it and it was likely due to my lack of experience with stronger tobaccos. I have tried Petertson's Irish Flake and that is what this reminds me of. The first I did t let it dry out enough..simple mistake to correct. =. Been smoking my pipe less and less lately. We do NOT give this info out to anyone or use it for anything else.. The "essence" is hard to detect, one is just aware of good quality tobacco which burns slow and smooth. I liked it; my wife did not like the way it smelled. It is full bodied with some underlying flavoring of chocolate. The after taste pleasantly lingers a bit, and the room note is pervasive. Burns slow, to a fine gray ash. http://www.4noggins.com/samuelgawith-tobacco.aspx. Pipe Tobacco - 4Noggins Tobacco | 4Noggins Tagged "Samuel Gawith" - 4Noggins.com FREE US Shipping on orders over $95! The initial aroma is of Dark Chocolate just like the tin aroma, maybe just a hint of something fruity too, it slows down after the beginning of the bowl though & becomes just a delicious, very dark Virginia flavor. I did get a bit of tongue bite from it. Washington residents, please note that we cannot ship pipe tobacco into your state. ), it sometimes gets harsh, though this may be due to lack of technique. Lots of people purposefully dry out their tobacco to a near crisp to reduce the presence of water. Easy to fill, burns also nice, but: it is like heavy lifting with the chest. This falls between 1792 and Gawith's Rum Flake in my estimate. Great smoke with good taste and I like the room note even though I can see how some would not. Description Description. I stopped smoking pipes pretty much. As with most flake tobaccos I simply take several flakes together, fold them in half and insert them length-wise into the bowl trimming off the excess. I'm curious as to what flavors other reviewers detect. There is quite a bit of powder in this keg, so if you do not tolerate blends with a healthy (and wonderful) dose of nicotine, you may want to head for lighter fare. This particular tin contained varying sizes with the shared trait that they need rubbing and drying, how much depending on the flake in question. It is amazing to me how subjective perspectives can be on a singly objective subject. The first bowl smoked pretty dry, though a little steamy, the airing out helps tremendously with this one. To me it does taste a bit like 1792, just slightly less strong and without the tonquin flavoring. There is no appreciable room note. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. $ 130.95 inc. GST Your Price: $52.50. The Virginias are boldly earthy, somewhat floral and vegetative, and fermented dark fruit sweet with a hint of spice. Very very very cool, strong, and with tonquin flavor (but less that 1792). Don't know what it is made of, don't know what it is flavored with, and can't figure out what the heck it tastes like. The flavors are intense and build rapidly while the topping or casing gradually fade into the background. For the pipe smoker who seeks a satisfying smoke, then experience Bracken Flake, with its unique and alluring aroma, brought about by the application of a long-used essence. For this review, I?ve chosen an Edward's Husky Canadian which is dedicated to scented flakes. I'll let the tobacco dry out more and try it again later, and update. I've been smoking this blend fairly regularly for almost a year now & I figured that's long enough to give it a fair review. After 3 bowls i really liked these dark fired Virginias! For me, this blend delivers & I can't find anything bad to say about my experience with BF. Well, I think that all pretty well sums up my opinions of this flake. It is one of the few that sometimes benefit from judiciously dumping the ashes from the first half of the bowl in order to re-invigorate the last 3rd. I find I need more than the average number of relights but this tends to pace the smoke , so I don't consider it a problem. Either that, or the flavouring is so well matched that it seems to not be overwhelming or floating atop the taste of the tobacco. Imagine tobacco with no flavor..just strong and really unpleasant. It is tangy, and maybe has a little tonquin action going on, but again, none is noted. Eventually dropped the whole line of flakes due to these drawbacks. There is a definite layer of sweetness which seems like virginias working, but also a dryer, "smokier" effect, ala latakia. Put side by side with Condor (another classic English scented flake) they smell very similar. You're a better man than me Gunga Din! Floral on the retrohale. Happy smoking. This blend is composed by very high quality tobaccos, and so i highly recomended it. But the smoke is far more understated, so don't be put off. It comes very moist and needs to be dried. Real faint but this could be due to the age of the tobacco. Everyone else should bum a bowl from a friend before buying. So I do respect the blend. Appearance: Dark brown to black with brownish streaks, a moderately densely pressed 6" flake, topping is evident. 1792 - real dark and spicy all the way (but it kinda surprizes you, too much for me). While it's not as strong as Black XX Twist - which literally feels like you're having a bowl of cardiac arrest - it's still not advised for the newcomers. Halfway down, the taste becomes stronger and tastes almost like a Tootsie Roll. We do not sell e-cigarettes, cigarettes, cigarette tobacco, snuff, or vape. next to none on smoking pipes, Pipes and cigars, or TobaccoPipes. First of all I take theses dark brown and thick . It's strong, yes and not for the faint of heart. Created with Sketch . Boy what a difference! I do not find it as enjoyable, either. I sampled a few draws before lighting but could not discern the taste which was very slight. Out of stock Add to Wishlist Name-Brand Favorites Brown Number 4 Finest Kendal Twist $ 14.85 - $ 47.88 Select options Sale ! I met his wife as she was selling his cellar to a local brick and mortar. It leaves me perfectly satisfied. Enjoyed the bold taste. When it comes to this one however, they seem to be all over the place. Sam G shippid out a bunch of bulk blends last month and I restocked my FVF and 1792. Those hoping for 1792 without the tonquin will be disappointed. A must try for all pipe smokers. As a regular V Flake smoker with occasional touch on English mix, my first try on this Flake was really harsh, I thought id never finish this 50g. This is a strange tasting tobacco. Tin aroma: The first thing that is apparent when opening a tin of Bracken Flake is that it is fairly heavily scented. I was very impressed with how smooth and cool this flake smoked. Although it has a lot of power, it's quite feeble in a couple of areas: temperature and tongue bite. I rolled it around my tongue and exhaled through my nose. Maintains its flavor rather uniformly through the middle of the bowl. If you dislike those, you'll probably dislike BF. Hard as you might tug on this tobacco there is no bite. Appearance: Small flake, with some broken, and some whole. We are committed to providing our services only to people who are of the proper age, and to protecting our youth as best as we possibly can. Too bad, it has a very alluring aroma and taste but it turns too harsh very quickly and made me sick. The smoke was full flavored, slightly sweet undertones though! A strong tobacco all around. Sadly there's no way of knowing what width of flake you'll get when you open a new tin, but I hope for my sake -- and all those who want to experience Bracken in all its glory -- there will be nothing but thinly cut flakes from now on UPDATE 04/28/15: I learned back in November ('14) that SG has removed Bracken from its inventory. There's just something about this flake though. Browse our complete range oftobacco pipes,rolling tobacco,pipe tobaccoandsmoking accessories,get in touchwithGQ Tobaccos. That being the case, I can not help but add my, hopefully objective, 2 cents Bracken flake and 1792 (which I really enjoy) have very little in common. A lot of people say this is just 1792 with a different topping but I strongly disagree. Today, they still produce a huge range of flavoursome blends whilst still implementing the same traditional methods and, some of the original machinery from 1792. On first opening your pouch or tin, it smells like chocolate with a little bit of soap in it. The sweetness and topping/casing never fully leave, yet their initial flavors have matured and ripened into a fascinating mixture of stewed fruits and rich adult pleasures. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. I rubbed out the flakes. In our opinion, the Samuel Gawith offerings are some of the very best on the market today. From flake to loose cut, English, Danish, Scottish or just single-origin tobacco. The last half of the bowl is the best,the Kentucy and Virginias are perfectly matched and have deepened in flavor and strength,but not overly so.Try your hardest to get bit by the Bracken,it just wont happen.This is a very satisfying smoke that burns cool and clean.I have not DGT'd this but suspect it might do well.If you enjoy dark and robust tobacs you'll find a winner here. I was also happy that it didn't have the heavier flavor of 1792, and I prefer BF's comparative subtleness. I smoked two pipefuls of it. Enter Your Email Address For some reason I've particularly enjoyed the welter of voices trying to pin this one down UPDATE 05/31/13: I'm now on my fifth tin, and I'm a little concerned with SG's quality control. SOLD OUT !!! I've been seeing more comments lately about these variations in SG's flakes. Unfortunately we cannot ship tobacco outside of the UK. Bracken Flake is almost black. If you receive this confirmation repeatedly, you will need to enable cookies so that your response can be saved. Live and learn. An excellent Virginia & Latakia blend with a pleasant rum flavor. This is a little stronger, a little darker, and the casing a bit more obvious, but for me a similar type. FREE Shipping on Orders of $95+ (Continental USA) | Yes, we ship Worldwide. It's surprisingly mild: a bit of prune, a bit of apricot, as much tangy as sweet. Similar Blends: Samuel Gawith 1792 and Lakeland Dark. Bracken Flake is a very dark and fragrant burley and VA, with a good amount of that famous Lakeland essence, which I guess is Tonquin. It took a match and burned without drama. For those that desire more flavor this is worth a try and is on my reorder list. Flavor Profile Brand Samuel Gawith 3 stars from me. Sam Gawith tobaccos, no longer vacuum sealed? Update: If you want to know what SG brown rope tastes like without having to fuss preparing the rope for pipe smoking, try Bracken Flake. The taste was fairly strong. Free Shipping You gents must be true lumber jacks. First: tin aroma and first puffs smells like "horse shit" (seriously). In this regard, I think it's better than Bosun Cut Plug or Conniston Cut Plug. Bracken flake ghosts your pipe big time. Purchased From: Friend personal collection. No layering of tastes noticeable. Loaded with nicotine! Published on 12 Jan 2019 2 Comments It's a crisp January morning. There was a mild fruitiness but I did not get the dark chocolate others have mentioned. Samuel Gawith Navy Flake is a classic blend made with a classic formula. That is not to say that it will bite, I've never experienced tongue-bite with this blend. Little dottle and the majority burns to a nice grey ash. Second, the flavor. Don't worry, it is not of the conspicuous "Lakeland" variety.