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In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio airing on August 9, 2022, Patrick speaks with political activist and commentator, and free speech advocate, Heiko Khoo, about the heavy hand of the state during the pseudo pandemic, including Draconian censorship and the roll-back of basic rights and civil liberties.Heiko also talks about the Chinese state's reaction to the Covid . We have spent a year under a regime of petty diktats that robbed us of our dignity and our basic rights and freedoms. The police pulled out truncheons and swung them at people without any grounds, despite being asked to put the truncheons away. Marxist cadres capable of leading the proletarian revolution are trained only by the continual and successive working out of problems and disputes. Trotsky. If what you want to pursue as sympathizers who at one time saw something that attracted you to the IMT, and those strategies makes more sense to you, go do those things.. And to expose how the rise of tech giants and Big Pharma manipulated the world for their own warped objectives. Monday, 20th February 2017. He holds very strong Marxist views and seems completely oblivious to the fact that his views and the views of the far-left Jeremy Corbyn (Piers's more successful younger brother) have been rejected more than once, and in fact the British . In split or unity, the IMT is utterly irrelevant where Im based. Aetna. Piers Corbyn is a key witness in the current undercover policing investigation which shows that he was subject to extensive undercover surveillance for 20 years from 1971. This is particularly true for those suffering from the non-communicable diseases which interact badly with covid-19. Sometimes they are quite entertaining. And thats all Im going to say about this. I said among other things: We must use new methods of militarization. Heiko Khoo with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Excellent tour with Heiko Khoo, a thoroughly well informed historian. The following was passed at the IEC on Thursday and is enclosed for the information of all comrades. This would take a while, and since the IMT, like other groups, tends to couch its internal disputes in language seemingly unrelated to the real meat of any dispute, I suspect it would be unrewarding in view of the time required. Opportunists are peaceful shopkeepers in socialist ideas while Bolsheviks are its inveterate warriors. Trotsky, The petty-bourgeois moralist is the younger brother of the bourgeois pacifist who want to humanize warfare by prohibiting the use of poison gases, the bombardment of unfortified cities, etc. While Grant laid the foundations, I do not believe in his last years he realized his method was not working or making any impact whatsoever. This could then be used to guide policing practice in line with evidential criteria. But we believe we have chosen a course right for ourselves and our well being, and since you all arent active members, it doesnt affect you, does it? followers 484. You can still license these videos but at a rate different to your standard arrangement. This CPGB article explains all, but as it also says, the dispute in Pakistan might not equate to much, since that is its most successful area, though it is true that there are some cracks. This is the police interview of Dr Heiko Khoo who was arrested at Hyde Park for playing the Benny Hill theme tune during a gathering at Hyde Park. Im not sure what they have against Khoo, or what he did to get expelled though questioning the divine mandate of Alan Woods is probably enough. [] Read the rest. As a candidate for Mayor I demand an immediate inquiry into this operation to ensure complete transparency and accountability. Youre assuming that the IMT has a far greater role to play if only if would do away with its old guard, members of which have personalities that you dont care for as authoritarian etc. He observed that the police attacked people enjoying a peaceful performance by musicians. At the time he was proba [], This week 135,560 visitors visited 412,556 times viewing 690,159 pages. Des Moines, Iowa 50314. The problem is not academic, any general prohibition on speaking in the designated Speakers Corner area could be defined as a prohibition on anybody from speaking there, even normal conversations or phone-calls. On the occasions Ive seen Alan Woods speak he has always been very adamant of his work from within the Labour Party, and his utilisation of entryism, as well as being scornful of his dismissal (he told an audience at the Venezuelan embassy that he had been removed from the party in the Blair era). But your pissy little nark here tells me a lot about you. It is calculated to create the maximumconfusion, disrupt our work and demoralize comrades. Read our cookie policy. In all the places you mention, the IMT are facing significant divisions in some cases between the opinion of activists on the ground and the IMT international secretariat. We do not accept the public health claims made by both parties in that case. Called the "Father of nephrology in Singapore", he established the first renal dialysis unit, as well as the intensive care and coronary care units, at the Singapore General Hospital (SGH) in the 1960s. The growing Fascist have their militants. A revolution is change, one that not only requires sacrifice of the mind in study, but also of risk and danger. The leading fact here is that quality is always more important the quantity. Mr Piers Corbyn and Dr. Heiko Khoo v the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, by Mr Piers Corbyn and Dr. Heiko Khoo against the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis. Your email address will not be published. Unverified Profile. The lack of evidence-based Covid public health decision-making by the. University of Southern California (USC), Keck School of Medicine (1995) 1245 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 717 Los Angeles, CA 90017. Website. DC is not the city I used to love. police are indicated by the current near universal wearing of face-coverings or masks by officers when in the open air. Our arguments are That Mr. Piers Corbyn and Dr. Heiko Khoo are victims of discrimination and the deprivation of their rights under articles 10, 11 and 14 of the Human Rights Act 1998. Following the events in Clapham Common, Dr Khoo reported himself and the Duchess of Cambridge to the police online for the crime of attending an illegal gathering the prohibited Sarah Everard vigil. In the HMICFRS report on the vigil police chiefs and officers on the ground make numerous statements about their views of public health dangers, but they provide no evidence to justify these claims. On 5 November 2020 while working as an accredited journalist, distributing public health information, and holding an educational speech about the public health claims of the government. It was extremely cold and it took about 3 hours to complete, yet we all followed him along the streets of Soho and no one showed any desire to quit. 155 Main Street East Lower Level Grimsby Ontario L3M 1P2 Phone: (905) 945-5476 Gender: Male Accepting New Patients: Login to View Languages Spoken: Login to View Specialty: Login to View I wouldnt say this has anything to do with my ego, more to do with a desire to retain some sense of proportion when talking about where we, the Marxist Left, are. In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio airing on August 9, 2022, Patrick speaks with political activist and commentator, and free speech advocate, Heiko Khoo, about the heavy hand of the state during the pseudo p The story is long and hard to follow, especially given the fact that one instinctively imagines there is more to this than meets the eye. His Video. The events of the last year show that he is still subject to special surveillance and harassment because of his ideas. Heiko 57 was born in London and lives in Ladbroke Grove. I read this article, Im on a few mailing lists and I know an IMT member or two. Dr. khoo's office is located at 2601 Veterans Drive, Harlingen, TX. Great British Menu. But he is best known for his oratory at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, where he has spoken since 1985. Confirmation of targeting was heard at Mr Corbyns trial in Bristol on 22 April 2021, where Police Constable 4847 Kyle Benjamin said in his statement that out of the entire crowd present. She is the latest to join the chorus of aggrieved voices on the Tory benches over Grays appointment in the last 24 hours. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Word on the ground is that the IMT is collapsing from the inside out. Professor Neil Ferguson (known commonly as 'Professor Lockdown' and a former member of SAGE guilty of advising the government on their criminal policy of unconstitutional lockdowns) is challenged by an attendee at the King's College Sowerby Lecture. The IMT will be just fine, as will the labor movement, with or without Heiko Khoo. As far as America, most of our factorys and jobs are in other countrys, this is a pressure point. However, as soon as the first gun was fired, they realized all that they learned was no longer completely useful. dr heiko khoo unlawfully seized without charge for correcting police : newsbreak 133|breaking: dr. The International has the right to defend itself against sabotage andprovocation. Dr. Heiko Khoo is a researcher, a journalist, and a radio producer. 4 March, 2010. I ADVOCATED THIS: Most people have immunity through the t-cell memory of previous infections with common coronaviruses. Get involved in Let London Live call 07722 523629 or email We are seeking an injunction against prohibitions on people speaking in the Speakers Area of Hyde Park and which instructs the police to allow Dr. Khoo and Mr. Pier Corbyn to speak on 24 April and 1 May in Hyde Park and to use amplification to address those in the area. 80 On Friday 23 April, I and Dr Heiko Khoo applied for a High Court Injunction against the Commissioner of Police to prevent violence against people exercising their right to free speech, protest and assembly in Speakers' Corner on Saturday 24th April.. However, he is determined to Dr Heiko Khoo Has His Say! (UWA) FRACS FAOrthA. We therefore resolve that Heiko Khoo is expelled from ourranks with immediate effect. Khoo believes that the issuing of FPNs has been used by the police to justify illegal and discriminatory detentions, where the 4 es were often never employed. If your not willing to get in the mud, and fight the fight; you are an albatross around the neck of change. There is extensive video evidence in the public domain showing him being arrested and harassed by individual officers and by large groups of officers, yet not one court case against him has been initiated after the fines were issued but not paid or responded to. She also spent eight years in the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, where she led a group and developed technology that could look the specificity of antibodies and different diagnostic assays to diagnose autoimmune diseases. The Corporate Oligarchs that rule our governments almost never keep it in their home nation; also a pressure point. If you have the linke to the masses and we dont, what difference does it make if were not part of what youre doing? Licence for non-exclusive shared occupation of premises . On those days Lee changed his tactics, and tried a conventional strategy on ground not of his choosing. Licence between Camelot Guardian Management Limited (1) and your name, Heiko Khoo (2). Signed THE UNWILLINGNESS TO CHANGE AND ADAPT HAS AND WILL ALWAYS BE, THE DEATH RATTLE OF THE WORK TOWARDS PROLETARIAN LIBERATION. I could be totally wrong about all of this its based on hints, fragments of history and guesswork all fed through a cynicism born from filtering out the natural pomposity of socialist intellectuals and grandiose claims of their groupuscules.