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That's about twice the amount of power lost when Hetch Hetchy will be restored. They would light upon a man's blue shirt and turn it brown, and were voracious as mosquitoes would be. Download the official NPS app before your next visit. Hetch Hetchy, a glacially carved valley situated in the northern end of the park, was flooded and dammed in the early 1900s in order to serve as the primary drinking water source for parts of San Francisco and the Bay Area. Ultimately, San Francisco sold hydropower from the dam to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), which led to decades of legal wrangling and controversy over terms in the Raker Act. [8], While its cousin Yosemite Valley to the south had permanent Miwok settlements,[25] Hetch Hetchy was only seasonally inhabited. After Hetch Hetchy, many realized the National Parks needed more protection. Indeed, the battle over Hetch Hetchy may have been a little-known contributor to the permanent alignment of American politics it was the tension between Ballinger and Pinchot that set in motion the events that lead to the split mentioned above. ", "Hetch Hetchy reclaimed: The dam downstream", "Alternatives for restoration of Hetch Hetchy Valley following removal of the dam and reservoir page 15", "Chapter 9: Impact of restoration on hydropower production and revenues", "Putting Bay Area's Water Sources to a Vote", "Hodel Would Tear Down Dam in Hetch Hetchy", "On Hetch Hetchy, John Muir was wrong: California's revered naturalist wrote a poetic diatribe against the drowning of the great valley. If the nation set aside some natural places as especially sacred, how far beyond their borders should a sense of the sacred extend? Earn $27.3125 per hour. Friday, enjoy an evening about bats starting at 7 pm. Next to John Muir, the most vocal defender of the Hetch Hetchy Valley was Harriet Monroe. Photo: Chris Migeon. On December 19, 1913, Congress passed and President Wilson signed the Raker Act which permitted the building of the OShaughnessy Dam and the flooding of the Hetch Hethcy Valley in Yosemite National Park. Congress, confronted with rising public opposition, refused to act on the measure. The imputed motive was to divide the environmental movement: to see residents of the strongly Democratic city of San Francisco coming out against an environmental issue. Sign up for the email list and join an active community of monthly readers. Apply Today! As Muir famously protested: Dam Hetch Hetchy? [54][55], After passing through the powerhouses, Hetch Hetchy water flows into the 167mi (269km) Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct which travels across the Central Valley. And, as you might imagine, it produces some of the cleanest municipal water in the United States. While opponents of the dam were hard pressed for financial support, the city of San Franciscos campaign was well financed. The reservoir provides water to a large portion of the Bay Area through a 160 mile delivery. But what about when the lake dries? . Required fields are marked *. [37][38] However, ranchers who had previously owned land in the new park continued their use of Hetch Hetchy Valley a "sheep-grazing free-for-all [that] threatened to denude the High Sierra meadows"[37] before disputes over state and private properties in respect to national park boundaries were finally settled in the early 1900s. Located at 3,900 feet, it boasts one of the longest hiking seasons in the park. Pinchot argued that applying the principle of the greatest good for the greatest number, meant the benefits accrued to the people of San Francisco from having the dam far outweighed leaving the valley in its current state. Swimming and boating are prohibited in Hetch Hetchy Reservoir in order to maintain a clean source of drinking water. The bustling metropolis of Los Angeles could not have become the city it did without the water which flowed from the Owens Valley hundreds of miles away. A Dam Removal in Progress. It is the primary water source for about 2.5 million residents of the San Francisco Bay Area. The same features that make Hetch Hetchy Valley so spectacular also make it an ideal location for a dam. Two additional reservoirs in the Hetch Hetchy RegionLake Eleanor and Lake Lloyd (also [31], During this time, the upper Tuolumne River, including Hetch Hetchy Valley, was visited by prospectors attracted by the California Gold Rush. People have died after being swept off the bridge and onto the rocks below. While the debate goes on, Hetch Hetchy remains a relaxing and often-overlooked corner of the park - much to the delight of hikers and backpackers who prefer less touristy experiences. [8], Meadow plants unavailable in the lowlands were particularly valuable resources to these tribes. It has not been demonstrated that Hetch Hetchy is the only available source, but only that it might be the cheapest. Dam the Hetch Hetchy! The trail continues to climb for 1.8 miles (2.8 km) above the trail intersection, but you can turn around any time. If the dam were not to be built, it would only benefit the small percentage of Americans who actually visited the site and were concerned about the park's pristine condition. There have been lawsuits over whether San Francisco violated the agreements of the Raker Act. Hetch Hetchy doesn't require permit, you need just regular National park pass. Those who presumed to speak for wealth, much of which flowed to San Francisco, believed they were transforming a pioneer land into a settled, civilized one. [47] On October 28, 1934 twenty years after the beginning of construction on the Hetch Hetchy project a crowd of 20,000 San Franciscans gathered to celebrate the arrival of the first Hetch Hetchy water in the city. "[34], When Yosemite Valley became part of a state park in 1864, Hetch Hetchy received no such designation. Seventeen species of bats inhabit the Hetch Hetchy area, including the largest North American bat, the western mastiff. Learn what to expect from Mirror Lake in various seasons. Muir observed:[3]. For thousands of years, Native Americans subjected the valley to controlled bushfires, which prevented forest from taking over the valley meadows. About one million years ago, the extensive Sherwin glaciation widened, deepened and straightened river valleys along the western slope of the Sierra Nevada, including Hetch Hetchy, Yosemite Valley, and Kings Canyon farther to the south. In the early 20th century, San Francisco flooded the Hetch Hetchy Valley, destroying "one of nature's rarest and most precious mountain temples." This is why the city can now ban new natural gas. In this unmanaged scenario, where nature is left to take hold in the valley, eventually a forest would grow, rather than the meadow being restored. "[32], In 1867, Charles F. Hoffman of the California Geological Survey conducted the first survey of the valley. Hetch Hetchy water travels 160 miles via gravity from . The valley provided an escape from the summer heat of the lowlands. Gray pine, incense-cedar, and California black oak grow in abundance. Slow down and spend the day at Tenaya Lake a beautiful and easy-to-get-to alpine lake cupped by granite domes. As well dam for water-tanks the peoples cathedrals and churches, for no holier temple has ever been consecrated by the heart of man . And it is the largest single source of water supply for the Bay Area. Gifford Pinchot: A 2021 Lesson From Americas First Forester, Meet The Real Life Batman & Robin Of The National Parks, Natural Rivals: John Muir, Gifford Pinchot, and the Creation of Americas Public Lands, Gifford Pinchot and the Making of Modern Environmentalism, Son of the Wilderness: The Life of John Muir, General Sherman Tree: Everything You Need to Know About The Largest Tree in the World, 11 BEST National Parks Near San Francisco to Visit (Expert Guide), 7 EPIC National Parks Near Santa Ana Youll Love (Photos + Guide). remains the least visited area of the park. The second concept is preservation. But Hetch Hetchy was a federally protected as part of Yosemite National Park. Dianne Feinstein, the mayor of San Francisco at the time, said in a Los Angeles Times story in 1987: "All this is for an expanded campground? [54] An additional hydroelectric system comprising Cherry Lake, Lake Eleanor and the Holm Powerhouse is also part of the Hetch Hetchy Project, adding another 169 megawatts of generating capacity. [42] They claimed the valley was not unique and would be even more beautiful with a lake. [13], Hetch Hetchy is home to a diverse array of plants and animals. The fundamental issue involved two concepts. The Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, which lies within the Yosemite National Park, supplies 85% of the water needs of San Francisco and surrounding counties. This is because the Tuolumne catchment basin above Hetch Hetchy is almost three times as large as the catchment area of the Merced River above Yosemite, allowing a greater volume of ice to form. In 2019, Restore Hetch Hetchy commissioned another study that found enormous recreational value from removing the dam. You could miss this small mountain community if you blink at the wrong time, but it is home to a few remarkable small businesses. [41], In 1906, after a major earthquake and subsequent fire that devastated San Francisco, the inadequacy of the city's water system was made tragically clear. [16], Compared with Yosemite Valley, the walls of Hetch Hetchy are smoother and rounder because it was glaciated to a greater extent. Hetch Hetchy's restoration, after all, will benefit national . Could you imagine building a dam inside a national park today? She says the water first leaves Hetch Hetchy through the O'Shaughnessy Dam. As well dam for water-tanks the peoples cathedrals and churches, for no holier temple has ever been consecrated by the heart of man.. Instead, it was a more complicated battle which pitted public interests against private interests. DWR also found that the planning studies necessary to refine the costs and benefits of restoration would cost $65 million alone. At SPUR, we have done a lot of work on climate change adaptation. Rounding the corner and catching the first glimpses of Hetch Hetchy Valley reveals the play of light on water. The Hetch Hetchy Reservoir also serves to provide energy in the form of hydroelectricity, with a capacity of over 200 megawatts a year. The maximum that the city has put away is 570,000 acre-feet of water. [4] A broad, low rocky outcrop situated between Kolana Rock and Hetch Hetchy Dome divided the former meadow in two distinct sections. You can expect one (short) email per month. A large part of today's incentive for restoration is that when the dam and the Hetch Hetchy reservoir were authorized by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913, as the Raker Act, the Hetch Hetchy Valley . They were both initially carved by rivers flowing down the Sierras relatively gentle western slope. [61] In 2018, the Department of the Interior of the Trump administration began to consider a proposal to allow limited boating on the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir for the first time, supported by the advocacy group Restore Hetch Hetchy which argued that "San Francisco received [Hetch Hetchy's] benefits long ago, but the American people have not. Second, the sanctity of the national parks which they believed should not be violated. This was likely because of Hetch Hetchy's narrow outlet, which in years of heavy snowmelt created a bottleneck in the Tuolumne River and the subsequent flooding of the valley floor. The city must pay a lease of $30,000 per year for the use of Hetch Hetchy, which sits on federal land. The inadequacy of the citys existing water supply came into sharp focus. Historians of the American conservation movement regard Pinchot as the foremost exemplar of the utilitarian approach to conservation, according to which man has a right to use natural resources, but also an obligation to use them wisely and efficientlyor as the classic criterion put it, the greatest good for the greatest number over the long run. As applied to forests and espoused by Pinchot, this meant that the nations forest reserves ought not to be maintained as inviolate sanctuaries, but opened to enlightened management.. It pitted a powerful city against a dedicated group of conservationists. Hetch Hetchy Dome, at 6,197ft (1,889m), lies directly north of it. "[22], The valley's name may be derived from a Miwok word earlier anglicized as hatchhatchie, which means "edible grasses"[8][23] or "magpie". Including additions made between 1934 and 1938, the dam currently stands 430 feet (131 m) above the bedrock below. Muir concludes his treatise on Hetch Hetchy with the now familiar words, "Dam Hetch Hetchy! California Rep. John E. Raker submitted a bill to Congress granting the city of San Francisco the right to dam the Hetchy Hetchy Valley as a reservoir and also provide the city the right of municipalized electricity as well. The Dam flooded about nine miles of the river, including the Hetch Hetchy valley. The law authorizing the dam passed Congress on December 7, 1913. Over the last 35 years, the idea has been studied by the Environmental Defense Fund, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, the National Park Service, UC Davis, and several state agencies. Hetch Hetchy was the first major battle of the environmental movement. Hetch Hetchy Valley, far from being a plain, common, rock-bound meadow, as many who have not seen it seem to suppose, is a grand landscape garden, one of Nature's rarest and most precious mountain temples. . After 2.5 miles (4.0 km), youll reach the Wapama Falls Bridge with an up-close view of the lowest section of Wapama Falls. Public disapproval nationwide with the Raker Act helped to bring about the creation of the National Park Service. Included with your registration: Two-day guided experience in Yosemite; one day at Hetch Hetchy and one day in Ackerson Meadow (Saturday, May 11, at 8 am, through Sunday, May 12, until about 3 pm). That trip is a 19.1-mile (22.9 km) out and back, or you can turn the hike into a loop that returns past Rancheria Falls (28.2 miles, 45.4 km). [45], The controversy over Hetch Hetchy was in the context of other political scandals and controversies, especially prevalent in the Taft administration. Gifford Pinchot wanted the U.S Forest Service to control the parks, but after his support to dam Hetchy Hetchy, Congress voted in 1916 to to establish the National Park Service whose sole purpose was "to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and to provide for the . [46], Work on the Hetch Hetchy Project began in 1914. Wapama Fall is reached via a five-mile, round-trip hike that follows the shoreline of the reservoir with moderate up and downhill hiking. [79] Some observers, such as Carl Pope (director of the Sierra Club), stated that Hodel had political motives[80] in proposing the study. In 1987, President Reagans Secretary of the Interior, Donald Hodel, proposed that Hetch Hetchy be restored. All offers, including but not limited to, bonus amenities, upgrades, prices, and group benefits are based on select dates, resorts, room categories, and/or fare codes. A) human well-being B) renewable energy C) environmental sustainability D) cultural services E) human population growth, The current total world population has just passed ________. The SFPUC and other Hetch Hetchy users are currently implementing plans to meet this demand through recycled water, groundwater and conservation. Garfield was responding to critics who believed that the federal governments primary responsibility was to use the nations public resources for development in the service for the greatest number of people. strongly against restoration. This can lead to algal blooms and decreased oxygen levels. Then, well need to weigh our options for other new large water supplies, all of which will have enormous environmental tradeoffs: think of building a desalination plant, fighting with Los Angeles over the Sacramento Delta, building a peripheral canal or siting new large dams in presently undammed Sierra mountains and foothills. Hetch Hetchy ushered in a new era for the national parks. The grassroots organization of environmental activism, established by John Muir and his supporters, became a model for future environmentalists. John Muir, the first president of the Sierra Club, condemned plans to build the dam, saying, "Dam Hetch Hetchy! Many examples of red-barked manzanita can be seen along the Hetch Hetchy Road. The new 68-mile (109 km) railroad wound its way up the narrow canyon of the Tuolumne River past sharp curves and up steep 4% grades. They poured an estimated total of more than 398,000 cubic yards (304,000 cubic meters) of concrete to form the dam. Her poetic descriptions of Hetch hetchy won her the attention of powerful members of Congress. Many are vital pieces of infrastructure that provide reliable water supplies, hydropower, flood control, and recreation. In November 2012, San Francisco voters soundly rejected Proposition F,[86] which would have required the city to conduct an $8 million study on how the flooded valley could be drained and restored to its former state. The regional water system provides water to 2.4 million people in San Francisco, Santa Clara, Alameda and San Mateo counties. In an effort to build this support, he published his bookThe Yosemitein 1912. This is why environmental impact statements, which were not required prior to 1969, are so important today. Buck Meadows is also a great place to spend the night. One route begins six miles beyond the entrance station. Now San Francisco wanted to dam one of the two principal watersheds in the park, the Hetch Hetchy valley through which ran the Tuolumne River, to create a reservoir for its water supply. Those in favor of dam removal have pointed out that many actions by San Francisco since 1913 have been in violation of the Raker Act, which explicitly stated that power and water from Hetch Hetchy could not be sold to private interests. San Francisco had its eyes on this water source early on and repeatedly tried to acquire water rights to the Tuolumne River. And in a larger sense, the waters of California served as the converting agents. between those who wish to retain the dam and reservoir, and those who wish to drain the reservoir and return Hetch Hetchy Valley to its former state. [71], The dam would not have to be completely removed; rather, it would only be necessary to cut a hole through the base in order to drain the water and restore natural flows of the Tuolumne River. The terminus of the incomplete line was "conveniently located next to a PG&E substation", which connected to PG&E's private line which in turn bridged the gap to San Francisco. The new. The falls roar in spring and early summer. Located at 3,900 feet, Hetch Hetchy boasts one of the longest hiking seasons in the park and is an ideal place for thundering spring waterfalls and wildflower displays. Within three years, Congress had passed the Organic Act, formally defining the parks and creating a new federal agency, the National Park Service, with a mission: to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.. In 1923, the O'Shaughnessy Dam was completed on the Tuolumne River, flooding the entire valley under the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir. Back in the early nineteen hundreds, when the debate start about The Hetch Hetchy dam being built a large majority of people did not realize or care how valuable nature is. [73] Furthermore, the removal of O'Shaughnessy Dam would not require costly sediment control measures, as would be typical on most dam removal projects, because of the high quality of the Tuolumne River water in the first 90 years since its construction, only around 2in (5.1cm) of sediment had been deposited in Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, much less than most other dams. If you delight in getting off the well-beaten path, or if you are looking for a peaceful natural retreat, its perfection. While John Muir led the fight against building the dam, the opposition was supported by Gifford Pinchot. But how did the dam get to be here? Camping included, if needed; limited sites are shared among all the . Hetch Hetchy Valley was once home to a richly diverse ecosystem, surrounded by towering cliffs and waterfalls similar to those in neighboring Yosemite Valley. It is the source of water for the city of San Francisco. Five country-chic rooms in the main building include en suite bathrooms, free WiFi and electric fireplaces. Exactly how San Francisco won the right to transform the bucolic valley into a Located 30 miles southeast of Las Vegas, the dam captures water from the . The Hetch Hetchy Valley is a part of Yosemite National Park. To get the electricity they would need, they first built a smaller dam at Lake Eleanor. The pressure that Muir and his compatriots generated in 1908 and 1909 did not dissuade the administration from its support of the Hetch Hetchy dam, but this pressure was quite effective in the realm of electoral politics. [56] All four pipelines cross the Hayward fault. Pinchot was recognized as a leader of the conservation movement. Once the glaciers retreated, tributaries leading into the main river were left hanging hundreds or thousands of feet above the valley floor, creating the beautiful waterfalls we know today. For most of the year the waterfall offers a refreshing shower or cooling mist along with an amazing view. Consider one project in progress that involves re-routing an entire river . Subsequent proposals for development in our national parks have been defeated by citizen activists inspired by calls to remember Hetch Hetchy. [35] Muir, who himself had briefly worked as a shepherd in Hetch Hetchy, was known for calling sheep "hoofed locusts" because of their environmental impact. OShaughnessy Dam and the waterworks that connect it to the Bay Area are a marvel of engineering. Would that be an improvement? The valley floor consisted of roughly 1,200 acres (490ha) of meadows fringed by pine forest, through which meandered the Tuolumne River and numerous tributary streams. In the distance, long white plumes of water cascade hundreds of feet down from rocky heights. [5] Local legend attributes the modern name Hetch Hetchy to Screech's initial arrival in the valley, during which he observed the Native Americans "cooking a variety of grass covered with edible seeds", which they called "hatch hatchy" or "hatchhatchie". [50] The removal of the dam would be extremely costly, at least $310 billion,[76] and the transport of the demolished material away from the dam site along the narrow, winding Hetch Hetchy Road would be a logistical nightmare with possible environmental impacts. [24] It is likely that the edible grass was blue dicks. But the reservoir has spared it some of the indignities of Yosemite Valley", "San Francisco Department of Elections, November 2012 Results", "San Francisco vote to study draining Hetch Hetchy Reservoir is defeated", "Hetch Hetchy Water and the Bay Area Economy", "Thesis: Water Supply Implications of Removing O'Shaughnessy Dam", "New Irvington Tunnel latest in Hetch Hetchy water system improvements", Current Conditions, Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, California Department of Water Resources, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Hetch Hetchy Water and Power, California Resources Agency Hetch Hetchy Restoration Study, Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency on Hetch Hetchy dam, National Register of Historic Places in Yosemite National Park, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hetch_Hetchy&oldid=1131920349, History of the Sierra Nevada (United States), Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the National Park Service, Articles with dead external links from May 2019, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2022, Infobox mapframe without OSM relation ID on Wikidata, Pages using infobox bridge with empty coordinates parameter, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Vague or ambiguous time from October 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 6 January 2023, at 11:49. Impounded by O'Shaughnessy Dam, Hetch Hetchy Reservoir water passes through hydroelectric powerhouses before it enters the San Joaquin Pipelines, the Tesla Ultraviolet Treatment Facility, and the Coast Range Tunnel on its journey to the Bay Area. [77][78], The economic wisdom of removing the dam has been frequently questioned. Stand on OShaughnessy Dam and feel the cool updraft. The larger issues at stake would frame environmental debates for years to come. First, the beauty of the valley which they felt should not be sacrificed to build a dam. [58], Water from Hetch Hetchy is some of the cleanest municipal water in the United States; San Francisco is one of six U.S. cities not required by law to filter its tap water, although the water is disinfected by ozonation and, since 2011, exposure to UV. Since then, the "Hetch Hetchy System" has continued to grow, now including nine impoundments . We can't help it either. [42] This provoked a seven-year environmental struggle with the environmental group Sierra Club, led by John Muir. The Poopenaut Trail begins at a signed trailhead four miles past the entrance station. A) 5 billion B . View of the OShaughnessy Dam and the Hetchy Hetchy Road and parking.