Just as is the case with mating, French bulldogs have both narrow hips and large heads, which means that female dogs of the breed rarely go through a straightforward, natural labour and delivery, as this combination of physical traits makes it highly likely that the pups will get stuck in the birth canal. As DVM360 points out, while sometimes a shot of oxytocin can help, this is nearly always an emergency situation that requires a C-section to finish the whelping. Despite their name, French bulldogs do not come from France. Either way, sometimes it is just better to know all the puppies are safely out of the mother dog. They are animals and deserve to live happy lives. French By over breeding them, you are not giving them a happy life. Because Frenchie puppies are harder to whelp naturally anyway, it will take even more energy than is typical for a French Bulldog mother to whelp naturally again and again. 2023 Newsletter for French Bulldog Owner. Yet another reason why most experienced French Bulldog breeders vastly prefer simply scheduling a planned C section for their pregnant females is because of what natural whelping can do to the canine uterus. You will suddenly have a post-operated adult French Bulldog to care for. AI is a great way to improve and ensure your dogs health. They're unable to regulate their temperature through panting as well as other dogs, and even normal activities in intense heat can cause heatstroke. The most notable feature is their short legs, which give them an adorable waddling gait when they walk. In addition, uterine exhaustion causes general body tiredness during labor. According to Dr. O'Neill of Today's Veterinary Practice, " 25% of all puppies in dystocic litters do not survive this process while 1.7% of the bitches also died. Also, is it likely that she will be pregnant form just mating once? Please dont take it lightly, though. There are some rare instances where French bulldogs have birthed as high as 7 puppies. The large, blockheads of the puppies, combined with the mother's compact, narrow hips make natural birth very difficult, if not impossible for the mother. The muscular lining can be weakened and may develop lesions or even tear. As a freelance pet writer and blogger, Shannon is passionate about crafting knowledge-based, science-supported articles that foster healthy bonds of love and respect between people and animals. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'frenchiejourney_com-box-4','ezslot_5',129,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-frenchiejourney_com-box-4-0'); As we mentioned, the French bulldog has a distinctive appearance, and you would probably recognize it anywhere. You should stop breeding female Frenchies when they reach eight years old. You should not even try to get your two French bulldogs to mate. Why Is Your Dog Losing Hair Under Their Armits? Be sure to schedule any post-operation appointments that your Frenchie's veterinarian recommends. They undergo artificial insemination instead. Get your French bulldogs vision tested. Of the dystocic cases, 48.6% required surgical delivery of the puppies (cesarean section) with the pain and stress that accompanies this major surgery.". Is there anything else you could ever ask for in a dog? You should feed her quality dog food that contains essential nutrients and vitamins that will support her and the baby. Since they go through c-sections every time they are pregnant, they require a much longer recovery time. I have a question: I have a lg 2yr old male frenchie and small almost 2yr old female. Their terrier roots brought in the lead to a Frenchie overheating. Frenchie puppies may be born with a cleft palate, which may impede their ability to eat and require surgery. When breeding a French bulldog, the number of puppies you can expect in the litter will range from 3 to 5. You should never try to breed a Frenchie bitch more than once every year and a half. to facilitate the dog and the bitch through a natural breeding. So, French bulldogs can give birth naturally only in 20% of the cases. The males cant regulate their body temperatures properly, which results in this problem and dangers. But it doesnt stop there; they also make wonderful pets! These traits make it difficult to breathe, which is why you can often hear them breathing. Performing a c-section on a bitch is a way to get around the birthing process. Adults exist, and so do puppies, which means they are bred. The delivery is often an all-day affair. The normal gestation period in dogs is . However, this can be avoided through artificial insemination (AI). The best way to decrease the risks associated with the procedure and protect the mother and puppies is to be prepared for the procedure and plan it according to the instructions of your veterinarian. It isnt unheard of, but its rare. Three Main Reasons a C-Section Whelping Can Be Safer for French Bulldogs While cesarean section deliveries will never be considered "safe" as far as canine surgical procedures go, they are generally regarded as safer than allowing a pregnant Frenchie to try to deliver naturally. If you are making plans to acquire a French bulldog intending to have a litter, you have to make your enquiries right and ensure that the one you are getting is able to mate on their own and deliver their puppies or be prepared to undergo the process of artificial insemination with the attendant cost. This is because their skull is short, flat, and wide, crowding their breathing passages and making them top-heavy. They became common around the 1950s. Progesterone helps to regulate a female's heat cycles and can also help the breeder predict with a very high degree of accuracy when the puppies will be ready to whelp. Why Is My Bulldog Dreaming More Than Usual? Unfortunately, this is likely to be because of the birthing process. How do you feel about French bulldogs? They are known for their funny expressions, their big personalities, and their fun-loving natures. are very sensitive to heat. After reading all of this information about the difficulties, risks, and potential complications of breeding French Bulldogs, you may wonder quite legitimately why this whole process is so much more difficult for Frenchies. The history of French bulldogs is an interesting one. They are extremely loyal, and they love being near people. Finally, AI helps reduce the number of dogs who are euthanized due to genetic disease. Bulldogs have a genetic defect that prevents them from giving birth naturally. It rapidly became popular. The fact that these dogs have narrow hips and wide heads is not a good combination. When Should a C Section for French Bulldogs Be Scheduled? Are French Bulldogs Good With Other Dogs? Once again, close breeding will result in more genetic problems and should be avoided at all cost. This is the answer we have. Sometimes, they even require surgery just to open their nostrils. Furthermore, artificial insemination often results in many medical problems for the puppies. I cannot contest that here, check out the cost of French bulldogs, that tiny thing is probably more expensive than your car. French Bulldog breeders must consider the physical toll that a normal cesarean section can take on the mother dogs, as well as the physical pain associated with complications, such as dystocia. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. They are animals and deserve to live happy lives. They are descended from English bulldogs, and were bred to be toy-size. It isnt impossible for them, but it is not recommended for their own wellbeing and safety. It doesnt stop there, though. Most of the time, even if you wanted your Frenchies to make puppies naturally, it wouldnt be possible. Additionally, C-sections can be expensive, so its important to consider all options before deciding on this type of delivery method for your pets litter. Generally, French Bulldog Artificial Insemination do not come out with 100% success rate, the success rate of Artificial insemination in French Bulldog is between 59%-80% in most cases for Fresh semen and 52%-60% Success rate for Frozen Semen. But breeding French Bulldogs is not easy. As you might expect, when so much human interference is needed to breed Frenchies, things can get very expensive. Frenchtons manage to mix the stamina and strength of a French Bulldog, with the longer legs and height of a Boston Terrier. Their coat colors can vary from black, fawn, white, cream, brindled, and the rare blue merle. Kyle has been a bully breed lover for over 13 years. Frenchies rarely give birth naturally and are more likely to give birth via cesarean section as a result of the puppies' large heads and the mother's narrow hips. The Truth about whether French Bulldogs can Mate on their Own. The narrowest part of these dogs is in their hindquarters, which is not the part of the puppy that generally enters the birth canal first. Can a Dog Be Walked After Cutting Its Quick? That was just over 4 weeks ago and all are doing amazingly. Finally, you will need to time the females heat cycle correctly to know when the artificial insemination should happen. This is not entirely true as some French bulldogs can actually mate on their own and deliver their puppies. To help females give birth, veterinarians sometimes use artificial insemination. Lets have a closer look at their physical appearance. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Bulldogs and French bulldogs are among the most popular breeds in the U.S. Why can't French Bulldogs breed naturally? Female French bulldogs cannot give birth naturally, which means they will need the help of a veterinary team to reproduce. You should also prepare a place for her to rest and sleep comfortably. Its important to consider all these factors before making any decisions about whether or not you want to breed your pet. French Bulldogs are a popular breed of dog that has become increasingly popular in recent years. But her first and very most important job is as a dog auntie and cockatiel, tortoise, and box turtle mama. In terms of height, Frenchtons can get as big as 16 inches tall. This is because it is considered to be unsafe to breed them if they are younger. However, if a Frenchie requires an emergency cesarean section, the breeder may not have had time to limit her food and water intake, increasing the danger of her vomiting and choking during the procedure. Due to their short noses and short coat, they It's difficult for French Bulldogs to copulate because of their hips. Three Main Reasons a C-Section Whelping Can Be Safer for French Bulldogs.