Richard J. Hooper does not make the Jusino thesis his own, but says: "Perhaps we should not altogether reject the possibility that some Johannine Christians considered Mary Magdalene to be 'the disciple whom Jesus loved'. [232] Lady Gaga's song "Judas" (2011) is sung from Mary's perspective, portraying her as a prostitute who is "beyond repentance". Thank you! Bible movies & shows like The Chosen provide us with fresh eyes to see the significance of the Bible and the beauty of the Gospel. In 2016, Pope Francis raised the level of liturgical memory on July 22 from memorial to feast, and for her to be referred to as the "Apostle of the apostles". Mary Magdalene was a prominent figure in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. [185][181][186] In this account, Mary Magdalene is, in Ehrman's words, "fabulously rich, insanely beautiful, and outrageously sensual",[185] but she gives up her life of wealth and sin to become a devoted follower of Jesus. That is why he loved her more than us. was mary magdalene once called lilith Skip to content. In the Gospel of Philip's text she is described as Jesus' companion, as the disciple Jesus loved the most and the one Jesus kissed on the mouth,[3] which has led some people to conclude that she and Jesus were in a relationship. "[101] The narrator commends Mary stating "she spoke this utterance as a woman who understood everything. [11] Mary herself spends the last thirty years of her life alone as a penitent ascetic in a cave in a desert in the French region of Provence. [176] Honorius mentions that, out of love for Jesus, Mary repented and withdrew into a life of quiet isolation. [27][28] Consequently, her devotion to Jesus resulting from this healing must have been very strong. [64] Nonetheless, he rejects that Jesus could have been interred in an expensive tomb with a stone rolled in front of it like the one described in the gospels,[65] leading him to conclude that Mary and the other women must not have seen the tomb. [267] Because of Mary Magdalene's position as an apostle, though not one of those who became official witnesses to the resurrection, the Catholic Church honored her by reciting the Gloria on her feast day the only female saint so honored apart from Mary, the mother of Jesus. [183] Charles II commissioned the building of a new Gothic basilica on the site and, in return for providing accommodation for pilgrims, the town's residents were exempt from taxes. [52] Nonetheless, the gospels' accounts of Jesus' crucifixion differ considerably[53] and most secular historians agree that some of the details in the accounts have been altered to fit their authors' theological agendas. [186] On the last day of her life, Maximin, now the bishop of Aix, comes to her and gives her the Eucharist. [70] This passage made no mention of Mary Magdalene, the other women, or the story of the empty tomb at all,[71][72] but rather credits Simon Peter with having been the first to see the risen Jesus. Jusino based his argument largely on the Nag Hammadi Gnostic books, rejecting the view of Raymond E. Brown that these books were later developments, and maintaining instead that the extant Gospel of John is the result of modification of an earlier text that presented Mary Magdalene as the Beloved Disciple. [312] Numerous works were written in response to the historical inaccuracies in The Da Vinci Code,[313][314] but the novel still exerted massive influence on how members of the general public viewed Mary Magdalene. Today, Mary Magdalene is considered a saint by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican and Lutheran churches, with a feast day celebrated on July 22. I hope you enjoy them! Jesus is said to have cast seven evil spirits out of her (Luke 8:1-3). [67][68][69] According to Luke 24:112 a group of unnamed women went to the tomb and found the stone already rolled away, as in Mark. [179][239] Her story became conflated in the West with that of Mary of Egypt, a fourth-century prostitute turned hermit, whose clothes wore out and fell off in the desert. [322] Ehrman says that, if Jesus had been married to Mary Magdalene, the authors of the gospels would definitely have mentioned it, since they mention all his other family members, including his mother Mary, his father Joseph, his four brothers, and his at least two sisters. [296], Her left hand relic is kept in the Simonopetra Monastery on Mount Athos. [47] Mark 15:47 lists Mary Magdalene and Mary, mother of Jesus as witnesses to the burial of Jesus. The story of Jesus is told in four gospels. The last passage is an optional bonus for youth that like digging deeper. "[150] The aspect of the repentant sinner became almost equally significant as the disciple in her persona as depicted in Western art and religious literature, fitting well with the great importance of penitence in medieval theology. The Gospel of Luke chapter 8 lists Mary Magdalene as one of the women who traveled with Jesus and helped support his ministry "out of their resources", indicating that she was probably wealthy. [47] Mark 15:40 lists the names of these women as Mary Magdalene; Mary, mother of James; and Salome. [168] Starting in around the eighth century, Christian sources record mention of a church in Magdala purported to have been built on the site of Mary Magdalene's house, where Jesus exorcized her of the seven demons. (Jesus), What about Jesus' identity does this hint at? [210] Zwingli demanded for the cult of Mary Magdalene to be abolished and all images of her to be destroyed. They are legendary and mythological. The creators of The Chosen probably chose this name because it is associated with demons in Jewish traditions. For the most part, I just clarified who characters were (see my comment above) and occasionally I briefly explained a reference or allusion that was confusing to my youth. Many Christians still memorize this passage to remind them of how God is always with us, even in the most difficult trials. woman was called Lilith. The specific demon is not named in Scripture. Can you think of moments when you may need to be reminded that God is with you? I've condensed the lesson into an easily printable pdf below. [292], The Bah writings also expand upon the scarce references to her life in the canonical Gospels, with a wide array of extra-canonical stories about her and sayings which are not recorded in any other extant historical sources. To clarify why the creators would want to add new characters and stories and leave some stories out, you could ask the following questions: What are some other popular adaptations of books into film or television? If you liked this post, you might want to check out some of my other posts on The Chosen and Bible adaptation. [120][121][119] As a result of numerous intervening conflicts, the manuscript was not published until 1955. "Mary appears to have been a disciple . In the ensuing centuries, a heretical Christian sect called the Cathars forwarded the theory that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a romantic couple. She displayed her hair to set off her face, but now her hair dries her tears. Workers deserve their food. Mary lived in a village called Magdala on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. (which is Aramaic for "teacher"). Lilith's creation is recounted in The Tales of Ben Sira, an apocryphal work from the tenth century C.E. Because The Chosen seeks to be kid-friendly, it most likely uses the term "Red Quarter" in order to hint to older viewers that Mary is a prostitute without explicitly mentioning prostitution or sex. (She wasn't.) For instance, some have said Mary and Jesus were either lovers and husband and wife. [254] They have never celebrated her as a penitent. Why do you think they were removed? However, Luke refers to Mary earlier in his account of . In subsequent religious legend, Mary's story became conflated with that of Mary of Egypt, a repentant prostitute who then lived as a hermit. [75][81][83] She did not see anyone, but immediately ran to tell Peter and the "beloved disciple",[75][83] who came with her to the tomb and confirmed that it was empty,[75][82] but returned home without seeing the risen Jesus. Of Purgatory", "Selected Topics of Comparison in Christianity and the Bah Faith", The Incorrupt Left Hand of St. Mary Magdalene, "Mary Magdalene: Author of the Fourth Gospel? Do you believe Jesus knows you by name? PROUDLY CREATED WITH WIX.COM. This passage is one of the few appearances of Mary Magdalene in the Gospels. And she began to speak to them these words: "I", she said, "I saw the Lord in a vision and I said to Him, Lord I saw you today in a vision". She is also believed to have been the first witness to the resurrection of Jesus. [122] In addition to this Coptic translation, two brief third-century fragments of the gospel in the original Greek (P. Rylands 463 and P. Oxyrhynchus 3525) have also been discovered, which were published in 1938 and 1983 respectively.[121][119]. [240], In medieval depictions Mary's long hair entirely covers her body and preserves her modesty (supplemented in some German versions such as one by Tilman Riemenschneider by thick body hair),[243][244] but, from the sixteenth century, some depictions, like those by Titian, show part of her naked body, the amount of nudity tending to increase in successive periods. In the TV series Once Upon a Time, Lilith is the daughter of Maleficent. The story of . [256], During the Counter-Reformation and Baroque periods (late 16th and 17th centuries), the description "penitent" was added to the indication of her name on her feast day, July 22. 15131516). Not she with trait'rous kiss her Saviour stung,Not she denied Him with unholy tongue;She, while apostles shrank, could danger brave,Last at His cross, and earliest at His grave. She is the first to meet the Risen Christ. [31][32] In the first century, demons were believed widely to cause physical and psychological illness. 14", "39 Articles of Religion XXII. . It is not about the sister of Saint Martha, nor about the sinful woman whose sins the Lord forgave. It's a great comfort in the midst of the pandemic and other turmoil. In The Chosen, it is not entirely clear whether Mary Magdalene was engaging in prostitution before the events of Season 1, Episode 1. The same passage also states that seven demons had been driven out of her, a statement which is repeated in Mark 16. And others took it a step further, that Jesus and Mary Magdalene got married and had a child, which morphed into the earth-shattering secret at the heart of "The Da Vinci Code." [133][136][135][137] Epiphanius says that the Greater Questions of Mary contained an episode in which, during a post-resurrection appearance, Jesus took Mary to the top of a mountain, where he pulled a woman out of his side and engaged in sexual intercourse with her. [255] For centuries, it has been the custom of many Eastern Orthodox Christians to share dyed and painted eggs, particularly on Easter Sunday. (he calls her by name at the end when he heals her). "[302] Esther A. de Boer likewise presents the idea as "one possibility among others", not as a definitive solution to the problem of the identity of the anonymous disciple. [315][308], In 2012, scholar Karen L. King published the Gospel of Jesus' Wife, a purported Coptic papyrus fragment in which Jesus says: "My wife she will be able to be my disciple." What did these seven devils signify, if not all the vices? As COVID drags on and winter sets in, if you're looking for a good activity to do online with your youth group, you might want to consider doing a series of The Chosen Viewing Parties like this. [88] He also says that the story of Mary Magdalene discovering the empty tomb is independently attested in the Synoptics, the Gospel of John, and in the Gospel of Peter. Soon afterwards he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. One of Jesus' most celebrated disciples, most of what is known about Mary Magdalene comes primarily from the New Testament Gospels. [168][206] Luther and Huldrych Zwingli (1484 1531) both supported the composite Magdalene. [39] Jesus' ministry did bring women greater liberation than they would typically have held in mainstream Jewish society.