Provides a drop-down list of COMAR Titles, by number and Agency. To easily find professional nursing licensure requirements (RN, PN and APRN programs), please select the states/jurisdictions where you want to know their professional licensure requirements. [C.]E.Registry. with rehabilitation areas shall provide a, There shall be an allowance of at least 12 square feet per, C. Dayroom Area. 6. [(1)](a)Equipment shall[be of a type that will provide]allow for providingsafe and effective[patient]residentcare. The State of Maryland pledges Required: immunity Acall system shall be installed and maintained in operating order in all nursing units. fraud hotline to receive allegations of The activities shall be designed to promote the general health[,]andphysical, social, and mentalwell-being of the[patients]residents. (vii) A bedsidelamp, over-bed lamp,or other directional light source forresidentreadingandbedside care. The State of Maryland pledges The facility shall document refusals and shall conduct surveillance of nonimmune employees during the recognized influenza season. JavaScript is required to use content on this page. G. Reevaluation of[Patients]ResidentsProgress. A. Body Holding RoomNew Construction. ; (16) Require that unless the supervisor is a licensed registered dietitian, they shall receive regularly scheduled consultation from a licensed dietician; (17) Specifying that during admission, a resident may not be accepted unless at least one service to meet the rehabilitative needs of the resident can be initiated within the 48-hour period; (18) Allowing for the provision of a waiver of general requirements for bedrooms in long term care facilitiesboth for newly constructed bedrooms and already-existing bedrooms; and. B. (44) Nursing care has the meaning stated in Health-General Article, 19-301(k), Annotated Code of Maryland. General Requirements. (1) The nursing home shall return all prescribed medications, for residents who have been discharged or otherwise departed, to the pharmacy in accordance with the nursing homes policy. The summary shall, at a minimum: (a) List means of potential transportation to be used in the event of evacuation; (b) List potential alternative facilities or locations to be used in the event of evacuation; (c) Describe means of communication with family members and residents representatives; (d) Describe the role and responsibilities of the resident, family member, or residents representative in the event of an emergency situation; and. (d) "Board" means the State Board of Nursing. The following procedures are to be used when admitting an individual with a communicable disease into a nursing facility: (3) The Secretary or a designee of the Secretary may prohibit a facility from accepting an individual with a communicable disease if it is determined that admitting the individual with a communicable disease could pose a risk to the health, safety, or welfare of any other resident or individual associated with the facility. a genuine interest in the well-being and welfare of, (1) The administrator shall employ sufficient and satisfactory personnel as specified in this chapter to, The Department shall approve the increase in beds within 72 hours following receipt of the. Effective in 2013. However, the nursing home would need to contract with a licensed social worker to provide oversight. It is suggested that there be established a multi-discipline audit team to participate in an ongoing system of internal patient care audit. The Office of Health Care Quality surveyed multiple facilities and determined that 25 percent of nursing homes employed or contracted with a licensed social worker. F. The[facility]nursing homeshall provide pulmonary function testing[,]and blood gas or pulse analysis capability[onsite]on-siteor through contractual arrangements with providers who meet applicable State and federal laws and regulations. A. (2) The storeroom shall be cool and well-ventilated[;]. (1) A new nursing home shall be constructed, equipped, and maintained to protect the health and safety ofresidents,personnel, and the public. (ii) Maintain a minimum clearance of 3 feet at the foot of the bed. A qualified social worker is an individual with, (i) A bachelors degree in social work or a bachelors degree in a human services field including but not limited to sociology, special education, rehabilitation counseling, and psychology; and. (76) Two-step tuberculin skin testing means the administration of a second tuberculin skin test 1 to 3 weeks after the initial skin test is negative, to identify individuals with a past TB infection who may now have reduced skin reactivity. (1) The building and all its parts and facilities shall be kept in good repair, neat,and attractive. Comments will be accepted throughMarch 18, 2019. As long as the cumulative days of suspension imposed solely for the five reasons listed in COMAR do not exceed 30 in a calendar year, that suspension need not be reported. The[facility]nursing homeshall develop a protocol for selecting residents who are appropriate for feeding by a paid feeding assistant. (1) The nursing home shall providea multi-purpose room[is used]for dining, occupationaltherapy,physicaltherapy,and social activities[, there]. For this reason, they will not be printed in the Maryland Register or the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR). resources. gaussian elimination row echelon form calculator. Public records report utah county real . 3. patient identification, specific nurse behavior, action, or inaction. 4140 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215-2254, Employer Notification of Board Order Form, Worksite Verification Monitoring Program Form, Direct Entry Midwifery Advisory Committee, Applicants denied licensure and certification. Medical Director Qualifications. Maryland is a Nurse Licensure Compact (Compact) state, meaning that nurses licensed by another Compact state do not need to apply for licensure unless they plan to make Maryland their primary state of residency. E. Quality Assurance. The Board concluded that reliance on any one institutions terminology would result in uneven reporting. D. Excessive Absenteeism of Administrator. A member of the facilitys staff shall be assigned responsibility for social services. [Agency Note: Care should be exercised in the rotation of stored food so that old stock is used first.]. D. Laundries-Existing Facilities. (c) The soiled utility room shall contain: [(ii) A separate wall-hung hand sink for handwashing, equipped with wrist blades and soap and towel dispensers;]. See COMAR for alterations in practice and COMAR for resignations. (11) A training program shall provide at least 16 hours of training prior to a trainees direct assignment to resident care. If the serology for varicella is nonreactive, the facility shall request that the employee receive immunization for varicella. (7) Culture Change Nursing Home. 6 St. Paul Street, Suite 2102 (3) The facility shall monitor the purified protein derivative (PPD) status of employees at any time that symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis develop, and periodically, consistent with the tuberculosis control plan. (b)A nursing care unit[also]bathroomshall include: [(a)](i)A toilet, within the care unit, for the use of personnel[, a]; and. NCSBN assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information contained in this resource. [(5)](1)The[facility]nursing homeshall screen[all new employees for immunity to common childhood infections such as mumps, rubella, measles, and chicken pox (varicella), through the use of pre-employment questionnaires and, if appropriate, serologic testing for presence of antibodies of these diseases, to prevent adult exposure of new employees to residents with communicable forms of such disease organisms.] Before or at admission, a contract shall be executed by the administrator and[patient]resident,guardian, or responsible agency which is consistent with the requirements of Health-General Article, 19-344, Annotated Code of Maryland, Rights of Individuals. require that all employees receive annual immunization for influenza, unless: (b) Against the employees religious beliefs; or. (6) The pharmaceutical services committee may not develop policies and procedures that prohibit or restrict a resident from receiving medications from the pharmacy of the residents choice. Required . (b)Renovations of[existing]allkitchens shall be approved by the Department,which will consider modification of the minimum space requirement based on space available, costs,and type of service. Copyright (1) Emergency Power. (a) Comply with Health-General Article, 18-404, Annotated Code of Maryland, regarding immunizations of employees; (b) Inform all new and current employees of the health risks of not being immunized; (d) Require that any employee who is not vaccinated with the current influenza vaccine wear a mask when: (ii) During the influenza season as specified by the States Prevention and Health Promotion Administration, based on influenza activity in Maryland. D.Contract. The printed version is considered the official version. (3) Is in a readily visible type font and size. (a) Receives treatments, medications, and diet as prescribed; (b) Receives rehabilitative nursing care as needed; (c) Receives proper care to prevent pressure ulcers and deformities; (d) Is kept comfortable, clean, and well-groomed; (e) Is protected from accident, injury, and infection; (f) Is encouraged, assisted, and trained in self-care and group activities; and. (1)A nursing home shall be equipped with a properly maintained air conditioning system. to provide constituents, businesses, (iii)Following the period of orientation,[the person responsible for the orientation program and the person in charge of the service shall]indicatethesatisfactory completion of the orientation program of the employee. (a) A central ventilation or air conditioning system shall be equipped with filters having efficiencies no less than those specified in Table 2 under D(11) of this regulation. (3) Demonstratea genuine interest in the well-being and welfare of[patients]residentsin the[facility]nursing home. A mental health care provider licensed under the Health Occupations Article or any institution or facility that provides treatment or services to individuals who have mental disorders has a statutory duty to warn of known threats of imminent physical injury: b) In general.- A cause of action or disciplinary action may not arise against any mental health care provider or administrator for failing to predict, warn of, or take precautions to provide protection from a patient's violent behavior unless the mental health care provider or administrator knew of the patient's propensity for violence and the patient indicated to the mental health care provider or administrator, by speech, conduct, or writing, of the patient's intention to inflict imminent physical injury upon a specified victim or group of victims. Again, there are objective tests to determine this. practical nurse, or certified nursing assistant knows of an action or condition (4)In new facilities,the director of nursing and supervisors of[the various services,]dietaryservices, housekeeping, rehabilitationservices, and social services[,]shall be responsible for orienting the new[supportive]supportpersonnel to the[facilitys]nursing homepolicies and procedures and to the physical plant. Common Space. (2) The nursing home shall maintain and dispose of a clients medical records in accordance with Health-General Article, Title 4, Subtitles 3 and 4, Annotated Code of Maryland. Foods shall be prepared by methods that conserve nutritive value, flavor, and appearance, and shall be served at proper temperatures, in a form to meet individual needs. . F. Employee Health Oversight. A. A written agreement with at least one acute hospital shall be effected which shall provide for the following actions: (1) Planning to ensure that all services required for the continuity of[patient]residentcare will be made available promptly; (2) Advance discussion with the[patient]residentregarding the reason for the transfer and any available alternatives; (4) Interchange of medical and other information necessary in the care and treatment of[patients]residentstransferred between[the]facilities, including notification of the licensed pharmacist of resident transfer; [(5) Timely admission to the hospital when the attending physician determines acute hospital care is medically appropriate;]. D. Assistance by Nursing Service Personnel. State resources. Staffing. [.39] .62Geriatric Nursing AssistantTrainingProgram. There shall be provision for the laundering of patients clothing. C. Call SystemNew Construction. The assessment shall: (2) Use a data dictionary as identified by the automated data processing requirements; and. 410.764.4777 | Toll Free 800.492.6836 (e) No morethanfour individualsmay occupy a multiple occupancy bedroom. (4) The director of nursings time counted in bedside care shall be documented. A care plan under this regulation shall be based upon assessments conducted at the following times: family member or residents representative 7 calendar days advance notice, in writing, of the location, date, and time of, (2) The team shall establish goals for each problem or need identified, (3) Approaches to accomplishing each goal shall be established. . The director of a medical laboratory must submit a report of a positive HIV test or of a CD4+ lymphocyte count less than 200 per cubic millimeter, within 48 hours to the health officer. (1) The infectionprevention andcontrol program shall establish written policies and procedures toidentify,investigate, control, and prevent infections in the[facility]nursing home,including policies and procedures to: (a) Identify[facility]health care-associated infections and communicable diseases in accordance with COMAR 10.06.01; (b) Report occurrences of certain[communicable]infectiousdiseases and outbreaks of[communicable]infectiousdiseases to the local health department ina timely manner inaccordance with COMAR 10.06.01 and Health-General Article, 18-202, Annotated Code of Maryland; (c) Institute appropriate[infectioncontrol steps]control measureswhen an infectionor outbreak of infectionsis suspected or identified in order to control infection and prevent spread to other residents; (d) Perform surveillancefor health care-associated and community-associated infectionsof residents and employees[atappropriate intervals]using definitions and methods approved by the infection prevention and control oversight committeeto monitor and investigate causes of infection,[facility-associated and community acquired,]andthe manner in which[it was]the infection isspread; (e) Train employees about infectionprevention andcontrol,[and hygiene]including: (i)[Hand]Standard precautions andhand hygiene; (ii) Respiratory[protection]hygiene and cough etiquette; (iv) Safe handling of needles and sharpsand safe injection techniques; (v) Special medical waste handling and disposal;[and]. A. We're available on the following channels. Maryland Board of Physicians | 4201 Patterson Avenue | Baltimore, MD 21215. (3)Written policies shall be kept current with the policies used to administer the[facility]nursing home. [Facility]Nursing HomeResponsibilities. B. Contact us via email:, National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential. C. Duties of the Pharmaceutical Services Committee. Nursing service personnel shall help the resident perform daily routine dental hygiene. C. Dayroom Area. ), III. (3)As appropriate, respiratory care personnel are competent in the following: (j) Recognition of and attention to the psychosocial needs of residents and their families. (5) An electrically powered call system shall be connected to the emergency power supply. There are currently 36 subjects and 101 Articles in the Annotated code. The[goal]goalsshall be realistic, practical, and tailored to the residents needs. Telephone service and drinking fountains which meet ANSI standards also shall be provided. (1)At least three meals or their equivalent shall be[served]offereddaily, at regular times,with not more than 14-hour intervals between the substantial evening meal and breakfast. H. Coordination of Nursing and Dietetic Services. B. Maryland Board of Nursing Minimum Requirements. In person purchases can be made at 16 Francis Street - Wineland Building, [(3) The course instructor shall have overall supervisory responsibility for the operation of the program, and shall: (a) Be a registered nurse licensed in Maryland; (b) Have at least 2 years of nursing experience, at least 1 year of which shall have been in caring for the elderly or chronically ill in the past 5 years; and. Code Ann., Health Occupations Article, 4140 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215-2254, If you have a non- compact active license in another state but never held a Maryland license, you must complete one of the above advance practice applications in, Once registration is completed in, your license verification is immediately available for verification. B. [F.]E.InfectionPrevention andControl Policies and Procedures. Complete and mail Request for Validation of Registration to your licensing agency, Have scores sent to the Maryland Board of Nursing. (1) The duty to take the actions under paragraph (2) of this subsection arises only under the limited circumstances described under subsection (b) of this section. Approaches shall. (b)When the[facility]nursing homewishes to request that the restriction be removed, the request shall include the specific effective date and a statement that personnel staffing is sufficient to meet the States requirements at the designated census[figure]level.