She sits down beside me. If this was an episode of The Crown you could create several storylines. An eclipse is historically what or who is obscured, concealed and hidden in plain sight. The good news is, the all-powerful, all-controlling minority elite is doomed when Pluto leaves Capricorn. An Harry is definitely motivated by money and he will do and say ANYTHING to get it. Ever since the wedding, as an astrologer, I have learned to watch for staging. This is beginning to look like batten down the hatches and also umbrellas up for the younger Royals The Royal family manage their inheritance because they produce the heirs and spares who rule Britain and the Commonwealth. He is in the best cycle in 12 years to do that, prematurely, until May 2023. This book is so toxic and his behaviour is just so entitled and narcissistic. I published a prediction about that way back on 17th July 2017 before we knew about Epstein, Maxwell, Prince Andrew or that Meghan would marry Harry. " Harry is still going through a major internal process over a number of years which involves a lot of soul-searching and letting go of his old life. I just had another reader submit a possible reason why, but I cant publish it unfortunately. If Harry does eventually find the truth of his paternity I fear it will be after he and meghan call it a day and go their separate ways. This fits the astrology perfectly. The Queen had changed the terms of the lease to be renewed or not each year. Russia Beyond May 29th 2018. Frankly I dont believe it, never have but its interesting that Coren has links to Soho House, his close friend Nick Jones being the founder and former CEO of SH. The way you write Jessica, weaving all the thematic connections astrologically, its incredible. Thank you. Having left Canada, Meghan and Harry bought their America home from another Russian, Sergey Grishin. And Harry isnt healing, instead he creates more trauma and hurt for everyone involved. Unless you want to disrupt the Church of England, of course, by basically undermining the sanctity of the holy ceremony three days later. Thank you Jessica. The plot thickens as today new stamps bearing the head of Charles III were released showing him without a crown. I find the Russia connection in Harrys chart incredible not to mention Ukraine. The US court system includes a discovery process. In the first, I was in the front row of an audience watching a play. That would mean that both LGBTQ and the traditionalists would both be served. I need to go and look at the charts. Perhaps she secretly did, maybe under another name. Your show bibleand pinboard feelings are supported by online findings, in my opinion. Apparently she positioned herself to meet Harry, started doing charity work to make herself look more appealing to him and even wore Dianas favorite perfume on their first date. Thank you for all your help and comments. Again, you have been barricaded, barred, blocked and thwarted. This becomes incredibly significant. I just glanced at a headline about Meghan and Australia. Sorry, me again. I am less convinced of that. It is about the bedroom and courtship. Thank you for the compliment. She claimed: "The line of succession and. Yes, thats the idea there are foreign enemies who would like to see a referendum on a republic in the United Kingdom, and certainly to see Commonwealth countries either leave, or drop the idea of the monarch as Head of State. The Queen said no. Professional photographer here. He says he cares about his Grandparents and drops an interview with Oprah while his grandfather is sick in hospital. Goodness! I am enjoying it though, so thank you for adding to this discussion, which is the most popular on this website, by a country mile. Massive. Thanks for your reply. is my description. Former captain in the British forces if he was still in service today he may have been involved in Ukraine. I anticipate more will become clear with the release of the full text on Tuesday, although I do wish someone, anyone, would initiate legal action to prevent distribution, given the rising threats to British soldiers and the Royal family as a result of his insensitive Taliban related comments. Andrew Mortons book is her biography, and she wanted us to know. She is flanked by a member of the clergy in full archbishop like regalia and a King who resembles George V but in eighteenth-century dress. Someone on here mentioned Murdoch as something of a modern kingmaker interestingly that title was originally given to the Earl of Warwick, who first supported Henry VI, then Edward IV, then back to Henry VI a second time before dying in a battle with the Yorkists. Was Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's royal exit written in the stars? It is about Meghan and the photo shoot of her baby bump, a week before the eclipse. The word that comes to mind is anachronistic. If you wanted to alienate large sections of the American population against the British, what is the fastest, cheapest, best-proven way to do that? I find with Harry his words dont match his actions. There is at least the 2026 cut-off year for all these wired, wild, unstable trends. I remember e.g. In the press it said the RF had instructed him to settle to avoid it overshadowing the Jubilee which seems reasonable. Now a more personal question if you dont mind (you dont have to answer because I know youre very busy): What can of influence Pluto in Aquarius is going to have on the little Taurus that I am? May it be full of love, prosperity and good health. Why it should contain LIES needs to be studied and pondered more deeply. Are they going to disrupt the proposed coronation? Archbishop Welby seems a well meaning man, a bit gullible where Sussexes were concerned (over the first wedding being revealed on Oprah) and they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Can Camilla have her old wedding cake and eat it too, after all these years? I am not british and I know that the conflict is sensitive and that it has also become central again after Brexit. If you missed the original astrology forecast about Harry and William, you can find it here. Harry claims to have slammed Hamlet shut, but Spare is reminiscent of the play. Julie. (who has connections to Russia) Sometimes I get strong feelings or images about something or someone and experience has taught me to pay attention. Hi Jessica. Bullying little Charlotte because of a dress is unforgivable, where C was the target. A handsome blonde giant at 64, fierce warrior and a Yorkist King of England twice over (1461-1470 & 1471-1483), taking over from the Lancastrian King Henry VI on both occasions. We know how John Lennon loved to play with words. There may be something there with Rachel Meghan Markle if we can accept that Anne is back. This could be the March bombshell astrology predicts! Interesting! I quite agree with you about the chapter he wrote about the people he killed in combat. I was always personally sceptical about Trump and wondered why nobody looked into previous wife Ivana. This is the same as Henry VIII and then the arrival of Mary and Elizabeth because the line of succession was disrupted. Hell be aware a man (journalist?) Heres a hint. In April 2021 Saturn will oppose the Queen's moon at 12 Leo. Smuggled out of Russia in 1917. I just commented to another reader that the Andrew-Harry-Meghan saga resembles a Zersetzung campaign favoured by the Stasi. Thank you. Sagittarius and the Ninth House are about foreign cultures (multiculturalism) as much as foreign countries. He has karma with Prince William. That is so interesting about Linda Goodman. I am consistently drawn for some time now, to the image of Cleopatra being rolled out of a rug, and concur that there is something very wrong here, and it goes way back. Perhaps Adam couldnt handle the truth. It is very hard to deal with the transits in Aquarius, without also having this illness. The simpering fool and the manipulative, bitter old trout. This is about the line of succession and the structure of the family. If Charles III is crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury despite the sealed legal documents which can only be opened after his death (the legal opinion on he and Camilla) then I hope everyone can see if little George turns out to be gay, inherits the crown from William, and has an Anglican gay husband, then there is nothing whatsoever that can stop King George and (Fred?) When I dont write my thanks here daily, I am thinking it!! It reads that way. I am embarrassed at the enormity of the gift and refuse it, saying Prince Charles might be cross if she gave it away. Julie xx. Sorry to wax all philosophical here, but it seems to me that one of the paradoxes of life is that truly great people are humble people. January 31st 2018 Moon 11 Leo Sun 11 Aquarius There is a power vacuum. March will be very interesting indeed. When she mocked the curtsey to our late Queen she was performing, but why? Given the Anglican doctrine is a moveable feast, that really has to be considered. And they have been doing so for a while. Welby has praised Charles for his multi faith views and coronation plans. Sometimes I find that their stories dont make sense or change over time or dont hold up to scrutiny or logic. I did hear from a psychic not that long ago that they predicted William would have an accident while onboard a helicopter. I love your research plus the information from your viewers. It rules members clubs. The allegations about Diana ended up with an unlawful killing ruling in court, which is important. And, of course, there were other tapes and other photographs mentioned in previous known to have ben in the safekeeping of the police since the mid-1980s. Jessica, I find this all so fascinating. MMs tale of woe being used as a stick to beat UK with, especially as even their Netflix doc included comments about the Commonwealth as Empire2.0. Julie. Diana is not happy. Interesting. Peter filmed her talking very openly about very private experiences of her life since her childhood. Similarities have been pointed out in photos of Simons daughter and Princess Charlotte and also Simons son and Queen Elizabeth. The mistakes within have been widely reported. Mixed well into this is the real story: the Church of England. I hope Diana was able to communicate through the medium. Why do you suppose that Meghan Markle risked the legality of not one but two marriages? If it means this then, the picture, maybe they had a camera roling throughout on a standcould be possiblewhich negates my own doubt.ha..i shud stop being curious about this whole royal storyThank you Jessica, I think the complete truth will never be outjust like, how did Diana die..Sigh.. I think this is interesting, with riven meaning Split or tear apart violently. Maybe self-interested or narcissistic but not a world leader or a model citizen. So it is interesting that she has left her husband alone at this particular time, because it implies that she has succeeded. Why the subliminal messaging? Historically it really is swings and roundabouts with its dignity (or lack of it) and so there is something reassuring about the current low point. Lots of love. The King was determined to end the affair and insisted that his son had to marry. Hi Jessica I recall Harry making a passing comment to the media that hed like to marry an American, an actress, someone already famous so theyre used to being in the spotlight, like what being a part of the RF brings. I know this whole saga has another level of intrigue and control added with the USA/ Russia connection but I think it has also shone a light on M&H. The omissions in Spare, which goes into great detail about perfume, cologne and cosmetics but not about the details of the new American life are interesting. Who gains? One can only hope! The secret wedding ceremony conducted without public knowledge before the Anglican service is a good case in point. She wasnt an acquaintance and not my vintage (Im a similar age to you). The book would have been legalled very carefully and any editor worth her salt would have raised the danger of that admission by Harry. I hope that this is of some help to you. I did find it interesting and perhaps prudent that King Charles added Anne and Edward to his Counsellors of State. Cecelia, this will pan out as the year goes on. Laurens Van Der Post, who was one of Williams godfathers and present at the christening, took this to be a sign that there would be a conflict between the Church and the monarchy and that, although the monarchy would survive (because the candle did not go out), there would be a diminution of its significance its light. This is in line with the astrology of March-June 2023, when the Church of England chart shows the end of an era, in relation to the British monarchy. Maybe he worked out that Harry couldnt of been his child but for appearance sake kept up the pretence that he was. (You have to pair them together as this is about the Leo eclipses). So the question does actually arise in March; Who is the King? This comes from the ancient Henry VIII chart. And you are right about losing the support of those abroad, mainly in Africa. Most of all, Russia gains because Vladimir Putin is so threatened by NATO and the unity of the allies. I only have to look at Putins, Trumps and Markles eyes to experience a dreadful sick feeling of evil. Only my opinion.See it clearly. And as I understand it, a high ranking theologian, a retired high ranking judge or or a former minister could do this as well. Hi Jessica The stars are aligned for an historic change in the balance of power for Charles, Camilla, his children, grandchildren, sibling and so on, around 23rd March. Possibly, they would want more evidence before they could properly run such an earth shattering story, because of the likelihood that she would sue. Two clever photographers can produce two different photographs of the same pregnant woman in profile. But where to now. Why I am so invested in this saga is anyones guess, but I feel the strongest need to defend the RF, particularly William and his family. Too funny. Though the question remains for which government! This is what I have: (1) Charles will not be king (2) by default Camilla will not be queen and will get her karma (3) Harry and Meghans marriage goes through an irreversible position which may include 2 houses not sure if this meant a split? It put me in mind of the US Open or the PGA Masters. (Incidentally, Putins spokesman Lavrov(?) To put an antic disposition on indeed. Thank you Jessica and the commentators. Harrys chart shows shocks ahead. Thank you. Harry has Chiron, the planet of healing, in Gemini but his astrological make-up is predominantly Earth, Fire and Water. Call it democracy, but astrology sees straight through and then astrologers can deliver to you, to make up your own mind. Absolutely amazing how this whole story plays out! He will meet his Nemesis,for sure Much has changed in the last 12 months for Harry and Meghan, who are preparing for the arrival of their second child - a baby girl - very soon. I wonder who will have the courage to heal with absolute compassion for all. Again smoke and mirrors! We dont know who the group is, Julie. I always go to the astrology for the truth. I read in the press that AK reported to QEII that H apparently used a swear word to her over the (Vladimir) tiara not being brought as requested Required fields are marked *. Two Years Ago - The 2019 Harry and Meghan Prediction. Something is off about Meghan, the former actress. Edward IV refused permission for the marriage but it took place secretly anyway and they all decamped to Calais to avoid Edwards ire (secret wedding, self exile). Virtue signalling. Divorce something rotten in the House of Windsor, the CoE, or both? The desired outcome is a manufactured artificial conflict between Team Meghan and Team Kate. What more can they do to publicly humiliate him? We are part of the desired outcome, just by discussing her, but it has to be done. A photo and diagram of the same shape of recording device was also put online. I forgot to say that Claire Thomas also mentioned that Harry wasnt Charless son. This entire cycle ends in 2026. This line of thought (not the specifics, but the possibility of two witnesses) was suggested by an Anglican official who advised another Archbishop of Canterbury. Thank you so much. He could pull it off. As always, I wonder about the veracity of the information we are presented with. Itll be really interesting to see what happens re: Charles and the CoE or even the sovereign full stop and the CoE. Ive learned from experience to always record these things, so Ill leave it in. There is something very wrong here. It was not even about what happened to Thomas Markle who must feel dreadful every time he thinks of it it was something I could not even name. Im not talking about a plot here at all and I dont mean to compare their lives and deaths either, Im only amazed at the kind of kinship of soul these three unordinary human beings shared in terms of their massive spiritual and creative legacy. (unless there is a synchronicity yet to reveal.). H & M legal marriage certificate is the day of the big wedding. The best book ever written on the meaning of the signs is The Rulership Book by Rex E. Bills (American Federation of Astrologers, Arizona, 1971). Among other incredible information, she also says that it wasnt an accident, in fact a white car projected the Mercedes towards the pillar. He stressed it didnt have to be disestablishment. Jessica, you have brought me enormous relief predicting the demise of Putin and Trump. There is something so deeply wrong about the whole thing. He is likely to be a quick-tempered man with poor tolerance for others. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. I was just thinking about that today; how fortunate we are to have two future leaders who have been to one of the great universities of the world. Why he again does not name the Russian who sold them (at a discount) their American mansion.