601. 46014; and, The student shall be excused for this purpose on no more than four (4) school days per month. The cost of the insurance or membership may be paid, from the funds of the District or Districts, or by the insured pupil, their parent/guardian. 46600, 46601.5. Each student so excused shall attend school at least the minimum school day for their grade for elementary schools, and as provided by the relevant provisions of the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education for secondary schools. Reply. Fresno Unified is an authorized member of the California Immunization Registry (CAIR). A statement that, unless the district is providing information for a legitimate educational purpose under FERPA and the California Education Code or directory information, the district shall notify parents or guardians and eligible students and receive their written consent before it releases a students personally identifiable information. 17. All students suffering, or reasonably believed to be suffering, from a severe life-threatening allergic reaction will be administered emergency epinephrine by a licensed nurse or by a trained unlicensed volunteer staff member. 5125.2, E.C. Fresno Unified School District operates on NO LICE guidelines. Any students entering 7th grade will need to be immunized or have a medical exemption from a California doctor. Office 365. The Fresno Unified Board retains the authority to grant or deny a request for an interdistrict transfer to Fresno Unified in accordance with the process and procedures outlined in the regulation adopted pursuant to this policy . At the beginning of each school year, if the district decides to release directory information, the district shall provide an annual notice to parents and guardians, and eligible students in attendance, of the districts directory information policy that includes: The categories of directory information the school or district has classified as public directory information that may be disclosed without parental consent and which only include the information specifically identified in Education Code section 49061, subdivision ( c ) and a statement that directory information does not include citizenship status, immigration status, place of birth, or any other information indicating national origin (except where the district receives consent as required under state law). EC 5141.31. A parent/guardian having control or charge of any child enrolled in the public schools may file annually with the Principal of the school in which he/she is enrolled a statement in writing signed by the parent/guardian stating that he/she will not consent to a physical examination of their child. The CHDP program provides state-reimbursed health examinations at no cost to eligible students, including those who (1) are certified as eligible to receive Medi-Cal, (2) are not certified as eligible for Medi-Cal but have a family income at or below the level established annually by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), or (3) are attending a Head Start of State Preschool program. Transfer Application ; Tutor.com; ATLAS Parent Portal; ATLAS Parent Portal . Any student attending a school on a transfer does not automatically move to the middle or high school without a new transfer. FAX Administrative Office 2223 . *Future Year Requests: final decision is provided no later than 14 calendar days following the beginning of the school year for which enrollment is sought.Must be renewed annually, beginning on April 1st for the following school year.Please contact the Transfers Department at (559) 248-7538 for TransfersDepartment@fresnounified.orgfor more information. Appropriate persons in connection with an emergency if the knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of a pupil or other persons; Agencies or organizations in connection with the application of a pupil for, or receipt of, financial aid; The county elections official, for the purpose of identifying pupils eligible to register to vote, and for conducting programs to offer pupils an opportunity to register to vote; Accrediting associations in order to carry out their accrediting functions; Organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, educational agencies or institutions for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs, and improving instruction; and/or. School districts are required to notify parents/guardians that California State Law authorizes all school districts to provide for alternative school programs. Students should not be absent from school without their parents/ guardians knowledge or consent, with the following exceptions: When excusing students for confidential medical services or verifying such appointments, district staff shall not ask the purpose of such appointments, but may contact a medical office to confirm the time of the appointment. The Superintendent or designee shall not disclose student records to a person, agency, or organization for immigration enforcement purposes without parental consent, a court order, or a judicial subpoena. Procedures shall include the notification to the parent/guardian of the location of all official pupil records if not centrally located and the availability of qualified certificated personnel to interpret records where requested. The medication must be in the container with the pharmacist label attached (or in the original container for non-prescription medications). Where can I find the dress code for my childs school? Secretary, Charter Office. All applicants remaining on a waiting list will be assigned if additional space becomes available at the school requested. 3831; B.P. As such, we have partnered with several reputable colleges and universities, including Cal Poly Pomona, California State University San Bernardino, Chaffey College, and Loma Linda University to promote academic excellence, dual enrollment, and offer social and mental health support to . The identification, description, and security of student records, as well as timely access for authorized persons; Parental review, inspection and right to photocopy student records; The identification of categories of directory information, which may be released; The withholding of the students grades, diploma or transcripts in cases involving certain student misconduct; and. 99.7; E.C. Upon sustaining an injury or serious illness, a student may be required to have another examination before participating further. (559) 457-3362. Links. What types of parent learning classes are offered to parents/guardians? Exclusion from school because the student is either the carrier of a contagious disease or not immunized from a contagious disease (EC 48213). Tobaise Brookins. School Website. The notification shall also inform parents/guardians and/or students of their right to refuse to let the district designate any or all types of information as directory information and the period of time within which a parent/ guardian and/or student must notify the district in writing that he/ she does not want a certain category of information designated as directory information. (E.C. If risk assessment is positive, student will be required to submit results of a negative skin test/bloodwork. If you are interested you can log in and sign up for the selected coverage and your child will be covered on the same day it is purchased. If a student shows a pattern of chronic absenteeism due to illness, district staff may require physician verification of any further absences.(cf.5113.1). A school district is not authorized to permit access to pupil records to any person without written parental consent or under judicial order except that: Access to those particular records relevant to the legitimate educational interests of the requester shall be permitted to the following: School districts may release information from pupil records to the following: No information or documents regarding the citizenship or immigration status of students or their family members shall be collected, except as required by state or federal law or as required to administer a state or federally supported educational program. School officials and employees of the district, members of a School Attendance Review Board (SARB), who are authorized representatives of the district, and appointed pursuant to Section 48321; Officials and employees of other public schools, school systems, post-secondary institutions, including local, county, or state correctional facilities subject to the rights of parents/ guardians as provided in Section 49068; Authorized representatives of the Comptroller General of the United States, the Secretary of Education, and administrative head of an education agency, state education officials, or their respective designees, or the United States Office for Civil Rights; Other state and local officials to the extent that information is specifically required to be reported; Parents/Guardians of a pupil 18 years of age or older who is a dependent as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; A pupil 16 years of age or older or having completed the 10th grade who requests access; Any district attorney who is participating in or conducting a truancy mediation program pursuant to Section 48263.5, or Section 601.3 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, or participating in the presentation of evidence in a truancy petition pursuant to Section 681 of the Welfare and Institutions Code; A prosecuting agency for consideration against a parent/ guardian for failure to comply with the Compulsory Education Law; Any probation officer or district attorney for the purposes of conducting a criminal investigation or an investigation declaring a person a ward of the court or involving a violation of a condition of probation; Any judge or probation officer for the purpose of conducting a Truancy Mediation program for a pupil, or for purposes of presenting evidence in a truancy petition pursuant to Section 681 of the Welfare and Institutions Code; and/or. All students interested in enrollment in Alternative Education must contact their home school, meet with a school counselor and have a referral submitted to ERC. The fee shall be calculated to reimburse the district only for actual costs associated with the program. Classes are held at the main campus and other locations throughout the Fresno area. Any medical exemptions issued in CAIR-ME shall expire when the student enrolls in the next grade span, or the medical exemption issued was temporary and has an expiration date. 3. Information concerning a student shall be furnished in compliance with a court order or a lawfully issued subpoena. 5125.1. They are multiple reasons for transferring schools and multiple possibilities of eligibility. Any school district requesting such a transfer of a record shall notify the parent/guardian of their right to receive a copy of the record and a right to a hearing to challenge the content of the record. General Information. Instruct students to speak, read, and write in two languages. Accountability: for students, such as attending a late period or extended day sessions, Saturday Academy, or Summer School. What are the required state tests that my (elementary, middle, and high school) children will need to take? (California Health and Safety Code, Sections 120325-120375 / SB 276 and SB 714). Children whose enrollment would increase an overcrowded condition shall be provided free transportation to a school with adequate space. Download/ Print your UAN Card. Local health departments operating countywide or regional immunization information and reminder systems and the California Department of Public Health, unless the parent/ guardian has opted out. For more information, please contact the GATE Office (559) 457-6073 or .