The school will, with the assistance of its district and parents, educate its teachers, pupil services personnel, principals and other staff, in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between parents and schools, by: The district posts on our website a quarterly "Chalk Talk" in English and Spanish as well as distributes electronic copies through our Blackboard App to all that have signed up for it. ~AVHS Student Store selected discounts during the year. Students must not leave the campus unless the pass is in their possession. Skills USA The club aids students in developing leadership, interviewing, and public speaking skills. The school will incorporate the school-parent compact as a component of its School Parental Involvement Policy: Distributed at beginning of the school year as part of the Annual Parent Notification Packet, or during parent-teacher conferences and mailed to parents not in attendance. To be an officer in the Apple Valley Associated Student Body, you must meet certain requirements. Uniform Complaint Procedure Non-discrimination links . Demerits received for suspensions are not redeemable! The citations will be handled by the Victorville Juvenile Traffic Courts. If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. 5. Types of consequences may include (but are not limited to); detention, class suspension, Saturday school, In-school suspension, suspension or expulsion. Apple Valley High School offers something for all students, including a rigorous curriculum, award-winning arts programs, and championship athletic teams. Set and pursue high expectations in striving for academic rigor and career goals. Saturday School runs from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon on Saturdays. Please return them in the condition received. -Please send a note or call first thing in the morning if your student has an appointment and needs to leave early. Skip to Main Content. The administration of Apple Valley High School, in enforcing school and district policies, may suspend or remove an athlete from participation in athletics. Students work on assigned homework from their regular classroom teachers, or in some instances the Saturday School teacher. A pupil shall not be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion, unless the superintendent or the principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled determines that the pupil has committed an act as defined pursuant to any of subdivisions (a) to (r), inclusive: (a) (1) Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person. Unexcused absences include: Unexcused, Tardy Sweep, Truant, Suspensions, Other and Unverified. - Students must remain on the campus until their school day is completed. In cases of repeated violations leading to semester suspension, student Internet eligibility will also be reviewed the following year. iCal Feed Instructions. A student will not be allowed the right to demand make-up work or turn in any tests, quizzes, reports, homework, class assignments, etc. b. The Valedictorian(s) will be chosen from the Distinguished Scholars based upon eight semesters' work. Contact. 8. Granite Hills High School . Find Us . All new students must enroll online at our AVUSD online enrollment site. Procedures for Picking Up Your Student Early (Off-Grounds Pass). 29. (k) Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties. -. the State's student academic achievement standards. If you experience difficulty with the accessibility of any pages or documents, please request materials in an alternate format by contacting Gretchen Peratt at or at 760-247 . Valley High School. Being absent without permission, skipping class, or cutting class is considered a truancy. Students needing help in resolving a disagreement, or students observing conflict should contact the discipline office. Most students are very serious about wanting to take full advantage of the time they spend in school. Trident Yearbook The Trident Yearbook is a yearlong project that requires dedication, long hours after school, patience, and endless ideas. See page 48 for a map of the designated lunch-time boundaries. Maps & Directions. Students that fail to meet this requirement entering the first semester may be reevaluated at the beginning of the second semester to determine eligibility. Sundevil Actors Guild Also known as Drama club, the group provides an opportunity to develop poise and self-confidence through practice, instruction, and experience in all aspects of the stage. An individual who did not get a yearbook for this reason ONLY may receive a refund if he/she has a proof of purchase. There will be a process fee placed on all returned checks for NSF. (48900b), (3) Unlawful possession of any controlled substance, as listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, except for the first offense for the possession of not more than one avoirdupois ounce of marijuana, other than concentrated cannabis. Be sure to contact the school as end of the year activities draw near. Under certain circumstances, a student who turns 18 years of age gains certain rights to access his/her school records. 2425 Jefferson Street, Napa, California 94558 . 6. 3. Vocal Motion Vocal Motion is one of the choral groups on campus. . 2022 - 2023 Bell Schedule 6th, 7th, & 8th grade schedules showing what time classes start and end See the OMS Calendar for school year events. It may be a district approved parent volunteer, an employee, a staff committee, the leadership team, and/or the SSC, Persons responsible shall monitor the implementation of the parent involvement activities in the SPSA. You may leave a message (24 hours) or speak to someone in the Attendance Office from 6:30am to 3:00pm. Students who violate the closed campus policy during open periods, park in closed lots, and/or dont carry proper AVHS ID may lose the open period privilege. Any course changes after the above stated timelines will require administrative approval. Replacement I.D. No person will be allowed to interfere with another students right to learn, nor to disrupt the normal educational process. Based on the evaluation data, the district shall revise its strategies as needed to better support the education of homeless students. This will aid teachers in assigning make-up work for a valid excused absence. For the college-bound student, information is available on computer and in printed form for colleges, scholarship research programs and study programs for the ACT/SAT tests. All student personal calls must be made from the designated telephone in the front office of the administration building before/after school or during lunch. Athletes with equipment outstanding shall be suspended from athletics until all equipment is either turned in or paid for by the athlete. * By way of conducting annual district surveys of parents to assess needs, determine barriers, and evaluate the effectiveness of the parent involvement activities in order to modify Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP) and district policies. Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 3:30. 3580 S. 3600 W, West Valley City, UT 84119. School Holidays. Students must be eligible (9 or fewer Demerits and all other criteria) on the day of their athletic event (including league or non-league games) in order to participate. Throughout the year, a student who is truant to school will be placed in the Saturday School. ~CIF and MRL fees and dues for the athletes. or within 180 days of the alleged discrimination, District Compliance Coordinator for Title IX Regulations, (Please provide a printout of students current progress. Finals Bell Schedule. People helping people and cultivating leadership are the primary objectives of this club. Interact is a community-based club which is sponsored by the Apple Valley Rotary Club. 48900.7 - In addition to the reasons specified in Sections 48900, 48900.2, 48900.3, and 48900.4, a pupil may be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion if the superintendent or the principal of the school in which the student is enrolled determines that the pupil has made terrorist threats against school officials or school property, or both. 469 US 325 (1985) 40i Cal, 3d 550.). Habitual violationof the dress code will be considered as willful defiance of school authority and will be subject to further disciplinary action under the district disciplinary code. Students who, after being warned, persist in any activity that has been deemed unsafe by administrators may be suspended! As a student at Apple Valley High School, you are entitled to a quality education. 9th grade-Students who have 30 or less credits may be involuntarily transferred to HDPA. (see Demerit Policy on p. Physical examination sheet signed by Physician. The teacher is also expected to enforce the policy fairly and equitably to every student. The delivery of flowers, gifts, balloons, birthday messages, etc. f. Giving or receiving test information to/from other students. Click here to download/print the Bell Schedule. Air Force Junior ROTC A program that promotes teamwork, leadership development, and the study of military and civilian aerospace careers. 12555 Navajo Rd. Throughout the year, a student who is truant to school will be placed in the Saturday School. - State of California Education Code, under Section 48908, states, All students shall comply with the regulations, pursue the required course of study, and submit to the authority of the teachers of schools.. 3. The appropriate procedure: If you feel the need to make a complaint, first request to meet with that person in private. Willfully intimidate, interfere with, oppress, or threaten any other person in the free exercise or enjoyment or any right or privilege secured to him/her because of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender, or sexual orientation. A student may become eligible by making up grades during summer school in the same or equivalent courses as determined by the principal. It is a fun position that requires hard work and dedication to promote school pride. With this information in hand, students can make informed career decisions. 2. Notes of any kind, for any reason, may not be signed by a student even if he/she has been given permission to do so by a parent or guardian. Students dropping courses during this period of time will be assigned a Study Hall for NC to replace the dropped course; there is no penalty in the course dropped. However, the student who turns 18 does not gain the right to receive unverifiable off-grounds passes. Looking at someone elses paper during a test, exam, or any other assessment activity. 4. 1. The school district will, with the assistance of its Title I schools, provide assistance to parents of children served by the school district or school, as appropriate, in understanding topics such as the following, by undertaking the actions described in this paragraph. Return the completed application with a valid drivers license and proof of insurance. Students must remain in the designated supervised areas of the school campus. A graduating senior earns the honor of wearing a cord or a sash with his/her cap and gown by meeting the following criteria: Earn a 3.4 - 3.69 cumulative academic GPA in grades 9-12, Earn a 3.7 or higher cumulative academic GPA in grades 9-12, ASB students are available to assist the graduate with these items, including Prom and Grad Night ticket, fifteen (15) minutes before and after school, and during both lunches. -Books is a reference database available for students use. If a violation is determined, the student will be asked to remedy the violation by one of the following solutions: 1. Open period stickers can be obtained from the. The dress code is reviewed and revised annually by a committee made up of students, parents, teachers, and administrators. PART II. No directory information will be released regarding any student when a parent or guardian has notified the school district that such information shall not be released. A pupil fee complaint shall be filed no later than one year from the date the alleged violation occurred. ~Discounts on Homecoming, Winter Formal, and Prom tickets and other selected events. Bell Schedule Period 5 Students with AM and PM schedules will be assigned to a fifth-hour class based on course availability and at the discretion of the building administration. * School leadership team and SSC will use annual evaluation results to plan the parent involvement program to support improvement and include goals and objectives that support parent involvement in Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA). (2) "Electronic act" means the transmission of a communication, including, but not limited to, a message, text, sound, or image, or a post on a social network Internet Web site, by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to, a telephone, wireless telephone or other wireless communication device, computer, or pager. It is a fun position that requires hard work and dedication to promote school pride. (See Early-Out Policy.). Mathematics, including Algebra I or equivalent, Science (minimum of 10 units biological and 10 units of physical science), Visual & Performing Arts/Foreign Language, (Two year-courses from one of the areas or 1-year course in two of the three), Visual & Performing Arts/Vocational Technology/Foreign Language. The class consists of a group of students who work very hard in order to produce a quality yearbook. Note: A student may earn one academic shield, one Eagle patch, and seven chevrons during the four years at AVHS. APPLE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL will update periodically its School Parental involvement Policy to meet the changing needs of parents and the school: * An annual survey of parents will be conducted to assess needs, determine barriers, and evaluate the effectiveness of the parent involvement activities. (see Demerit Policy on pg.36). 7. However, this section does not prohibit use or possession by a pupil of his or her own prescription products. Health Occupation Students of America- Students belonging to HOSA learn the importance of compassionate, quality healthcare by providing opportunities for learning and sharing knowledge, developing professional and leadership skills and meeting the needs of the healthcare industry. Students will not be placed in a second semester class after five (5) days. Violation of this rule will result in disciplinary action. This pass should be visible at all times. AVHS Parking Permits should be displayed in the front window area of the vehicle. The complainant shall have the opportunity to provide relevant information and/or documents during the investigation. Servants of the Savior, Class of 2021 - JuniorsSpanish National Honors Society, Class of 2022 - SophomoresSports Therapy Club, Class of 2023 - FreshmanSundevils Actors GuildDrama Club, Computer Tech ClubSundial Newspaper, Demon Delicacies (Gourmet food preparation)SunSations, FFA- Future Farmers of America & Makin BaconTrident Yearbook, HOSA- Health Occupation Students of AmericaVocal Motion (choral groups), InteractWelding. Submitting individual assignment or project not wholly ones own, without teacher approval. College catalogs and most printed materials are available for student checkout. Ramapo High School East Ramapo Central School District. - Seniors who are suspended due to violations of student behavioral expectations may forfeit their privilege of participating in the graduation ceremonies with their class. 1719 E. Madison . If a student must take medication at school, we follow certain procedures to ensure the proper administration of the medication. Saturday School - Saturday School is an on-campus study/work program to improve student behavior and attendance. (r) Engaged in an act of bullying. Calendar filter . The student is responsible to provide transportation home from detention. Granite Hills High School (760) 961-2290. In-School Suspension-. (g) As used in this chapter, an electronic act means the transmission of a communication, including, but not limited to, a message, text, sound, or image by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to, a telephone, wireless telephone or other wireless communication device, computer, or pager. Behavioral Guidelines for Student Success at Apple Valley High School. Plagiarism, including but not limited to the following: a. People helping people and cultivating leadership are the primary objectives of this club. Open period stickers can be obtained from the A-6secretary before school, after school, or during lunch. A student MUST have an ASB sticker to be eligible. Nutrition Break. Napa Valley Unified School District. Students will receive a copy of this policy at the beginning of the school year as part of their school handbook. Students and parents should make class selections thoughtfully. A student may receive I.S.S. l. Before a student may try out for a team or participate in a sport, he/she must have a clearance card. 6:55. Lost or damaged textbooks or library items will be charged to the students account. They value learning and bring others to excel as they do. Bell Schedule & Calendar of Days | Scotts Valley High School Scotts Valley High School About Us Bell Schedule & Calendar of Days Bell Schedule/Calendar of Days WEEKLY BELL SCHEDULE CALENDAR OF DAYS All - Monday ODD - Tues & Thurs TE - Tutorial Even (Wed) SE - Short Even (Wed) Even - Friday Schedule All reasons for absences received will be recorded including the date and time the reason was given. 500 Harkins Slough Road. A pupil fees or LCAP complaint may be filed anonymously if the complainant provides evidence or information leading to evidence to support the complaint, 1. They practice every day and have many performances in front of large crowds. A-G:Upon entry into the first semester of the senior year have a senior schedule that solidifies the course requirements for successful A-G completion (success in grades 9-11 and a senior schedule that completes the requirements). ASB Offices:Class Offices:Appointed ASB Officers: *PresidentPresidentCommissioners of: Vice PresidentVice President Technology (3), SecretarySecretary Audio (3), TreasurerTreasurerRenaissance (2), CommunicationsSenators (2)Student Store (2), HistorianPep and Assembly (2) Public Relations (2), *Representative to the School Board of Apple Valley Unified School District, School Leadership Team of Apple Valley High School and the Parent / Teacher Organization of Apple Valley High School. College Planning Guide; Course apple valley school . I understand that a high quality education can only occur when there is a strong partnership between parents and the school. (see Demerit Policy on pg 36). Code: 48900.3. Within ten (10) business days after the compliance officers receives the complaint, he/she shall begin an investigation into the complaint. Students can rely on staff trained in conflict resolution and peer mediation strategies to intervene in any dispute likely to result in violence. 2475 Jefferson Street Napa, California 94558 (707) 253-3711 Phone | (707) 253-3906 Fax. Harassment, threats, or intimidations directed against a student or group of students, that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to have the actualand reasonably expected effect of disrupting class work, creating substantial disorder, and invading the rightsof students by creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment. Period 2 . Students, especially those trained in conflict resolution and peer mediation, are encouraged to help fellow students resolve problems peaceably. Homeless student shall not be segregated into a separate school or program based on their status as homeless and, shall not be stigmatized in any way. It is recognized that students who participate in student government are in the public eye and are highly visible representatives of the school. (48900c), (5) Assault or battery, as defined in Sections 240 and 242 of the Penal Code, upon and school employee. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. The class consists of a group of students who work very hard in order to produce a quality yearbook. Please listen carefully to these announcements each day as there is important information that is relevant to you. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday. FFA Future Farmers of America- The group develops rural and agricultural leadership and creates an interest in the intelligent choice of farming and other agricultural occupations. Attendance is mandatory. respect for the worth of students and staff, personal, civic and social responsibility, quality performance among students and staff. They are a highly successful competitive group. Facebook (opens in new window/tab); Instagram (opens in new window/tab) . When seeing the new computer schedule, the teacher should delete or add the student to the roll book as appropriate. Academic Shields/Chevron/Eagle AwardsFundraisers, Activities DirectorHandbook for Students, Activities Master CalendarMaster Calendar Requests, ASB BookkeeperMarquee in Front of School, ASB Leadership ClassMojave River League, ASB StickersNoontime Activities, Athletic Awards and LettersOutdoor Bulletin Boards, Athletic Clearance CardsPictures-ID, Class and Senior, Athletic DirectorProm/Homecoming/Winter Formal, Booster Clubs (MUST Register with Activities office)Renaissance Program, Campus BeautificationSchool Alma Mater, Caps, Gowns, and AnnouncementsSchool Logos, CIF ProceduresSchool Spirit Items, Class RingsSr. Class Information Packet, Class and Club AdvisorsSports Information, Club Awards and LettersSports Officials, CoachesSport Schedules, Daily BulletinStadium/Gym Usage, Display and Trophy Cases in Main OfficeStats for Athletics, Directions to Other SchoolsStudent Store, Elections, ASB and ClassStudent Activities for Year, Grad NightSuggestion Boxes, Help with End of the Year EventsTickets to Graduation, Field Trips and FormsApproval of Flyers/Posters. Skip To Main Content. Students who fall behind in credits may be involuntarily transferred to a credit recovery school within the district called High Desert Premier Academy (HDPA). Counselors make every effort to see the student by the next school day. Those programs, activities and procedures will be planned and operated with meaningful consultation with parents of participating children. Students may onlyleave the campus with an off-grounds pass from the Attendance office. Apple Valley Unified School District is committed to ensuring that all materials on this website are accessible to students, staff, and the general public. Funds derived from the sale of these stickers are used by the ASB to fund a portion of the following: ~Free admission to all HOME football games. Therefore, student behavior which disrupts the educational process must be confronted and corrected. Midland Valley High; Bell Schedule With Advisory Period ; Popular Links. Any electronic device that has been used in violation of the standards set forth in a teachers classroom will result in the processing of progressive discipline. Balance individual interests and school, civic, and community responsibilities. 6. School Calendar 2023-2024. Leaving the campus without prior approval from the school for any reason after arriving is a violation of this closed campus policy. Makin Bacon (Agricultural Business Students) conducts sales and production of livestock through the school farm. Candidates for valedictorian and salutatorian must have completed six Advanced Placement courses. Contact Us; 3. Please do not come to school during instructional time as students are in class and there will be no one to help you with these purchases. 2022-2023 New Bell Schedule Information. Phone: 510 . Appropriate program changes may be made from the beginning of the school to the end of the second week (10 school days). You must show your I.D. 12555 Navajo Rd. Students who come to school to learn and participate in school activities seldom have problems with following school expectations. Staff are expected to immediately intervene when they see a bullying incident occur. Detention or other disciplinary consequences may be assigned for closed campus violations. Students are expected to miss only the necessary class periods for scheduled medical appointments. They participate in many in services, conventions and training programs to learn techniques to help others. Apple Valley High School is committed to ensuring that all materials on this web site are accessible to students, staff, and the general public. Harassment, threats, or intimidations directed against a student or group of students, that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to, and reasonably expected effect of disrupting class work, creating substantial disorder, and invading the.