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Grew up in New England and now live in California. It just so happened to be a day when Dad took an Ideal bar headcount. I miss them. Everyone that leaveas a comment on this page should go to and tell Nabisco that you want those cookies back!!! My brother Tate and I have been searching for them for years and I was not aware that they were discontinued. Price would not be a factor for sales of the greatest cookie ever. They were perfectly balanced, the right size and flavor. won't give an experimental 6-month return of the IDEAL BARS. Regular stores, specialty stores. Even at 50 every year at Christmas I long for them, well really all year. When I was growing up my mother would buy IDEAL BARS and hide them too.I have 7 brothers and sisters and when we found them they didn't last too long.My mom would be so mad she would spank our butts.The next time she bought them we would do the same thing.They were worth every whack!Please bring them back,my mom is too old to catch us now! Peanut butter, chocolate and that delicious chocolate. It is such a good memory of my grandma. Little Debbie,PB Twix etc. I had no idea when I typed the name ideal peanut butter bars into google how many like minded souls there would be!! I've been scouring store shelves since, but no sign of them or anything close. they were my favs and can't believe they haven't been brought back yet is there a fb page for them yet??? Little Debbie makes something similar, but we need the real ideal back!! I do remember them mostly being sold in the cooler months as the chocolate would melt very easily and most houses did not have air conditioning in those days. Then he started pre-bagging them for lunch. Well apparently my husband wasn't kidding. LEMON COOLERS! I'm going to the web site to put in a request. Does anyone remember another cookie at that same time that had chocolate, caramel, and covered with nuts? I can even smell them now, I was about 9 then and now I'm 46. It was child abuse I tell ya. Just go and like the Facebook page "Bring Back the Nabisco Ideal Cookie Bars". Let's bring them back, people!!! I HAVE TO HAVE ONE .OUR KIDS NEVER EVEN TASTED ONE IF WE ALL WRITE TO NABISCO ABOUT THEM ,MAYBE THEY WILL CONSIDER MAKING THEM AGAIN .I DONT CARE IF THEY ARE 10 BUCKS A BAG LOL WELL,I DO BUT I WOULD PAY IT FOR IDEAL COOKIE BARS. Were screwed. My all time favorite cookie! These were my husband's favorite & what an awesome Christmas surprise that would be!!! If they're not going to sell them any more can't they at least share the recipe??!!!! Who wants to go to the store for cookies and basically have only one choice???? see the most wonderful cookie ever made! Nutter Butter is an American sandwich cookie brand, first introduced in 1969 and currently owned by Nabisco, which is a subsidiary of Mondelez International. Maybe I will try making them myselfhaaha.might take a few thousand tries. Nabisco cannot continue implying that there is not enough demand for the Ideal cookie. A version of this post originally appeared on Tedium, a twice-weekly newsletter that hunts for the end of the long tail. Thanks to all for the enhancing my belief that the Ideal Chocolate Peanut Butter bar is the best store bought cookie ever made!! The absolute best cookie I have ever had. We should all go to and start a write in campaign to resurrect them! Like Atlas Obscura and get our latest and greatest stories in your Facebook feed. I would love to see this cookie again. Yes just had 1 of those girl scout cookies today. My Mother kept these IDEAL Peanut Butter Cookie Logs in the Bread Box part of our shelvesthey were maybe three inches long and sorta like a flatted log.dark rich chocolate, didn't taste cheap.and had an inner crispy peanut butter filling, with some moisture.something like a Clark Bar taste, only a bit more of a cookie. Do any of you remember how much better they tasted when they were cold. I can still taste them. They're the treats you probably always wanted your mom to buy -- old-school cookies, including both classics and long-forgotten brands. Nabisco is sure missing out here.they could make millions. I am willing to attempt another contact with nabisco whatever will work. Please, please, please bring them back!!! //-->, Loading images, if this message doesn't go away you may need to enable javascript in order to see pictures. OK, so what WAS it about the Ideal bars? Will have to try another e-mail address. I also searched for them in the past. And, for a minute, it felt like a game-changer for Sunshine Biscuits. Lots of people WANT these cookies back in production!!! In 1882, the entrepreneur Jacob Loose bought a biscuit and candy company that would eventually be known as Sunshine Biscuits (after the companys baking plant designs) and, in 1908, launched the biscuit sandwich known as Hydrox. I remember these and still desire them! I couldn't believe how many comments about Ideal cookies. Anyone know of a recipe to make them at home? He had to do all the hard work of reformulating the snack, but once he had figured that out, it was off to the races. They were his favorite. :}, P.S. They were such a treat and bring back such fond childhood memories! PLEASE BRING THEM BACK, NABISCO! PLEASE make them for us. Press gently with palm of hand to flatten slightly. Another option for you might be to spread peanut butter on Ritz crackers, dip them in melted chocolate chips, let cool and consume. I had forgotten about them until the other day when I had a dark chocolate Reese cup. I would sign a petition to bring them back in a minute. Little Debbie has Peanut Butter Crunch Bars that are very very close to the Ideal Bars. I asked the Vermont Country Store to get them going again, I have not seen them in their catalog yet. Discontinued Products :: Nabisco :: Discontinued Nabisco Products. google_color_bg = "E7F0EB"; I did NOT have to share them. Then she'd say, "Now, Peter, you know that four is your limit." Even though I feel cookies made from scratch using the finest ingredients can't be beat. PLEASE! which are offered at higher prices. Nabisco Chocolate Snaps Cookies by: Rico Hatcher recipient: Nabisco Company If you fell in love with the Nabisco Chocolate Snap cookies in the 70's and 80's, then sign this petition. Dark chocolate over crunchy peanut butter, I can almost taste them. 37. I guess they don't need the money. Thanks a bunch, Nabisco. Bring them back! If you got a package that didn't have enough PB, they were almost tasteless. //2007-06-05: inthe70s It is claimed to be the best-selling U.S. peanut butter sandwich cookie, with around a billion estimated to be eaten every year. My grandmother, mother, step-dad and other relatives use to work for Nabisco (anywhere from office, management & factory workers). I have tried to find these cookies and can not find them any where. The taste brought back a memory from 30+ years ago. SURE WISH THEY'D BRING THEM BACK EVEN AS A SEASONAL SPECIALTY. I know they discontinued them years ago but I rfuse to give up hope. Lets try this. Our memories are strong. They also said if enough people contact them,. Glad to know others remember them and they were not a figment of my imagination. Sign up for our email, delivered twice a week. What surprises me is they still make the Pinwheel which was the same line..even the same color package..kind of their higher end type cookie. I snuck them down and proceded to eat every single one of them in that brown, orange, and see- through wrapper. He was going on about what happened to "his" peanut butter bars. Oh man, Words Cant Describe how much I loved Ideal Bars.Its great so see how many people besides myself are obsessed with those little crunchy pieces of heaven. I actually contacted them and they said if they heard from enough people they might consider bringing them back. I've contacted Nabisco. I would pay $6-$10 per package if these were back on the shelf!!!! PLEASE MAKE THEM AGAIN. Nothing compares!!! I have tried to find an alternative over the years, to no avail. ;-) THANKS. There never will be another cookie like it. Intended to imply hydrogen and oxygenthe two chemicals that make up waterthe result has a more clinical, less roll-off-the-tongue convention to it, and instead evokes hydrogen peroxide, a chemical you probably dont want to drink. I USED TO GET THE IDEAL COOKIES FROM MY PARENTS AS A GIFT. More like this. - Bring them back, you knuckle-heads! Ideal Bars were my favorites too (along with peanut butter Spoon Candy, also by Kraft/Nabisco)! Thanks. When we wanted peanut butter and chocolate at my house when I was a kid in the '60s and '70s, these are what we ALWAYS got. I just for the heck of it thought I would search this cookie as I think of them ALL THE TIME.I have NEVER EVER had another cookie to compare to these.PLEASE COME BACK - IDEAL COOKIE BARS !!! I would love to be able to see him try one for the first time! Down a pint of ale where the Bishop of Ely's servants slept in 1546. I wish Nabisco would either start making them again or provide a recipe for us to make them. Best sweets I ever ate!!! After dinner, I couldn't eat much, but I even got to share some more Ideal cookies with my Mom and this is where my life of food-crime began. I loved them. It didn't stop me - and I would love an Ideal bar right now. My sisters and I loved them and ordering GS Tagalongs reminds us every year that they've disappeared. I too was an Ideal Bar Addict. With the amount of feedback generated on the internet WHY wouldn't they bring back an obvious "homerun" cookie? The most popular cookie ever growing up as a kid. There are no substitutes and I have LOOKED. I aqree that with all the boring cookies out there and the market for gourmet cookies Nabisco couldn't find a way to market them or sell the recipie to a gourmet cookie company who could market them. I remember my mom buying these and trying to hide them from my sister and me, but we could find them anywhere! i thought my husband and i were the only ones that missed these cookins, boy was i wrong. Gastro Obscura covers the worlds most wondrous food and drink. If you all really want to do something about it, go to the Nabisco website. Nabisco, please bring them back!!! Here's a look back - see how many you remember! It's nice to see so many other people feel the same way I do. (Making matters worse: 1998 was the first year that Oreo itself went kosher for the first time.). That off colored orange package. One or the other of us would always make a special stop at the only little store in town that stocked them and between my sister and I they could not keep enough on the shelf. Rollover, play dead, and beg they said. Not only does it cue back to Hydrox, but its a fun, whimsical name that really works with the Keebler imagery. Keebler marketing director for cookies Carolyn Burns explained to Fortune in 1999. At the end of their email form, they give a phone number. We lived in Florida and they tended to melt otherwise. My sister and I were reminiscing and wishing they were still around. I think of these cookies often. Yes, we loved the chocolate-peanut butter delights that melted deliciously on our fingers enough to sit through Lawrence Welk! :(. I agree with everybody on this page. Without a doubt we would find them. PLEASE bring this cookie back. Nabisco PLEASE bring them back!!! I had often wondered what happened to Ideal Bars. Oreo, which the company . I agree - best cookie ever! Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in making our lives better. Ideal chocolate Peanut Bars were the best cookie product ever produced. I was a Nabisco Sales Rep for over 30 yrs retiring in 2002. the Ideal Peanut Butter bars were a fall and winter cookie as was the Choc Pinwheels. Oh My God do I have a story about these cookies!!! I still check the cookie isle at the grocery store hoping to see these again. I'll sign a petition too! Hopeful!. We kept ours in the fridge in the summer so the chocolate wouldn't melt off!!! The company started as a bakery in Massachusetts in 1792, baking and selling biscuits called "pilot bread" for sailors on sea voyages. The chocolate peanut butter logs were a staple in my grandmother's cupboard. Oreo was one of three cookies introduced by Nabisco on April 2, 1912, with the other twothe Mother Goose biscuit and the Veronese biscuitnow lost to history. I have searched over the years to see if they were ever going to come back. Please, Please make them again!!!! I hope someone takes the challenge on! He figured out that, since Kelloggs admitted it wasnt interested in doing anything with the cookie brand, he legally would be able to cancel the trademark and re-use it. Im disappointed to learn that they no longer make these wonderful cookies. I also LOVED Ideal Cookie bars. I never got over losing the Ideal Bars. It's always about the money. Sign up and like! Oreo's and Chips Ahoy are SHELF SPACE HOGS. I would love to be able to let my children and grandchildren experience such a Treat! Please we need to unite and get Nabisco to bring the Ideal bar cookie back. If we get enough attention it will spread like wildfire. They were the best cookies ever! Nabisco, come on, look at all the sales here. The cookie part is chocolate and is a little too grainy, compared to Ideal. The package was orange and brown, but I guess it could have been clear revealing the chocolate. Giggles were shortbread cookies filled with fudge and vanilla cream, like an Oreo. The fact my kids never had one is enough reasonwait, not it's not. The peanut butter part of the Ideals was slightly salty, and that is what made it so good. I was so bummed when they discontinued them. With so many people wanting them I can't believe Nabisco doesn't bring them back--I'd be first in line for a box. My husband and I started to think maybe we had dreamed about Ideal Cookies. Nabisco is not afraid of experimenting with its Oreo flavors. Send a message to Nabisco to bring Ideal bars back. At this time there are no plans to bring back our discontinued products, but we are always cooking up something new to help you live and eat better so you may discover a new favorite! The cookie took a long time to eat, but it didn't last a long time at the grocery store. I wish they would bring them back at least as a promotional item for a few months, possibly the holiday season???? I sent the link to this page to Nabisco today. My husband raves about Ideal cookies. Would happily pay more for ideal bars than for any other cookie. I can not remember the name. Cookies today do not compare with IDEAL cookies - they were and still are the best! I think maybe Nabisco, but not real sure. If he were alive he'd want them back, too. I agree, Ideal Bars were the BEST! They are amazing! What could be better. I must say that I am rather in accord with the previous statement by Tom. -- I'm in! Shopping with 5 children apparently wasn't easy, so she would bribe us with Ideal bars. I was told way back in the 70's also that they quit making them during the warm months.. and then never started making them again one year.