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Residential Customers Who Automatically Qualify. Added maximum pixel value data to test image viewer window. Bug Fixes: They will need to submit documentation proving that their light and/or gas bills are included in their rent. A lock or https:// means you've safely connected to the .gov website. Enhancements: Organizations that help with furnace assistance: If your household is LIHEAP eligible and your heating system isnt working properly or is red-tagged, CEDA can help repair or replace your furnace or boiler. To schedule an appointment please call 1-740-996-9061. The Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) helps eligible Ohioans manage their energy bills with a payment that is based on your household income. Added histogram based quality algorithm. Proof of household income or any financial assistance for the past 30 days for all members of the household over age 18; Proof of social security numbers for all household members; A medical eligibility card for any member of your household receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); and. Dec 7, 2021. A lock or https:// means you've safely connected to the .gov website. How to apply: Applications are taken Monday through Friday from 8am - 3pm, and Wednesday from 8am - 6:30pm, on a . The Breathing Association can enroll and re-verify PIPP Plus amounts. Disabled all tabs except the 'Do Processing' tabs while processing is happening. PIPP's main purpose is to crop each image frame and select only the best quality frames to reduce the memory and processing requirements of the stacking software. Added experimental median noise reduction filter (supports monochrome files only). Added installer to check for .NET Framework 4 and install all required components. CLICK HERE. Modified the options selected when selecting 'Optimise Options for Full Solar/Lunar disc imaging'. A non-household member may complete an application if they provide a signed, dated, letter from the head of household authorizing them to complete the application on the households behalf. Under the rules, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) participants; electric space heating customers; and military personnel/veterans shall not be disconnected for non-payment during this period. Any adult in the household can complete the application without any additional paperwork. Fixed bug when surface stabilised frames were quality sorted when Area Of Interest is not enabled. Fixed bug when calculating total brightness of colour images for 'quality' estimation.Enhancements: Added support for keeping original image filenames when saving images. Apply For Weatherization. They can then choose the LIHEAP program that best suits their household. PIPP and Summer/Winter Crisis Application. v2.2.7: 01 Apr 2013 HWAP Application; CenterPoint Energy; Subcontractors; Home Repair; Financial & Legal Services; Learning & Development. You may not receive both PIPP and LIHEAP in the same program year. Fixed bug that could cause long output SER files with cropped frames to be corrupted. Added option to use YUY2 codec for output AVI files (for planetary animations). Additionally, you will also qualify for assistance with your water and wastewater bills if your household is disconnected, in threat of disconnection or if you are more than $50 in arrears on your current bill. Level 6 is now the same as the old level 10. The balance of your utility bill is subsidized by the state of Ohio. v2.1.1: 06 Oct 2012 Eligibility is based on income and you must receive utility service from an electric or natural gas company regulated by the Public Utility Commission of Ohio. Consumers can lower utility bills by reducing energy usage. Fixed YUY2 encoding codec for 16-bit data (It was just generating all black frames with 16-bit data). Fixed broken 'Save Rejected Frames' functionality. Added support for writing AVI video files (supports colour or monochrome images). Added option to maintain colour balance when stretching colour frames' histograms. Organizations that help with electricity assistance: CEDAs LIHEAP programs offer heat and electricity assistance through the DVP and PIPP programs. Fair Wage jobs are needed for families to cover all their household needs. The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a federally funded program administered by the Ohio Development Services Agency. Customers who have not already applied for LIHEAP or PIPP are encouraged to do so since this will also protect their gas and/or electric services in addition to gaining assistance for their bills. Added option to use the original quality algorithm (as taken from Ninox). PIPP (64-bit) Windows Installer (v2.5.9): Download. This means most video formats and codecs can now be opened. In most cases, the one-time benefit will be a credit applied to your energy bill by your utility company (or fuel vendor). Customers should go to the Community and Economic Development Association (CEDA) website or call 800-571-2332. Dec 7, 2021. And, when a PIPP Plus household pays the monthly PIPP Plus payment on-time and in-full, some of their old debt and the rest of that month's bill goes away in the form of a credit on their utility account. Enhancements: Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus. Added new control to GUI to set start and end frames that are processed from input files. For every full, on-time payment you make, you will receive a credit toward your outstanding utility balance equal to 1/24 of the arrearage plus the accruing arrearage (if any . Fixed bug where frames cropped to a size larger than the original frames and quality sorted using RAM buffers caused PIPP to crash. Please only apply if you reside in Allen, Auglaize or Mercer County. Added code to split generated AVI files before they get too large to be valid. The annual enrollment period for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) starts September 1, 2022, and runs through May 31, 2023, or until funding is exhausted. Starting September 16, 2021, state law prohibits electric and gas utilities from requiring low income customers to pay a deposit to have service connected, reconnected or to continue to receive service. v2.0.1: 22 Jun 2012 Minor updates to GUI design. v2.3.2: 24 Feb 2014 Fixed RAM buffer bug which sometimes caused crashes when quality sorting frames. Yes. Ohioans with a household income at or below 175% of the federal poverty guidelines and have utility service from an electric or natural gas company regulated by the Public Utility Commission of Ohio are eligible for the program. Bug Fixes: We offer Intake over the phone for applicants who are homebound. Added check to ensure qmax >= qmin. Winter Rules. When you apply, you will need to complete the Energy Assistance Application. Now automatically does a test run when the first source file is added. Enhancements: Each time a household makes their PIPP PLUS payment on time and in full, they . Paying on-time and in-full each month reduces your outstanding balance. 469 E. Ohio St. Circleville, OH 43113 (740) 477-1655 Enhancements: The Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP Plus) is a payment arrangement to help eligible electric and natural gas customers pay their utility bills. Added missing support for colour C_32_BIT_FLOAT FITS images. If you reside in a single family home, a building of up to 4 units, or a condo, you may be eligible. 2020-2021 HEAP and PIPP INFORMATION and APPLICATION. v2.2.18: 06 Oct 2013 Housing Services. What are the income qualifications for utility bill assistance? Posted on: October 21, 2020 - 8:16am. Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) (800) 282-0880. Fixed bug introduced in v2.2.11 where files processed in batch mode could have half of their frames discarded. Re-verification may be done by making an appointment with CAC or by sending a completed PIPP Plus application to the following . Modified Bilinear and Smooth Hue debayer algorithms to reduce smoothing of the green channel. Apply for all energy assistance programs for which he or she is . A list of all household members, including Social Security numbers and birth dates. Some small gas companies are not required to offer Graduate PIPP Plus. v1.7: 13 Apr 2012 Some small gas companies are not required to offer Graduate PIPP Plus. Added support for BY8 video codec. I am the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity virtual agent. Bug Fixes: Slight update to output AVI format so YouTube now correctly plays the repeats. If your electric or gas services have already been disconnected, depending on your circumstances, beginning in October and November you may also qualify for reconnection for less than the full amount owed. Added control to allow disabling of leading zeros in image filename numbers. Fixed potential divide by zero bug in bayer pattern detect code. An website belongs to an official government organization in the State of Ohio. Bug Fixes: Fixed bug where incorrect framerate was displayed for some AVI files with audio. v2.2.6: 20 Feb 2013 Installing PIPP on macOS with WineBottler, installing-pipp-on-macos-with-winebottler, PIPP (32-bit) Windows/Wine Installer(v2.5.8), PIPP (32-bit) Windows/Wine Installer(v2.5.9). Enhancements: Changed default operation so that rejected frames are not saved. If you make 24 on-time and in-full payments, your outstanding balance with your utility company will be eliminated. Fixed SER and AVI generation with quality enabled and RGB split enabled. Moved 'Limit Frames' control to 'Input Options' tab. Energy Programs Programs can change depending on community need, available funds and may be seasonal. Added support for pixel binning. Added code to use FFMPEG DLLs for opening video files. Fixed ignoring of part minute field when decoding WinJUPOS format time in header. Added support for processing 16 bits per pixel samples. Added support applying gamma correction to each frame. Complete the Combined Energy Assistance Application online or at a local agency. It helps eligible Ohioans pay their home energy bill. Fixed bug where writing PNG files would fail after around 500 files. This allows repeating animations to 'pause' at the end of each playback. Customers who become income ineligible for PIPP Plus, but are current on their PIPP Plus payment, will be placed on Graduate PIPP Plus. Added FPS (frames per second) column to source files list. Changed minimum value of 'Minimum Object Size' from 10 to 4. Added histogram stretching functionality. Winter Crisis Program; Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP+) Appeals Process . Fixed bug where processing multiple .bmp files (no quality) created multiple .avi/.ser files. Offices are open to clients, but each facility also has an outside drop box for no-contact application pick-up and document drop-off, if preferred. To book an appointment: Starting September 16, 2021, state law prohibits electric utilities from charging late-payment fees or charges to low income customers. For details of installing PIPP on macOS with WineBottler see Installing PIPP on macOS with WineBottler. Improved error reporting when all frames are discarded. Fixed bug where writing PNG files would fail after around 500 files. Enhancements: Applications may also be available at county Job and Family Services, Area Agency on Aging offices, libraries, or by contacting ODOD at 1-800-282-0880. Main: (312) 782-CEDA (2332) Fixed handling of zero value pixels in flat frames. v1.1: 29 Jan 2012 To apply for PIPP Plus, customers should schedule an appointment with their local Community Action Agency (CAA). Proof of U.S. citizenship/legal residency for all household members. The online application is for the LIHEAP-DVP program only. Added support for reading and writing PNG image files. See example 8 for details of using the solar/lunar surface stabilisation function. In addition, eligible water and sewer customers facing disconnection may also apply for the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). Updated FFMpeg to v3.0 (Improves read support for video formats). Stay in touch about our programs, innovative initiatives, events, and beyond. The Percentage of Income Payment Plan helps make utility bills more affordable. Dont forget to sign the application. All assistance programs can accommodate an undocumented resident in your household. Added function to resize frames to a smaller size. . Customers of Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs) will also be eligible for the PIPP pilot program if they are enrolled in the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) program, and if they are located in one of the zip codes with the highest rates of disconnection in a utility's service area, or if they have had their energy or natural gas . The LIHWAP program will require at least one member of the household to be documented. Added option to protect bayer pattern when centring/cropping frames but not debayering. Fixed SER debayering when bayer pattern is specified in the SER header. PLEASE SEE LINK BELOW FOR ALL DETAILS REGARDING THE 2020-2021 HEAP PIPP APPLICATION PROCESS. Percentage of Income Payment Plan. Fixed bug where broken TIFF files were generated. can pay a percentage of household income each month. . Added support for quality estimation non-planet type objects such as the moon. Fixed generated mono AVI files compatibility with QuickTime Player and possibly other video software. Allowed surface stabilisation to function without actually moving frames. Fixed bug which caused broken 'Ut Video' or 'MPEG-4' AVI videos to be generated with 16-bit source data. Failure to report changes in the household income or household members, missing a payment, or not re-verifying your income can result in being dropped from the program. Administered in partnership with the Salvation Army. You must provide proof of your gross monthly household income for the last 30 days. v2.2.20: 16 Nov 2013 Counselors can be reached at 1-800-524-0795. Utilities regulated by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission offer a Percentage of Income Payment Program (PIPP) that is designed to ensure consumers are not paying more than six percent of their monthly income on electric and natural gas bills. And, when a PIPP Plus household pays the monthly PIPP Plus payment on . Added control to specify whether source frames are colour, mono or auto-detected. You will be able to continue where you left off previously. To protect accounts from disconnection customers with past due balances should contact their utility to enroll in a deferred payment arrangement. -Deloria Stokes, IDA Program Participant . Home Energy Assistance Program. Enhancements: Energy Assistance Application. Contact your local energy assistance provider. Allowed reversal of frame order with animation options. Check the status of your LIHEAP application. To apply for HEAP, PIPP, or Summer Crisis, schedule an appointment by calling 513-868-9300, Option 1 for Utility Assistance or visit v2.2.14: 29 Aug 2013 Bug Fixes: State of Ohio's PIPP (Percentage of Income Payment Plan) PIPP makes monthly payments more affordable and paying on time and in full each month reduces the outstanding balance. All regular services must be applied for through the State of Ohio at energyhelp.ohio . Each year between December 1 and March 31 winter disconnection prohibition rules are in effect for eligible residents who use electric or gas to heat their homes. Bug Fixes: Added the ability to include the quality level for each frame in the output image filenames. Contact your utility for details. Fixed bug where processing multiple MP4 AVI files failed. Bug Fixes: Any low-income customer who has been charged a deposit by a utility to have service connected, reconnected or to continue to receive service should contact the utility first to find out whether the deposit can be refunded. Customers will not report their income if it increases. . v2.3.0: 14 Feb 2014 Updated the format of the 'Old Format' AVIs generated by PIPP so that they are accepted by AviStack 2. Recertification for currently enrolled PIPP customers will continue during this time. v2.2.9: 16 May 2013 Provide documentation no less than once every 12 months that your gross monthly household income (and size) is at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty level. The amount of the benefit is determined by the number of people in the household, the heating source, and the region of residence. If you're asked to log in with an OHID - the state's best-of-breed digital identity - your privacy, data, and personal information are protected by all federal and state digital security guidelines. Post PIPP Post PIPP Plus is a 12-month payment plan for former PIPP Plus or former Graduate PIPP Plus customers who are no longer customers of the utility but still have an arrearage. Once everything has been uploaded, CEDA will verify your application with 45 days and communicate your applications status via mail. ComEd and Nicor Gas customers should call 1-855-433-2700 or click, Ameren Customers can find a Program Ally Contractor, Peoples Gas customers can schedule an assessment, North Shore Gas customers can schedule an assessment, Help with weatherization improvement costs. Your first payment is due when you enroll in PIPP Plus. Increased maximum number of input frames that quality sorting can handle from 65536 to 4294967296. Enhancements: v2.3.5: 05 Apr 2014 Added function to display pixels above the object detect threshold. Enhancements: The Commissions Consumer Services Division is also ready to help and can be reached between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday by calling 1-800-524-0795, 1-217-782-2024 outside the State of Illinois, or TTY at 1-800-858-9277. v2.0.2: 02 Jul 2012 In fact, after 24 on-time and in-full payments in a . Annual eligibility levels are determined based on available funding and may not exceed 200% of the federal nonfarm poverty level. Fixed handling of SER files with little endian data.