You Are My Spring Have A Happy Ending,
Articles L
BEAMING, OVERFLOWING All these encouraging comments further confirm Gods goodness in Everything in the lives of these women of like precious faith! Yes, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God! , . Thank you for your writing! I believe that we are saved by the grace of God alone, made possible by the atoning work of Jesus Christ, who freely gave His life in payment for our sins. I dont always comment but I always enjoy them. He cares! Thanks for this today! God is good all the time and all the time God is good. He IS good and Hes working ALL THINGS for MY good! God is good even when the unthinkable happens. (Psalm 34:8). The enemy wants me to feel guilty, ashamed, a lost cause. But they didnt treat me like a project. Those words carried me through the spring when my son received a traumatic brain injury and was in ICU for three weeks. God IS good, all the time. He is all good, all the time. Thank you for reminding us of His goodness. Thanks for the reminder! God is good all the time. Thanks for the chance! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord Jesus. We serve an awesome GOD. The goodness of man to me means that he is a reflection of God Because all the good we do was made in us when we were formed in our Mothers womb Its all from God! He took them for me and I now live a so much more positive life because of Him. Thank you for reminding us all of Gods goodness. Praise Jesus this is the second time today He has reminded me of His goodness. I can't look at any of this without thinking of our sweet Lord Jesus, the creator of all things. Goodness is the end result. Hope, nestled in a manger. When I think about the times that I am NOT good, not kind, and just in a yucky mood, I am more grateful than ever that our Heavenly Father above NEVER has a moment of not being good. A family member is going through some tough times and that means Im traveling those times, too. I have three abiding passions: encouraging my sisters in Christ, exploring the storiesof women in the Bible, and writing novels set in Scotland of old. He spoke to my heart and said no matter what happens, He is good. Gods goodness is the pure love that reaches out and offers us eternal life. Thank you, Liz! Im so glad we know Our Heavenly Father & Son, Jesus & Holy Spirit because they carry gifts to us when we get weighed down with pain, illness, sadness, loss. Also, in our church, we have a saying in the Sunday school program: God is good all the time and all the time God is good! I cant wait to read your new book . Liz Curtis Higgs is an award-winning speaker as well as the author of twenty-eight books, including Bad Girls of the Bible and Thorn in My Heart. Liz Curtis Higgs. 03 Mar 2020. Goodness is one of the many attributes of God. Gods goodness give me hope in this world of tribulation. Agnes. Anna July 29, 2015 at 10:13 pm # God is good because He is God, the great I AM. Where I can be the salt and light to others and share my testimony on how He changed me and He keeps molding me to the image of His Sonall I can do is smile and laugh at the devil because I no longer serve a father of lies, I serve the Most High God and I am a representative of His son Jesus Christ It is the perfect follow up to seeing you on tour. Hallelujah!!!!! Even if I dont understand His ways, its enough to know Hes in control and that all things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. God is good, because God is Love, and Love conquers all. Gods goodness can always be depended upon. In her best-selling Bad Girls of the Bible series, Liz breathes new life into ancient tales about themost infamousand intriguingwomen in history, from Jezebel to Mary Magdalene. Thank You, Lord! His goodness brings us to our knees, filled with grateful praise. You are making a difference in this world. Godgoodness means to me forgiveness, forgotten about forgiveness. There have been SO many times I had to rest on these verses of Gods Goodness. Take a Walk with Ruth and the God Who Rocked Her World. Thanks so much for your faithful ministry and speaking truth into our busy lives! Thru Gods goodness comes hope. I am looking forward to reading Its Good To Be Queen. She is married to Bill Higgs,Ph.D., who serves as Director of Operations for her speaking and writing office. They have no money to repair it right now and the temps are in the 90s. Your privacy is vital to me. Praise His Holy name forever!!! God is so good. Praise be to the LORD!! It beats in your heart and echoes through your mind. Sometimes all we have to do is be a little more thoughtful, slow down enough to connect, and we can change the world. Thank you! in His arms. For the first time in my life, Debby, I have some understanding of the greatly fatigued challenge, and it is SO hard. Like a good parent, He delights to give us all good things to enjoy! Such simple words that hit with such a powerful meaning. . Your Bible Study (especially the videos) and the faithful women in the group made me laugh, until I cried! He still remains. I am more the richer when I do realize that His goodness is all around me. " Long before silver bells jingled, Christmas lights twinkled, and horse-drawn sleighs went dashing through the snow, God reached down from heaven with the best gift of all. Praise His holy name!!! Its hard in the midst of lifes busy-ness and trials to focus on God and His Goodness, but if we dont, we will miss out on all the blessings He has for us. It means I get to start over every day. Its nice to have God deeds pour out of me feels great doesnt it? Bible teacher, grateful for God's truth. To me, the Goodness of God means that He will never give up on me. God has been so good to me that if He never did another good thing for me, I couldnt complain. We can take the road of pity for ourselves or the one that says things could be worse. Uplifting words.all the goodness of God shining thru his people. He rescued me from death! He holds us upp even when we dont feel it. All the time. Its His power, not ours, that puts hope in motion. He is GREAT (powerful, holy, without beginning or end, omniscient) and He is GOOD (merciful, gracious, tender-hearted, patient, forgiving)! Gods goodness is around me always, not only in the things I see daily, but in his provision for my smallest of needs. Free delivery worldwide on over 20 million titles. He is Good and He loves ME! My current boss is becoming very hard to work for . Your privacy is vital to me. He is true and faithful and forgives me and gives me another chance every time. Best-selling author Liz Curtis Higgs explores the biblical stories of Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna, unwrapping each verse with tender care and introducing you afresh to The Women of Christmas. I can be such a brat yet He continues to bless me and my family. Liz Curtis Higgs: So I started sharing my testimony right away, and that led to more doors opening. Thanks again. God is good the complete opposite of bad. Gods goodness is most evident to me when I stop looking at what I wish I had but dont and focus on what I have that I dont deserve. I pray He allows me to see others as He does- in love. It is because of His desire for my good that He provided salvation through His son. So instead of judgement and shame we can rejoice in our forgiveness and comfort like we have been comforted. really no one is good but God. Thank you, Luz, for always reminding us of His goodness & love. No matter how dark things seem He has nothing but love for me, My husband was a local UMC pastor; He moved to heaven in 2009. I saw God in action this week. He walks with us through the deepest valleys he has all our tears he knows all the hairs on our heads we are all tattooed on his hands !!!! When we are doing good deeds we are taking our eyes off of ourselves and we are being the hands and feet of Jesus. Copyright 2002 Liz Curtis Higgs Whatever happens, His goodness is always present. Carolyn, Out of sorrow and tragedy, His goodness shines through. Amy, Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him (, For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations (, The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. Women ofFaith, Women of Joy, Extraordinary Women, Among Friends, Time Out for Women, Moody Women,Women of Virtue, Win-some Women, Womens Journey of Faith, Women Who Worship, ChristianWomen Communicating Internationalif its a conference for and about women, LizCurtis Higgs is honored to be there. He recently had surgery, his stomach looked as if he had a small basketball inside, he told me it is a hernia. Thank you for the great stories and encouragement! I know that person is still loved by our generous God. He always knows what is best for us, even when we dont. God is good and I am so thankful that he is mine and I am his! ), but from heart knowledge (I am trusting you, Lord). Without fail. God is good because in the midst of my chaotic life, He steps in. Sing a new song to him who sits on Heavens mercy seat. Hope, joy, and peace dont come from any thing or any person. Amen. I thank God everyday for all the gifts that he has giving me. I have heard it said by a very wise and dear friend dont waste your suffering and now I understand what it means, even our suffering has a value. Praise him for his faithfulness! I know that He is my comforter, my shelter, my all in all. God gives us all of these and more. I am blessed by Liz and her devotions and by the comments of other precious in His sight! It is so easy to see when things are going as we want. Ill never forget the nurse that came into the CCU as my father lay dying. The goodness of GodI see it every day, all around! He takes care of us in the good times, and he comforts us in the storms, even the little daily thunderstorms. On Facebook LIVE: A scripture, a story, a reflection, and a prayer, all shared in a few lively minutes! Her novella is part of a delightful triple-header in Three Wed. May I escort my new friend to her seat? I turned to see a young man with a kind smile bending toward an elderly woman in a wheelchair. We can trust Him in this. Many times, most times difficult circumstances get us to the point of finally shouting no matter what GOD IS GOOD. Oh, Shelly, absolutely! And Michael O'Brien talks about the restoration of his marriage that was on the brink of divorce. Read more about their tour on Lizs blog. Especially this week as we put my mother-in-law in a nursing home. I love the title and look forward to reading the book. Through His love and mercy, He works all things together for our good. He is a good, good Father. Liz and her husband, Bill, have a grown son and daughter. But we dont have to choose, beloved. That allows me to trust Him, knowing that hell never do anything thats not the best! At the end of the day all we have is Jesus. Gods goodness encourages me to reach out and do the same for someone else. No need to worry about where all your overflow will go. Paperback. Feature articles about Liz have appeared in more than 250 major newspapers and magazines, as well as on,,,,, and many other websites. On another note He helped me kill a massive spider as big as my hand this morning! Amen. He fills that hole in my heart that always says I need attention, I need love, I need acknowledgement. Before she took a leap of faith to full-time speaking, Liz spent nearly a decade as apopular radio personality, moving town to town, up and down the dial. My thoughts and prayers are with you tonight . I fail my Lord, yet he is there all the time to lift me up. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life. Gods goodness means He is always there, even when I fall. GIGEW.. When we do good deeds, theyre really God deeds. What a lovely truth. His Love is Everlasting~! In the stillness of His presence we can feel His Grace and goodness- all the time! My Dad passed away 12-23-14 about 7 1/2 years after my Mom. Gods goodness is priceless & our model to do good to likewise. Oh yes! He gives without stint. Ive been praying for God to send us a buyer. Sometimes the answer is yes. Or fastest delivery Fri, Feb 10 . as you trust in him, Father God is so good! No matter how small or how large I can trust in him to provide everything. Thank you for affirming our brothers and sisters for whom the battle with depression is real. God is good all the time. Thank you God it didnt bite one of my children!! Our staggering debt of sin past, present, and still to come was paid in full when Jesus put Himself "in sin's dark place, in the pit of wrongdoing" (VOICE). Thank you for this beautiful post! I never share your info with anyone, and you can unsubscribe any time. God is, as always, in charge. Until you come face to face with it, you cant even describe it fully. Two years ago today, I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. God has truly been good to me. Praise The Lord. God is Good! He has saved me from MUCH. Gods goodness and love gives us a Bible verse for every situation in life. You KNOW I love encouraging my sisters in Christ. Yes, good all the time. I once had a teacher at church who told us that every time that we saw her. I loved what Lynn said,God is so good there is nothing He can do that is not good. 3.97 avg rating 10,954 ratings 14 editions. He uses us. Hope you were able to join me LIVE, Doris! He is so good to me! . Liz Curtis Higgs is a highly popular public speaker who has addressed audiences around the world with her biblically-based, encouraging, and humor-laced messages about God's amazing, unchanging grace. Every phrase, every word, is delicious and nutritious, giving your soul the nourishment it needs. Such a simple, yet strong and ageless truth. Liz Curtis Higgs. In the midst of all the bad times and troubles in our lives, God is always there with us just waiting to show his goodness in some way. That is Gods goodness to me. Hebrews 13:1-2 Let brotherly love continue. I like to say that same rote prayer to myself sometimes Reminds me to remember how good God is! We will still have trials, and will still have wounds, but we are in the eye of the storm where God is. God is my goodness because He is GOOD! When my child looks up at me and tells me I love youmommy Im overwhelmed with Gods goodness:). The goodness of God to me means that he is always there for me. We are His messengers. The definition of good flows from the very character of God! Just as I would never do anything evil to my children, God would never do evil toward His children either. Well our great Father in heaven did just that. Gods goodness is demonstrated to me through my salvation and the lovely life he has given to me in spite of my undeservedness! She will need brain surgery soon. It is His kindness (goodness) that leads us to repentance when we see all His goodness toward us in Christ and in not giving us what we deserve, but rather the riches of Christ. Grace. God is good all of the time. Blessings to you and your ministry. If I win, I will be sharing it with a special friend. Regular price: $19.78. Miss Curtis hearings your devotionals a refreshing and inspiring. I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. God IS good. The goodness is that God is still waiting for those who dont know him yet. Thanks so much, Liz! Praise Him. He loves us even when we dont deserve it and he gives us grace each and every day. THANKS for watching, Cathy. I love your statement, Gina. The goodness of God is evident all around us- in the beauty of His creation, the smile of a stranger, a hug from a friend. Thankfully, that did not happen and He has used my vision loss to help others. more on that on my Facebook Live appearance, I will trust in Him. God IS so good I look forward to the day when I no longer have to constantly remind myself of that in hard times the remembrance that the goodness of God comes in many forms, including hard to understand ones. We also get to give Him the glory when we chose to display His goodness in our own words and deeds. God bless you! Dans son best-seller Bad Girls de la srie Bible, Liz insuffle une nouvelle vie dans les contes anciens sur les plus infmes et intrigante-femmes dans l'histoire de Jzabel, Marie-Madeleine. Do we believe it? I love how His mercies are new every morning because I need them more often than not! I have Gods peace that passes all understanding, and I know the joy of the Lord is my only true strength. I just had to repeat them to the man in my life, a long distance relationship, who is going through a not so smooth time. Living in a world where there is so much that is NOT good gives me so much more peace to know that the God who lives on me is the ultimate goodness! I loved when you said our good deeds are really Gods deeds. I am so thankful that God has blessed me to be able to help others. It is my example Isnt it so comforting to know, this Great God who is so GOOD, is merciful as well! That means there is good in everything including us. A helpful hand in a time of need. Finally, I was. Published by WaterBrook Press, Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinnersof whom I am the worst. Like you remembering this little prayer, I think of singing Jesus Loves Me and I still get cold chills when I sing it and think of the words even now. When we look for blessings in each day and they are always there it gives us joy, peace, and freedom from worry. May the God of hope fill you Romans 15:13. He provides comfort when loneliness hits, He provides shelter when the storm rages on. I would highly recommend it for a personal study or a group study. It is the light in my darkness. God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good. We have a little 5 year old at church who, when she was 4, was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. He is good. 100huntley 418K subscribers Liz Curtis-Higgs joined Cheryl Weber at Break Forth One to share candidly about her past struggles with a Cocaine addiction and how she is coping with her Cancer. You are my sweet and famous friend. Yes Liz, God is Good All the Time. Thanks for sharing the lovely flower photos and for your words of encouragement and faith. I know beyond a doubt that Hell come through this with me just as Hes done in the past. Gods goodness gives me peace and calm in a world turned upside down. Liz lays out the narrative in eight chapters. Her way of writing fiction entertwined with Biblical facts allows the reader to enjoy this study! That is the goodness of God. Book Description The words in this book Are the words that are Etched on my heart. 31 Proverbs to Light your Path. You were so kind and loving at She Speaks and I want you to know it meant the world to me. Have you always trusted God, my friend? Just read about your 31 Proverbs book on Ann Voskamps website and you are bang on, if your seratonin levels are low, swallow your pride and swallow the pill, and thank God Hes given us modern medicine when we need it. Thank you for this. . He alone, works out our completeness and finishes what He starts in us. She is also an award-winning, best-selling author of more than 35 books, with 4.6 million copies in print. Wherever there is life, there is God, and He is dishing out hope. He said he sleeps on the sidewalks around town in this terrible heat! Thank you for this encouragement and verses! Thank you Liz for such great books to read and to learn from. God, help us demonstrate your goodness to those who dont yet know you. She asked him if he wanted her to sing to him. I have been blessed to see Liz at a couple of events. I was feeling lousy, and this elderly lady shouted out Praise Jesus, He is Good ALL the time! Liz Curtis Higgs talks about living out her faith with her family who doesn't know Jesus as their Savior. We often greet each other with God is good all the time and respond All the time God is good. He told me he only had $2.00 so he couldnt get much. She is susceptible to having a stroke , please pray she doesnt. He loves unconditionally, oh that more of we His children could love that way. To me, God being good means everything is made by Him and under the knowledge of Him who works everything according to His planHes in control and no one else can do it better! Even when it seems like my world is crashing in around me, the knowledge that God is good is a beacon of light, strengthening me. He is good. He not only loves and cares for me , but He sacrificed His life on the cross, to forgive me, cleanse me from my sins, to make me a part of His forever Family. I am loved and understood by the One who created and saved me. I buried them both 5 months apart with much appreciation for the extra time God gave me. Gods goodness gives me hope! Psalm 27:13 says I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Gods goodness to me is this no matter how long the darkest is..God will alwaya show up at the right time,that confidence keeps me stable,focus inspite of the obvious wickedness around me. Even though there was a long line to get your books autographed you took time with each woman and I know I felt like you focused on me and not the long line BTW I was the one with my sciatic pain healed at She Speaks! Prayers for family, friends, and those we know need prayer but are afraid or dont know how to ask for it. It is out of the goodness of God that He would send His only Son to die on the Cross in order to rescue us from death to life everlasting. When joy, happiness and peace fill our hearts, He is there as well. You hold them in your loving embrace, Lord, and You will not let go. thank you Liz I love how you share Gods word! Gods Goodness is like everything else about Him ~ ~ it is perfect. Its a joy to my heart knowing that everything that comes into my life is for my good and His glory. And He created things that are pleasing to the eye and good forfood (Genesis 2:9). God is good ALL the time!!