Andy Mort



Brenda Knowles


Hi Everyone,

I’m experimenting with different mediums in 2018. I’ve done podcast interviews (where I am the interviewee) for a while, but I hope to do more in the future. Here’s the link to the newest interview with Andy Mort.

I also am daring to move into the video realm. Look for my wordy self and the messages I love to share:


How relationships shape and save us,

How personal awareness and integrity are vital,

How to manage anxiety,

How going deep into work gives us profound satisfaction, etc. 


in video format soon.

Don’t worry. I’ll also continue writing posts. I don’t think I could stop doing that if I wanted to. 🙂

Right now, I want to share my latest podcast interview with Andy Mort, The Gentle Rebel of Andy and I have known each other for years now. We started our introversion and highly sensitive focused websites around the same time. He does so much for the creative, sensitive and introverted populations. I know I’ve learned a lot from him. He is also a talented musician. I encourage you to check out and subscribe to his work on his website and youtube channels.

In the interview with Andy, we talk about my book, The Quiet Rise of Introverts and how introverts not only get energy from solitude and continuous deep work but also from secure and loving relationships. Yes! Even introverts can gain energy from interactions and relating.

I’m proud of this interview. Andy does an incredible job of making his guests feel at ease and getting the best stories and sharing out of us. I think you’ll find our conversation refreshing and helpful. Enjoy!

Listen to the podcast here: Relationships Can Energize and Soothe Us: Podcast Interview with Andy Mort. I’m told there will be a video/visual version of our chat as well. Look for that too!


Warmest wishes,




