If you don’t have time to read full books or browse websites, try these articles brimming with insight and information specifically beneficial to the introvert, idealist, sensitive person or someone who loves them. Several of space2live’s most popular posts are also included.

Should I Stay or Should I Go by Annie Lalla: A comprehensive look at why we need relationships. Provides insight regarding how to know if you’re in love and how to know if you should leave.

12 Things I Love About Conscious Women by Damien Bohler on elephant journal: A perfect description (by a man) of a self-actualized woman. Something to aim for.

Introvert Relationships: Love Me or Leave Me but Please Don’t Need Me (Too Much) by Brenda Knowles (yes, me) on space2live. Insight into the introvert’s heart. What do they want? Why do they need so much space? How to attract and keep an introvert.

Introverts Explained: Why We Love You but Need to Get Away from You by Brenda Knowles on space2live. An explanation of why introverts need so much time to ourselves and why extroverts should not take our need for space as a personal rejection.

There’s Nothing Wrong with You: You’re an Introvert by Brenda Knowles on space2live. What happens when you deny your nature? How to wake up and start embracing your introversion. Are you an introvert? This post will help you figure it out. If you are, it will tell you how incredible that is and why.

Understanding the Introvert Cycle: Why We Go from Irritable to Ever-Loving by Brenda Knowles on space2live. How can we go from the most exquisite intimacy to needing time away from our significant people? This post explains the plight of an intimacy junkie who loves solitude.

Is It Love or Are You Just Filling a Void: Mastering Aloneness and Creating a Real Relationship by Brenda Knowles on space2live. How to tell if you are in a fulfilling relationship or simply settling for anyone. Descriptions spelling out the differences between being alone and being lonely. Seeing the positives of being alone.