duck on a journey

2011. Space2live came to life in February of that year.  I wanted a venue to post my writing, receive feedback and generally administer self-therapy. I needed a foundation of work to leap from to even consider writing for a living. I wanted to improve and shape my writing. I wanted to see how consistent I could be. Could I create a piece of writing with value every week?  The answer to that is subjective, but I did put something of myself on the page every week, amounting to 48 posts that year, 336 posts as of April 2017.

Sex and stuff.

I guess I proved I can be consistent.  I also learned I love the process and writer-reader connection of maintaining a blog. It is fun for me to find out what I have to say to the world.  Sometimes I surprise myself;) (3 Elements of Exquisite Sex and Divine Writing).

2011 was a huge year of personal growth for me, emotionally, spiritually and creatively.  I experienced pillow-soaked despair and awe-filled peace.  I believe I went light on the despair in my writing, mostly to protect others, but I tried to convey some of the peace through my words and experiences. I planned to be even more open in 2012.

batman figurine egg shell

Whoa! Surprise!

Here are the 2011 articles that resonated the deepest with readers that first year:

 Top 5 Posts With the Most Views and/or Comments for 2011:

1. There’s Nothing Wrong with You.  You’re an Introvert

2.Visions and Missions and Goals, Oh My! : Or What the Heck is Space2live About?? 

3. 3 Elements of Exquisite Sex and Divine Writing (published as A Mingling of Exquisite Sex and Divine Writing in the Elephant Journal Oct. 2011)

4. Soul Painting: Beyond Artistic Talent

5. Is It Selfish to Choose Passion and Work Over Family?

Beyond the above posts I also compiled the top 5 pieces that came from an especially meaningful place within me back then. At the time these pieces demonstrated what I felt was some of my best writing and/or areas where I needed help. One way or another, they were messages I wanted to share at the start of my writing journey. May they benefit you in some small way.

5 More Meaningful Posts from 2011 as chosen by Brenda

1. A Room of One’s Own

2. Turkeys Vs. Target: Space Vs. Convenience

3. 4 Steps to Love and Independence

4. How to Protect and Liberate Your Energy: A Guide for Introverts and Anyone Who Feels Drained

5. The Sweetness of Self-Reliance: How One Married Mom-Lady Found Her Way Home

It’s interesting for me to see what subjects captivated me in the beginning and how they’ve evolved (or not). I’ve studied introversion, high sensitivity, energy and mood boosters, family dynamics, relationship dynamics, artistry and creativity for the last seven years. I now see patterns, associations and stories when I look at the facts, statistics and points. The ideas and information are part of my everyday relating. So satisfying.

Whether it was the creative courage, self-actualization, parenting with passion, amazingness of introversion, or the relationship dynamics discussed in more recent posts that drew you to space2live, I’m glad you showed up here to share with me. I so appreciate your time and feedback.  Thank you. Thank you. We’re all in this together.:)

Please share what hit home with you here on space2live. What have you learned?  Where did you find a deep connection?  What would you like to see more of in future posts?